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Mastered By Daddy: A Dark Daddy Romance

Page 5

by Felicity Brandon

“That’s how you’re always going to be, little girl.” His stare drilled into her. “That’s how Daddy always wants you to be.”

  Her lips parted, the remnants of his cum still visible over her pretty features. “Oh God, Daddy.”

  Sophie’s voice strained and he knew she was trying frantically to get a handle on her burgeoning arousal. She really was smart. He’d only denied her once and already, Sophie seemed to have worked out his game. She knew this was only torment, and that there was no hope of true release, so instead of succumbing, she fought to resist. But resistance, it seemed, was proving trickier than she’d realized. His hand rocked at her cunt, providing the perfect amount of friction while his fingers pumped in and out of her, and all the while, he observed the effort on her face.

  The building tension.

  The irrefutable desire.

  And just like that, his hand was gone.

  Sophie’s eyes fell closed, masking the disappointment in her eyes, but Jared knew it was there when a strangled noise rose from her well-fucked throat.

  “Before we have breakfast, Daddy wants to talk to you about the rules.”

  She inhaled while her eyes flickered open. “Yes, Daddy.”

  The reply was one long rush of air.

  Jared’s fingers tightened in her hair, yet somehow, Sophie barely seemed to register the hurt. “Last night you asked me about the rules. Do you remember?”

  Sophie gulped, her chest rising and falling as arousal no doubt ricocheted around her mind. “I remember, Daddy.”

  Jared smiled. There was nothing else he could do. She was so fucking perfect. “Good. I’ll take you back to your bedroom and brush your hair, and then we can go through them.”

  She nodded, her eyes registering his change of tact just before he stooped and threw her body over his left shoulder. Sophie went with scarcely a yelp this time, the pink towel slipping to the tiles. Jared would deal with the mess later. Right now, the look of her bare bottom was stirring his so recently-satiated lust and he carried her back down the hallway as fast as he could.

  Placing her gently on her feet, Jared watched as her damp hair fell over her shoulders.


  He pointed to a spot on the white rug by her bed, and grinned when she responded with obedience. Jared wasn’t sure what had come over Sophie this morning, but so far, he approved. Compared to the skittish wildcat who’d woken up in this very room last night, this version of his little girl was far preferable. Yet still, he couldn’t bring himself to believe this was really the version of Sophie he’d have forever. It was never going to be that easy.

  Jared sauntered back to her bedroom door, closing it with one foot to ensure the room remained warm, before proceeding back to the bedside table to collect her hairbrush. A moment later he towered over her again, brush in hand and slowly, he drew the bristles down the length of her blonde tresses. The ribbons he’d decorated her with yesterday must have fallen out in bed, but that didn’t matter. There were plenty more where they had come from and while he worked through the tangles, he contemplated whether to try the pigtails again. In the end, Jared’s throbbing cock made the decision for him and leaving Sophie kneeling, he paced back to the dresser to retrieve another two ribbons. Her gaze noticed them as soon as Jared turned, her eyes widening with a recognition that sent electricity whipping up his spine.

  “Daddy knows he didn’t do the best with your hair yesterday,” he mused, separating her locks into two halves again and working one of the ribbons around the right side. “But I’ll do better. We both have to try.”

  She exhaled. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Jared blinked down at Sophie as he concluded tying the ribbon and began work on the left side. Usually, he would have cheered at such a show of compliance, but her unresponsiveness was starting to trouble him. Brushing the hair into a bunch, Jared secured the second ribbon into place. “Look at Daddy.”

  Right on cue, her chin lifted, those large brown eyes revealed to him. His gaze fell over her body. She was kneeling, just as he’d asked, her knees apart like a good girl. For a moment, there was silence between them. A quiet that seemed deafening.

  “So, to my rules Sophie.” It was Jared who broke the impasse.

  It was always going to have been Jared, yet somehow, there was less satisfaction in having that control than he’d imagined. For some reason, he was missing the fire in Sophie’s eyes. She seemed lackluster without the fight.

