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Talia and Isaac

Page 44

by Lorraine Margaret

“Like no other has ever loved before.”


  Isaac had chosen her wedding dress. A diaphanous creation of turquoise silk, it caressed her oiled body, a long, narrow column of breathtaking beauty. The neckline plunged from narrow plaited straps, accentuating her small, round breasts, and a glittering shower of sequins cascaded from the low back to the hem as it swept across the floor. Where had Isaac found something so exquisite? Katrina gasped with delight as they marvelled at how perfectly it fitted; it was as if it had been made for her as she and Isaac were made for each other. Talia knew the story of the dress would be a magical and spiritual tale. A fairy tale. The colour matched her eyes perfectly; this was not serendipity, it was fate. This miraculous dress was destined for their wedding.

  The scent of jasmine and patchouli drifted from the bathing room and permeated the air, perfect for the sensuality of a wedding night. It complemented the effects of the stimulating oil as it worked its magic inside her body, arousing her, blessing her with an intense erotic energy that coexisted harmoniously with the love in her heart. The two merged to become the same thing, love and desire combining in readiness for her and Isaac’s union as man and wife. Nothing lifted a soul to the spirit realms as rapidly as the joining of the spiritual and the physical. This unity was the reason for humankind’s presence on earth but was so very hard to attain – and so very easy. When destiny found you the path to the spirit realms became clear and unobstructed, unhindered by the deceptions of mortal life. A Lokian visionary had much experience of the spirit world but Isaac had only just begun to explore. Her soul soared at the thought of the possibilities ahead of him. Ahead of them. Bonded for all time.

  Abraham arrived to escort her to her wedding, and her thoughts floated away into the recesses of her mind. She would live in the moment for it was a perfect one. Abraham wore a white shirt and trousers and an elaborate waistcoat, threaded with gold and silver. He was impeccably groomed and had a distinctly devilish air. Animal sensuality oozed from his body, vibrating at a frequency she had not sensed before. There was exquisite grace and fluidity in his walk, even in the way he held his arm out to her. What had transpired since she had last seen him and Isaac? What ancient mystical ritual had they enjoyed? Her intuition told her something magical had occurred, and her excitement escalated as she thought of Isaac, his mesmerising sexual magnetism stronger than ever before. Her breath caught and her heart raced, its agitated beat pounding in her ears. Their wedding day was to be a hedonistic, orgiastic journey of pleasure and delight. She was smothered in sensual oils, her vulva decorated for Isaac’s pleasure, a woman living only for erotic indulgence and excess. Her sex tingled, heavy and wet with anticipation. A wedding night to remember lay ahead…

  And she was destined for surprise after glorious surprise for Abraham did not lead her to the great hall as expected, but towards the door leading out to the riverbank.

  “Don’t ask, Talia, please, just enjoy. Isaac has planned everything to give you pleasure.”

  She nodded and clung to his arm as happy tears sprung to her eyes. Abraham’s smile was gentle and reassuring, their passage along the riverbank a slow, relaxing one. Epiphany left his perch atop the great oak tree and circled overhead, his cries exuberant and joyful, not calling her to the spirit realms but congratulating her on her earthly journey instead. Abraham’s eyes widened as the hawk swooped around them, diving and weaving through the sky, intent on playing a major role in the wedding celebrations. She reached out to stroke his snow white neck as he brushed past her shoulder, his golden eyes boring into hers. Epiphany knew. He sensed the celestial magic of this sacred day.

  The bird followed their path as they walked further than she had ever ventured with Isaac, passing inquisitive-looking geese as the river grew wider. Abraham led her across a tiny picturesque grey stone bridge into lush, dense woodland that swallowed them whole, immersing her in her spiritual home. She was always her true self when surrounded by the forest and now she was blessed with that peace on her wedding day. She forgot her underlying sense of unease for how could evil exist on a day such as today? She marvelled at the mystical shades of green, the evening sunshine illuminating the beauty of the leaves, sparkling as if caressed with fairy dust. Their path cleared to reveal a tiny white stone chapel cocooned amongst the tall trees at the end of the glade. She gasped, overawed by the sight before her. The people of Isaac’s court lined their route to the chapel, their smiles enormous as she and Abraham drew near. She beamed, her heart thumping and swelling in her chest as it embraced the magic of her wedding day.

