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Talia and Isaac

Page 34

by Lorraine Margaret

  She had very little of that precious commodity at the best of times and even less at this moment. There had been a monumental shift in their relationship and she wanted her life here to reflect that change. She needed to be Isaac’s love outside of their beloved blue room, meet other people and become part of his life at court. She took a deep breath.

  “As you wish, Your Majesty.”

  Isaac breathed in sharply, his eyes suddenly wary. He knew her well. “No, Wanwisa, it is as we wish and always will be. I just need you to trust me today. Will you do that for me please?”

  She would. She smiled into his exquisite eyes, appeased by the sincerity and love within them.

  “I will do anything for you, Isaac, anything you ask of me. I am a slave to your love.”

  His mouth curved into a seductive smile. “As I am to yours, Talia. Your happiness is more important to me than my own, a quite miraculous development. I will spend the rest of our lives proving that to you.”

  She reached for him, shamelessly begging for one last kiss, reluctant to let him go. She trusted him, she just had to be patient, that’s all.

  She idled away a little time gazing out the long windows, watching the swans on the riverbank. She couldn’t focus on anything more intellectually demanding for her mind was consumed by Isaac again. Isaac… She was sure he had been gone an age already. This was not a short while. A soft knock at the door made her jump, wrenching her mind away from its Isaac obsession.



  “Please come in.”

  Katrina was glowing. Any lingering fear Talia might have had about Isaac’s treatment of her was banished with one look into Katrina’s sparkling eyes. She looked thrilled about something although she was trying to hide it and be her usual restrained, polite self.

  “His Majesty has asked me to assist you with your toilette, Talia.”

  Talia’s heart broke, feather-line cracks shooting through it with devastating speed. Katrina was to prepare her for Isaac, for another visit to the blue room as if nothing had changed. What was going on? Had she imagined the transformation of their relationship? Or did that transformation only extend to her freedom of behaviour with him? Would they continue as before, with visits to their beloved blue room where she was hidden away from curious eyes? Would Isaac allow her to see her angel hawk only after he had ordered his servants to vacate the castle grounds? Would she still be his plaything, a treasured toy for his eyes only? A life spent in idyll with Isaac, talking and loving freely, sharing thoughts and dreams – was she ungrateful to want more? Shouldn’t that be enough for her?

  Katrina was fidgeting with the sleeve of her dress, her eyes nervously examining Talia’s.

  “Of course, Katrina.”

  She was defeated and so very confused. How could she have been so wrong? This made no sense. Isaac loved her so why wouldn’t he want to show her off at court? All life drained from her spirit as she obediently walked towards the bedroom door.

  “Please, Talia, His Majesty has asked me to assist you in your private bathing room.”

  One short sentence restored peace to her world for there was so much beauty in those words. Assist you Katrina had said, not prepare you for His Majesty, and this would happen in their private bathing room. It was a significant change. “Your private bathing room,” not Isaac’s. Your. She and Isaac were now a couple in Katrina’s eyes. Talia smiled.

  “Thank you, Katrina, but… are you assisting me for any particular reason?”

  A prolonged toilette in the afternoon was most unusual. She was no longer saddened, just intrigued.

  “I believe His Majesty wishes you to be relaxed for dinner, Talia.”

  Relaxed for dinner? In their room? Or… she really couldn’t allow herself to think of the or. Would she finally experience life at the palace outside of their bedroom and beloved blue room? Was Isaac planning to take her to the great hall for dinner? She shook her head to clear it of her obsessive musings. Isaac had asked her to trust him and so she would.

  “Don’t you want me to help you, Talia?”

  Poor Katrina looked quite devastated at the thought.

  “Yes, of course, I do, I am just a little confused as to His Majesty’s intentions, but I will be patient and wait for him to reveal all. Katrina – I am sorry your kindness towards me got you in trouble; I never want to be the cause of your distress.”

  She had been reluctant to raise the subject but it needed to be said.

