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The Family Next Door

Page 13

by Heather D'Agostino

  When they pulled into the driveway, Patrick smiled up at the house. It was a light green, with brown trim. The wrap-around porch caused an illusion that it was bigger than it really was. A stone pathway led to the street, and a two bay garage was off to the side. The house looked much like his and Katie’s, but slightly smaller.

  “We’re here,” he nudged his wife who was sleeping against the car door.

  “Huh?” Katie blinked her eyes open and glanced around.

  “We’ve got to find another way for you to get some rest,” Patrick sighed. “I know this is normal, but I feel so bad for you.”

  “I’m fine,” Katie yawned.

  “Well let’s go in. They’re waiting for us,” Patrick pointed at the other cars parked in the drive.

  Katie’s mouth dropped open, “This better not be a party. I’m not dressed for a party.”

  “Relax,” he reached across, and gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger “It’s only family.”

  Katie nodded before reaching for the door.

  “Wait!” he reached for her shoulder to stop her. “Sit tight, I’ll come around and help you.”

  Once Patrick stepped out of the car, and jogged around to his wife’s side, he opened her door and reached for her.

  “I loath being dependent on someone for help,” she groaned as he pulled her to a standing position.

  “I’ve helped you in the past. It’s never made you feel this way before,” Patrick’s brow furrowed. “I thought you liked it when I did things like open your door?”

  “I did…I mean I do,” she blew out a breath. “I like it when you’re a gentleman. I just…I’m not broken. Don’t treat me as if I’m broken.”

  “Okay,” Patrick released her hand, and stepped back as he motioned toward the front door. His face had a hurt look that Katie couldn’t quite decipher.

  “I’m sorry,” her lower lip began to tremble. “I know you’re trying here. You want to be there and help,” she stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you. I don’t want you to stop being a gentleman. I don’t want you to stop being the man I fell in love with…but I do want you to stop worrying so much. I’m not as fragile as you think I am. Does that make sense?”

  Patrick stared down at her, “Yeah,” he nodded even though he was more confused than ever. He’d learned the last several weeks that even if he didn’t quite understand his wife, it was best to just nod and smile. He’d figure it out as he went. “You ready to head in?”

  “Yeah…let’s see what’s for dinner,” she giggled as she stepped out of his embrace.


  “There they are,” Melanie called as Katie stepped through the front door.

  “It’s about time,” Matt chuckled as he came around the corner. “I wondered how long you two were going to stand out there making out.”

  Katie’s face flushed as she glanced back at her husband looking for some support.

  “Matt!” Hannah called from the kitchen. “I need you to start the grill.”

  Matt rolled his eyes, “The old ball and chain needs me.”

  “Why don’t you hang out with your mom while I go help Matt with the grill? That way we’re sure to get something edible to eat tonight,” Patrick led Katie over to the sofa where Melanie was sitting.

  “Yeah…ok, it sounds as if he might need it,” she grinned.

  After Katie was seated, Patrick turned and rushed into the kitchen.


  “Dude, you gotta stop with the jokes,” Patrick narrowed his eyes at his best friend.

  “What?” Matt’s forehead wrinkled. “I was just teasing.”

  “I know you were, and so does Katie, but she’s been really sensitive lately. Pregnancy hormones bring out a whole new side in a woman. Just wait, you’re time’s coming,” Patrick grinned a knowing smile.

  “Why does that sound like a threat?” Matt glanced over his shoulder as he lit the grill.

  “Because it is,” Patrick shrugged. “You missed all this with Megan. You got Charlie after all the hard stuff. I’m starting from the beginning.”

  “It’s all hard stuff,” Matt sighed. “There’s no easy part.”

  “Ummm,” Patrick toed his shoe in the dirt, “I think you might be mistaken. You didn’t do the pregnant girlfriend/wife. You missed the late night feedings, sleepless nights, hauling baby stuff everywhere you go…need I go on?”

  “Trust me when I say this…It’s ALL HARD. Each stage in a child’s life is a different kind of hard, none of it is easy. Think back to all the times you babysat Max. Did you ever think it was easy?” Matt placed the steaks on the grill, and then turned toward Patrick.

  “No, none of it was ever easy,” Patrick’s shoulders slumped.

  “Hey, you’ll be fine. You and Katie are going to make great parents. I’ve seen you with Charlie. You’ll do great, and we’ll help whenever we can. This baby’s going to have two very involved sets of grandparents, too. You’re going to have more help than you want at times, trust me. After Megan had died, there were days I just wanted to lock the door, and keep everyone out. Sometimes you need the quiet time with your child and your woman.”

  “I hear ya,” Patrick nodded. “We’ve got time to figure it out. I just feel as if I’m guessing all the time. Anytime I think I’ve got her mood figured out, she does a one-eighty and throws me for a loop.”

  “That’s women in general, man. That’s not just you,” Matt slapped him on the back and grinned.

  “I hate to break up this bromance,” Hannah called from behind them, causing both men to jump, “but we’d like to eat at some point. Is it about ready?”

  “Coming right up, honey,” Matt called as a grin spread across his face.

