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Talia and Isaac

Page 42

by Lorraine Margaret


  Jenna’s eyes were sparkling, brimming with excitement. Talia sucked in a huge cleansing lungful of air. She could not indulge herself with spiritual journeys today for this was not just about her and Isaac. The Lokian way was a unified one; if she ignored the interconnection of all souls her spiritual gifts would be in peril.

  “I’m sorry, I am far too excited to concentrate on anything today. Jenna, I would love you to be at my wedding; do you think you might feel well enough?”

  She winced at her stupid question; one short day and night after the attack – what did she expect Jenna to say? She flinched as she awaited her answer, but Jenna’s eyes shone even more.

  “Oh, yes, Talia, I want to be with you on this precious day. You are my dearest friend and your news has lightened my spirit. I only wish our people could be here to witness your joy.”

  Talia bit her lip, fighting to say words she did not want to say. “Jenna, have you communicated with Rowan? Connected with anyone at all?” Her voice was soft and breathless, her heart pounding for she knew what Jenna’s answer would be.

  “My trauma has disrupted my intuition, my sensitivities are scrambled and confused. I can sense Rowan’s sorrow and anger – but there is so much I cannot see.”

  “He is in great distress, in turmoil – and he is hiding from you.”

  Jenna blinked. “Yes. They are blocking you too?”

  Talia nodded, dread gripping her soul again. “They are traumatised, unable to think clearly, but they are blocking us deliberately, Jenna, I know – I did the same thing. They are muddling the pathways of their minds. I think they feel they are protecting us.”

  “From what?”

  Talia sighed and smoothed Jenna’s tousled hair away from her eyes. “I don’t know but despite my happiness I have a terrible feeling of impending doom. All I can do is remain focused on the mortal world and protect Isaac.”

  Jenna’s eyes widened, but she nodded in agreement. Talia’s intuition was sharper and more sensitive than any other Lokian’s and today it was vibrating on a level she had only experienced in the spirit realms before. She had to protect Isaac – but from what? His palace was impregnable and her people had no army – but protect him she must. A small Lokian visionary must shield an all-powerful king from an unknown threat.

  “I am scared of the unknown, Jenna. For the first time ever, the spirit realms want me to deal with this alone.”

  “So you grow even stronger,” Jenna whispered, “develop your miraculous gifts.”

  “Yes, but I am a woman in love and I am selfish; I don’t want to learn and grow. I only want to protect my beloved Isaac.”

  A gentle rap at the door startled them out of their uneasy contemplation and their eyes met as Isaac quietly entered the room. A lifetime of friendship passed between them, and Talia squeezed her friend’s hand gratefully. Jenna understood.

  Talia pulled Isaac to her side and tenderness flooded his eyes as he bent to kiss her forehead. Their shared spiritual energy vibrated between them, bathing the room in pure healing blue. Talia knew Jenna could feel it too.

  “Your Majesty, I would like to congratulate you on your marriage to Talia, I am so very happy for you. I look forward to sharing your celebrations.”

  Isaac’s eyes were wet as he crouched beside the bed. “Thank you, Jenna, I am glad you will be there. I want you to know you will never need to worry about Talia; I love her very much and only want her happiness. I revere her spiritual gifts and will always encourage her to use them, she will not be forsaking her Lokian heritage when she marries me. Talia will enrich the royal family with her noble blood – I am honoured to have her as my wife.”

  It was a beautiful speech, oozing with sincerity and passion, and both women gazed at Isaac in awe.

  “You are a good man, Your Majesty. You will be a fine and loving husband, Talia’s happiness is in safe hands. May you be blessed with many shared journeys to the spirit realms.”

  Isaac’s cheek twitched, and Talia tightened her grip on his hand. Jenna had said exactly the right thing.

  “Thank you, Jenna, your kind words mean so much to me. I hope you feel safe here, everybody is thinking of you and wishing you well. As soon as you are strong enough, we will return you to your husband – unless he comes for you first.”