  “No, Talia, please don’t apologise, His Majesty was…” Katrina hesitated before babbling, “very understanding and appreciative.”

  Isaac had told her the truth. Katrina was unscarred by recent events and had received praise from her beloved master. Talia was certain this was the cause of her barely contained joy and sparkling eyes.

  “That is wonderful news, Katrina, and I would very much appreciate your help with my toilette.”

  She could hear the quiet preparations of the women in the bathing room, the clinking of bottles and the swirling of water. Katrina and Abraham were the only people she had met here… was that about to change? As they entered the bathing room, there was a bubbling excitement and nervousness in her belly but as if by magic the women had disappeared. She was alone with Katrina as usual. She instantly relaxed for despite her desire to meet other people, this was not the best time to do so. She was too bemused by the turn of events. Why an indulgent toilette in the middle of the afternoon? Maybe Isaac thought she smelt and needed a bath? Or maybe he thought she would be bored without him and it would entertain her? It was more likely she was just being her usual over-analytical self and Isaac simply wanted her to relax after her emotionally demanding day. She breathed out, long and hard, and determined to do just that.

  “Are you not bathing with me today, Katrina?”

  Katrina did not join her in the fragrant water but knelt on the steps leading down into the bath instead.

  “No, Talia, this bathing room is only for the use of His Majesty and yourself.”

  Katrina’s words reinforced the sanctity of Talia’s relationship with Isaac. Only ever you, Isaac, only ever you… But there was one thing Talia was still concerned about.

  “Katrina, may we talk freely? As you are not performing the ritual of preparing me for His Majesty, I wonder if we might behave in a more relaxed manner. It would give me so much pleasure to get to know you better.”

  She was using emotional blackmail to get her own way and felt more than a little guilty about it.

  “That will be wonderful, Talia, it will be a pleasure for me too.”

  Talia instinctively knew Katrina’s easy capitulation was not due to her skills of persuasion. It was due to one thing and one thing only.

  “Isaac… His Majesty… did he say we could…”

  Talia bit her lip, not wanting to put poor Katrina in yet another difficult situation, but her friend was relaxed and smiling softly at her.

  “His Majesty told me I must serve you in any way you desire, Talia. He said I may behave in any manner you request of me and we are free to develop our relationship as you wish.”

  Katrina’s gaze was shy but the pleasure in her eyes evident. Isaac had sprung into action after leaving Talia in the bedroom and his new relaxed attitude was bringing joy into all their lives. She was allowed a friend.

  “We can talk freely?”

  “However you desire, Talia.”

  Talia beamed. “No, Katrina, it is however we desire. If we are to be friends we both must have complete freedom of expression.”

  Katrina’s smile was as wide as the one causing Talia’s face to ache.

  “I very much want to be your friend, Talia, thank you. And now, please forgive me, but I really must wash your hair or you will never be ready in time.”

  Ready in time? Ready for what? Had she been right earlier? Was she finally to experience life at the palace? Talia felt anything was possible after the last few minutes and was also certain that what
ever happened would not be anything to fear. Isaac had made it very clear she was mistress of her own destiny and her only wish was to be reunited with him so she could show him just how much that meant to her. Maybe she would accost him and ravish him in the blue room. She giggled at the thought as Katrina washed her hair. Katrina’s eyes widened and looked quizzical as well they might…

  “Forgive me, Katrina, I am more than a little hysterical… in a good way,” she added hastily. “I have had a glorious day.”

  “As have I, Talia, a truly wonderful day.”

