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Lovely Little Lies

Page 2

by Travis Szablewski

  “You are too good to me, Mrs. Hampton,” Robbie smiled giddily as he reached through the security box window and took the wrapped sandwich from Victoria.

  “I had a feeling you forgot your lunch again,” Victoria smirked as she stared forward at the tall iron gate in front of her as it slowly parted open.

  “This beats my mom’s chicken salad by far. I’ll remember to forget it more often,” Robbie smiled as he unwrapped the sandwich and took a bit bite.

  “Have a good one, doll face,” Victoria smiled as she placed her sunglass back onto her face and pressed her heel onto the gas, her car lunging forward and through the open gates. Victoria’s car sped down the smooth pavement of Magnolia Cove, passing house after house along the pristine and luxurious subdivision. Each house, larger than the last. Every lawn, trimmed to perfection. Magnolia Lane was the elite neighborhood of Harmony…and Victoria couldn’t bare to live anywhere else in this shit-kick town. Victoria turned her wheel sharply to the right as her car sped into her driveway, coming to a sharp stop. Victoria ripped her keys from the ignition and shoved her door open, stepping out of the car as her heels clicked along the concrete pavement. Victoria reached into the backseat and wrapped her tiny hands around a set of shopping bags; from Gucci to Louis Vuitton to Prada. Victoria turned from her car and made her way towards the large glass front door of her massive home; built of three stories and constructed of brick. A set of four white columns stretched up to the second story and rested beneath a large balcony that looked over the lush green front lawn. Victoria slid the bags down her forearms as she walked up the stone front steps and grabbed the golden door handle and stepped into her personal castle. The cold, refreshing air from inside plastered her hot skin as she swung her hip back, tapping it against the edge of the door, slamming it closed behind her.

  “Derek, are you still home?” Victoria called out as she made her way through the large foyer, her heels sounding off on the marble floor beneath her. Victoria made her way through the kitchen doorway and placed her shopping bags onto the center island…as the glass backdoor to the right opened. Victoria turned around as her eyes settled onto her stepdaughter, Elle Hampton.

  “I see you’re putting my father’s money to good use,” Elle sighed coyly as Victoria eyed her skimpy black and white bikini; the top barely big enough to cover her nipples.

  “I thought I told you to throw that nasty thing out,” Victoria sighed as she glared at the tiny pieces of fabric covering Elle’s thin body.

  “That’s funny, I told dad the same thing about you,” Elle growled as she rolled her eyes and ran her hands through her long brown hair, making her way towards the refrigerator.

  “I’m sorry I don’t want you to ruin your life and get pregnant by eighteen,” Victoria snapped back as she walked around the center island, her arms crossed over the front of her black Fendi dress.

  “Shit, that would be a blessing; then dad would kick me out and I’d get the hell away from you,” Elle sighed as the slammed the refrigerator door shut, a soda in her hand.

  “Where is your father?” Victoria asked sharply.

  “I’m right here,” a deep voice rang out behind Victoria as she turned towards the doorway. Derek Hampton shuffled into the kitchen, dressed in a light blue button down and a pair of black slacks; his short gray hair gelled back smoothly.

  “I figured you’d be at the office already,” Victoria smiled as she walked towards Derek as he adjusted his tie.

  “I woke up late and lost track of time,” Derek sighed as he checked the Rolex on his left wrist. Victoria stepped closer towards him as her eyes scanned the liver spots that lined his receding hairline and trailed down his cheeks. They always got weird looks anytime they were out in public; Derek was fifty and Victoria was only twenty-eight. Only ten years older than Elle, she knew the repercussions that came with marrying a much older man. But she didn’t care. It was comforting…being with him. She didn’t have to worry about anything else for the rest of her life. His criminal law office was on the rise and he loved her the way she wanted to be loved; with an American Express. His wife, Eleanor, died four years ago in a car accident. It was only a year after that when he settled his eyes onto Victoria…a temp at his office. The next thing she knew, they were fucking in the bathroom during her lunch hour and she had a pretty little three carat diamond ring on her finger. She knew she could never replace Eleanor, and she didn’t want to. She knew what Derek needed; a woman who could love him…give him attention…and she did. She did anything he wanted to do…as long as he kept her account filled to the rim.