  The shiver that moved through Talia’s body belied the smile on her face. Isaac’s words were hauntingly ominous – unless he comes for you first…

  “Thank you, Your Majesty,” Jenna whispered as she shot Talia a worried glance. Jenna knew. Many trials lay ahead…

  “Rest now, sweetness, sleep a little if you can. Katrina will help you prepare for the ceremony later this afternoon. We are to have an early evening wedding.”

  She and Isaac wandered back along the corridors, their hands clasped together, their fingers intertwined. Such warmth and love would be hers forever – she was truly blessed. She was relaxed and excited about the day ahead. Lokians were uninterested in the fripperies of weddings, the material aspects other people were obsessed with. Talia cared about nothing but Isaac and being joined to him for all time. This was a day for celebrating their joint future and sharing their happiness with others. It was also a day for spiritual contemplation. Once they were married, she would talk to Isaac about the spirit realms and if he was receptive would encourage him to join her on her travels there. The thought of instructing him in Lokian meditation made her soul soar. So much to look forward to… but first there was something she wanted to do today…

  “Your Majesty, may I spend some time with Katrina this afternoon? I would like her to prepare me for our wedding night.”

  Isaac stopped walking and pulled her close, his eyes probing hers. “That’s not necessary, Wanwisa, I meant what I said. You are perfect as you are.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty, but I know how much you value this ritual. I want to express my reverence and love and give it to you as a wedding gift.”

  “You are the only gift I need, Wanwisa. I need nothing else, only you.”

  She smiled at this reversal of their attitudes, she was wholeheartedly embracing his customs while he appeared to have discarded them as casually as an old pair of gloves.

  “Please, Your Majesty, please allow me to do this for you.”

  His eyes were wet again; it was glorious. “I will allow you nothing, Talia, for I am not your master. You control your own destiny today and always. Bonded for all time.”

  “Bonded for all time,” she whispered, leaning into his hand as he stroked her hair. “I will do this for you because I want to and for no other reason than that.”

  “The only love worth having is given freely,” he murmured, repeating the words she had said when he had blessed her with Epiphany. He brushed his fingertips under her eyes, wiping her happy tears away. “Thank you for my wedding gift, Talia, I treasure it more than you will ever know. But what can I do for you? What will make your day perfect?”

  “I have it – you,” she said fervently.

  “Nothing else?”

  Peace and goodwill between all peoples for eternity… but even her all-powerful king could not bless her with that. She shook her head, desperate to empty it of the pervasive sense of doom, the underlying uneasiness she could not escape.

  “Nothing else, Your Majesty. You may choose my dress, the wedding meal, everything – just, please, give me all of yourself.”

  “You already have all of me, Talia, for eternity and beyond, but if you wish, I will surprise you with our wedding. It will be my gift to you.”

  As she gazed into the spectacular something of his eyes, she felt a lightening of her spirit. There were no spectres lurking in the shadows anymore, no fear of the unknown between them. Whatever ominous threat hung over this palace was not part of their relationship. She and Isaac were unbreakable. They did not only love, they communicated, listened to each other and heard the truth. Theirs was not just an ethereal spiritual love or an all-consuming sexual
attraction, it was a love that would flourish in real life. She and Isaac would always have the magic of the blue room, but their mystical bond was firmly rooted in the mortal world, strong enough to withstand its trials and tribulations for all eternity and beyond.

  Her soul soared, threatening to break free from the confines of her body and fly to the limitless expanse of the spirit realms above. Euphoric, giddy with joy. Her head spun and her heart danced as she lifted her skirts and ran along the corridor, leaving a stunned Isaac behind. She was free! Epiphany’s joyful cries sounded through the open windows, and her spirit danced as she ran even faster, galloping along the corridors that had haunted her.

  “Wanwisa! What are you doing?!”

  She skidded to a halt, giggling hysterically as she turned to stare into Isaac’s pleasure-filled eyes. Full of joy at witnessing her happiness. This was true love.

  “I am enjoying my freedom, my love, giving thanks for my most wonderful day ever!”

  Isaac’s smile was enormous, his eyes glittering with desire as he stalked towards her as if she were a skittish filly about to bolt.

