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Lovely Little Lies

Page 10

by Travis Szablewski

  “I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure! I’m…” Rebecca began as she held out her hand towards Lillian.

  “Rebecca! Yeah, Connelly told me about you,” Lillian said, forcing a smile, as she shook Rebecca’s hand tightly.

  “Good things only, I hope,” Rebecca smiled coyly as her eyes drifted to Connelly.

  “Yeah, she said you look killer in a towel,” Lillian joked as she cocked her head to the right, eying her plump breasts pressed tightly against her red Prada sweater.

  “Yeah, that was awkward,” Rebecca giggled nervously as Lillian nodded.

  “So, what are you doing here?” Connelly butted in.

  “Oh, just shopping; I need to find something for Victoria’s White Party next week,” Rebecca nodded.

  “You’re…you’re coming to the White Party?” Lillian asked, stunned.

  “Yeah, well, Kendrick invited me. I told him I thought it would be a little rude since I wasn’t invited…but he insisted…so here I am,” Rebecca shrugged, looking around the store.

  “Yeah, you were right…it would be rude,” Lillian said sternly.

  “I’m sorry?” Rebecca asked, her eyebrows arching…her jaw, tight.

  “It’s a little low brow for you to show up to a party that you weren’t invited to with a man whose wife just got tossed down the stairs. Some wouldn’t even call him a man…but a murderer,” Lillian snapped.

  “Lill,” Connelly said as her eyes widened.

  “Kendrick didn’t kill Ally; anyone who knows him could see that,” Rebecca said sternly.

  “And you’ve known him for, what, three nights? Is he paying you by the hour or just by the night? Kendrick is cheap, so blowjobs must be half off this week,” Lillian said as she felt her heart pound faster in her chest. Who did this bitch think she was? Did she not know who they were…who Ally was to them?

  “God, he was right about you. He said you were a little hostile, but I thought he was just being dramatic. I guess he was right,” Rebecca glared.

  “Hostile? He busted through my front door and threatened me in my living room! You want to call me hostile?” Lillian snapped, inching towards Rebecca in front of her.

  “What do you expect from a man who just lost the love of his life? Everyone in this damn town is looking at him like he’s Ted Bundy or something! He didn’t kill Ally! He loved her more than anything…and I know that for a fact. Sure, their marriage had its ups and downs…but they always knew how to turn things around. They loved each other. Do you know how hurt Kendrick is right now; how devastated he is that his wife’s best friends think he’s this sick monster?” Rebecca said.

  “Careful, Rebecca…he might kill you next,” Lillian said as her nostrils flared, her cheeks growing hot and red. Her hormones were already going haywire; she needed to step away…now…before she did something stupid. Rebecca quickly spun on her heel and dashed across the store…making her way to the entrance. Lillian slowly turned to Connelly beside her…to see her eyes staring back at her…wide with shock.

  “OK, who is this bad bitch in front of me and where is the old Lillian?” Connelly giggled as Lillian smiled, her cheeks slowly cooling down.

  “Trust me, I wish I knew,” Lillian smirked.

  “So, do you want to keep this bad bitch train rolling?” Connelly whispered as she glanced around the store, not a soul in sight.


  “I have an idea and it’s risky.”

  “What kind of idea?” Lillian asked nervously as her stomach began to roll once more.

  “Silas told me that the case is going nowhere. There’s no evidence except for the bruises; no fingerprints, no foreign blood, no skin cells…zip. I was thinking that maybe…we could sneak over to Kendrick’s during the White Party.”

  “What?” Lillian asked, her eyes bugging.

  “It would just be for five minutes…five minutes tops! I just…I want to know what happened, Lillian. I know it’s risky, but you know damn well Kendrick will be wasted at the party and him and Rebecca will be there for at least two hours…maybe more. All I want…is five minutes; five minutes in the house and then we bounce before anyone knows anything. Imagine what could happen if we did find something…anything that might…might shine some light on what happened to Ally that night. I can’t do it alone, though. I need you. You don’t even have to go inside! You can just be the look-out. You know I wouldn’t ask you unless I really thought that there was something inside that house,” Connelly begged.

