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Talia and Isaac

Page 43

by Lorraine Margaret

  Bonded for all time.

  Isaac is Prepared

  “Katrina is preparing Talia for our wedding night – Talia’s choice, not mine.”

  He was standing in the great hall amidst the hubbub of the wedding preparations. His advisors were awaiting their king’s orders, but he needed this moment alone with Abraham. He was impossibly proud. His beloved Wanwisa had chosen to beautify her body in his honour as an expression of her reverence and love. He was still dazed by her words, kept repeating them over and over again in his head. They meant so much to him. I know how much you value this ritual. I want to express my reverence and love and give it to you as a wedding gift. Talia’s willingness to embrace his customs brought tears to his eyes. She was right, they were joint winners of the game for he had found the deep mutual love he had always yearned for. He was victorious, the very luckiest of men… and, of course, Abraham understood.

  “This is everything you have ever wanted, Isaac, a profound, unselfish love, spiritual as well as passionate. Talia would do anything for you.”

  “As I would for her. The intensity and depth of our love is hard for me to comprehend. She detested the preparation ceremony, Abra, but now she is embracing it wholeheartedly for me.”

  Abraham nodded thoughtfully. “Love transforms all it touches, elevates it to a higher place. The ceremony has become something beautiful to Talia now she is assured of your love for her.”

  Isaac smiled at his wise friend. “I cannot believe I have been so blessed, my life transformed so suddenly and unexpectedly. I must give thanks for Talia, express my love and reverence as she is doing for me.”

  “Then we must prepare you for your wedding night, Isaac, enhance your beauty for Talia’s pleasure.”

  Abraham sniggered as Isaac punched him playfully on the arm, and the nearby men chuckled at their tomfoolery. A joyous, light-hearted king meant an easy time for them, but Isaac had something serious to say. His next words would be monumental, signal a shifting of life at the palace, a transformation that would affect everyone from today. Their perception of their king was about to change forever.

  Isaac turned to his advisors, impatient to instigate that change. He was no longer the man they thought they knew. He was reborn, bewitched by Talia, and the sooner everyone realised that the better. He drew in a deep breath; this was simple, but he had to do it right.

  “Friends, there is something I need you to do for me immediately. I would like the cage to be removed from my room and taken to the dungeons where it shall remain from this day forwards.”

  There was a loud collective gasp from the women laying the tables as they stopped working to gape wordlessly at him. What had they expected? That he would continue to entertain a chosen few in the cage after marriage to his beloved Talia? Any marriage that would endorse such behaviour would be a crime against God and destiny, an abuse of the blessed love they had bestowed. The men seemed to realise this, their reaction surprisingly muted, unperturbed by his proclamation. He had talked to them about his feelings for Talia and they would have been fools to think he would continue living as he had before. And his advisors were no fools… They knew Isaac’s previous life was over and that this was the way it should be. A man could not be blessed with true love and treat it flippantly.

  “I will do it myself, Sire.”

  The respect in Bernard’s voice made his approval crystal-clear.

  “I’ll help you, Bernard.”

  Darren had been loitering at the edge of the group of advisors, waiting to see if his practical skills were needed. The boy’s eyes were shining, his youthful romanticism given wings by Isaac’s request. He was caught up in the excitement of the wedding, eager to celebrate his king’s new-found love. It was touching, and Isaac felt a deep swell of pride. Darren hero-worshipped him. Isaac’s love for Talia would inspire the boy to search for a grand passion of his own, and that was an immeasurably precious thing.

  He nodded appreciatively. “Thank you, Darren, Bernard. And now it is time for Abraham and I to depart and begin our ablutions.”

  Bernard grinned salaciously. “Abraham, make sure our king is prepared properly for Talia, a groom should only have the pleasure of his bride in mind on their wedding night.”