  Pulling in a deep breath, Jared steeled himself. What was the problem anyway? So, she was docile and obedient—wasn’t that what he had wanted from the woman? Why was he second guessing her behavior now?

  “There aren’t many, little girl, so there’ll be no mitigation for forgetting them.”

  Sophie gnawed on her lip, but she nodded her understanding. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Rule one.” Jared had practiced this little speech in his head so many times, he could barely believe this delivery was real. “Sophie obeys Daddy whatever happens.”

  She drew in a deep breath, her gaze falling to his chest. In the frenzy of drying Sophie, Jared hadn’t even thought to take care of himself properly, and the hair there was still damp.

  “To clarify,” he went on. “Whenever and however an instruction is given, Sophie will do as she’s asked in a respectful and timely manner. Got it, little girl?”

  Her gaze was back to his face. “Yes, Daddy.”

  There was that tone again, resigned and tired, as though the struggle to resist had ebbed away completely, but that couldn’t be right, could it? Surely one night restrained in her bed wouldn’t be enough to oppress a woman like Sophie? Jared just couldn’t believe that.

  “Any questions?”

  Her brow knitted, her puzzlement evident on her face. “Daddy?”

  “Do you have any questions about the rules, little girl?”

  “But, that’s only one rule, Daddy?”

  Jared grinned. Sophie was absolutely correct. There was only one rule—only one thing that he wanted from her—her complete and unquestioning obedience in everything. “That’s right, beautiful.” He stroked the underside of her chin thoughtfully. “There’s only one rule. Sophie obeys Daddy. Think you can remember that?”

  She blinked up at him. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “And think you can comply?” Jared’s balls tightened at the second question, because that was the imperative one. The one that had kept him up at night in more ways than one.

  “I’ll try, Daddy.”

  His lips twitched. Sophie would try, and sometimes she would succeed and be rewarded with his cum, and other times, invariably, she would mess up and disappoint him. And on those occasions, he would punish her more soundly than she’d ever imagined. It was going to be fucking perfect.

  “Daddy.” She squeaked the word in his direction and he dropped his hand in surprise.

  At no point in his fantasy had Sophie ever interrupted his flow, yet somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to be cross with her. She looked so forlorn there on her knees. So much like the little girl he had wanted for so long.

  Jared inhaled, taking a small step backwards to assess her properly. “Yes, little girl?”

  Sophie swallowed, as though she was trying to clear her throat. Maybe it still stung from the face fucking she’d taken so well in the bath, or perhaps she was just buying herself some time. “What will I d-do here, Daddy?”

  Her gaze widened with the question.

  “Do?” he repeated quizzically.

  She nodded her head. “Yes, Daddy. Apart from obey you, I mean.”

  He smirked down at the innocence of those words.

  Apart from obey you…

  Sophie only proved that she had no idea what those words meant if she had to ask them at all.

  “Nothing, baby.”

  She sucked her lower lip between her white teeth.

  “There’s nothing to do except as you’re told. You’re here to be worshipped and looked after. My very own little fuck toy.�

  Chapter Eight


  She watched from her place on the rug as Jared busied himself about her room, her mind replaying their last conversation. Jared had called her his fuck toy, and Sophie shivered at the words, but as she waited, she saw he was right. That’s what she was now—all she was now—a little girl to order around, to restrain, to bathe, feed and fuck. Those were the things Jared wanted, a compliant entity to obey and call him Daddy, not a grown woman with a mind of her own.

  Not Sophie.

  Her eyes darted over his looming form. After their impromptu chat, he’d disappeared from the room, instructing her to remain where she was. Of course, Sophie had been tempted to move, yet she never had. She’d heard him lock the door after he’d left, meaning she was trapped in the hideous pink room, but even then, she couldn’t bring herself to shift from her knees.

  What was the point?

  If she shifted, he would know. Sophie wasn’t sure that was an altogether logical thought, but somehow, in the back of her mind, she knew it was the truth.

