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Wrong For Me

Page 16

by Meagan Brandy

  “I don’t like this,” he mumbles, pulling into the parking lot.

  “Yeah, well, join the club.” I exit the truck and head for the building, knowing he’ll stay back a minute, giving me my time to do this on my own. I shouldn’t be cold to him, but everyone has to understand that I need to do this.

  Without it, I have nothing.

  As I grow closer to the door, it’s as if the air were being sucked from my lungs while simultaneously breathing new life into me. My hand pauses on the handle a moment, and then I straighten my spine and walk inside.

  It’s still early, so the recruits have yet to arrive, but Hillock is here.

  “Sweetheart.” He pops up from the desk the minute the door closes behind me. His eyes are sullen and dark underneath.

  It’s obvious he’s gotten as much sleep as I have, which is damn near equal to none.

  He lost his best friend after all.

  “Honey, what are you doing here?” He shakes his head, his lips smashing into a thin line.

  “Where else would I be, Uncle?” I shrug, trying to look and sound strong, but this man has known me since I was a toddler.

  He might not show emotions well, but he can read them like a pro.

  He nods, his shoulders dropping an inch. “I hear you. And, to save trouble, let me tell you, so you know, everything here that was his is yours. You don’t need to worry about any of that. I’m handling everything he normally would. Not half as good, I’m sure, but, I, uh …” He trails off, clearing his throat before meeting my eyes again. “Just know, there’s nothing being left undone.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  Then, the door behind me opens, and Rowan steps in.

  He gives a small nod to Hillock before gently turning me to face him.

  “I’m sorry.” He speaks low even though Hillock can hear. “I’m just worried.”

  “I know, Row.” I reach up, gripping his bicep, and he gives me a small half-smile. “I appreciate it, but I’m not made of glass. I’ll be fine.”

  His eyes flit between mine before he licks his lips with a nod and heads for the gym.

  When I turn back to Hillock, he wears a deep frown that follows Rowan before landing on me.

  “What’s … going on there, sweetheart?” He pauses. “Where’s our boy?”

  When my forehead scrunches, he tilts his head.

  “Alec. Where is he?”


  “I fired him.”

  When his frown deepens, I narrow my eyes.

  He slowly shakes his head. “Oakley.” His tone is cautious, which has my spine tingling. “I’m afraid that’s not your call.”

  His eyes are tortured, but there’s a secret there.

  Please don’t say it.

  But he doesn’t have to because, in that next second, there’s a loud slam outside, and I turn to see Alec storming for the front.

  I don’t look back to Hillock to confirm, but he states yet another newfound fact in my fucked up world. “Blackline belongs to him, too.”

  He pushes through the door, his eyes wild as they skate across the room, hitting Hillock’s over my shoulder before dropping to mine.

  He stalks my way, and right when his feet plant before me, the side door closes, signaling it’s just the two of us standing here.

  “Stop pushing me.”


  “I’m not going anywhere. Get fucking used to it.”

  “You’re not wanted here.” My stance is strong, but my voice wobbles. “I hate you.”

  “Back to that, are we?” he growls, stepping closer, forcing his chest to mine, so I have no choice but to lift my chin to meet his stare. “Tell yourself what you want, princess, but watch your fucking moves. You and me?” His brows drop in anger. “We’re not done.”

  He jerks away from me and storms for what is apparently still his office, but he stops in the doorway and glares over his shoulder. “And stay away from my brother.”

  With a light growl, I turn and storm for the gym. Not because Rowan is in there—that’s just an added bonus to derail Alec’s power trip—but because I have some anger to burn.

  I go straight for the rock wall, hastily stepping into my gear and clipping it in place.

  “Everything okay?” Rowan asks, his hands finding his hips as he catches his breath.

  I glare his way and then slide my eyes to the door. Sure enough, in stalks the beastly bastard, his glower as strong as ever.

  I look back to Rowan, and he scoffs, shaking his head as he goes back to work. I turn to do the same, ignoring the asshole who steps beside me, pulls his shirt from his body and begins to hook himself up.

  I hurry and lock in, and then I start my climb.

  When I get a solid three feet up, I realize my mistake.

  His light chuckle tells me he knows it, too, and he stays right where he is, five steps behind, enjoying the view I’ve stupidly given him.


  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I’ve been back at work for three weeks now, and finally, things at the academy once again feel like second nature. My routine has kicked back in, only my days are a little shorter, as the long hours seem to push me into exhaustion.

  No matter what I do, I’m in a state of constant fatigue, making me extra irritable. I’m guessing it just comes with the new territory. My dad’s will might state that Alec now holds shares in the company, but he hasn’t pushed to get the ball rolling on formalities, so I surely haven’t offered him more responsibilities. I don’t want or need his help.

  “Okay.” I brush my hands off and grab my water from the floor to take a small drink, trying to fight off the dizziness that hits. “Good job, guys. Times are improving consistently. Tomorrow, we’ll be testing on forcible entry, so review your notes and practice form if you need to. I’m not locking up for another hour, so have at it if you want some extra practice on your own time.”