  “You are enjoying your freedom on the day we are to be joined together for all time?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty, I am freer today than I have ever been for I am loved as no other has ever been loved before.”

  Isaac’s eyes softened into liquid pools of emotion, sky blue transformed into azure lakes. She was mesmerised. She stared for a moment before holding out her hand.

  “I love you as no other has ever loved before, Isaac, so you are freer than you have ever been too. Will you join me, Your Majesty? Shall we celebrate our freedom together?”

  Isaac threw back his head and laughed uproariously as he strode forwards to take her hand. Love had driven them mad and it was a glorious state in which to be. She giggled as she pulled him alongside her and they began their journey through his palace again, pounding the stone floors in ecstatic celebration of their love. Her heart was racing just like her feet and the longer they ran, the harder they laughed, sprinting past stunned-looking women carrying plates for the wedding supper and the sweet-faced boy Darren who worshipped her husband-to-be. His cheeks flushed pink as they ran past, his eyes sparkling with pleasure as they waved theatrically. Their love would bring joy to everybody’s lives, embrace all of creation. It was the Lokian way.

  They happened upon Katrina outside the great hall, their faces burning, their eyes shining, their breathing short and fast. Katrina remained admirably unruffled although she bit her lip to suppress a smile. Had she ever seen her beloved king in such a dishevelled state before? She must think Talia a terrible influence. Isaac regained composure to quietly inform Katrina of Talia’s wish to be prepared for their wedding night, emphasising this was Talia’s decision, not his. Katrina’s eyes widened at the earth-shattering news of Talia’s autonomy, but she accepted it immediately, as intent on doing her master’s bidding as always.


  “I am honoured to prepare you for your wedding night, Your Majesty. Is there anything special you would like me to do?”

  Talia reclined in the warm waters with Katrina and gazed into her friend’s shining eyes. Katrina was relishing her sacred task. She was treating Talia like a deity now she was marrying Isaac, and Talia would normally have felt uncomfortable with this but understood it was just Katrina’s way of honouring her king.

  “I want to please His Majesty tonight, give him the very greatest of pleasures. Anything you can do that might aid me in my mission would be wonderful, Katrina.”

  Katrina’s pupils dilated as she clutched Talia’s hand. “Oh, yes, Your Majesty, I would love to help.”

  Twice Your Majesty – and in private too. This would not do…

  “Please, Katrina, I would like you to always call me by my Lokian name when we are alone. Are you happy to do that?”

  She had chosen her words carefully, making it clear she would not expect Katrina to be so familiar in public. She knew Isaac’s loyal servant would never be comfortable doing that. Katrina’s lips trembled as she spoke.

  “Thank you for this great honour, Talia. I am so happy to be your friend.”

  Katrina looked quite giddy, and Talia prayed she would not swoon from excitement.

  “Thank you, Katrina, you are a true friend.”

  Katrina beamed. “I have a little something that will assist you in your quest to please His Majesty.”

  Talia watched as Katrina got out of the bath and went over to the marble shelves, selecting a tiny crystal bottle from the many clustered there.

  “This oil stimulates and excites the nerves, Talia. It will enhance His Majesty’s pleasure as well as your own.”

  She smiled radiantly into Talia’s eyes, clearly understanding tonight was not just about her king but about Talia and Isaac’s shared pleasure.

  “My people use something similar, a forest herb which encourages the flow of blood to the intimate areas and enhances the intensity of sexual climax. It is a wondrous gift from nature to us all.”

  Katrina smiled shyly into Talia’s eyes. “Yes, it is, Talia, and perfect for a wedding night.”

  Talia nodded, her heart thumping with anticipation as her wedding night began to take shape in her fevered mind. It would be a magical experience for both her and Isaac, she would make sure of that…

  “If the herb is infused and drunk in the afternoon its effects are felt throughout the night. Is this oil similarly long-lasting?”

  Katrina’s face flushed as she answered. “Yes, it will work for the duration of your wedding night.” There was a knowing expression in Katrina’s eyes – Isaac’s servant had noticed the intimacy enjoyed by her king and his bride-to-be. She expected Talia’s wedding night to be a long and passionate one…

  “Please, Katrina, prepare my body as you did when I first arrived.”

