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Talia and Isaac

Page 41

by Lorraine Margaret


  His soft eyes flashed menacingly, such a very mercurial man, but, of course, she knew that already. One moment, sensitive and tender; cruel, heartless bastard, the next…

  “I will not be treated like a toy, locked away to be used when you have finished having fun with your men!”

  She leapt from the bed and glared at him. Her anger and distress were giving her great courage, and she didn’t care about repercussions anymore. She was too upset to be concerned about anything.

  “Do you really think I would do that to you, Talia?”

  He smirked as if he knew a secret she was too stupid to understand. How dare he be amused when she was so very hurt? She desperately scrabbled around in her mind for something that would unsettle him, hurt him the way he had hurt her…

  “If only I had a fruit knife…”

  What was she doing? Her words were stupid, impetuous – and suicidal. Isaac did not look so happy now.

  “What did you say, Talia?”

  He sprang from the bed, his powerful body taut and tense, poised for attack: she had provoked the beast and must deal with the consequences.

  “You have shown me no respect, Isaac, so I will show you none.”

  “Tell me, Talia, how exactly did I disrespect you?”

  “After everything that has happened today, you really have to ask?”

  He moved towards her as gracefully and lithely as a panther, a menacing gleam in his sky blue eyes. She was his prey, and he was determined to have her regardless of her distress. Her body shook with anger, her emotions out of control, her mind fuzzy and disorientated as if she had drunk too much wine. These riotous sensations were new to her, and she had no idea how to regain equilibrium and bring this drama to a peaceful end.

  “You are so impulsive, Talia, always getting yourself into trouble.”

  His voice was dangerously soft. She stared boldly into his eyes as he stroked his fingertips over her cheek.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  He raised his eyebrows and smirked again; why was he behaving so strangely? He was clearly irritated, but still affectionate and… amused. This made her angrier than ever.


  She pushed his hand away and pain flashed through his eyes, stealing her breath. Isaac was suffering too. Good! He deserved it.

  “You go too far, Talia.”

  His voice was barely a whisper but the menace was unmistakable. She whimpered as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down onto the floor, determined to resist his advances. I will not be playing your game today, Isaac. He laid her out on the soft rug for her sacrificial slaughter, the Lokian visionary’s principles and ideals an offering to her master, surrendered to the seductive powers of her king. She could not resist him – and he knew it. She was doomed. He smirked arrogantly as he moved atop her, pressing his strong, powerful body against her trembling one. His manhood was erect, swollen and unyielding, pressing against her stomach, and she couldn’t move away. She was imprisoned in Isaac’s arms, and there was nowhere in this mortal world she would rather be. Bound by his strength, his physical power… and by the spectacular something in his eyes. Bonded for all time. His sweet breath caressed the skin of her neck as his lips brushed over it, and her sex flooded with intimate juices, desperate for union with him. Her heart thumped against his chest, synchronising with the agitated rhythm of his heart, matching his excitement, his desire. She wanted him more than she wanted anything, even more than her dignity and self-respect – but he was arrogant! She was more confused than ever, hurt, angry – and aroused. Isaac was ignoring her fury and distress, mercilessly seducing her, as intent on winning as always. She would not play his game. She would not allow him to use sex as a unifying tool, a healer of all wrongs between them. He had to learn they were no longer playing by his rules, it was their game now.

  She writhed underneath him, desperate for her voice to be heard. “Isaac, stop!”

  She only wanted him to listen, but she was wriggling, struggling, jerking… and her knee slammed against his manhood with supernatural force. He cursed as he pulled away from her and stood, his powerful body shaking with suppressed anger. She watched in a daze as he stomped across the room. His good humour had deserted him. She had vowed to never physically attack him again, but had reneged on her promise. This situation was escalating out of control and she had neither the ability nor desire to halt it. The blood had rushed to her head. She was too confused, angry, emotional, and love-struck to know what she was doing anymore.

  “You go too far, Isaac, you, not me! You abandoned me when I was fragile and emotional. I needed you! And then you return and act as if nothing has happened and expect me to acquiesce to your every demand!”