  The recruits nod in agreement, all moving to stand and grab their things. Alec steps forward and starts speaking as they get ready to head out, so I hurry for the door. I can’t handle standing there, listening to him with the recruits. It reminds me too much of when I used to watch my dad with his recruits.

  Before I can exit, Gio jogs over.

  “What’s up, Gio?”

  “You, uh, come early, right?” he asks, his features tightened.

  “Yeah.” I nod, my brows pulling in. “I’m here around five thirty every morning. Why? What do you need?”

  “I heard Rowan comes early.”

  “He has been lately, yes.”

  “That only allowed for him?”

  He eyes me, and I tilt my head a little.

  “Why would it be allowed only for him?”

  “Just figured, since you two were kind of a thing, maybe that’s why he’s here before anyone else.”

  “If you’d like to come early for workouts, you can. As for the rest of what you’re insinuating, you’re out of place.”

  Frustration lines his forehead in the form of deep creases, and he nods, his eyes on the floor. “Right, yeah. Sorry. I just assumed.”

  He goes to turn away, and I feel bad. “Gio.”

  He looks back to me, dismay floating across his stare, his shoulders drawn up in tension that I don’t understand.

  “It’s no secret that everything with my dad has taken a toll on me. I guess I should have stopped to consider that it might come across as favoritism, a recruit here before and after hours.”

  His eyes cut toward Row right then, and mine follow, finding him frowning at the two of us.

  My and Gio’s stares meet again.

  “I’m sorry if it seems like Rowan is receiving special treatment or extra training … or whatever it is you’re thinking. Rowan is my best friend, has been for years, and he insists on hovering even though I’ve asked him not to.”

  A sad laugh leaves me, and Gio’s shoulders visibly relax.

  He nods, h
is relief more than obvious.

  He looks to Rowan again, and when he does, he stands taller. Confidence lining his spine, he turns back to me with a deep smirk that’s lost on me.

  “See you two in the morning.” He glances Rowan’s way one more time, licks his lips, and then steps around me.

  My eyes follow him out the door.

  When I turn back to grab my bag from the floor, not one, but two Daniels boys are right in front of me, both wearing deep scowls.

  “What did he want?” they spit out the same question.

  My head pulls back. I straighten my spine and glare at them both. “To talk to his instructor.”

  Alec’s nostrils flare, and Rowan’s brows lift, both waiting for more.

  So, I give it to them. “Confidentially.” I spin on my heels and storm out.

  And they both follow, only Rowan bolts out the front, the way Gio headed, and Alec stays on my tail.


  “I asked you a question, Oakley.”

  “And I answered you, Alec. Just because it wasn’t the answer you wanted doesn’t mean you’re privy to another.”

  “I’m his instructor, too. What could he possibly need to say to you that he couldn’t say to me or with me around?”

  I storm through the Employees Only door, and he catches up, yanking my arm before pushing me against the wall.

  “What did he want?” he seethes.

  My jaw drops. “Are you serious right now?”

  “Do I look like I’m playing?”

  “Let me put this in terms you will understand. You have no right to ask me anything about anyone at any time. You deserve none of my respect, and even if you did, you have none.”

  “You think I don’t know I’ve fucked up?” He crowds me, his expression dark. “I live it every fucking day. I don’t sleep. I force myself to eat. I can’t fucking focus on anything other than the fact that every day that passes, I’m losing more of you. But know this, princess. I won’t fucking allow it to happen. Far as I’m concerned, you’re with me. Anybody tries to step in on that, and I’ll—”

  “What? Huh?” I push into him, and his lips smash together. “You’ll what? Rage out and beat up a student because you’re irrational and feel privilege you don’t have? Go ahead. I’d love for you to be arrested for something like that. It would help in court when I contest my dad’s will.”

  His eyes narrow.

  “You don’t belong here. You never did. That’s why it was so easy for you to go before, wasn’t it?”

  He pushes back, smashing me to the wall as he dips lower, so his mouth is almost in line with mine, his eyes on my lips as he speaks. “You wanna know why it was so easy for me to leave before?” he breathes, purposely making his bottom lip hit mine before dropping back a fraction of an inch.

  My thigh muscles clench, and I know he feels it against his. His eyes slice to mine before hitting my mouth again.

  “Because leaving meant my baby would be safe.”

  His hand finds my waist then, slowly sliding up my ribs, and my back bows off the wall, my eyes squeezing shut.

  “Any trouble or change or challenge is worth the risk if it means she’s okay.” His warm breath fans across my lips and I turn away, resting my cheek as close to the wall as possible.

  I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

  I swallow.

  God, I miss him.

  His mouth finds my ear. “I miss you, too, princess. Every fucking day, all day, and especially at night when all I can think about is holding on to you, touching you … sliding into that soft pussy of yours, watching as it sucks me in.” He groans.

  I bite into my cheek, my hands balling into fists so that I don’t reach for him.

  “The way your walls clench around me, pulsing with every inch taken, shaking with every inch out.” His grip grows possessive. “My baby.”

  “Your baby …” I breathe.

  He shivers.