  “Can’t you stay a little longer and have a late breakfast?” Victoria asked sadly as she draped her arms along Derek’s shoulders.

  “I wish I could, baby, but I have to go. I’ve got two big clients coming in at eleven. You know I’d rather stay here with you,” Derek said softly as he leaned forward and kissed her pink lips. “Keep an eye on these kids, alright?”

  “Good God, dad, I’m seventeen years old,” Elle growled as she popped the can of soda open and took a long sip.

  “I love you,” Derek smiled as he kissed Victoria once more and made his way out of the kitchen. Victoria slowly turned on her heel, her eyes burning into Elle, as she stepped up to the center island beside her.

  “So, what are your plans for today?” Victoria asked as she placed her hands onto the tile countertop.

  “Ignoring you,” Elle smiled wickedly as she placed the can of soda onto the counter. Victoria understood the resentment that Elle had towards her; she saw Victoria as a hot little number that was trying to fill the void that Eleanor left wide open. But she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to replace her. She wanted the royalties and benefits of her life, not her children.

  “That’s why I love you,” Victoria smiled coyly as Elle rolled her eyes and made her way towards the kitchen doorway. Victoria’s eyes then drifted to the glass patio door as she heard the light splashing noises coming from the large inground pool outside. Victoria stepped around the counter and stopped in front of the glass door, staring out at the muscular arms that cut through the clear surface of the crystal blue water. She watched as a pair of tan hands reached up from beneath the surface at the end of the pool, wrapping tightly around the concrete edge. Harlan Hampton’s head lunged up from beneath the water as he pulled himself out of the pool and stood up, his yellow swimming trunks clinging tightly to his muscular calves and bulge. Harlan smoothed his long blonde hair back as tiny streams of water trickled down his chiseled abs and toned arms; the water reflecting off of his smooth, tan skin.

  Victoria gently placed her palm against the glassy surface of the door…as Harlan’s blue eyes darted in her direction. Victoria’s heart fluttered in her chest as a soft smile spread across her twenty-year old stepson’s face.

  He…was the biggest benefit that came with saying “I do” to Derek. Victoria bit her bottom lip as Harlan made his way towards the small guest house in the corner of the large patio, the water dripping down his tight body as he winked coyly.

  Victoria watched as he made his way to the door of the guest house…and wrapped his large hands around the waistband of his swimming trunks. He then inched them down…slowly…as the slick, soaked material glided down his tight buttocks and to his ankles, his muscular back towards her. Harlan kicked the swimming trunks from his ankles and stepped through the open guest house door…disappearing inside. The black wooden door then slowly closed tightly behind him.

  Victoria smiled as she grabbed the golden handle of the patio door and slid it open, making her way down the stone steps and towards the open guest. Victoria’s heels moved cautiously along the slick concrete pavement; her eyes glued to the door ahead.

  She reached to her breasts and tightened her hands around the top button of her dress, pulling it open. Victoria stepped up to the guest house door…as her trembling hand wrapped around the handle. Victoria glanced over her shoulder and back towards the main house.

e coast was clear.

  Victoria turned the handle, her heart racing in her chest…as she stepped into the tiny guest house…and closed the door tightly behind her.


  “Please just put your arms up,” Lillian Sinclair begged as she stared back at the freckled face of her five-year old son, Gordon. Lillian was knelt down in front of him as she squeezed her hands tightly around the tiny Mickey Mouse shirt.

  “I don’t want to! I don’t like Mickey anymore,” Gordon whined as he rubbed his little eyes.

  “You loved him yesterday,” Lillian giggled softly as she ran her hand through Gordon’s short red hair.

  “I want to wear my Wolverine one,” Gorgon sighed as his bottom lip puckered out.

  “Honey, I told you; it’s in the hamper. I promise you…I’ll wash it tonight and you can wear it tomorrow. But, for today…Mickey is going to have to do,” Lillian said. Gordon sighed softly…defeated…as he raised his arms above his head. “Thank you,” Lillian grinned as she slid the Mickey shirt over his head and down his tiny torso.

  “Is Kylie here yet?” Gordon asked as Lillian stood up and smoothed the front of her yellow sundress out and combed her curly brown hair behind her ears.