  He stalked towards her, and she stared bravely up into his burning eyes. They were mesmerising, oscillating between anger and desire, his feelings so intense they consumed the room. They were a living, breathing entity, powerful and dangerous, with the ability to destroy Talia and Isaac. She would not allow that. She was fighting for their love again, but she had caused this perilous situation and was too emotional to handle it wisely.

  “I am King of Cornicunia, Talia, I always get my own way. That will not be changing anytime soon, so get used to it!” He sneered viciously and her fragile heart quivered in her chest. “I abandoned you because I wanted to organise a surprise for you. I have talked with Abraham and made the necessary arrangements, and I demand you do as I tell you to do. I love you, my unique, insubordinate little visionary, and I order you to marry me tomorrow!”

  She was stunned, speechless… and contrite. Isaac had blurted out this wonderful news in anger, his eyes cruel and hard. It was so wrong. But so right! She staggered to her feet and stared into his glittering eyes.

  “You want to marry me tomorrow? You’re not playing with me?”

  He raised his eyebrows and gritted his teeth, his temper more frayed than ever. “Oh, Talia, you outdo yourself, do you really think the man who loves you would be so cruel?”

  She flung herself at him so hard she knocked him backwards and they swayed unsteadily together for a moment before they fell onto the cold stone floor. She landed on top of him and buried her mortified face in his chest.

  “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, please, marry me, yes,” she mumbled like a blathering idiot, her cheeks burning hot with shame.

  Isaac took her head in his hands and held her firmly away from him, his glittering eyes probing hers. “Are you sure you want to marry me, Wanwisa? I would hate my precious little visionary to feel coerced into acquiescing to my demands.”

  “Oh, Isaac, don’t, please. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I’m sorry. Please forgive me, yes, yes, I want to marry you, yes,” she moaned as she shamefully met his intense gaze with hers. She could not hide from those beautiful eyes and there was so much love in them, the spectacular something radiating around the room, a powerful spiritual energy. Their shared energy, the colour blue. She had been such a fool. “Please forgive me, Your Majesty, I have behaved abominably.”

  He smiled, absolving her of her sin so readily; it was far more than she deserved. “No, Wanwisa, please forgive me, I was consumed by my desire to surprise you with a wedding and I didn’t think straight. I should have realised how you would feel after the terrible day we have endured.”

  We have endured. We. Everyone, not just her. She had been selfish again.

  “And I should have known better,” she whispered. “I should have known you wouldn’t desert me, but I felt so fragile and my emotions overwhelmed me. I am ashamed, Isaac, this is not the way a Lokian visionary behaves. I have no excuses for my behaviour, but I do understand it. Our love is so new and so deeply felt, such intense love can make a person irrational, so vulnerable to hurt and pain.”

  “Tell me about it,” he said drily, and she smiled into his warm, forgiving eyes. “Maybe we will both feel a little calmer when we are man and wife, yes?” She nodded and rubbed her nose against his. He un
derstood. Isaac chuckled, his anger effortlessly destroyed by the power of their love. “Good. Well, that’s settled then. Abraham will marry us tomorrow.”

  “Abraham can do that?” She was thrilled.

  Isaac’s eyes sparkled with pleasure. “Yes, Wanwisa, he never officially left the church.”

  She nodded, trying to imagine Abraham in such a puritanical environment. She could not. “Abraham has the soul of a saint, but his faith is of a very personal nature. I cannot envisage him flourishing within the restrictions of the conventional church.”

  Isaac smiled as he stroked his fingers through her tangled hair. “You see the very essence of the man, Talia. He never believed in the dictates of the church and formed his own unique relationship with God.”

  “And his faith is a more profound one because of that,” she murmured appreciatively. Abraham’s beliefs were strangely similar to hers and a major part of why she felt such affinity with him. She was sure he would enjoy travelling to the spirit realms.

  Isaac nodded, his fingers still caressing her hair. “You understand him, Talia. He was thrilled when I asked him to marry us and is ready to spring into action as soon as I tell him you are happy to proceed.”