  Lillian bit her lip nervously as she looked away from Connelly and back to the rack in front of her. She knew it was risky. She knew that it was wrong. But Connelly was right. The case was going nowhere. If they could just slip inside…with a fresh set of eyes…maybe…just maybe they could put an end to this horrific chapter of their lives. Ally deserved closure. She deserved the justice. Lillian smiled softly as she grabbed Connelly’s hands tightly…and stared into her eyes.

  “I’m in.”


  Connelly turned the wheel of her Tesla, pulling into her driveway as she stared through the tinted front windshield. Connelly’s hands tightened on the steering wheel…as her heart sank in her chest. Connelly put her car in park, turned the ignition off, and shoved the door open. Connelly stood up on the pavement…as she stared forward to the black BMW M5 parked ahead.

  It was Fiona’s car.

  Connelly’s jaw tightened as she slammed the door shut and adjusted her purse on her shoulder, carrying the Dolce & Gabbana shopping bag in her hand. What the hell was she doing here? Did this crazy psycho have a death wish? Connelly stomped up the front porch steps and reached forward, turning the front door handle. Connelly quickly stepped inside, looking around the deserted foyer…as she heard the faint voices…

  Of Silas and Fiona.

  Connelly swallowed hard as she slowly turned…and inched the front door shut, securing it tightly. Connelly pressed her teeth together, struggling to be quiet, as she softly kicked her flats off…and sat her shopping bag and purse onto the table along the wall. Connelly slowly tiptoed forward, making her way down the hall…following the voices as they grew clearer and clearer. Connelly placed her back tightly against the wall…as she inched towards the edge of the doorway leading into the living room.

  “I just don’t understand why it has to be like this,” Fiona said as Connelly listened carefully around the corner.

  “You need to realize that me and you are over, Fiona. What we had…is gone,” Silas said, his deep voice carrying through the doorway next to Connelly.

  “Connelly doesn’t even know you, Silas. She doesn’t know who you truly are…not the way I do.”

  “And I want to keep it that way. Who I was then…is not who I am now. I’ve changed, Fiona. Connelly has helped me grow so much; grow in a way that I could never with you.”

  “If you changed so much, then why did you open the door for me? The new Silas should have slammed the door in my face. You and me both know the reason you opened that door, Silas,” Fiona said. Connelly listened as she heard Fiona’s heels click along the hardwood slowly. “We were toxic for each other…but you’d be lying if you said the best years of your life weren’t spent with me.”

  Connelly then stepped forward, rounding the corner of the doorway, and stepped into the living room. Connelly’s eyes settled onto Silas who stood beside the couch…and then darted to Fiona…standing a few inches from him; her tight blue summer dress clinging to her perfect curves.

  “What’s going on here?” Connelly asked as she looked to Fiona and Silas, back and forth.

  “She was just leaving,” Silas said sternly as he pushed around Fiona, marched around Connelly, and out of the living room. Connelly placed her hands on her hips as she inched towards Fiona, step by step.

  “Did you not get the hint the first time?”

  “I just needed to talk to him…face to face,” Fiona nodded.

  “Why would you want to talk to a man that supposedly beat y
ou…and cheated on you?” Connelly asked coyly as she shrugged.

  “I was testing him. He told me you were on your way home when I got here, so I wanted to see if…” Fiona hesitated.

  “If what? If he’d fuck you right here in my living room?”

  “Connelly, I’m just trying to show you what he’s capable of. He is not who you think he is. Please, just listen to me,” Fiona said as she moved towards Connelly.

  “The only thing you’ve shown me, Fiona, is that you’re a sad, pathetic, egotistical bitch who gets off on ruining people’s lives. So, save your breath…and get the hell out of my house,” Connelly said angrily. Fiona shook her head, staring down at the floor, as she stepped around Connelly and made her way towards the doorway of the living room. “And don’t expect to get back into Magnolia Cove. Right after you leave, I’m calling Robbie at the gate. So, if you have any last words to say to me, now is the time.”