  And then it stopped and missed a full beat…

  Isaac stood underneath a tall maple tree, his sky blue eyes fixed on her. His power and masculinity dominated the glade, drawing her towards him, demanding she fulfil their destiny. He was mesmerising – her obsession, her idol, her drug. He wore white trousers and a shirt the colour of her wedding dress, his white waistcoat threaded with glittering turquoise the colour of her eyes. She shook her head as the glory of the moment threatened to spirit her away, take her on a journey she didn’t want to take. No journey to the spirit realms could ever surpass the spectacular something in Isaac’s eyes. It was incandescent, luminous, a beacon of everlasting love and light calling her to the arms of her destiny. This was the moment their lives had been moving towards since birth. No further questions needed, no answers necessary, only celebration of their love. Isaac had never appeared more masculine and powerful, yet had never been more sensitive and tender. His vulnerability had blessed him with astounding inner strength that radiated for all to see. He was a lesson to all men struggling with the duality of their natures, proof that anomalies and contradictions could live together in harmony.

  Like her and Isaac.

  It was the lesson the spirit realms wanted all of humankind to learn.

  Isaac took her hand from Abraham’s arm and raised it to his lips, and the women cooed in appreciation. She stared into his eyes, transfixed by his raw sensuality, breathtaking sexual promise for the night ahead. They were perfectly aligned. The tingling in her sex was impossible to ignore, nerves alert and expectant, muscles clenched in readiness for her wedding night. They yearned to grasp Isaac’s manhood and never let it go. Her sex was empty, aching to be filled. Their wedding night could not come soon enough.

  Epiphany swooped down breaking the erotic tension of the moment. Isaac’s perfect mouth broke into an enormous smile as the hawk landed on her shoulder, brushing his beak against her hair. Epiphany stared into Isaac’s eyes as if congratulating him on his wedding before screeching imperiously and soaring away. She watched the hawk swoop and dive over the clearing, fighting to regain control of her errant sexuality. So much pleasure lay ahead of her. Her breath was short and fast, her lips trembling. She was out of control. Isaac stared knowingly into her eyes, his mouth curving into a sensual smile. These next few hours would be agony and ecstasy.

  “For eternity and beyond,” he whispered into her ear as they entered the tiny chapel. She mouthed his words silently back at him, unable and unwilling to speak them aloud. Normal human communication was unnecessary when you were living in the spirit realms.

  The chapel was cool and smelt of aged wood and history, a profound serenity within its ancient walls. Jenna was sitting at the front, pale and shiny-eyed, propped up by cushions with an attentive Katrina by her side. The only other guests were Isaac’s advisors and their wives, the men standing as if bearing witness to a great historical event. Talia stared at the ancient weathered pews that had witnessed so many royal ceremonies. This place held meaning for Isaac – and now for her too. It was where they would begin their married life together.

  The ceremony passed as if it were a dream she was trying desperately to cling to, eager to treasure and prolong each precious moment. Abraham’s words were passionate yet disembodied as if they were travelling from the spirit realms…

  “Friends, for many glorious and happy years, I have had the honour of living amo
ngst you and supporting and advising our beloved King Isaac. I am infinitely thankful for the close friendship His Majesty and I have forged. Today, His Majesty has blessed me with the greatest of honours by asking me to join him in marriage to Talia, the most esteemed Lokian visionary of our time. This is a momentous day for Cornicunia as our ancient royal family merges with Talia’s noble Lokian blood. The Lokians are a spiritual people, their lives governed by the interconnectedness of all things, their primary motivation unity with all living beings. Talia’s belief in respect, equality and spiritual enlightenment will strengthen Cornicunia and bring a profound new dimension to all our lives. However, this marriage is not born of political or ideological intent, it is born of pure love.”

  Abraham paused, and Talia swallowed past the lump in her throat as she gazed into Isaac’s wet eyes. Abraham’s words were inspired. She and Isaac clung to each other’s hands as he continued to speak, his tone informal and intimate.