  She was impatient for the ritual to begin. The ritual perfecting her for Isaac… Tonight was a night for perfection, tonight she did crave that impossible thing; for Isaac, for herself, for both of them…

  When Talia emerged from the bath, shaved and scrubbed and polished, Katrina handed her a dropper of oil, respectfully turning away while she inserted the shimmering globules into her sex and smoothed them over her clitoris and labia. Her body instantly responded to the oil’s caress, a warm, tingling sensation growing in her sex. Katrina slathered Talia’s naked body with sweet-smelling oils of patchouli and jasmine, the heady scent heightening her senses and permeating the room. Talia felt as if she had been created with only one purpose in mind. Copulation with Isaac. She bit her lip to stifle her moan as the oil worked its magic, her sex tingling in anticipation of the night ahead. Her clitoris throbbed insistently, teased and tormented by a desire for satisfaction that would wait many hours to be fulfilled. She yearned to luxuriate in the tenderness of Isaac’s tongue, its skilled, sensuous touch on her erect clitoris. Her sex swelled, aching for his manhood and the relief only it could bring. She fantasised about Isaac sliding his swollen, rock-hard shaft into her engorged and dripping sex, craved the friction of his erection against her over-sensitised nerves. She visualised him turning her onto her knees, taking her from behind and stroking her back as he thrust deep inside of her, inciting her stimulated nerves to experience ecstasy. She was more than ready for her wedding night, but had many hours to wait until she could experience that joy. She must not wish them away for they were the sacred hours of their wedding ceremony and the celebrations afterwards. The excited thud of her heart grew stronger, more erratic, and her stomach lurched in a delightful way. She would be a desire-crazed wreck by the time they returned to their room that night. Poor Isaac would have pledged himself for all eternity to a gibbering fool with only one thing on her mind. The thought made her giggle.


  Katrina looked nonplussed by her hysteria as well she might.

  “Sorry, Katrina, I am ridiculously overexcited.”

  Katrina smiled, her eyes playful.
“I hope I might be able to add to your excitement, Talia. I believe intimate decoration is a Lokian wedding tradition and I would be happy to decorate your vulva. I am sure His Majesty would find it most appealing.”

  Talia was stunned – and thrilled. “It is one of my favourite traditions. It signifies the sanctity of sexual intimacy, celebrates it as a holy thing. How did you hear about it, Katrina?”

  Katrina smiled shyly. “My mother had a Lokian friend who provided her with herbal medicines, they talked of many things my mother passed on to me. I know very little, but your culture is fascinating and beautiful.”

  Talia watched wide-eyed as Katrina went over to the shelves and opened the cupboard underneath them. She still had much to learn about her new friend. Katrina was so much more than just Isaac’s devoted servant, and Talia looked forward to sharing all of her secrets as their friendship developed over time.

  Katrina returned with an intricately carved wooden box, home to dozens of tiny, brightly coloured pots of vivid vegetable dyes. Talia chose the blue room blue and the turquoise that matched her eyes. On impulse, she also selected a vivid scarlet hue to symbolise passion and love.

  “I know what I would like, Katrina, a cross with a heart at the centre, a symbol of eternal life and love. And maybe some wild flowers and birds surrounding it to signify the unity of creation?”

  Katrina was admirably unperturbed by the exactness of Talia’s request and began creating her art with gentle fingertips. It was an intimate experience, sitting on the edge of the bath while Katrina skilfully decorated her smooth, hairless vulva with an inspired vision. Only a few short days ago, Talia had not known Katrina… or Isaac. And now they were bonded for all time. When destiny arrived, you knew instantly – one look in Isaac’s eyes and a miracle had occurred. They had defeated their demons, banished the spectres from the palace, their love victorious. Everything was feeble and impotent against the might of fate. She and Isaac could overcome anything together, they were meant to be. And tonight they were doing publicly what they had done spiritually on their first night, promising to love until eternity and beyond.


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