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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

Page 4

by Felicity Brandon

  She swallowed at that, her eyes widening while Jared dropped to his knees and inched toward her spread pussy. Pressing the nozzle on the can he picked up, he filled his palm with shaving gel which he rubbed liberally onto the outside of her lips between her thighs. Sophie scrutinized each flick of his finger while it spread the product against her sensitive skin, covering what remained of the soft nest of hair that was there.

  Angling the razor he’d held to one side, Jared’s hand halted, his gaze rising to meet her eyes. “When I’ve taken care of this, I’ll do your legs, too.” He sounded so matter of fact, like he often swept women from their homes, tied them up and then shaved the hair from their bodies. Sophie’s belly clenched at the notion. Perhaps Jared did? Maybe she wasn’t the first woman he’d ever taken?

  “Keep still for me,” Jared instructed. “And keep those legs as wide as you can.”

  There was just a glint of something insidious in his gaze as he gave that order, but it was enough. Enough to make Sophie’s muscles tense and enough to make her hold her breath. The guy who’d done this to her—who’d snatched her from the sanctuary of her house—was now holding a blade between her legs. All of a sudden, that thought was terrifying.

  “Yes, Daddy.” She forced the words out, tension gripping her neck and shoulders as she lowered her head to see what he was doing.

  “There’s a lot of hair here, little girl.” Jared sounded unimpressed, as though it was weird for a grown woman to have pubic hair. “Despite my work with the scissors. It’s just as well I have a brand new razor for you.”

  Sophie gulped. Nothing about the idea of the blade being new was even vaguely reassuring, however, Jared presented the notion. “I’m sorry.”

  Was that what she was supposed to say? What were the rules regarding etiquette when a virtual stranger was about to shave the hair from your most intimate areas? She inhaled as that thought pinballed around her head. Oh God, Jared was about to shave her. Sophie watched him work in silence. There was only the sound of her labored breathing for company while he gradually eased the blade across her skin, removing the evidence of her hair as he went. She was gripped with panic at the thought Jared’s hand would slip and cut her, yet at the same time, she was transfixed by the precision of his work.

  Pausing to clean the razor, Jared ran his fingertips over the shaven area, halting at Sophie’s clit, which he circled slowly.

  “Feel how much better that is already, little girl.”

  Sophie gasped. Looking down she could see more than half of the hair had already been removed, including the especially sensitive area around her slit. Jared lifted his chin to meet her eyes with a smile.

  “Now Daddy can really feel that greedy little clitoris, can’t he?”

  Sophie nodded at the observation. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Every small circle the pad of his finger completed seemed to be eliciting that knowing, furling tension at her core, and Sophie knew her pussy was wet. Again.

  “And he can see it better, too.” Jared’s gaze lowered back to her snatch for a moment. He dropped the razor into the water before tracing his free hand directly down her slit.

  “Oh, God.” The words escaped Sophie’s lips without conscious thought. All she knew was how hot and sensuous the gesture seemed, and how, if he slid his fingers inside her cunt, Jared would find out for himself just how the act of surrendering to his razor was affecting her.

  With a wry grin, Jared plunged his hand down into the water, collecting the razor and beginning work on the right side of her sex. Sophie gripped the edge of the tub, trying to compose her breathing as he concluded.

  “There we are.” Jared’s expression was filled with pride while he motioned Sophie forward. “Now you’re all smooth and gorgeous, little girl. Get down into the tub.”

  He retreated a little, putting the razor in the wire rack beside them, and allowing Sophie just enough room to slide back into position. Her legs slid either side of his kneeling form.

  “Hands by your sides, Sophie.”

  Heart pounding, she complied, eyeing his hands as they dropped into the water and moved between her legs. His fingers were at her pussy again, stroking her hairless flesh before one eased its way into her.

  Sophie panted out loud, the sensation while he pumped his digit in and out of her sex making her heady.