  His eyes twinkled as her mouth fell open. “Did you really think I wouldn’t want to marry you tomorrow?”

  “Yes, after the way you looked at me when I left you here.” He chuckled. “I even locked you in because I thought you would follow me and spoil my surprise. I was very grateful for the absence of fruit knives.”

  “Oh,” she mumbled into his warm shoulder, ashamed again; she really was a ridiculous woman! How Isaac could want to marry her after her appalling behaviour, she did not know. She was an extremely lucky visionary. She raised her head as an evil thought occurred to her.

  “Hadn’t you better go back to the hall and tell Abraham my answer? He will think I said no and you have killed me.”

  She giggled at the thought of an anxious Abraham, silently pacing the great hall as he awaited his king’s return. Isaac raised his eyebrows, clearly realising he was marrying a madwoman.

  “You are adorable, Talia, despite your refusal to acquiesce to my every demand.” She glared at him, and he roared with laughter. “Do you really think I would leave you now? We will go together and put everyone out of their misery.” He smirked. “That is if you decide to let me up, I am at your mercy.”

  He lay beneath her, his powerful body relaxed and pliant as if her fragile form was in control of it. He looked so young and carefree, not a trace of worry in his sky blue eyes. She really didn’t want to say this, but she had to.

  “How do you think everyone will react? It will be a shock for we have hardly had a long engagement.”

  He stroked her hair back from her eyes and stared into them for a long moment before speaking. “I have told the court my intentions and do not anticipate any problems. My advisors embrace you wholeheartedly, Talia, they know how much you mean to me and they approve of your heritage, are as much in awe of Lokian powers as I. Anyway, if anyone dares to disapprove, they can leave my palace immediately.”

  His tone was rigid, unwavering. She stared solemnly into his eyes. “You’d do that for me? Exile somebody?”

  His lips caressed her forehead. “Absolutely, everyone if I have to. I’m a selfish king, Talia, I need you, our union is not negotiable. You are essential to me.”

  “You are as essential as the air I breathe,” she whispered ecstatically as his mouth descended on hers.

  They wanted nothing more than to tumble into bed and celebrate their upcoming nuptials with intimacy. But that joy would have to wait until later on this interminable day for Isaac’s court were awaiting news of their wedding. As they made the long walk to the great hall, the corridors were deserted as usual, but tonight this was not part of Isaac’s game. Tonight the universe was blessing them with a treasured private moment before they shared their good news with the world.

  There was no need for Isaac to make an announcement. One look at them told everyone all they needed to know. Hand in hand, they walked into the great hall to be greeted with an avalanche of clapping and cheering, congratulations resounding off the tall ceiling and echoing throughout the room. The enthusiasm for their union overwhelmed her, and she was trembling when Abraham bent to kiss her cheek.

  “You’re a brave woman, Talia, if anyone can keep our king in line, it is you. It has been an age since I exercised my power to marry, and joining the two of you together will be a great honour and joy. The love you share is rare and precious.”

  She flung her arms around him, swallowing hard to stem her happy tears.

  “Well done, Your Majesty, you have won the most coveted of prizes, the most esteemed Lokian visionary of them all. It is rare to find a bride befitting such a great king, but Talia is that bride.”

  Bernard’s voice was full of pride in his king’s achievement and Talia’s cheeks grew hot at his fulsome praise. Isaac clapped Bernard soundly on the back.

  “Thank you, Nardo, but there is no strategy involved in our marriage, I am governed only by my heart.”

  “I know, Your Majesty. Yours is a love match, only a fool would not see that, but your marriage will unite your family with the Lokians forevermore and change the course of Cornicunian history. Who can foresee where your beloved Talia will lead us all? The future will be glorious, I am sure of it.”

  Isaac’s eyes shone with emotion. “I pray the Lokians will accept our union and embrace the new reality we will live in together – for Talia’s sake.”

  Isaac was not a carefree, playful groom-to-be – she had been wrong. He was dwelling on the future just like her.