  Isaac grinned at Bernard and slapped him on the back, knowing full well what his lusty friend was alluding to. The royal family’s ancient pre-wedding ritual for grooms – would he and Abraham observe it? Such a thing was not in Abraham’s nature, but this was a special day. Whatever they did would be sacred, blessed by the divine. Love transforms all it touches, elevates it to a higher place…

  They walked together to Isaac’s dressing room to collect his wedding apparel. His last few hours of bachelorhood would be spent with Abraham, celebrating their friendship and the precious new addition to their world.


  “Time for this beauty at last.”

  Isaac reverently caressed the anomaly in this bastion of masculinity, the exquisite oddity hidden amongst his many fine trousers and shirts. Talia’s wedding dress. It had waited patiently for her arrival, and at last she would claim it. His fingers moved tenderly over turquoise silk the colour of Talia’s eyes, caressed the plaited straps as he imagined sliding them from her porcelain shoulders tonight. His cock was craving its wedding night.

  “We always knew this day would come.”

  Abraham’s voice was reverent too for he knew the truth. He was the only one who did. Abraham had been there when this omen of the future had entered Isaac’s life.

  “I have hardly looked at it over the years, yet it was always here, safely nestled amongst my personal things, a constant reminder of how deeply its destined owner would become embedded in my heart and soul.”

  He ran his fingers lightly over the shower of shimmering sequins that cascaded down the back of the gown to the flowing hem.

  “From the moment you saw it, you knew true love would be your destiny,” Abraham murmured, his voice full of wonder. Isaac smiled softly.

  “We are too fanciful today, friend, two romantic fools, and thank God for that! It is time for this as well.”

  He drew out the turquoise silk shirt, the colour of Talia’s wedding dress.

  “Yes, Sire, after I have perfected you for your lucky bride.”

  Perfected for Talia, his bride, his wife… His new life. His early years as king had been a hedonistic period, a time when debauchery was in fashion, and he had taken full advantage, serviced many women a day. First there had been the countless conniving high-born ladies of the land, intent on winning their king’s hand and other parts of his anatomy. Their ruthless social climbing had been amusing – and sexually titillating. He had been unable to resist playing with them a little. And then there was the constant provocation of everyday life at the palace. He had frequently encountered servants in deserted rooms, their breathing quickening on his arrival. Hoping, praying for intimacy with their king – how could he disappoint them? His animal passion stirred, he had taken these willing slaves to his pleasure, bent them over the nearest piece of furniture, lifted their skirts, and fulfilled his duty as King. Sometimes, he had cruelly withheld the accolade of his climax, taken them hard and fast, with just one deep thrust of his cock, before pulling out. All over within seconds, a fleeting, “Good girl,” the woman’s only reward as he left the room. It had been the perfect way to keep the women happy and assert his power, bestowing the smallest of favours and leaving them always wanting more. He knew they discussed his sexual exploits. They were all obsessed with the cage, yearning to be kept in his room for one long, sensual night of his attentions, a night where he belonged only to them. This honour he had rarely given. It was too intimate, his room, his safe haven, hour upon hour with one woman. He had always craved sexual pleasure, but never desired any woman beyond that, never wanted to talk to her for hours during the bouts of lovemaking, listen to her dreams and fears. He had wanted only to satisfy his desire, rid himself of the compulsion to fuck. However sex
ually obsessed he had been with a woman he had always been able to fuck her out of his system in one long night. He had never wanted to stare into the limitless depths of any woman’s eyes… until Talia. She was the only woman who had ever shared his bed. He had cherished and adored her from that very first night, every word that fell from her lips a treasure of unimaginable beauty. Talia. She was the woman he would never fuck out of his heart. She was part of him, embedded in his body and soul, the woman he would love and worship for all eternity…

  “What have I been doing, Abra? I see everything clearly now, my life has been meaningless, merely a way of passing the time until I found Talia.”

  Abraham shook his head. “No, not meaningless, Isaac, everything you have done, all you have experienced, has led you to this point today. It has made you the man Talia loves, the man who can wholeheartedly love her in return.”

