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Lovely Little Lies

Page 11

by Travis Szablewski

  “I’m not going to say anything. You know I would never do that to you,” Harlan said, shaking his head, as he stepped closer to Victoria. “I just wish it didn’t have to be like this. I wish I didn’t have to lose anyone.”

  “Who would you rather lose, Harlan? That’s the real question.”

  “No one,” Harlan said softly.

  “Harlan,” Victoria sighed as she slammed her hand onto the counter. “You knew this was coming. You know that isn’t an option. You can’t just go back on your word now. If we don’t do this…Elle will ruin us.”

  “I just wish…everything could be different. This isn’t fair,” Harlan said sadly.

  “Well, sweet…sweet boy. Life is not fair,” Victoria said as she gently tapped her hand against Harlan’s cheek. “The sooner you realize that; the sooner you realize you have to take what you can get in this world, the better off you’ll be. Don’t cross me, Harlan…because that’ll be the last thing you’ll ever do,” Victoria said, her jaw tight, as she ripped her hand from his cheek…and winked.


  Lillian stared into the full-length mirror that sat in the corner of her bedroom as she turned to her right, staring at her reflection. Lillian winced in disgust as she ran her hand over the tiny bulge of her stomach…pressed tightly against the corset of the white lace dress. She was starting to show…and fast. It wasn’t going to be long until Tatum started asking questions.

  “You look beautiful,” Tatum said as she walked into the bedroom behind Lillian. Lillian spun around, her white stilettos clicking on the hardwood, as she looked at Tatum from head to toe. Tatum wore a white pantsuit…her short hair, straightened perfectly.

  “Lies,” Lillian giggled nervously as she spun back around, staring into the mirror, as she ran her hands through her long, curly brown locks.

  “I’d never lie to you,” Tatum smiled as she walked up behind Lillian and wrapped her arms around her, Lillian’s back pressing tightly against her breasts and stomach. “You know you’re my whole world, right?” Tatum whispered in Lillian’s ear as her warm breath tickled her neck. Lillian slowly turned, draping her arms onto Tatum’s shoulders, and kissed her softly.

  “Are you sure about…about Kylie?” Lillian asked softly.

  “Lillian,” Tatum sighed as she stepped back, rolling her eyes.

  “Babe, stop. I’m just…worried. It’s hard for me to trust her again.”

  “Are you ready to love me for forever?” Tatum asked as she dug into her pocket and brought out Lillian’s cellphone.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I set up a camera in the living room…that way you can see what’s going on at all times. It streams to your phone and your laptop…live,” Tatum smiled as she handed Lillian her phone. Lillian smiled as she stared down at the screen…to see Kylie and Gordon…sitting on the couch…watching television.

  “Oh, my God,” Lillian grinned as she looked up, wrapping her arms around Tatum.

  “I figured it’d help you relax a little.”

  “You have no idea how much this means to me,” Lillian smiled as she kissed Tatum once more.

  “Now, are you ready to go, you party animal? I plan on getting wasted tonight. Are you game?” Tatum smiled. Lillian almost agreed…and then remembered the tiny little secret that hid behind her corset dress.

  “Someone’s got to make sure you get home safe,” Lillian smiled, hugging Tatum tightly. She knew at some point…the truth was going to come to the surface…whether she liked it or not.

  And it was only just a matter of time.


  Connelly tightened her grip on Silas’ hand as they stepped through the backdoor of the Hampton house and onto the crowded patio. The full moon shimmered brightly in the dark night sky as Connelly’s eyes scanned the patio; every adult resident of Magnolia Cove was present. A DJ stand was in the corner as a pop song boomed from two large speakers, the DJ running his fingers along the spinning records. A large canopy tent stood in the center draped with glowing strings of lights. Waiters dressed in all white suits walked through the crowd, balancing trays of champagne glasses and sushi. Everyone…dressed in all white…in their best gowns and tuxes.

  “I already need a drink,” Silas joked as he snatched a glass of champagne from a tray as a waiter zipped in front of them.