  They were both so happy after such drama earlier, it was as if it was a lifetime ago. They giggled together like girls getting ready for their first dance as Katrina applied monoi oil to Talia’s warm, damp skin. It was one of her favourite scents – sensual and seductive, perfect for enticing Isaac. Isaac. Everything brought her back to her love and desire for him. Katrina may have assisted with her toilette today but spiritually Talia had been prepared for Isaac’s pleasure. Now it was her choice to be beautified for him, and not her duty, she embraced it with a passion. She wanted to perfect her body so it became a temple where Isaac could worship her soul and pay homage to their shared spiritual energy. It was her life’s mission to couple with him as often as she conceivably could…


  She walked back into the bedroom to be greeted by the perfect blue of a summer’s day sky… the blue of Isaac’s dream and Isaac’s eyes… in the form of a gown so exquisite it brought tears of wonder to her overemotional eyes. Fashioned from the finest of silks, angels themselves must have designed the celestial creation lying on their bed. She ran her fingers along the draped neckline, following the long, slim column of the gown to the overlapping layers of silk that made up its ethereal hem.

  “This dress is for me?”

  Katrina’s eyes were wet. “Yes, Talia, it is a gift from His Majesty. For you.”

  How had Isaac acquired something so exquisite? It was clearly unworn, untouched… as if it had been waiting for her. She was unused to fine clothes and not easily seduced by luxury but this dress… was a product of the spirit realms.

  Katrina helped her dress, reverently smoothing the gown down over her body. The simple, everyday act of dressing had never been such a mystical experience before. The silk settled around her body, caressing its oiled contours as if it were becoming part of her, moulding to her skin and permeating her soul. Her whimsical nature was in full flight today, given soaring wings by Isaac’s love. He had blessed her with the blue room and this magical blue gown. She would never live another earthbound day for she no longer dwelled in the mortal world. She had journeyed to the spirit realms with Isaac and they would never leave again.

  She remained in a contemplative daze while Katrina brushed her hair until it shone and fell around her shoulders in a sleek auburn curtain. Her face, arms and décolletage were dusted with the sparkling powder popular with the high-born ladies of Cornicunia, and Talia stared in wonder as it blessed her skin with an otherworldly glow. Her eyes were lined with black crayon, her lips stained with crushed berries and oil. Talia stared at herself in the mirror, at the magical creature she had become, a being who belonged in the spirit realms, a soul blessed with true love and a mystical gown. She was a woman transformed – but for what?

  There were tears in Katrina’s eyes as she stood back to admire her artistry. Why was she so emotionally affected by the dress? It possessed a spiritual power that inspired exaltation and surpassed this mortal world. Perhaps her angel Isaac had asked his celestial family to create this dress for it felt like… completion, as if a full circle had turned. She was spirited back to her first day at the palace, to her feelings the first time Isaac’s eyes had met hers. Everything was not what it seemed, something mystical was at play. She had believed that then and she believed it now. Her journey had come full circle, the natural cycle of life in the mortal world.

  “You are perfect, Talia. His Majesty has been blessed.”

  Talia flung herself into Katrina’s arms, overwhelmed by her tumultuous emotions. Anything could happen today but the unknown was no longer a terrifying thing.

  Katrina left her alone, a radiant secret in her departing smile. Talia knew she would learn that secret soon and felt serene peace and patience as she waited for all to be revealed. But now she was alone, she was at a loss. She did not want to sit and crush the mystical gown. She had been told she was perfect and knew it would be impossible to sustain this magical state for long but was determined to do so until Isaac arrived. He deserved perfection. He had given her everything. He had given her the man behind the king.

  She stared out of the window, at Epiphany perched atop the great oak tree. The angel hawk was too far away for her to see the expression in his eyes – but she saw. Such wisdom lay within those golden orbs, knowledge she had not yet attained. Life was a magical thing. So many possibilities, so many wonders still to be discovered…

  She turned as the door softly closed, and Isaac gasped sharply in surprise. It was mesmerising to watch him struggle for composure, his emotions raw and exposed. The all-powerful king was fighting for breath at the sight of one small Lokian visionary clad in a celestial gown. He did not blink his tears away, he worshipped her with them, the fervour in his eyes religious. She was right. This was not a dress, it was a miracle.

  “You are the meaning of my dream, Talia.”

  “You are the meaning of every journey I have ever taken to the spirit realms.”

  He stumbled towards her, his inherent grace destroyed by the profound emotion coursing through his body. His eyes were still wet as he took her hand in his.