  Isaac stared back at his friend, his thoughts crystallising in his mind. “It is the right time for our love. I wasn’t aware of it, but I was ready for this, waiting for Talia as she was for me. If we had met any earlier that may not have been the case for one or both of us.”

  Abraham nodded softly. “Everything happens when it is meant to happen.”

  “And is even more precious because of the wait. Good God, Abraham, if I had known what wonder lay ahead of me, I could never have borne the waiting! Such beauty in my life now.”

  His friend’s wise eyes studied him thoughtfully. “Your words are heartfelt and eloquent, Isaac. We must discuss what you would like me to say at the ceremony so I can include anything personal you wish to say.”

  Isaac smiled. “I trust you to find the right words, Abra. You know me well and you already understand my precious Talia.”

  Abraham grinned, mischief dancing in his brown eyes. “Thank you, Sire, I will do everything in my power to pay homage to your love. Talia is a rare and exceptional woman; I only hope I can do her justice. Now, I hate to distract you from your musings, but I wonder if you might wish to partake in your most ancient of wedding rituals?”

  Isaac’s mouth fell open in surprise, unable to believe his spiritual friend had brought this up. The pre-marriage masturbation ritual was not intended to be a lewd and lustful act although it usually turned out that way. How could the groom masturbating with a close friend, or friends, be anything other than that? The ritual was born of practical purpose, designed to ensure the groom was capable of satisfying his bride on this most important of nights. It ensured his ardent cock was not desperate to satisfy its lust, but could restrain itself for long enough to please the eager new wife. It was tradition, a bawdy part of royal history, but something about it disturbed him now. He sighed heavily.

  “Abraham, as God is my witness, I don’t know what Talia has done to me. The ritual seems a little crude now.”

  He rolled his eyes at his friend, despairing of the monumental change in his feelings, behaviours, beliefs. He didn’t know himself anymore, but he infinitely preferred the new multi-faceted man he had become. It was unbelievable – and ridiculous. Suddenly, he was laughing out loud like a village idiot and Abraham’s grin grew wider still.

  “Isaac, you’re such a pleasure to be around. You are consumed by love – Talia is your entire world now.”

  “Tell me about it,” Isaac answered ruefully, the swelling of his heart belying the inflection of his words. He had been struck by love as if by lightning, its red-hot passion searing into his soul, branding it with Talia’s name for all eternity. It burned so deep it was excruciating, but he bore his pain proudly, the intensity irrefutable proof of the power of their love.

  “So will you be indulging in the ritual, Sire? It is somewhat earthy, yes, but is another way you can demonstrate your love for Talia.”

  Isaac frowned and shook his head. “You’re enjoying this a little bit too much for my liking!” He stared into Abraham’s teasing eyes. “Alright, you and me, why not? At least, I’ll be masturbating with the most spiritual man in the palace!”

  Abraham chuckled salaciously, not living up to the accolade Isaac had given him at all. “It will be your final indulgence in debauchery before fulfilling your destiny with Talia.”

  Isaac was smug. Abraham did not understand him and Talia as well as he thought he did.

  “I give up nothing, Abra, this is not my final anything. Everything I am, I can be with Talia, I do not have to censor myself or change. She is very happy to indulge all my desires, however depraved. The only difference is I belong to her now, no other woman interests me.”

  Abraham’s mouth was agape, but he recovered quickly, a knowing light rising in his eyes. “The excitement of the day must be addling my brain. Your words confirm what I knew in my heart from the moment of Talia’s arrival. She is a pure Lokian who embraces the true essence of the self, she would never try to restrict or change you. I think she would approve of what we are about to do.”

  Isaac grinned again. “I think she would approve of anything I do with you, Abraham. You are quite the hero in her eyes.”

  Abraham chuckled as Isaac drew him into his arms for a brotherly embrace. They held each other for longer than usual, silently acknowledging the profound change in Isaac’s life.