  “Now that is so much better,” he purred, withdrawing from her cunt altogether and presenting the finger to her lips. “Taste yourself, little girl and know that now that you’re smooth, that is exactly how you’re going to stay.”

  With a nervous glance north to his insistent stare, Sophie wrapped her lips around the finger. She could taste the legacy of her juices on it, despite the arousal that was no doubt lost in the bath water. Her gaze flitted instinctively to Jared’s hard length, and despite her better judgment, she found she was desperate to replace his finger with the thing. Jared grinned as he swiped the finger away.

  “Soon,” he promised, reaching for the razor again. “First let’s get the rest of you shaved, too.”

  Chapter Six


  Jared took the razor to the rest of his little girl, shaving the hairs from her long legs and under her arms before he rinsed the conditioner from her hair. It took less than ten minutes of dedication to ensure she was practically perfect.

  “There we go.” There was glee in his voice while he assessed her. Her pert breasts and the beading nipples there, the soft curve of her tummy and her smooth sex.

  Sophie was fucking flawless.

  “You’re almost ready.” Jared flicked a switch to shut the water off and then replaced the showerhead.

  “And now to clean you properly.” He wondered whether she could see the errant intent in his gaze while he inched toward her body, but if she could, Sophie didn’t act on it. Rather, she sat there, like a rabbit in the headlights, aware of the incoming car about to mow it down, and yet apparently unable to prevent the impending collision.

  “Spread your legs, baby.” Jared’s voice was a soft purr. “Lie back and splay them as wide as you can.”

  Sophie pulled in a deep breath before easing back slowly. The whole while, her imploring eyes never left his face.

  “Very good.” He patted her pussy beneath the water gently, watching as her body jerked at the contact. “Stay right there while I make sure you’re properly cleaned.”

  Jared slid his finger back inside her hot channel, his cock growing while a second digit joined soon after. Her mouth parted at the intrusion, her hands rising from the water as though she wanted to resist and when Jared lifted his head, he could see the conflict raging within her body. Her shoulders were tense, the struggle etched into her beautiful expression as she fought to control her reflexes.

  “Arms down, Sophie.” He was calm while he gave the order, but he didn’t want the meaning to be lost. However soft his tone, it was an order.

  She forced her limbs down by her sides and all the while, Jared’s fingers continued to pump in and out of her.

  “I need to ensure that wonderful little cunt of mine is clean, too, little girl.”

  Her eyes widened at his explanation, her breaths coming out in short, fast pants, which seemed to match the pace of his fingers. The look of her only caused his cock to harden all the more, but pressing his hand deeper inside her body, Jared paid it no attention. He wanted to bring Sophie right to the edge. He relished having that power over her.

  “When your arse gets used to my cock, I’ll do the same in that hole, too,” he told her. “And perhaps, we’ll use an enema, as well, just to make sure you’re perfect for Daddy.”

  Sophie’s body trembled at that, her eyes as large as saucers. “An enema, Daddy?”

  She practically had to force the words out.

  “Yes, baby. When you’re ready.” He watched while the color drained from her face.

  “But, I’ve never done anything like that before...” Her lips pressed together as her voice trailed away.
  Jared smiled wryly at the confession. “Mmmm, you said, Sophie, but that’s okay. A lot of this will be new for you. There will be a learning curve.”

  A steep one, too, if he wasn’t very much mistaken.

  Curling his fingers inside her, Jared watched Sophie’s body jerk in the water.

  “Oh, Christ.” She was panting again, fighting for any composure. “Daddy, please.”

  He stroked his cock as she addressed him. One thing was for certain, hearing Sophie call him that was never going to get old.

  “Is that good, little girl?”

  Sophie’s hands balled into fists at her hips. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Resting on his left palm, he leaned in closer. “How good?” Her eyes fluttered at him and for a moment Jared wondered if she could focus on him at all as the pleasure loomed. “How good is it, Sophie?”

  She exhaled, her gaze darting to his. “Oh, God.” Her eyes squeezed together. “So good, Daddy. It’s too good.”