  “I didn’t tell you the ending of my dream, Talia, because I wanted your dress to be a surprise. I saw it in my dream, just as you stand in it now. I was close to waking and the clarity of the dream had faded, the edges of my vision distorted and blurred, but I saw this dress.”

  “This dress?” she whispered in awe as his fingers brushed over her wet cheeks.

  “This dress. It slowly took form amidst the blue, took shape out of colour like a vision sent from God. A dress!” He shook his head in wonder. “It was the strangest, most unfathomable of things. All I knew was I had to recreate the dress in my waking life. I didn’t know who it was for or when they would claim it but I knew I had to bring my vision to life. As soon as I woke, I drew a very bad sketch of all I remembered, just enough to keep the vision alive for reality was already trying to steal it from my mind. I knew the dress was part of my future, that I was destined for something other than the hedonistic life I was living. Katrina’s mother was a seamstress of magical abilities, so once I had found silk of the right hue and quality, it was easy for her to make.”

  “Katrina’s mother,” she murmured, understanding why Isaac’s servant had been so moved by the dress. She wished Katrina had told her… but it was Isaac’s story to tell. The dress had been made by skilled hands but was born of Isaac’s spirit… her angel masquerading as a demon.

  “A dress created by an angel.” She stood on tiptoe and he bent to receive her soft kiss. “Thank you, my love, for blessing me with your vision. The minute I saw it I knew it was meant for me.”

  “Talia, you are the visionary, not me. I believe your spirit blessed me with the dream, foresaw our future together. I had no spiritual awareness, my mind was closed to such things, but somehow you found a way to connect with me.”

  Isaac’s impassioned words were the most romantic thing she had ever heard for they signified his growing understanding. His dream had heralded her arrival in his life and his spiritual awakening… he just hadn’t known that then. He had learnt to trust and love, all his self-constructed barriers crumbling to dust to become part of the mortal world while his soul soared freely in the spirit realms with hers. It was incredible to watch the enlightenment growing in his eyes but this all-powerful king with the soul of an angel still didn’t understand how spectacular he was. She would make sure he learnt.

You imbue me with a magic I sadly do not possess, Your Majesty, for your dream sprung from your own mind. It is the way of the spirit realms. They wait patiently until we are ready to embrace all the beauty they have to give, revealing the truth a little at a time in order to assist us on our journeys. You have always been master of your own destiny, Isaac, and you have had the courage to follow where your spirit led.”

  He took a deep breath and folded her into his arms, caressing her forehead with his lips.

  “I treasure your faith in me, Talia. I only wish I had known my spirit was trying to lead me to you. Things could have been so much easier.”

  “No, Isaac.” She placed her hand over his heart, relishing its strong, hypnotic beat, more inspirational than any mantra. “That is not the way of the spirit realms. They never reveal our destinies for if they did we would learn nothing on our journeys through life. We have to discover the truth ourselves. If you and I had known how things would turn out between us, we would not have experienced the spiritual lessons of the last few days and our happiness now would not be so sublime.”

  He stared intently into her eyes. “But you travel in the spirit realms, Talia, you see visions of the future.”

  She smiled. “No, Isaac, my journeys to the spirit realms help me understand the truths hidden behind the illusions of the mortal world. They assist me in my mission to help unify humankind. The future and events within it are not revealed to me; sometimes there will be glimpses, fragments of knowledge about times still to come, but I learn only how to manage my life as it unfolds, not what it holds in store for me.”

  Isaac shook his head, his eyes dazed and full of wonder. “I was threatened by your people, Talia. I thought you wanted to control my people’s minds and take up rule in Cornicunia. I didn’t realise your gifts were used in such a benevolent manner.”

  Her smile grew wider. “We only want to help people understand their minds and spirits, and that is nothing to fear. An enlightened mind does not seek power or control for it is at peace with itself and its place in the world. You never had anything to be afraid of, Isaac, you have always been a fine and compassionate king.”


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