  Jared would know and he would make her pay, and right now, Sophie didn’t know how much more capacity she had for his wrath. Jared was difficult enough to bear when he was pleased with her. This morning it just didn’t seem as though Sophie had the energy to resist him anymore.

  The image of Billy and Lucy filled her mind at that moment, the guilt at her prior assessment tearing at her core.

  What did she mean she didn’t have the energy? What was Sophie even thinking? This wasn’t about her, or her needs, or her plight, and it never had been. This was about her children, their needs, their innocence and their futures. They needed her back home with them. Sophie had no choice but to get up and fight.

  She’d been lost in that thought when the lock at the door turned and Jared stalked back into the room, a white towel flung over his shoulder. He was dressed now, at least from the waist down and his glance fell over her as he obviously tried to decide whether she’d obeyed. Apparently satisfied, he’d closed the door before moving to the awful dresser.

  “Good girl, Sophie.”

  She inhaled at the words. There had been a time once, when they’d sounded worryingly good to her ears, but she couldn’t recall when that had been. Maybe it had been earlier this morning, or yesterday at the house—who knew anymore. Time was just like everything else now—his remit—a concept that had been captured and was now controlled by Jared.

  “It’s breakfast time, but before we go down, I want to get you ready.”

  Her belly clenched at that. Whenever Jared said anything like that it spelled trouble for Sophie, and she had no hope that this time would be any different. As he turned from the middle drawer of the dresser, the anxiety in her stomach furled into a painful knot. In his hand, Jared held what looked like a large bib—the sort you might put on a small child—just much bigger. Big enough for say, a grown woman.

  Sophie inhaled once more at that thought, her eyes closing tightly for a second, but when she looked back, things seemed even worse. At first sight, Sophie had missed the modifications to the bib, but now as Jared approached, she couldn’t drag her eyes from them. Attached to the bottom of the so-called bib were two nipple clamps. They hung loose in his hands, swinging from side to side as though the things had a life of their own, and though Sophie’s lips parted, somehow, she couldn’t draw in another breath.

  “I had this made especially for you.” Jared grinned as he came to stand before her, holding the bib aloft as though Sophie should somehow be excited.

  She lifted her gaze from the thing to take in the look of his face properly. Jared’s blue eyes sparkled while he dangled the foreboding thing between them, and she swore she actually felt the blood drain from her face.

  Jared’s gaze narrowed. “What do you say, Sophie?”

  Sophie shifted on her knees, the pain of the continued pressure on them coming back to her all of a sudden, like a bucket of cold water had just washed over her head. And that was it. All of the powerful emotions she’d apparently sought to suppress since she’d woken in the awful pink room flooded back to her. The hurt of the separation from her family. The shock of being abducted and the effects of whatever fucking sedative he’d pushed into her bloodstream. The frustration of all the ropes, cuffs and endless bloody restraints that he used to cajole, coerce and placate—it all rose within Sophie—threatening to drown her.

  “Sophie.” Jared’s tone was harder now and her thighs trembled, though Sophie wasn’t sure if it was tone or this unexpected revelation that caused the movement. She glanced down, watching the involuntary tremor in her legs.

  “Thank you. Daddy.” She lifted her gaze, panting while she responded and she noticed the way his eyes widened at her voice.

  Gone was the placid, compliant little girl he’d washed and shaved, and back was the woman he’d seized. Jared took a step toward her and she had to crane her head to maintain their eye contact.

  “Hands behind your back, little girl.” His tone was curter, too, but somehow, the sound didn’t perturb Sophie in the way it should.

  Somehow, it just hardened her resolve to find a way out of this nightmare.

  To get the fuck out.

  With a deep breath, Sophie did as he asked, grasping one hand around the other wrist behind her back and there she waited. She was quiet and as still as her thighs would allow, but her muscles tensed, and fleetingly, she wondered if Jared would notice the difference.