  Connelly slowly turned as her eyes stared into Fiona’s. Fiona glanced over her shoulder, staring back at Connelly…as she whispered one single word.



  Lillian adjusted her hand around the Dolce & Gabbana bag as she walked up the sidewalk towards her front door, eying Tatum’s Escalade in the driveway. Lillian couldn’t believe she had agreed to break into Kendrick’s house with Connelly. But the only reason she was willing to…was the hope that they would find something that would show Connelly just who Silas really was. She’d give anything to find something so she wouldn’t have to tell Connelly herself; a love letter, a secret diary…anything to take the burden off of her. Lillian turned the handle of the front door and stepped into the empty foyer, her eyes scanning the vacant oasis.

  “Tatum?” Lillian called out as she shut the door behind her.

  “In here,” Tatum called out. Lillian kicked her flats off into the corner beside the front door and walked through the foyer, making her way towards the living room doorway.

  “I really hope you like this dress! You have to be honest with me,” Lillian smirked as she rounded the corner, stepping into the living room…as her eyes widened.

  “Hi, Lillian,” Kylie said as she stood up from the couch, her hands behind her back. Lillian’s jaw tightened as her eyes darted to Tatum who sat in the recliner, her arms over her chest.

  “What the hell is she doing here?” Lillian snapped as she inched towards the couch.

  “Lillian, just sit down,” Tatum said calmly, trying to ease the tension.

  “I don’t want to sit down! I want her out!” Lillian snapped as she slammed the shopping bag onto the coffee table.

  “Please, Lillian. Can we just talk? I’m begging you. I know I screwed up royally, but I am pleading…please…can we just talk…just for a minute?” Kylie said, bringing her hands together in a praying position.

  “I don’t think there’s anything left to say,” Lillian snarled as she shook her head and spun around, walking towards the doorway.

  “Lillian, stop!” Tatum yelled as she stood up from the recliner, her eyes glaring ahead. Lillian stopped, slowly turning, staring at Tatum from across the room. “Just listen to her!”

  “Why should I?” Lillian snapped as she walked towards Kylie, her blood boiling.

  “Because we can’t afford for you to miss any more work! We have had no luck with new nannies, Lill! As much as it would hurt you to say it, you know we need her!” Tatum said, walking towards Lillian.

  “Please, just…sit?” Kylie begged quietly as she lowered herself down onto the couch. Lillian swallowed hard…as she sighed…and sat down a few inches from Kylie, keeping her distance.

  “Now, we’re getting somewhere,” Tatum smiled softly as she sat back down into the recliner.

  “You’ve got one minute,” Lillian said sternly, staring at the coffee table…not daring to make eye contact with Kylie.

  “I know I had no right to tell Gordon about the adoption. I know that wasn’t my place and I can’t tell you how sorry I am for that. If I could take it back, I would in a heartbeat; I would give anything to rewind and to just stop myself in that moment…but I can’t. I know I don’t deserve sympathy and I’m not asking for it. I just…I remember how I felt when my mom told me. I remember how I wished I knew sooner. I felt lied to for the majority of my life. When I looked at him, I saw…me; I saw those feelings and those confusing thoughts. I wanted to save him the pain that I endured. I know that I shouldn’t have told him, but I just care about him so much that…I thought it would help him see that he isn’t alone. I wanted him to know that someone understood,” Kylie said, her voice trembling, as she wiped her teary eyes.

  Lillian took a deep breath as she tried to keep her walls strong; trying to keep the barbed wire fence she had built around her heart from crumbling down. As much as she hated Kylie for what she did, she understood where she was coming from. Kylie bonded with Gordon…she bonded with him in an area that Lillian or Tatum would never understand.

  “I promise you that I won’t say anything else…unless advised otherwise by you or Tatum. I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you; that was blatant disrespect and I should have never let my temper get the best of me. But…I miss all of you, Lillian; you, and Tatum, and Gordon. Whatever I have to do to come back…I’ll do it,” Kylie cried softly, her hands trembling in her lap.