  “We won’t stay too long, I promise,” Connelly whispered into his ear, struggling to talk over the pounding music. Connelly tugged at her tight lace dress; her tan arms wrapped tightly in the transparent lace sleeves. Connelly reached forward, brushing a black hair from Silas’ white tuxedo jacket, as her eyes scanned the crowded patio…searching for Victoria and Lillian.

  “Hey,” a soft voice rang out behind Connelly. Connelly spun around…to see Rebecca…her arm locked around Kendrick’s.

  “Hi, Rebecca,” Connelly said with wide eyes. Thank God they showed…otherwise the plan…would be ruined. “You look amazing,” Connelly said with a smile as she eyed Rebecca’s short dress. A diving, v neckline draped her perky breasts, open all the way down…just above her navel. Her long, red hair was layered in loose curls.

  “As do you. I believe we haven’t had the pleasure,” Rebecca smiled to Silas as she held out her hand.

  “Yes, this is my husband…Silas Campbell,” Connelly grinned as Silas shook Rebecca’s tiny hand.

  “Connelly didn’t tell me how handsome you were,” Rebecca winked as Connelly’s smile quickly faded.

  “That’s a beautiful dress, Rebecca. I didn’t see that one in Dolce,” Connelly said with a nod.

  “She probably got it at Baby Gap,” Silas whispered into Connelly’s ear as she smiled, struggling not to laugh.

  “I didn’t even find anything, so I just wore whatever I had in my suitcase,” Rebecca smiled as she sipped from the champagne glass in her hand.

  “How are you, Kendrick?” Connelly said, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

  “I’m making it,” Kendrick said as his eyes narrowed onto Connelly. “You?”

  “Have you heard anything new about Ally?” Connelly blurted out.

  “Connelly,” Rebecca said angrily as she shook her head.

  “What? I know Silas would be doing anything in his power to find out who killed me. He wouldn’t be at a party and downing shot,” Connelly said as her eyebrows arched.

  “The department is working diligently to find out what happened; isn’t that right, Silas?” Rebecca smiled to Silas.

  “Of course. It’d be a blessing if some people cooperated,” Silas said coyly as he sipped from his glass, his eyes staring into Kendrick.

  “Well, it was good seeing you guys,” Rebecca said, abruptly ending the conversation, as she grabbed Kendrick’s hand and lead him into the crowd. Connelly turned with Silas as they both watched Rebecca and Kendrick disappear into the crowd dancing along the patio.

  “I need something a little stronger than champagne; you want anything?” Silas asked as he made his way towards the canopy where the bar was set up.

  “I’m good; I’m going to find Victoria and Lillian,” Connelly nodded as she turned, making her way through the crowd and towards the tables sat up in the right corner of the patio. Connelly pushed around a dancing couple…as her eyes settled onto Victoria and Lillian standing at a table, sipping their wine.

  “I thought you ditched out on us!” Victoria smiled as Connelly rushed up to them.

  “God, you look amazing!” Connelly grinned as she stared at the long, white Prada gown that hugged tightly around Victoria’s thin frame.

  “Please,” Victoria rolled her eyes as she hugged Connelly quickly. “Where is Silas?”

  “He took his chances with the crowd to get a drink. A lot of people showed this year,” Connelly smiled.

  “Right? I kind of wish they didn’t,” Victoria said as her eyes scanned the chaotic patio.

  “Where’s Tatum?” Connelly asked as she turned to Lillian beside her.

  “I’m afraid she
is suffering the same fate as Silas; she’s on one tonight,” Lillian giggled.

  “God, I hope she stays away from the tequila; we don’t need a replay of New Years,” Victoria joked.

  “Hello, my love,” a deep voice rang out from behind Connelly. Connelly turned…as she watched Derek Hampton rush up to Victoria’s side, wrapping his arm around her.

  “About time; I thought you forgot about me,” Victoria smiled as she turned, placing her hands on his shoulders, and kissing him.

  “Dan Mathis was talking about one of his clients, so I was trying to help him out,” Derek smiled to Victoria as she kissed him.

  “How about we go inside? Get away from the party for a second?” Victoria smiled as she gently bit his bottom lip. Connelly stepped back, confused, as she watched Victoria’s tongue flick the tip of his nose. She was never this touchy feely in public with Derek. She usually hated showing any sort of public affection. There must be something in the wine tonight. Connelly and Lillian watched as Victoria grabbed Derek’s hand tightly and led him towards the patio door in the distance.