  “Why don’t we go downstairs and see? If not, we can eat some cereal while we wait for her, alright?” Lillian asked as she stepped over a pile of Legos on the floor and out of Gordon’s bedroom. Lillian made her way down the second level hallway of her home and quickly shuffled down the stairs, making her way towards the foyer far below. Lillian quickly checked the Michael Kors diamond watch on her left wrist as she made her way through the foyer and towards the kitchen ahead.

  It was already eight-thirty. She was kicking herself in the butt for agreeing to do the summer school courses at Harmony Middle School. As if eleven months of the year already wasn’t enough. Lillian made her way into the kitchen and rushed to the cabinet beside the refrigerator. She pulled the cabinet open and grabbed a box of cereal and Gordon’s favorite bowl; the one with the plastic straw attached to it so he could suck up every last drop the soymilk. Lillian quickly placed it onto the counter and ripped the box open, pouring the tiny, sugary shapes of the alphabet into the plastic bowl.

  “Good morning,” a soft voice rang out from behind Lillian as she glanced over her shoulder. Tatum Sinclair rushed into the kitchen, dressed in a black pantsuit, a briefcase in her other hand.

  “Could you please get the milk out for me?” Lillian begged her wife as she closed the top of the cereal box and placed it back into the cabinet.

  “Was he up all night?” Tatum asked as she placed her briefcase onto the center island and made her way towards the fridge.

  “Like clockwork.”

  “Was it the scary clown or the man-eating robot again?” Tatum giggled as she turned from the refrigerator, the soymilk in her hand.

  “It was a giant poop emoji that wanted to eat him this time,” Lillian giggled as Tatum smirked, stepping up beside her and placing the milk on the counter.

  “Are you going to Victoria’s tonight?” Tatum asked as she walked to the coffee maker and grabbed a mug from the cabinet. “Yes, around six. Where the hell is Kylie?” Lillian asked as she poured the milk into the bowl. “Gordon, come on!”

  “She texted me and said she is going to be a few minutes late,” Tatum nodded as she turned, sipping from the coffee mug.

  “Why does she always text you?” Lillian asked as she walked to the counter and pulled a drawer open, grabbing a tiny blue spoon from inside.

  “What’s it matter? As long as she lets one of us know, right?” Tatum shrugged as she turned, making her way towards the kitchen doorway.

  “That’s the third time this week she’s been late,” Lillian sighed as Gordon rushed through the kitchen doorway with a toy airplane in his hand, slamming into Tatum.

  “Ah!” Tatum cried out as she shuffled back from the blow, her coffee erupting out of her mug, the hot liquid splattering onto the front of her pantsuit. “Damn it, Gordon!” Tatum cursed as she slammed the mug onto the counter.

  “I’m sorry, mommy!” Gordon quickly said as his watering eyes looked up to her.

  “No, no; mommy is sorry,” Tatum sighed as she knelt down in front of Gordon and grabbed the sides of his arms gently. “Just go eat your breakfast…OK?”

  Gordon nodded as he made his way towards the small round kitchen table that sat beside a large bay window looking out to the subdivision of Magnolia Cove. Lillian quickly placed the bowl in front of Gordon as he pulled himself up onto a chair and dove his spoon into the cereal.

  “Did you get burned?” Lillian asked as she turned, making her way towards Lillian as she unbuttoned the jacket of her pantsuit.

  “No, I’m alright. I know you’re late but just let me change really fast before you leave, alright?” Tatum begged as she combed her short blonde bob behind her ears. Lillian nodded as Tatum rushed out of the kitchen. Lillian turned as her eyes settled onto Gordon at the table. Lillian stepped up to the kitchen table and sat down beside Gordon as he shoved a big spoonful of cereal into his mouth, half of it falling from the spoon and into his lap. It blew her mind staring at him sometimes. A year after her and Tatum got married and moved into Magnolia Cove, they adopted Gordon. He was so small…barely six pounds. She’ll never forget the day she saw him at the orphanage. His tiny hands grasping tightly around her fingers. His little eyes staring back into hers. He was the light in their life. He was the glue…holding her and Tatum together.

  “Why are you staring at me?” Gordon asked as he chewed, his mouth full.

  “I was just thinking about how tiny you were when we had you,” Lillian smiled softly.