  “I have been trying to connect with my people and communicate my happiness, but… the path is blocked. Their spirits are confused and agitated, they cannot hear what I say. My mind cannot sense the actions they will take. I fear there is much turbulence ahead.”

  Isaac nodded gravely. “I fear that too, my love.”

  He ran his fingertips over her cheek, and she leant into his touch, craving his comfort and reassurance. She could not escape the dark, oppressive feeling of impending doom. It enveloped her body, stifled her spirit for it gave her no direction, no hint of where it was leading them…


  “I cannot see the path my people plan to take, Isaac, and – the unknown terrifies me.”

  They stared transfixed into each other’s eyes until Isaac broke the spell with a decisive shake of his head. “I know, Talia, I too am concerned about the future, but the important thing at the moment is our marriage. I want you to enjoy every second tomorrow and afterwards we will arrange a public celebration so your people and all of Cornicunia can share in our joy.”

  Calm before the storm, such a bittersweet joy… She was jolted out of her contemplation when she glimpsed Katrina hovering nearby. It was time to cast aside melancholy and embrace the celebrations for her wedding. She beamed at her friend, and it was all the invitation Katrina needed. She descended upon Talia, flinging her arms around her in an open display of affection that made Talia catch her breath.

  “Oh, Talia, I am so very pleased for you!”

  “Thank you, Katrina,” Talia managed to splutter as Katrina’s grip on her tightened, crushing her chest and making it difficult to breathe.

  “You deserve such happiness.”

  “As do you, Katrina. You have shown me such kindness and made me feel so welcome here.”

  Katrina finally let Talia go and clutched her hand instead, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks. “Oh, Talia, Jenna will be so happy for you!”

  “I hope so, I will visit her first thing in the morning to tell her the news.”

  “Maybe she will feel well enough to attend our wedding, Talia?”

  She flung her arms around Isaac, overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness, and there was a collective murmur of appreciation from the women nearby. He buried his face in her hair, and murmured, “Sweet Wanwisa,” as she
thanked him over and over again.

  As they parted, a thought occurred to her. “I am afraid Jenna may be too emotionally fragile to be in the company of so many men.”

  “If she is under Katrina’s care, she may feel strong enough to withstand it. Talk with her tomorrow, Talia, see how she feels. I don’t want her to be frightened, but I hope she will feel well enough to attend. You should have a friend at our wedding.”

  “I will.” It felt strange to be saying those two tiny momentous words in advance of their wedding. “I will have Abraham, Katrina – and Bernard.”

  Bernard had certainly spoken as a friend would, his words kind and complimentary. He cleared his throat noisily and nodded, smiling warmly at her. She was stunned; her words had moved this huge, muscular man, one of Isaac’s most respected advisors. Terrible events could bring about minor miracles, break down barriers between people and create bonds where none existed before. Disaster had a way of making people focus on what was important and in this life very little was. Bernard’s smile said everything; he knew she made his king happy and a happy king was a good king. The enormity of her situation suddenly overwhelmed her. King Isaac was taking her for his wife – she was to be Queen of Cornicunia. She and Isaac were to be united for all time.


  “Oh, Talia, I am so happy for you! May the spirit realms bless you both on your wedding day.”

  For a moment, Jenna’s eyes regained their former lustre as she believed in the wonder of the world again. Lokians believed anything was possible for those who were pure of spirit, and Talia and Isaac’s love story surely proved them right. A Lokian visionary was marrying the King of Cornicunia, some strange and mystical power was at play. Their union was destined to be, a transformational event in the history of Cornicunia that would lead to a better life for everyone. Talia’s challenge was to make her people believe that.

  It was an impossible challenge…

  Talia took a deep breath and allowed her negative thoughts to move freely through her mind as she prayed for more positive ones to replace them. She needed the spirit realms as never before, but they were urging her to concentrate on earthly matters. The call of her angel hawk was not inviting her to fly but warning her to remain in the mortal world. Stay, Talia, stay, you are needed there…


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