An American Fairy-Tell

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by John J. Alexander

workers obtained the Federally mandated ID’s and submitting the data to each state government of operation. Each state was then required to submit the newly collected worker information to the Federal database, updated quarterly each year thereafter. Employers found in violation would be fined and become subject to economic sanctions. Employers found employing workers without legal ID’s or out of date ID’s would be fined and face mandated surprise inspections and become subject to economic sanctions. States, cities, communities or groups of people found ignoring or not reporting individuals without current ID’s would face fines, sanctions and possible jail terms. The new data collection system helped record a more accurate unemployment figure with real workforce numbers opposed to current unemployed workforce assistance benefits, which gave false figures once the benefits ran out.

  The American ID became mandatory along with the Updated Federal background check that must include at least three personal references when purchasing any firearm from any firearm dealer. Any person with recorded violent history, currently on the FBI watch list, recorded mental health problems, recorded ties to domestic and foreign terrorist organizations would be denied approval to purchase firearms. When selling or gifting to a private buyer from a private seller, a transfer form must be notarized and mailed to the FBI database for updating or face a fine. Selling to an individual or acting as a personal reference for someone personally known to pose a threat to society could result in forfeiting ones right to sell and bear arms, prison sentence and fine or loss of government assistance. Failure to report known criminal activity could result in forfeiting ones right to sell or bear arms, prison sentence, fine or loss of government assistance.

  Political bribery in any form was banned; from corporate donations, stock options and vacation packages to yea votes and government assistance targeting specific groups of people, with severe fines and prison sentences for those found breaking the law. People charged with bribery forfeited their legal right to vote, for life. Any person receiving government assistance forfeited their right to cast votes during primary elections. However, if an individual volunteered or worked 20 or more hours each week for a minimum of 12 consecutive weeks prior to elections, voting rights would be reinstated as long as the minimum requirements were continually met. Any and all food, housing, and disability programs were classified as government assistance. Social Security, Medicare, Veterans benefits and government retirement funds were classified as “paid for services” and not government assistance. Non-Citizen status prohibited voting rights in any state or federal elections. Government assistance programs allowed for limited participation by Non-Citizens in exchange for volunteer work or special needs requirements on an individual basis.

  Politicians could no longer bribe the public with taxpayer money or hide behind poor families when confronted with hard facts contradicting their lame duck policies and ridiculous narratives. Many people questioned the need for politicians at all. The need for corruptible headpieces seemed redundant in a world filled with electronic voices capable of instant answers by votes from anywhere in the entire world. Most people agreed using the American ID cards with electronic voting would put the voice of the people, back into the people’s capable hands and out of reach from corrupt corporations and foreign powers. Many believed limiting total government rule over American citizens was in the best interest of the Nation. The Federal government was established to protect our borders and negotiate with foreign countries regarding trade policies and peace treaties. State governments gave citizens a voice to protect and preserve the pursuit of happiness and lawful freedoms against tyranny and suppression from enemies both domestic and foreign.

  Truth in Voting

  The clownish American political trail did little to sway voters with policies, instead it was a popularity contest modeled after reality shows. The candidate with the best sound bites and comebacks usually won the most votes as the real issues fell to the wayside. This ridiculous sideshow deterred many voters as they considered voting a waste of time. The career politicians proved hard to beat as most people voted for a name they recognized on the ballot, most too lazy or disfranchised to research new candidates and their policies. Term limits for these leeches were long overdue.

  All federal level offices became limited to 4-year terms with a maximum of 2 terms. The vice president office was separated from the presidential election and staggered 2 years apart. The vice president lost power over the Senate with the tiebreaker vote going to congress. However, the VP was given more power to help make decisions on the Executive level. The two most powerful authorities being to veto presidential pardons and a needed vote for executive orders. The Department of Justice crucial to upholding the law of the land and protecting the Constitution had been improperly swayed by previous administrations. To help protect against this, the American Congress was given sole power to appoint Attorney Generals relieving the President of any political influence.

  The American Republic Constitution made sure a mob rule would never oppress the minority and cripple the land of the free. To ensure everyone’s vote counts and voice heard, the Electoral College was modified in hopes citizens would vote on Election Day. Each State would be allowed one Electoral vote with the popular vote deciding the decision. This gave all States the same amount of sway in primary elections regardless of population size. All ballots must contain all candidate names as biased party tickets were banned. Too further encourage people to vote, Election Day was declared a mandatory National Holiday followed by Celebration day allowing people to celebrate or cool off before heading back to work. Presidential elections saw a very different process as all parties became one, PartyUnited. Any legal citizen backed by no less than one million signatures from verified legal citizens and aged between 34 and 67 years of age qualified as a candidate. Once verified, the candidates answer a series of nationally pertinent questions from online polls with the answers posted online for everyone to see. The identity of each candidate hidden, leaving only the substance of the answer to draw from as the personality aspect deemed less important than the thoughts and intentions each candidate possessed. The top five rated candidates are chosen for the primary election and the ugly politicking begins. All presidential candidates are given equal airtime and campaign money from the National election fund. In a monumental attempt at fairness and transparency, donations to one specific candidate was outlawed. The total money collected before the final five selection, is recorded and put into public accounts for all to see and monitor. The puppet politicians finally replaced with sensible citizens looking to make a difference instead of a quick buck.

  The American people held hostage by lunatic Politicians voted in by other States or different districts, introduced a National impeachment clause. Any Politician introducing legislation affecting the entire country could be subject to impeachment by popular vote during primary elections if 500,000 signatures requested it. These new policies guaranteed power hungry politicians would be limited to public manipulation driven by self-interests and backdoor deals. Politicians impeached by popular vote become ineligible for any further Federal Offices. Supreme Court Judges were subject to these new regulations and stripped of the authority to rewrite or reinterpret laws of the land. The Federal Court would settle disputes between individuals and entities, but not constitutional rights for all citizens. The popular vote by the people of America would decide what was best for the country and not a few over paid hall monitors.

  Voter intimidation during candidate rallies had become violent as paid protestors from other states caused chaos and destruction. This unwanted unlawful unruliness was banned and anti-rallies could only be scheduled the day before or day after the original rally. All acts of violence or civil disobedience such as blocking roads or unlawful rally entry were prohibited. Any protestor in violation would be promptly arrested with a 7-day minimum jail sentence and fine. Repeat offenders could face lengthy jail sentences and fines, as well as being banned from certain cities or States.
Any person found promoting physical violence or issuing death threats in public or through social media outlets would face 7-day minimum jail sentence and fine. Free speech is one of the founding blocks of American ideology and must be fiercely protected where as physical intimidation has no place in modern society. People who threaten others liberties shall lose their own as punishment so they can learn the importance of common freedoms and compassion for others.

  Court System

  The court system, a work in progress but now less burdened by drug and prostitution arrests was spearheaded by the new egalitarian movement. Egalitarians believe all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities. The PartyUnited believed all people are born equal, but legal citizens alone should have control over the government and how tax dollars spent. This proved a hard transition for hate groups such as MSM feminist, erroneous racial movements, illegal immigrate activists and numerous lunatics accusing others of various phobias when

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