  Jared leaned toward her face, watching sweat beading at her brow although the temperature of the bath water was definitely falling. “Too good, baby?”

  He arched an eyebrow, his cock straining against her leg as he edged further up the length of her body. “Does my little girl need to come?”

  Sophie’s hips pressed north, seeking the depth of fingers and the friction of his hand against her greedy little clit. “Yes, Daddy,” she breathed. “Oh, God, yes please.”

  Jared crouched over her for a moment longer, enthralled at the way he had Sophie completely captured in his web. Her every fiber was focused on him now, and on the satisfaction, she knew he could deliver.

  And then, at that exact moment—the pivotal second when she could take no more—when the precipice beckoned, Jared slid from her pussy, withdrawing from her body altogether and leaving her reeling.

  “No!” The strangled plea rushed from Sophie’s lips and all at once, her expression crumpled. “Daddy, no.”

  His lips curled at the disappointment on her face. His little girl still had a lot to learn if she thought her pleasure was going to come so easily.

  “What is it, little girl?”

  Sophie’s eyes fell closed. “I was so close. Daddy.”

  Her hips bucked forward, as though her needy body was still searching for the friction it needed to explode.

  “Good.” He breathed the word in her direction, grinning as her gaze flickered open to register it. “Then you’re right where I need you to be. Wet, and open and ready for your Daddy.”

  Her hands rose to the sides of the bath, her fingers gripping at the white roll-top like her life depended on it. “What did I do wrong, Daddy?”

  Jared’s cock throbbed at the way she put that and instinctively, he pressed closer between her legs again. “Nothing.”

  He wanted that point to be clear. “You haven’t done anything wrong. This isn’t a punishment, Sophie. This is just what Daddy wants and now you can pleasure me.”

  Jared leaned back, rising to his feet. Using the wall to steady himself, he presented Sophie with his engorged cock. Her gaze flitted from his erection to his face and then back again. “You know what to do, little girl.”


  Gingerly, she moved forward, drawing in a deep breath, because Jared was right. This time she did know what to do—she knew what he expected. Her mouth parted to accept him, and all at once, his free hand shifted into her wet hair. Bunching it into his fist, Jared guided her down the length of his shaft, using her throat to satiate his need.

  Two things hit her almost immediately. The first was how difficult it was to quell the rising panic in her chest while he rammed his cock inside her. Her instincts told her it shouldn’t be possible to breathe with so many inches crammed down your throat, but the reality was that simply wasn’t true. Sophie could breathe just fine through her nostrils, at least until his crown hit her tonsils and her face was squashed up against his dark hair. She squeezed her eyes closed whenever that happened, willing herself to be calm. Jared wasn’t in this to suffocate her. Clearly, he had gone to way too much time and trouble taking her and setting up her room to extinguish her over one blow job, but still, that thought was hard to rationalize when her eyes were watering and her head was starting to spin.

  “Good,” he praised from somewhere high above her head. “Very good, little girl.”

  Jared eased her back from his shaft, allowing Sophie to gasp around his cock tip, before he drove the thing back into her. She settled into the rhythm as best she could, her mind considering the second thing that came to her while his balls banged against the underside of her chin. Sophie might actually be enjoying the act. How fucked up was that? Jared was using her—this man who had snatched her against her will—he was taking what he wanted with no hope of even allowing her any pleasure of her own, and what was Sophie’s reflexive response to this treatment? Was she straining to be free of his erection, trying to flee from the tub, or pleading for his mercy?

  Was she, ever.

  Sophie was perched on her haunches, lips parted to receive him while her clit throbbed greedily below in the lapping warm water. And with every stroke of his cock, she wanted to slip her fingers between her legs and finish the task Jared had started. And she would have done, too. If only, Sophie thought she could get away with it.

  “Fuck, Sophie.” Jared’s voice was raspy. “You are perfect, little girl.”

  He thrust deep inside her again before withdrawing in one smooth action, leaving Sophie reeling.

