Book Read Free

Lovely Little Lies

Page 12

by Travis Szablewski

  “What the hell is going on here?” Lillian snapped, the gun shaking in her hand.

  “Lillian, put the gun down,” Kylie demanded.

  “I’ve got a better idea…put my son down…now,” Lillian ordered as she raised the handgun, pointing it at Kylie’s face.

  “OK, OK…just calm down,” Kylie said, her voice trembling, as she lowered Gordon’s sleeping body onto the couch. Kylie slowly turned towards Lillian and raised her hands…surrendering.

  “Were you going to take him? Is that what you were doing?” Lillian asked as tears flooded her eyes.

  “Lillian, just let me explain,” Kylie said as she stared back into the barrel of the gun pointed at her.

  “You come into our house…and we give you one more chance…and this is what you do? How fucking sick are you?” Lillian growled as she shook her head, her eyes locked onto Kylie.

  “You have no idea…how long I’ve been searching for him,” Kylie cried, her hands trembling in the air.

  “What? What are you talking about?” Lillian asked, the gun still locked onto Kylie.

  “Gordon…he’s my son, Lillian. He’s my son,” Kylie cried, warm tears trickling down her face.

  “What?” Lillian asked, her voice trembling. “You’re crazy. You’ve lost your mind.”

  “No, I’m not. I was sixteen years old when I had Gordon. I wanted to keep him…I wanted to raise him. But, my parents...they wouldn’t let me. They took that decision away from me, Lillian; ripped it right out of my hands,” Kylie sobbed. “I searched records…orphanages…everything to find him. And then…I finally tracked him down…here.”

  “He’s not your son, Kylie,” Lillian cried, shaking her head.

  “He is, Lillian. I’m not leaving without him. I’ve been waiting for this…for so many years. He doesn’t belong here with you…he belongs with me…his real mother.”

  “I AM his real mother!” Lillian snapped, inching towards Kylie, the gun aimed at Kylie’s forehead.

  “You can tell yourself that all you want…but he didn’t grow inside of you. My blood runs through his veins…and all you have is a piece of paper,” Kylie growled, wiping her tears from her cheeks. “You don’t understand the strength of a mother’s love…not yet.”

  “What?” Lillian asked, confused.

  “Your doctor called a few hours ago. She wanted to set up some more tests,” Kylie smiled coyly. “I know about the baby.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lillian lied as she placed her finger onto the trigger.

  “If you don’t let me leave with him…I’ll tell Tatum; about the sick and disgusting affair you’ve been having behind her back…and with a man, at that.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Kylie,” Lillian cried, shaking her head.

  “Was she not enough for you, is that it? Did you miss cock too much? So, you had to go behind her back and get it from whatever guy would slip it to you?” Kylie asked angrily, her fists tightened at her sides. “How could you do that…to someone like Tatum…to someone as amazing and caring…as her.”

  “Shut up,” Lillian snapped, her jaw tight.

  “You’re disgusting, Lillian. Gordon would be better off without you. If I had it my way, I’d take Gordon and Tatum. God knows they’re both better off with me; with a real woman…who will love them…cherish them…and never hurt them.”

  “Get out of my house.”

  “I can’t wait to see the look on Tatum’s face when I tell her…about the disgusting little secret that’s growing inside of you right this very second. Do you think she’ll cry…or scream? I hope you enjoy living on the streets after she finds out what kind of deceitful little cunt you are.”

  “I said GET OUT!” Lillian yelled, inching closer to Kylie, the gun trembling in her sweaty hands.

  “I hope you know…that what you put out into this world…comes right back to you. With your record…I’d be scared if I were you,” Kylie said sternly. “You’re going to lose your son…and your wife…and it’s all because you couldn’t keep your dirty little legs closed.”

  “Kylie, get out,” Lillian said once more. She was running out of patience. She wanted to pull the trigger…and end this once and for all. She couldn’t let Kylie tell. She couldn’t let her take Gordon and destroy everything that she had been working so hard to build these last eight years. Not today. Not ever.