  It almost kills me, but I force air into my lungs and fire off the words trying to stick to my throat. “Is waiting at home for you.”

  His muscles lock against me, his head slowly lifting. Sore eyes hit mine.

  “Better hurry, Alec, or your wife might—”

  “Stop,” he interrupts, his teeth clenched in anger, but that green gaze holds distress. “Don’t bring her into—”

  Hot, angry tears hit in a blink, and I shove him. He wasn’t expecting it, so he stumbles back a single step, but it’s enough for me to push off the wall. I get into his face, unable to stop the damn tears from falling.

  “I didn’t bring her into anything. You brought her into our home, into our lives. You tied her to you, so you shouldn’t be surprised that when she felt you slipping, she followed the line and tightened the noose you’d willingly hung around your neck.” I blink hard, commanding my tears to dry. “I hope she chokes you with it.”

  I storm away, and this time, he lets me.

  But, of course, I don’t get far before the other Daniels brother pops into my face.

  With a sigh, I continue past Rowan and head for the storage room to check that the delivery was loaded-in correctly.

  “What, Rowan?”

  He grips my arm to stop me, his eyes moving across my face before his features harden. “Why are you crying?”

  I yank from his hold and keep moving forward. “I’m not crying.”

  “Well, you were. Talk to me.”

  Fed up, I spin. “I don’t want to talk, okay?” My brows jump. “I. Don’t. Want. To. I didn’t last week or last night or this morning when you asked, and I don’t now!”

  He shifts back, hurt easily detected in his brown eyes, but I don’t wanna give in right now. I always do, and I’m tired of giving more than I want just to make everyone else feel better.

  “Look, I get it; you worry, but please just … don’t.”

  “I’m not going to stop worrying about you, and to be honest, I’ve been more concerned lately than I was when your dad first died.”

  I unlock the storage room and step inside, picking up the clipboard sitting on the boxes—the one that should have been placed back on the hook if the job was done correctly. “Yeah, well, I don’t know why. I’m back at work, busy instead of sulking around all day.”

  “Yeah, and you’re disconnected.”

  When I spin to glare at him, he stands tall, not backing out of his words.

  “You lost your excitement for this. Yes, you’re here, and you’re doing a good job, but the fire is gone from your eyes. You’re coasting, Oakley, and it makes me nervous. I don’t want you to blow up one day because you’ve been burying so much.”

  “I’m not doing this right now.”

  “Doing what?” he shouts. “Talking to your best friend about what’s going on with you?”

  “Nothing is going on with me!” I shout back. “My dad died, the guy I was fucking is married, and I missed a few weeks of work. Life happens. I’m just trying to go on, and you won’t let me!”

  I know why he approached me; this all turned when he saw a stupid tear.

  He tries to speak, but I cut him off, “Why don’t you man up, Rowan, and ask me what you came to ask?”

  His expression goes slack, and he steps back. “That’s not fair.”

  When I say nothing, he shakes his head.

  “Yes, I was coming to ask something, but I saw you were upset, and then the only thing that mattered was finding out what was wrong with you.” He looks off. “I just wanna be here for you, Oakley.”

  His eyes find mine, and again, my emotions rule over my commands.

  Tears fill my eyes.

  “Why won’t you let me?”

  “Our heads aren’t right, Rowan,” I whisper. “I’m … God, I don’t even know. Fucked up, I guess. I don’t want either of us to fall into a mess we can’t climb out of after all this.”

  “I don’t even know what that means, Oakley.”

  I lick my lips and look off. “What did you wanna
ask?” I change the subject, and Rowan tenses for a moment.

  Finally, he licks his lips and shrugs. “What was that with Gio?”

  “He asked a question, and I answered it.”

  “What’d he ask?”

  “Tell me why you wanna know.”

  He lifts his arms. His mouth opens to speak, but nothing comes out.

  “Did he question you about our relationship?” I ask him.

  His brows jump. “What did he say to you?”

  “He thinks we’re together.”

  Rowan swallows, nodding, and my eyes narrow.

  “You want him to think we are, don’t you?”

  He shrugs. “It’s not his business. He can think what he wants.”

  “Rowan!” I walk toward him. “It could hurt the school. I’m pretty sure he thinks you’re getting special treatment and is upset about it.”

  When he scoffs, I glare.


  “That’s not what it is.”

  “How the hell do you know?”

  “I just do.”

  I eye him, and when it gets to be too much, he looks away.

  “You know, Rowan, for my best friend, who expects me to be honest and up-front about the shit going on in my head, you kind of suck at it.”

  His eyes hit mine, and for the first time in a while, I have no idea what he’s trying to say without saying it.

  “I want in just like you do, Rowan. But it’s easier said than done, right?” I’m being an asshole, but he’s being a hypocrite.

  “I’m gonna go, Oaks,” he whispers, moving to kiss my forehead before walking out.

  Frustration I don’t understand overtakes me, and my vision grows foggy.

  I drop onto the pallet of boxes and cry, not knowing why.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I slam the door when I enter and drop my keys in the bowl by the door. I don’t make it another step before a smiling Marissa pops around the corner, her stupid ponytail bobbing with her head.


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