  “Talia has been part of our lives for such a short time, but from the moment they met, her special bond with Isaac was apparent. Blessed by God, they recognised each other’s spirit and knew they were destined to be together until the end of time. They have each found their spiritual other, the soul that is meant to share their life and enjoy the peace and fulfilment such a bond brings. Isaac reveres Talia’s spiritual gifts and her loving, empathetic nature while Talia reveres Isaac’s strength of character, his compassion and respect. In just a few short days, they have come to understand each other and attained the harmony you see today. Talia and Isaac achieved this miracle because of their spiritual connection, the mystical thing we call true love but none of us truly understand. Yet their relationship has required hard work. Talia and Isaac are reaping the results of their willingness to listen, negotiate and compromise, casting aside all preconceptions and fears. Their love symbolises the way forward for Cornicunia, and I know they will utilise it to make life better for us all. Talia and Isaac, your magical bond of love has touched everyone here, and we are proud and honoured to witness this moment as you promise yourselves to each other forevermore.”

  Talia shuddered as the essence of the spirit realms moved through the chapel, a delicious shiver of delight coursing through her body alongside the constant, underlying feeling of dread. Their marriage had been blessed by the spirit realms. She clung to Isaac’s hand, trembling at the uneasy mix of fear and ecstasy. Nothing this beautiful could be under threat – could it?

  “Thank you, Abraham,” she whispered. “Your words are a gift from God.”

  Abraham smiled softly. “Thank you, Talia. Now it is time for your words as you make the solemn vows that will join you together for eternity. Please repeat after me…”

  She pledged herself to Isaac as if in a trance, mesmerised by the spectacular something in his eyes.

  “I promise to love you as no other has ever loved before. Bonded for all time, Talia.”

  “I promise to love you as no other has ever loved before. Bonded for all time, Isaac,” she whispered, awed by Isaac’s desire to speak their personal words as part of this public declaration. He was proud and unashamed of his feelings, a man whose strength of character knew no bounds – and she could take him even further, lead him deep into the spirit realms…

  When the ceremony was over, they spent a few moments with Jenna and Katrina, both women’s eyes shining wet with emotion. “May you be blessed with many shared journeys to the spirit realms,” Jenna murmured, echoing Talia’s thoughts. She let out a long, deep breath of relief as Bernard flung open the chapel doors and announced that King Isaac and Talia, Lokian visionary, were married. A euphoric cheer rang out through the tranquil woodland, heralding a new life for them all. There had been no terrible disaster, no hideous fate. They were safe. She and Isaac were man and wife.

  As they led the procession back to the palace, the people of the court scattered sweet-smelling rose petals in their path. Epiphany reappeared, soaring overhead, filling the sky with his congratulatory cries, good wishes from the spirit realms.

  “Thank you, husband, for our perfect wedding.”

  “A perfect wedding for my perfect wife.”

  They smiled peaceably into each other’s eyes, all her concerns forgotten as she embraced the beauty of the unknown between them, the infinite possibilities that lay ahead.

  “My heart cannot contain so much joy, if this wonder continues it will surely burst.”

  She stared wide-eyed at the great hall festooned with wild flowers, transformed into a woodland glade for their wedding supper. Isaac had brought the glory of nature inside for her. The sweet smell of roses permeated the air and garlands of lush foliage were scattered everywhere. She thought of the cross, wild flowers and tiny blue birds that decorated her vulva. She was so grateful to Katrina. All she had to give Isaac was this intimate decoration and the decadent pleasure of the stimulating oil. She prayed he would appreciate these things as much as she appreciated his more grandiose gestures. They were her homage to their love.

  “Please sit, Your Majesty.”

  They had stopped at the head table and Isaac pulled out a chair for her.

  “Your Majesty?”

  His smile was warm and playful. “Of course, Wanwisa, you are my queen, my wife.”

  The men and women of the court clattered into the hall behind them, waiting for her and Isaac to be seated first.

  “Thank you, Isaac,” she whispered as he moved the chair underneath her, overwhelmed by his public display of reverence. He sat beside her and whispered in her ear.