  “Just…let me take my son…and you’ll never hear from me again. That’s all I’m asking, Lillian. I am giving you an out here…an out to save what’s left of your pathetic little marriage! If you let me take him tonight…it’ll be over. I won’t say anything…I’ll take it to my grave.”

  “I’m counting on it,” Lillian said through her tears…as she closed her eyes tightly…and pulled the trigger.


  Victoria rolled off of Derek, collapsing onto the bed beside him as her chest heaved up and down beneath her dress. Victoria glanced to Derek beside her…his eyes glued to the ceiling as a drop of sweat trickled down his brow.

  “You wore this old man out,” Derek laughed as he looked to Victoria beside him. Victoria smiled as she turned onto her stomach, resting her head against his shoulder.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Victoria laughed as she slowly sat up onto the bed. It was time. Enough waiting. Enough beating around the bush. It was now or never. “How about that drink?” Victoria grinned as she reached forward to the side table as Derek sat up onto the bed. Victoria wrapped her hands around the glass and turned, motioning it to Derek as he buttoned his dress shirt.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Derek smiled as he grabbed the glass and brought it towards his lips…just a few more inches.

  A set of loud knocks then sounded off on the bedroom door as Victoria and Derek’s eyes darted towards it.

  Of course…

  “Victoria! Are you in there?” Connelly’s voice called out through the door as Victoria sighed. Could she not just kill her husband in peace?

  “What is it, Connelly? I’m a little busy!” Victoria screamed at the door as she walked towards it. Victoria glanced back…as she watched Derek place the glass back onto the side table…pulling up his white slacks quickly.

  “I need you! NOW!” Connelly begged through the door. Victoria sighed as she grabbed the handle and ripped the door open, staring back at Connelly.

  “I’m a little busy right now,” Victoria said sternly, her eyes burning into Connelly.

  “Not too busy for this,” Connelly said as she reached forward, grabbing Victoria’s hand, and dragging her into the hall.

  “Just wait her, Derek!” Victoria called out behind her…as Connelly dragged her out of the room and into the hallway. Derek quickly grabbed his tuxedo coat from the bed…and pulled it onto his arms, securing it around his chest and torso. Derek turned, grabbing the glass…and made his way towards the bedroom door. Derek stepped into the hallway and made his way down the staircase…as he watched Connelly drag Victoria out through the front door…and out of sight.

  Derek stepped into the empty kitchen as the music pounding from the back patio grew louder and louder. Derek stared through the large windows looking out to the back lawn, examining the massive crowd dancing and chatting along every inch of his property. Derek sighed…as he brought the glass to his lips…

  “Dad, where is Victoria?” Elle called out as she stepped into the kitchen behind him. Derek lowered the glass from his lips and sat it down onto the center island countertop. Derek’s eyes widened as he looked Elle up and down, studying the short white cocktail dress that was wrapped tightly around her body.

  “I thought I told you not to wear that,” Derek winced in disgust.

  “Did you not see that Rebecca girl’s dress? I could be wearing that…so be thankful,” Elle said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I don’t know where she went; she took off with Connelly…girl issues, I’m guessing,” Derek shrugged as he made his way t
owards the glass patio door.

  “Did she say when she’d be back?”

  “Since when do you care where Victoria is?” Derek asked, confused, as he glanced back to Elle at the center island.

  “We’ve…settled our differences,” Elle smiled as she watched her father turn the handle…and step out onto the chaotic patio. Elle sighed…resting her elbows onto the countertop.

  What if Victoria changed her mind?

  What if she wasn’t going to go through with it? If everything was going as planned…her father would be dead right now. She didn’t know the details…but she knew that the party was almost over…and time was running out. Elle’s eyes then darted down to the filled liquor glass on the counter that her father left behind.

  “Score,” Elle grinned widely…as she grabbed the glass and walked out of the kitchen, taking a long sip of the bittersweet liquor inside.