  Patrick glanced at Matt after Hannah disappeared into the house, “She’s got you trained well. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  “I love her,” he nodded. “I don’t mind.” He began placing the steaks on a platter as Patrick turned to make his way into the house.


  As the large family began taking their seats around the dining room table, Patrick lifted his glass of water, “I’d like to propose a toast,” he grinned at Katie. “To my wife, the most beautiful woman in the world. And her mother,” Patrick tilted his head in Melanie’s direction, “for bringing her into this world. Happy Birthday Katie, and thank you, Mrs. Montgomery.”

  Katie and Melanie blushed, and the rest of the table chuckled as everyone clinked their glasses.

  Once he was seated, Melanie glanced over at her son-in-law, “You’re welcome, but you didn’t need to do that.”

  “Yes I did,” Patrick gave a nod. “Without you, there’d be no her,” he pointed at his wife. “She’s the way she is because of her parents.”

  “Dude, what are you wanting?” Matt tossed his head back in laughter. “You already got her in your bed. What more could you possibly want from them.”

  Patrick scowled as he watched his best friend have a laugh at his expense, “I don’t want anything.”

  “Yeah right,” Matt narrowed his eyes at Patrick. “No one talks like that. Not even you,” he pointed his fork at Patrick just as Hannah lifted her hand to swat him in the back of the head.

  “You could learn something from him,” she glared at him as she slowly shook her head.

  Matt sighed and shook his head, “You’ve never complained before.”

  That earned Matt another shove as Hannah elbowed him the side, “What’s wrong with you today?”

  “Nothing,” Matt huffed. “He’s just not acting right,” he pointed at Patrick.

  Patrick stood abruptly and shoved back from the table as he turned and strode into the kitchen. Katie’s eyes darted around as she watched Matt rush after her husband. Knowing that these two had their moments, she rubbed her eyes, and then continued to eat.


  “What is your problem?” Patrick spun on his best friend and glared at h
im. “You’re being an ass.”

  “Something’s up with you dude. Everyone can see it,” Matt pointed at him. “What’s gotten you so upset?”

  “What are you talking about? Nothing’s bothering me,” Patrick scowled.

  “Don’t lie to me,” Matt stepped closer. “I’ve known you for a long time. I know something’s going on with you. You’ve always been sappy, but that was over the top…even for you,” he jerked his thumb in the direction of the dining room.

  Patrick shook his head, and leaned back against the counter in the kitchen as he let his head drop to his chest, “I’ve had a lot going on at work. Things haven’t been as great as I thought they would be.”

  “This is more than just work, Dude. You’re acting as if you’re guilty of something. It’s like you’re trying too hard to be the perfect husband. Is this still over the way you reacted to finding out about the baby?”

  “No…at least I don’t think so…maybe, I don’t know,” he sighed.

  “I saw the way she looked at you…you need to stop with the sappy stuff. She’s gonna see it just like I do. Whatever it is that’s bothering you…you need to talk to her about it,” Matt turned to head back to the dining room. “I’m sorry I acted the way I did. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Patrick mumbled as he stood rooted in the kitchen. “Where are you going?”

  “Back to tell everyone else how sorry I am for acting like an ass,” he smirked as he disappeared through the door.

  Patrick’s shoulders shook slightly with laughter, “They’ll understand. It’s you, after all.”

  “Thanks…you jerk,” Matt rolled his eyes.


  “So…presents,” Hannah smiled as she stood and brought an armload of boxes and gift bags over to where Katie was now sitting on the couch.

  “You guys,” Katie’s eyes began to well with tears. “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Course we did,” Hannah shrugged. “It’s your birthday.”

  “Well…if you insist,” Katie giggled.

  “Wow,” Hannah gasped.

  Katie’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”

  “You just went from crying to laughing in like ten seconds. That’s…” Hannah shook her head.

  “Tell me about it,” Patrick rolled his eyes.

  “Hey!” Katie reached over and swatted her husband’s knee. “It’s your fault…you knocked me up,” she teased. “Now give me that,” she pointed to the package at her feet that was wrapped in blue paper.

  “That’s from us,” Austin smiled at his daughter.

  Katie tore into the paper, tossing it on the floor as she lifted the top off the box. Inside was a leather doctor’s bag with a gold name plate on the front. It was engraved with her name. “I thought you might need a new one,” Melanie smiled at her daughter. “I know your old one was getting pretty tattered.”

  “It’s beautiful, thanks Mom…Dad,” Katie smiled as she ran her hands over the leather.

  “Here…I’m next,” Hannah shoved an envelope in Katie’s hands.

  Once Katie opened it, she found a gift certificate inside for a spa day. She smiled as she glanced up at Hannah, “I don’t remember the last time we had one of these…thank you.”

  “You’re welcome…we can go together…you just say when,” Hannah smiled in return.

  “Last one,” Patrick handed her a bag, bringing her attention to him.

  Katie smiled at her husband as she fished her hand down into the pink gift bag. When her hand found a firm object, she pulled it out. There in a small silver frame was one of the pictures they’d gotten from the ultrasound. A small card was mounted under the picture with the name ‘Baby McKinley’.