  “You know we need her, Lill. We can’t keep going on like this,” Tatum said softly as she stood up and walked to the couch. Tatum sat down beside Lillian and wrapped her arm around her, pulling her close to her side. “We can’t keep relying on your friends…we can’t keep missing work,” Tatum added.

  “I’ll even take a pay cut,” Kylie nodded softly. Lillian slowly stood to her feet as Tatum’s arm fell from her back.

  “You’ve got one more chance,” Lillian said sternly as she glared down to Kylie. “If you’re late even once…if you slip up one more time…you’re done.”

  “I promise, Lillian! I promise!” Kylie cried as she darted up to her feet and threw her arms around Lillian, hugging her tightly. Lillian kept her arms at her sides as the sweet aroma of vanilla and coconut shampoo circled her nose from Kylie’s long black hair pressed against her cheek. “You won’t regret this, Lillian.”

  “You’ll be sorry if I do,” Lillian said sternly as she pulled herself out of Kylie’s grasp…and stormed out of the living room.


  “This is floral white, for fuck’s sake! I said ivory!” Victoria yelled into her phone. Victoria stared down in disgust at the circular tables all scattered along the back patio of the Hampton house, all covered in white tablecloths. “Listen, Harry; if you don’t get your fucking scrawny ass down here with the correct shade of tablecloths, I am going to drive over there to your piece of shit excuse of a shop and drive my fucking car through the front door! Do you understand me?” Victoria screamed as she ended the call and spun around, watching the numerous workers scurrying along the patio, placing white roses and flower arrangements along the tables. Victoria walked forward, moving along the edge of the pool, as she stared at the large white draped canopy tent in the corner laced with glowing strings of lights. There was only six hours until the party started, and they were no where near close to being finished. This…was…a…disaster. Victoria spun around and marched along the patio as her black Gucci pumps clicked along the concrete. Victoria bit the inside of her cheek nervously as she made her way to the glass backdoor and stepped into the kitchen, slamming the door behind her. Her stomach had been turning all day. It was looming closer…the impending death of Derek Hampton. She had it all planned…every single detail. So then why was she so nervous? Then again, she had never killed a man before…but she wanted this; she needed this. If she wanted Harlan, Derek had to be removed. There was no going back…

  “Mrs. Hampton?” a soft voice called out as Victoria marched to the refrigerator and pulled the door open.

  “What?” Victoria sighed as she reached inside and grabbed a bottle of re
d wine.

  “The dishware has arrived; do you want them to unload it out back?” a skinny woman asked, sweat beading her brow.

  “No, let’s just leave it out front and get bird shit all over the plates and glasses!” Victoria smirked sarcastically as the young woman nodded and spun around, dashing out of the kitchen.

  “Good God,” Victoria groaned as she bit onto the loose cork and pulled it off between her teeth. Victoria spit the cork out, sending it flying into the air and into the sink, as she tossed her head back and took a long sip from the bottle.

  “Starting early?” Harlan asked as he walked into the kitchen, his muscular body covered in a fitted white tuxedo.

  “Look at you,” Victoria smiled as she placed the bottle onto the center island and walked towards him.

  “Just giving it a test run,” Harlan grinned, two dimples forming on his cheeks. Victoria stepped up to him and grabbed his tie, adjusting it in her hands…tilting it to the right.

  “Are you nervous?” Victoria whispered as she glanced to the large windows looking out to the chaotic back lawn.

  “Is everything set?” Harlan asked as he gulped.

  “Yes, I have everything set up in our room. Just make sure you’re in plain sight when it goes down. Remember to just be normal,” Victoria said softly as she looked into Harlan’s eyes.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Harlan asked quietly as he looked down to the floor.

  “Do you not?”

  “No…I just…there’s no turning back, Victoria. This is our last chance. We can leave…we can get out of here and just go.”

  “You know that’s not an option, Harlan. We already discussed that. This is the only way,” Victoria said as she shook her head, stepping back from him. “If you’re not in this, you need to tell me NOW. I’m not going to risk getting caught because you have a sudden change of heart.”


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