  “What the hell was that about?” Lillian asked as she smirked to Connelly.

  “With this crowd, I wouldn’t be surprised if she got slipped something,” Connelly said as she shook her head. Connelly’s eyes scanned the crowd…to see Rebecca and Kendrick nowhere in sight.

  “So, when do we do it?” Lillian asked, her voice trembling.

  “Follow me,” Connelly whispered to Lillian as she made her way down the side of the patio and along the edge of the pool. Connelly pushed through the crowd, Lillian holding her hand behind her, as they made their way around the edge of the patio and towards the privacy fence door in the corner.

  It was now or never.

  Kendrick and Rebecca could return home at any given second. They had to return before anyone realized they were missing. Their time was limited…and it was already running out.


  Lillian and Connelly quickly rushed up the walkway towards the Cunningham house, their heels clicking loudly along the concrete as the cool summer breeze danced through their dresses.

  “Please be unlocked, please be unlocked,” Connelly whispered as she rushed up the front porch steps, Lillian right behind her. Connelly rushed to the front door…grabbed the handle…and turned.

  It was open.

  “What an idiot,” Lillian smirked as Connelly stepped into the Cunningham house. Lillian quickly rushed in behind Connelly as she shut the door tightly. Connelly slowly turned, staring into the massive, dark foyer.

  “Where do we even start?” Connelly said as she walked deeper into the foyer.

  “The basement?”

  Connelly swallowed hard as she inched through the foyer and stepped through the kitchen doorway. Lillian stepped up beside her…as their eyes scanned the dark abyss surrounding them. Connelly looked to her right…to see the basement door in the corner…closed tightly. Connelly inched forward, her heart pounding in her chest, as she grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open.

  Lillian and Connelly squinted in the darkness…staring down the set of dusty steps. Connelly quickly unlocked the screen of her phone, turning on the flashlight. Connelly held the phone in front of her, the beam of light illuminating the first few steps below.

  “Are you ready?” Connelly asked nervously as her eyes looked to Lillian beside her.

  “No,” Lillian said, shaking her head. They didn’t have time to waste. No matter how scared they were…no matter how terrified…they had to move fast. Connelly slowly stepped onto the first step as the wood creaked beneath her white stiletto. Lillian inched into the darkness beside her, both of them making their way down the basement stairs slowly. The phone in Connelly’s hand trembled in front of her, the light moving softly along the dusty stairs.

  “Oh, my God,” Lillian said as tears filled her eyes.

  “What?” Connelly asked as she followed Lillian’s gaze…to see the beam of light…illuminating the concrete floor of the basement. They knew how Ally died. They knew the details…but to see it…was almost too much.

  Connelly covered her mouth with her free hand as tears filled her eyes. Connelly shook her head as they both stared down at the large blood stain…stretched out along the cold concrete floor at the foot of the stairs.


  Victoria closed the bedroom door behind her and spun around, wrapping her arms around Derek’s waist and plowing her lips into his. The sound of the music pounding from the back lawn bumped through the room, vibrating the walls gently.

  “I don’t know how I feel about this with everyone downstairs,” Derek said between kisses as Victoria pushed him back, falling onto the center of the bed.

  “That’s the fun of it; live a little, Derek,” Victoria smiled as she grabbed his belt, unhooked the buckle, and pulled it off; the long strip of black leather hanging from her hand.

  “Aren’t you feisty tonight,” Derek grinned as Victoria leaped on top of him, straddling him on the bed…her long gown blanketed the edge of the comforter and over the side of the California king.