  “Oh Patrick,” Katie sighed as she glanced over at him.

  “Keep digging. There’s more,” he pointed to the bag.

  When she reached in, she felt a small box in the bottom of the bag. She pulled it out and ran her fingers over the velvet.

  “Open it,” he urged as he watched her scan it slowly.

  Katie popped it open to find a small gold chain. She looked up him in confusion, “I don’t understand…I already have one of these.” She reached in her collar and pulled out the gold chain that she always wore around her neck with the charms Patrick had given her over the years.

  “This one’s longer. Your rings are getting tight. You’re going to have to take them off soon. I thought…this way you can put the rings on this, and add the charms too. You can wear them all. It’ll hang down further,” he smiled as he lifted the chain from the box.

  “That’s so sweet,” Hannah sighed in the background.

  “I love you…thank you so much,” Katie began to tear up as she leaned in to place a kiss to her husband’s lips. “You’ve made this day perfect.”

  “I love you too, and you’re welcome,” he smiled in return as he kissed her back.

  “Well,” Katie yawned as she leaned back into the couch to observe all the people around her. “I’ve had a great birthday. Thanks to all of you, but I really think I need to get home and go to bed.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Patrick stood and made a bowing motion as Matt snickered. “Don’t start,” he pointed at Matt.

  “Wasn’t going to say anything,” Matt held his hand up in a defensive manner.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Patrick reached for Katie’s hand helping her to stand as Hannah gathered the gifts to help carry them to the car.

  “Thanks for everything,” Patrick called as they stepped out the front door.

  “No problem,” came a chorus of voices from behind them as they stepped out into the night.

  Chapter 18

  4 months later…

  As the summer came and went, Katie had spent most of her time preparing for the arrival of her child. She and Patrick had been painting the nursery and putting together furniture. Well, Patrick had been. Katie, on the other hand, had found the rocking chair in the corner of the room quite comfortable.

  “I can’t believe you really think we’re going to need all this stuff,” Patrick surveyed the room.

  “Of course we will,” Katie smiled as she held up a small onesie. “My mom was a big help when I registered us at Target, she knew exactly what we’d need.”

  “I know, but.” Patrick held up a blanket, “do you really think we need twenty of these things?”

  Katie rolled her eyes, “Yes. Are you going to do laundry ten times a day to make sure I have enough clean ones?” she smirked.

  “Guess you’re right,” he mumbled.

  “Say that again,” Katie grinned as she stood and shuffled forward. When she reached him, she wrapped her arms around his waist, and squeezed him the best she could with her belly in the way.

  Patrick chuckled and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead just as his cell rang in his back pocket. He huffed, and reached to pull it out. When he glanced at the caller ID and saw the number, his body instantly tensed. “I’ll be right back,” he released her from his embrace and stepped out of the room.

  Katie sighed and went back to organizing the baby’s clothes in the dresser drawers.


  “What is it now?” Patrick barked into the phone.

  “I’m sorry to bother you at home, but…” Tinsley purred into the phone.

  “No, you’re not,” Patrick cut her off, “but go ahead.”

  “We’ve got a big consult coming in tomorrow, and Daddy wants you to sit in on it. You need to plan to stay late,” she cooed.

  “I’ve stayed late every day for the last week. I need to be home with my wife,” he ground out.

  “This is a big deal, Patrick. Don’t you want to be part of it?” she demanded.

  “Yes,” he sighed. “I’ll stay,” he leaned against the wall in the hallway as she finished giving him the details.

  “See you tomorrow,” she disconnected the call just as Katie stepped out of the roo
m and made eye contact with her husband.

  “Who was that?” Katie cocked her head to the side.

  “Work,” Patrick groaned. “Gotta stay late tomorrow.”

  “Again?” Katie stuck her lip out in a pout.

  “Yeah…it’s a big deal. Sorry,” he rubbed the back of his neck as his shoulders slumped.

  “It’s okay. I understand,” Katie mumbled as she began to head down the kitchen.

  “Where are you going?” his forehead crinkled in confusion.

  “To get a glass of milk. Then to bed. I’m tired,” she murmured as she disappeared around the corner.


  As she stood alone in the kitchen, Katie began to stew over the most recent call. Patrick had been acting stranger than usual lately. His demeanor would change in an instant when the phone would ring, or an email would come in. It was almost as if he’d turned into a totally different person. He’d go to work one way, and come home another.

  He was hiding something, too. She didn’t know what, but it was beginning to be more and more obvious to her. At first, she thought it might be a surprise for her. Her husband was notorious for planning grand romantic gestures. After the weekend away at the cabin, the birthday celebration, and then the baby shower last week, she didn’t know what to expect. She first thought that his attitude and demeanor were over one of those type of things, but she had no idea what he could have planned now. It was too close to the birth for her to travel, and Patrick seemed busier than ever at work.

  She finished the milk and placed the glass in the sink. She was going to drive herself crazy if she kept thinking about it. After resigning herself to forget about it, she made her way up to bed.


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