  “You have brought such joy and love into my life, Talia, you have given me the most precious thing in this world. Yourself. And now, I must feed you.”

  The twinkle in his eye was positively evil; she laughed.

  “Must you, Your Majesty?”

  “Oh, yes, you need fortification for the long and demanding night ahead.”

  She shivered in anticipation as Abraham took the seat alongside Isaac. Jenna trembled in Bernard’s arms as he carried her to the chair next to Talia and gently sat her down. This chair had been prepared for Jenna, with extra-soft, thick cushions to rest upon. Despite this comfort, Jenna winced as her body settled into it, and Talia’s heart fractured in response. Jenna was in pain, and her suffering pierced Talia’s soul, vividly reaffirming how lucky she was to have found Isaac.

  “Jenna, are you sure you feel well enough for this?”

  She clasped her friend’s hand and received a shockingly radiant smile in response.

  “I want to be with you, Talia. Katrina has kindly given me painkilling herbs which may cause me to sleep so please be assured, if I do it is not because I am tired of the company.”

  Isaac smiled at Jenna’s brave attempt at humour and Talia was soon reassured by her friend’s appetite. Jenna had hardly eaten a thing yesterday, yet safe with her friend and her new husband, she managed some cheese and a small plateful of saffron rice. Isaac had chosen the menu himself, selecting simple, fragrant foods, exquisitely seasoned, an informal feast ideal for a relaxed and intimate reception. There were many different types of bread: rye and pumpernickel, soft wholewheat rosemary rolls, crusty onion loaves with caraway seeds and cardamom, all perfect for smothering with salted, spiced butter and piling high with an array of cheeses, herbs and relishes. There were bowls of olives, tomatoes and basil, and large decanters of nutty oil for dipping. Swept up in the excitement of the moment, Talia drank far too much rich, fruity wine and despite the hearty meal, her head was spinning by the time the dancing began, the wine adding to her giddiness at being Isaac’s wife. Theirs was the first dance as was the wedding custom for most peoples, and she was glad of the strength and protectiveness of Isaac’s arms. They scarcely moved, so there were little demands on the steadiness of her feet, and she clung tightly to her new husband as they swayed gently to the melody, hush descending on the great hall.

  “So beautiful for everyone to witness your bond,” Abraham murmured as everybody clapped and
got to their feet.

  The evening continued in this delightfully informal fashion. Jenna was unbelievably brave, sitting in the vast hall seething with raucous men, and Katrina didn’t leave her side. As midnight approached, Jenna began to wilt, her eyelids growing heavy, her shoulders slumping.

  “Jenna, please leave if you wish, you must be exhausted.”

  Jenna flashed Talia a grateful smile. “To be truthful, I am, Talia, yet I am reluctant to leave your celebrations, such a beautiful wedding day.”

  Talia embraced her friend, praying Jenna knew how much she appreciated her support.

  “Thank you, Jen, I am so glad you were able to share it with us. You will be reunited with Rowan soon, I am sure.”

  Jenna nodded, a light glowing at the back of her eyes, burning fiercely past the pain lurking there.

  “I am too, I feel it, but until then… I know I am safe.”

  As Bernard carried Jenna back to her room, followed by the ever-attentive Katrina, Talia thought of Michael and the terrible fate awaiting him – but only as terrible as he deserved…

  “Soon, Talia, soon, just a little more awareness of all he has lost, and then we will end his life. Do not give him another thought, not tonight, sweetheart.”

  How did Isaac know what she was thinking? Her eyes widened in wonder at his sensitivity, his awareness of all she felt and thought. Her husband had the soul of a Lokian guru, he just didn’t know it yet. She would help him discover just how spectacular he was. She nodded and smiled up at him, her heart overflowing with love.

  “Maybe we, too, are overtired, Talia? What do you think?”

  Her smile grew wider as he stroked her cheek. He had read her mind again. Yes, maybe, we are…

  “Oh, yes, I’m sure we are overtired, Isaac, maybe we need to retire soon?”

  They grinned like children, intent on mischief-making.

  “I can hardly keep my eyes open, my sweet, sooner rather than later, I think, don’t you?”


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