  “You have no idea,” Victoria smirked as she leaned down, shoving her wet tongue into Derek’s mouth, massaging his with her own. Victoria moved back and forth on top of him as she felt his cock stiffen between her thighs just below her thrusting waist. “Sounds like you need a little liquid courage,” Victoria smiled as she flipped to her right, rolling off of the bed. Victoria kicked her heels off as her bare feet moved along the cold hardwood, making her way to the small minibar in the corner of their bedroom. Victoria snatched a scotch glass from the counter and pulled a bottle of whiskey from the shelf. Victoria glanced over her shoulder, her back to Derek, as she watched him unzip his white slacks…and lower them to his ankles…his erect penis standing up in his white underwear. Victoria glanced down to the glass on the counter as she reached into the neckline of her dress…and pulled out a tiny glass bottle; the poison…

  Victoria quickly twisted the cap off and poured the small amount of liquid into the bottom of the glass, covering the clear base. Victoria grabbed the bottle of whiskey and poured into the glass…as the clear liquid mixed with the brown liquor. Victoria spun around, the glass in her hand as she strutted back towards the bed. Derek sat up as Victoria climbed onto him, straddling him on the edge as she motioned the glass to his lips.

  “Maybe after…don’t want to lose it while I’ve got it,” Derek smirked, referencing his poor excuse of an erection. The whole four inches…what was left to lose? Victoria sighed as Derek leaned up further, kissing the right side of her neck…his warm lips traveling down towards her perky breasts. This was the last time he’d ever have her…she might as well give him the ride of his life. Victoria grinned as she reached to her left, setting the glass onto the side table. Victoria then pressed her hands against Derek’s chest, pinning him onto the California king.

  Victoria’s polished fingers traveled up his dress shirt, popping open each button, revealing his hairy chest beneath the fabric. There was no turning back now. One more quickie to suffer through…and then…Derek would be just a memory. Victoria reached down between Derek’s legs, cupping his solid cock in her hands…as she spread her legs around him and lowered herself down. Victoria’s nails clawed into Derek’s chest as she felt his short, stumpy penis slide into her. She threw her head back, exaggerating the pleasure…as her dark eyes stared down at him.

  “Tell me you love me,” Derek said breathless as his hands tightened on Victoria’s thighs. Victoria smiled coyly…as she leaned down, her lips inches from his right ear.

  “Till death.”


  “I’ll just be a couple seconds,” Lillian said as she walked up the driveway of her home and towards the house.

  “I’ll be out here…I need some air,” Connelly sighed. Lillian wanted to check on Gordon. Sure, she had the feed from the hidden camera set up to her phone…but she still didn’t trust Kylie…not at all. After ev
erything she had pulled, she had to be sure that Gordon was alright. She had to be sure that Kylie wasn’t pulling any more hideous stunts. Lillian turned the handle of the front door and stepped inside, shutting it behind her. Lillian’s eyes scanned the dark and deserted foyer of her home…listening to the cryptic silence.

  “Hello?” Lillian called out…as her eyes glanced down…to see a large black duffel bag placed in the corner beside the front door. What the hell was going on? Where were they? Lillian rushed forward, her heels sounding off on the floor, as she made her way up the staircase. “Gordon? Kylie?” Lillian called out, taking two steps at a time. Her car was still here…so they were in this house…somewhere. Lillian stepped into the second level hallway and rushed to Gordon’s bedroom door at the end of the corridor. Lillian quickly turned the handle and stepped inside…

  To see Gordon’s bed, empty.

  “Oh, my God,” Lillian said, covering her mouth, as tears filled her eyes. It was way past Gordon’s bedtime. His nightlight wasn’t even on. Something…was terribly wrong. Lillian spun around and stormed into the hallway, making her way towards her and Tatum’s room. Lillian pushed the bedroom door open…to see Kylie and Gordon…no where in sight. “Gordon!” Lillian cried out as she rushed to the side table beside their bed…and pulled the drawer open…to see Tatum’s handgun inside.

  Enough was enough.

  Lillian snatched the handgun in her trembling hands and turned the safety off…as she inched into the hallway…her eyes scanning the darkness surrounding her.

  That’s when she heard it…

  The footsteps…echoing from downstairs. She…was taking Gordon. Lillian quickly rushed forward, running down the hallway and towards the stairs just a few feet ahead. Lillian quickly sped down the stairs…leaping into the foyer…as she heard the footsteps echoing to her right. Lillian rushed through the living room doorway…as her eyes widened…

  To see Kylie…carrying Gordon in her arms, his tiny body wrapped in a blanket; his eyes, closed tightly…he was fast asleep.


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