  “So, shall we retire to my bathing room, Your Majesty? I have rather a lot of work to do if I am to perfect you for Talia and she deserves the very best of wedding nights!”

  After they had indulged in a little male grooming, the two men relaxed in the warm waters together. Abraham’s bathing room was small and windowless, the pure white walls lit by dozens of tall candles. Its simple beauty was designed to aid spiritual contemplation – but not today. Today something would happen these four walls had never witnessed before. The men’s eyes met – and the ritual began. Isaac fisted his cock under the scented water and focused on the symbolic nature of the act. After so much erotic indulgence over the last few days, he knew he could give Talia pleasure before he took his own. He was not doing this to ensure her wedding-night bliss but in recognition of the noble royal family from which he sprung. This was tradition, however bawdy, and it was an experience for him and Abraham to share. For the majority of men, this ritual would be a lusty celebration of their cocks but Abraham was different. He had left the organised church behind, but his belief in the creator was stronger than ever. His friend found spiritual meaning and resonance in places other men didn’t know existed; who knew what miracles they might discover together now?

  And just as Isaac anticipated, Abraham’s presence moved something in him, touched something profound. Abraham elevated this act the way Talia elevated fucking. As they began to pump their cocks under the warm, milky water, something mysterious and unknown flowed through Isaac’s body, giving birth to the thoughts forming in his mind…

  “If you would like a little inspiration for the wedding service, Abra, I will try to give it to you.”

  Isaac groaned as Abraham’s pleasure-filled eyes met his.

  “Please go ahead, Sire.”

  Isaac’s sexuality belonged to Talia now and he would pay homage to her in front of the one man who would understand. This was Isaac’s wedding day confession to his trusted priest, his spiritual advisor, this most sexual of activities transformed into a profound testimony of love. Love transforms all it touches, elevates it to a higher place…

  “Talia is part of me, we are part of each other, without her I don’t exist anymore. I don’t know where she begins and I end. When I am inside her, her body feels like it is part of mine and has been since the beginning of time. We feel true unity, Abra, peace and passion, the most exquisite combination on God’s earth. My cock is permanently hard in her presence, yearns to be buried inside her all the time. It feels incomplete without her as do I.”

  He was arousing himself with his words, already close to climax, the pleasure spreading throughout his body as it did when he was with Talia. It coursed through his veins, the intensity of sensation a physical memory of all he had shared with her. The pleasu
re consumed him, transformed him into a being of love…

  “That’s how it should be.”

  Abraham grunted his words, his excitement evident. Isaac groaned as his seed gushed into his throbbing cock, eager to express its love for Talia.

  “It’s so much more than fucking, Abra, so much more than the sweet clench of Talia’s tight little cunt around my cock. Being intimate with Talia is… everything… she worships me as I do her.” He growled, his head spinning as he pumped his cock harder, faster, and Abraham joined him, their fists moving urgently, their eyes locked together. “Talia loves my cock more than I do, embraces it and me completely. Now I have won her love, I have more of myself than I have ever had before. She enriches my life in ways I did not think possible. Good God!”

  Too much, too much love… He was coming harder than he ever had when masturbating and he had masturbated many, many times before. Male sexuality was an all-consuming thing, and now he had a true love who worshipped it. He was a lucky, lucky king. Abraham’s eyes widened and then half-closed in ecstasy as he let out a long drawn-out groan of pleasure. Isaac stared at his friend as he realised the startling truth. Abraham had come as never before too, inspired by the tale of Talia and Isaac.

  “Are your climaxes always that powerful with Talia?”

  Abraham was panting, clearly unable to comprehend a continuous onslaught of such spectacular orgasms. His question was uncharacteristically prurient, born of intense emotion and pleasure. Isaac was only too happy to oblige with an answer.

  “More powerful, my friend, harder, sweeter, more intense, everything… more. When I’m with Talia, everything is always so much more.”

  “Like no other has ever loved before.”


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