  “Chin up.” Jared yanked the fistful of hair, forcing her head back to meet his purple crown. “Daddy has a present for you.”

  Sophie’s throat burned at the way it had been used, but she ignored the hurt. It was no different to the way her arse stung from the spanking he’d delivered last night and no different from the way her pride ached at the humiliating age-play. In fact, her sore throat was merely another symptom of Jared’s debauched and twisted mind—and of her own depravity for relishing the performance. Her lips parted just as the first wave of hot cum painted her mouth and nose. She blinked up at the towering man while he deposited his climax over her lips before sliding his shaft back into her mouth to milk the remnants from him. Pulling in hot ribbons of air through her nostrils, Sophie sucked at him for everything she was worth, and as he groaned at the way her tongue darted over him, that thought resonated.

  Everything she was worth.

  Maybe this was it—maybe this was what she was worth.

  All those years she’d struggled up the corporate ladder, competing with younger, better looking versions of herself and men who didn’t need to worry about when to take career breaks, and then the most recent period of her life where she’d forced herself to the baby groups and the playground, competing with the other yummy mummies. And for what?

  Why had she even bothered?

  Sophie was never going to be like those pretty, slim things. Her life was never going to be as good, as under control, her relationships as fulfilling. Perhaps, she’d been missing the point all these years. Maybe this was what she was good for—existing just to provide pleasure to someone else, in the vain hope that she might achieve some for herself.

  Perhaps that’s all there was to know.

  Lifting her chin, which had fallen at the thought, Sophie locked eyes with the man who’d captured her.

  With her Daddy.

  Jared beamed down at her like a proud father, apparently pleased with the final version of Sophie who knelt before him. Washed, shaved, covered in his semen and seemingly compliant.

  For now, at least.

  Chapter Seven


  Jared lifted her from the tub, wrapping the pink bath sheet he’d purchased around her shoulders. Wordlessly, he moved to the basin and prepared the cute toothbrush he’d purchased for her, before returning and cleaning her teeth himself. At his instruction, Sophie shuffled to the basin to spit out the toothpaste, before returning to the bathmat. Sophie g
azed at him while he worked the towel over her body, and for the first time since he’d taken what belonged to him, she didn’t even try to resist. Her limbs seemed heavy when he lifted each arm to dry underneath, her breaths sounding like deep sighs of resignation as he towel-dried her hair. Working the bath sheet around each breast, he grazed it south, across her midriff and down, between her legs. She was passive, save for one jerky gasp as the towel skimmed her no-doubt throbbing clit, and looking into her gaze, Jared could see the flicker of need.

  His poor little girl.

  So desperate to come already, and the day had barely even begun. He grinned at the thought.

  “Good girl, Sophie.” He glowered down at her, despite his reassuring words. “If you keep behaving so well, then perhaps Daddy will reward you later.”

  Sophie’s gaze flitted to him for a brief moment, her desire etched into the brown orbs. Jared smiled, wrapping the towel around her small shoulders before he hooked one finger under her chin.

  “Would you like that, baby?”

  “Yes, please, Daddy.” There was no hesitation that time, but her lashes fluttered wildly at the intensity of his stare.

  Jared nodded, and fisting her hair with his left hand, he ran his fingers down past the curve of her belly to her smooth pussy. He inhaled at how fucking good that was. Without all the hair, Sophie was even hotter—a feat that was nigh impossible. Reaching her clit, his fingers splayed. Two slipped beneath her lips, stroking the bare skin there while the middle digits pushed easily inside her wetness. Slowly, Jared rocked his hand backwards and forwards, providing just enough friction to rouse her needy clit without tipping her over the edge. Sophie inhaled, but she never broke eye contact with him while his hand took possession. It was as though she wasn’t able to break the power of his gaze, or perhaps she was just too afraid to try.

  “Feel how wet you are for Daddy.” He smirked at his own assessment.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her reply was a breathy pant.


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