  Connelly pulled Victoria through the front door of the Sinclair house and slammed it behind her, turning the deadbolt. No one could come in. No one could know.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Victoria snapped as Connelly dragged her forward, pulling her through the living room doorway. Connelly stopped by Victoria’s side…as they both stared forward…

  To see Kylie’s dead body…laying on the floor beside the couch…a bullet hole in the center of her forehead.

  “Oh, my God!” Victoria yelled, covering her mouth in shock. “What the fuck happened?” Victoria asked as she rushed to Kylie’s side, staring down at the blood pooling around her head.

  “You don’t want to know,” a soft voice rang out as Victoria and Connelly turned…to see Lillian standing in the doorway.

  “You killed her?” Victoria gasped. “I told you to fire her, not unload a round into her skull! Where was the confusion there?”

  “I had to do it, Victoria! She was going to take Gordon! She…she was his biological mother,” Lillian said, tears trickling down her cheeks. “She was going to take him and…I just couldn’t.”

  “We need to call the police,” Connelly said as her stomach turned, staring down at the bright red blood trickling from the hole in the center of Kylie’s forehead.

  “Are you crazy?” Victoria snapped, her eyes darting to Connelly.

  “No, I’m not! A girl is dead!” Connelly snapped.

  “I can’t go to jail, Connelly! I can’t leave Tatum and Gordon! If they find out that she was his birthmother, they’d bury me! I can’t…take the risk of a trial or anything. I can’t risk losing my family. I don’t…I don’t know what to do,” Lillian cried as she shook her head.

  “There’s right and there’s wrong…and then there’s this, Lillian. You killed an innocent person,” Connelly said, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Innocent?” Victoria smirked.

  “You know what I mean!” Connelly snapped.

  “I know I shouldn’t be asking this of you both. I know that I did something wrong…something terrible. But I can’t go back. I can’t let this…destroy my life. She has no family…she has no friends,” Lillian said softly.

  “What are you saying?” Connelly asked, confused.

  “You want to hide the body?” Victoria asked…as Lillian nodded softly.

  “Are you crazy?” Connelly snapped as her wide eyes looked from Victoria to Lillian. “A girl is DEAD! A girl that you killed, Lillian!”

  “What do you want me to do, huh? Flush my entire life down the toilet over…over this! Over this cold-hearted bitch who tried to take my child away from me? This isn’t about me anymore, Connelly! This is about my family! This is about my son! I can’t…I can’t do this alone. I need you. You know I’d help the both of you if you were ever in this kind of situation! We promised each other that we would always stick together…through thick and thin,” Lillian sobbed.

  “I didn’t know that included homicide,” Connelly said softy, staring over at Kylie’s lifeless body.

  “I’ll help,” Victoria said sternly.

  “What?” Connelly asked, stunned, as she looked to Victoria beside her.

  “We are family, Connelly. If we don’t have each other’s backs…we’re alone in this world. Don’t even stand there and pretend at some point…you didn’t think about doing the same fucking thing to Fiona,” Victoria growled. “I’m not going to sit here and let Lillian take the fall for this. I’m not going to be the reason she loses her family and spends the rest of her life in prison.”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this right now,” Connelly said, shaking her head, as she rubbed her hands over her face…massaging her throbbing forehead.

  “I know a spot…it’s out of town. We just…we need to get her body there. We need trash bags and a shovel,” Victoria nodded.

  “Listen to yourselves! This is insane! If we just go to the police and tell them that Kylie was trying to take Gordon, they’d go easy on Lillian!” Connelly cried.

  “I’m not taking that chance, Connelly! I’m not going to abandon my son! You know I’d help you with anything…you know I’d be there in an instant…as I always have been! I’ve never needed you more than I do now. I can’t do this alone. Please,” Lillian begged as she wiped her tears.

  “Do you want to be the reason Gordon loses his mom?” Victoria asked as her eyes burned into Connelly. “If you do, you’re not the friend I thought you were.”

  “This is…this is so wrong, you guys,” Connelly cried, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “You’re either with us…or against us,” Victoria said sternly, her fists clenched at her sides. “What’s it going to be?”