  “Tommy Rogers said I came from a bank,” Gordon said as he scooped the spoon into his cereal.

  “Well, that’s not the truth. Me and mommy prayed for a little boy just like you…and a stork came, and you were right there…on our doorstep,” Lillian smiled. Tatum wanted them to tell Gordon the truth…about his adoption, but Lillian wasn’t ready…not yet. She wanted to wait until he could understand. She didn’t want his life to be any more out of the ordinary. It was already enough for him to have to adjust to having two mommies and not a daddy; especially in this conservative town. All that mattered was that they loved him…just like their own; daddy or not, he was loved…and that was all that mattered.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late,” Kylie Richmond said as she quickly rushed through the doorway of the kitchen and placed her purse onto the center island. Lillian turned in the chair as Kylie tossed her long black hair over her shoulder and smiled to Gordon. “Morning, little buddy!”

  “Hi, Kylie,” Gordon smiled as he chewed on his cereal.

  “Is something going on? You’ve been late the past three days?” Lillian asked, cutting the tension right there before it had a chance to grow.

  “I’ve just been feeling a little under the weather lately, but it’s nothing serious, I’m sure,” Kylie said as she walked up to the table and ran her hand through Gordon’s red locks. Lillian stared at the top of Kylie’s breasts that peeked out from the top of her lowcut red tank top. Sometimes…it bothered having a sexy little twenty-year old thing like Kylie around. Lillian was always insecure, but Tatum promised her…time and time again…that there would never be anything going on between the two of them; but that never stopped Lillian’s mind from wandering. If Lillian wasn’t worried about something, she’d worry about having nothing to worry about. It was her nature. It was how she was wired, and she couldn’t turn her racing mind off…ever.

  “I’m shocked you’re still here,” Kylie said as her eyes darted over to Lillian as she stood from the table.

  “The only reason I am is because you weren’t here,” Lillian said coyly as she sighed and walked towards the refrigerator.

  “I’m really sorry. I won’t let it happen again, I promise,” Kylie said as she turned from the table and sat down onto a bar stool at the center island.

be, how does this look?” Tatum asked as she rushed into the kitchen, wearing a new pantsuit in the color brown.

  “Gorgeous,” Kylie said as she smiled widely, her eyes glued to Tatum. Lillian’s eyes burned into Kylie…as she slowly looked to Tatum standing in the doorway.

  “It looks great,” Lillian smiled as she walked to Tatum…and wrapped her hands around her hips, pulling her close. Lillian closed her eyes as she placed her lips against Tatum’s, discretely slipping her tongue between her lips and into her mouth as she kissed her.

  “I must look damn good,” Tatum smiled as her cheeks grew hot and red. “I’ve got to get going. I love you, Gordon!”

  “Love you, mommy!” Gordon called from the table as Tatum quickly kissed Lillian’s cheek and rushed out of the kitchen.

  “Bye, Tatum!” Kylie called out as she threw a wave into the air. Lillian slowly turned from the kitchen doorway as she stared to Kylie still sitting at the island.

  “Make sure you put sunscreen on him if you guys go outside, alright?” Lillian said as she pulled the refrigerator open and grabbed a bottled protein shake from inside. Lillian quickly rushed around the island and to the table, leaned down, and placed a soft kiss onto the top of Gordon’s head. “I love you, buddy.”

  “Love you, too,” Gordon smiled as he ran the sleeve of his Mickey shirt over his milk mustache. Lillian quickly grabbed her purse from the center island and rushed towards the doorway ahead, her shake in her hand.

  “Have a good day, Lillian! See you later,” Kylie said softly.

  “Sadly,” Lillian whispered under her breath as she stepped through the kitchen doorway and made her way towards the front door ahead.


  The bottom soles of Ally’s baby blue Nike sneakers pounded on the thin dirt trail as she ran forward, faster and faster through the thick woods as the sun shined down through the tree branches high above her. Her arms pumped at her sides as she felt the warm sunlight beam down and penetrate through her thin black mesh tank top, warming the soft flesh that peeked out through the thin straps. Her thighs burned, growing warmer, as her legs moved beneath her; taking longer strides as she moved around a sharp curve along the trail. Ally quickly glanced behind her, staring back at the winding trail as sweat plastered her forehead, her ponytail swinging in the air behind her.


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