  Dropping to his haunches. Jared wasted no time in tying the bib around her neck. The thing was pink and white striped, and was scarily reminiscent of one she’d used when Lucy had been a toddler and as he secured the straps, the metal of the clamps grazed against her breasts. Sophie’s nipples beaded at the contact, reminding her just how vulnerable they were and how much it was going to bloody hurt when Jared used them. She gazed down at her chest when he inched away. The bib was short and surely only useful to Jared as a turn-on and not for any practical reason. It ended before the swell of her breasts, permitting the clamps to fall to a near perfect height.

  “Mmmm,” he mused, dropping to his knees as his hands rose in her direction. “You’re going to wear your bib for Daddy during every meal from now on.”

  Sophie’s brow furrowed at the explanation, but it wasn’t the words that confused and disconcerted her as much as the burning heat at her core as they resounded. It was fucked up and wrong, but for some reason, the ignominy of Jared’s assertion was driving her crazy.

  Jared’s fingers were back at her chin again, forcing her gaze to meet his. “Do you understand, little girl?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her voice had shifted again, the defiance morphing into the husky tone he no-doubt recognized by now.

  She inhaled while he reached for the clamps. They were like two small silver crocodile clips, and dread paralyzed Sophie as she watched him open first one and then the other clamp.

  “Like before, Sophie. These will pinch, but it’s nothing you can’t bear for me.”

  And that was it—all the warning Sophie got. The next thing she was aware of, Jared attached the things to her pebbling nipples, and an intense hurt shot through her chest from both sides.

  “It’s okay.” Jared’s voice was different now, too. Or, perhaps that change was only in Sophie’s head as she tried to manage the sudden, sharp pain at her breasts. “Breathe through the pain, little girl. Use it.”

  She blinked at him, the nails of her right hand cutting into her left wrist in an attempt to stop her from pulling the damn metal from her nipples. The hurt was worse than anything she’d recalled from yesterday. These things pinched far more cruelly and Jared moved forward on his knees, closing the distance between their bodies as she fought for breath.

  “You need this don’t you Sophie?” His voice was that soft purr again, the one that had haunted Sophie in her dreams before they’d even met.

  “I-I don’t know, Daddy.”

  His expression softened. “Ye
s, you do. Tell Daddy the truth, or you know this will only get worse for you.”

  Sophie wanted to cry then. Jesus, how she wanted to cry. The clamps hurt so much, and she was so full of frustration and confusion, but somehow, she held it together. She pushed down the well of emotion before it surfaced.

  “Do you need this, little girl?” Jared tugged gently at the clamp on her left breast and she winced at the spike of pain.

  “Yes, Daddy,” Sophie hissed.

  “I can reconcile those needs. The ones you can’t tell anyone, the ones you grasp so tightly they threaten to bury you.”

  Sophie gasped as his words resonated. In the haze of the pain, they seemed to make sense. These needs—this lust—it was going to bury her if she didn’t do something about it. The hedonism would smother her altogether if she wasn’t careful.

  If she didn’t get out.

  And at that moment, it all seemed clear. Obvious.

  Because that’s what Jared did.

  That was his power.

  He was like that lust, taking Sophie over—consuming her from the inside—and he’d continue until there was nothing of her left.

  Nothing left to fight back. Nothing left of the woman she’d once been.

  Nothing but his little girl.

  Chapter Nine


  He attached the pink cuffs to both of her ankles while Sophie sat mute on the bed, the eight inches of metal chain that connected them pooling at the carpet. A similar pair had been secured at her wrists, ensuring her hands remained behind her back and were unable to disturb the clamps now biting down into the sensitive tissue of her tits. Stepping back, he appraised his little girl. Sophie looked fantastic, her pigtails and the small striped bib hardening his cock almost as much as her clamped nipples and the bared little pussy that was waiting for him.

  “Up you get now.”

  Sophie lifted her gaze warily, rising to her feet as fast as the chains would permit.

  “Daddy wants you to walk this time, little girl.” He glowered down at her while he gave the command. “To the steps at least.”


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