  “Why couldn’t we have taken your car?” Connelly sighed as she tightened her grip on the steering wheel of her Tesla, gliding around a sharp curve surrounded with woods.

  “Yeah, let’s just put her body between us in my coupe; that’s such a splendid idea, Connelly,” Victoria sighed, rolling her eyes in the passenger seat.

  “How much further?” Lillian asked from the back seat as she stared out the window, the woods growing thicker and darker.

  “About a mile…there should be a dirt road to the left up here,” Victoria said, pointing at the windshield.

  “How do you even know about this place? I have no clue where we even are,” Connelly sighed as she squinted through the windshield, the headlights beaming through the darkness and along the pavement of the country road.

  “Derek owns it. His parents left a lot for him. They used to camp out here when he was little…but no one ever comes out here now. Turn here,” Victoria said as Connelly turned the wheel, her Tesla turning to the right and moving down a dirt road…leading through the thick woods. Connelly’s Tesla rolled along the bumpy dirt road…the trees growing thicker and thicker around them…as she squinted forward…to see a small clearing of grass. “Stop here.”

  Connelly put her car into park and stepped out of the car, Victoria and Lillian following behind her. Crickets chirped through the trees as Connelly stared up into the night sky, the branches shielding the view…the moonlight peeking through the leaves. Victoria moved to the trunk of Connelly’s car…and pulled it open…staring inside at Kylie’s body…wrapped tightly in a large black trash bag.

  “I’m not touching her,” Connelly said sternly as she stepped up to Lillian and Victoria’s side at the trunk.

  “Fine, then you get to dig,” Victoria smiled coyly as she dragged the shovel out from the trunk and thrusted it to Connelly.

  “Bitch,” Connelly growled as she turned. “Where?”

  “Good God, just pick a fucking spot! We don’t have all night! We need to get back as soon as possible before anyone suspects anything,” Victoria sighed as she and Lillian grabbed both ends of Kylie’s wrapped body…and pulled it out of the trunk. Victoria released the edge of the bag, dropping Kylie’s upper half onto the hard ground. Lillian gasped, her hands still around Kylie’s wrapped ankles.

  “Victoria!” Lillian snapped.

  “What? As if she felt that,” Victoria sighed as she rolled her eyes and stared down at Kylie’s wrapped body.

  Connelly stabbed the blade of the shovel into the dirt as she glanced up at the large oak trees surrounding her. How the hell did they get here? First, they lost Ally…and now…here they were…being a group of cold-blooded murderers. If Ally could see them now…and what they had become. Connelly knew it wasn’t too soon to stop this…and to go back. She knew there was still time to call the police. But the truth was…she felt like she didn’t know Victoria and Lillian at all anymore…not after tonight. If they were willing to cover up the murder of Kylie, then they were probably more than willing to throw Connelly under the bus…and pin this whole bloody mess onto her.

  Connelly glanced back as she listened to Victoria’s cellphone chime, the high-pitched ringtone echoing through the trees surrounding them.

  “Hello?” Victoria said, answering her phone as she stared down at Kylie’s body. ‘Wait what? What the fuck do you mean?” Victoria gasped as Connelly stood up straight, the shovel in her hand. “God damn it!” Victoria snapped as she ended the call and looked to Lillian beside her. Connelly dropped the shovel…and stepped up beside Victoria and Lillian…as she watched Victoria slowly pace back and forth…her hands trembling.

  “What’s wrong now?” Connelly asked.

  “We need to make this fast. We need to get back, NOW,” Victoria snapped as she paced back and forth along the dirt road.

  “What’s going on? Are you alright?” Lillian asked as she studied Victoria’s flushed cheeks.

  “No, I’m not alright. I’m the furthest thing from alright!” Victoria growled as she stopped, placing her hands onto her hips. Victoria’s dark eyes slowly lifted, settling onto Connelly and Lillian in front of her. “It’s Elle…she’s dead.”




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