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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 130

by Jenny Ramshard

  Reece came out to visit the worksite a couple times over the next month or two for filming. Jane found a reason to send Marv into town and she found a quiet corner away from the cameras to greet Reece properly. A couple times she even let him slide his fat cock into her ass. It was a tight fit and he came pretty quickly those times.

  At the end of the two months, they presented the house to the family. The couple cried at their beautiful home. They hugged Jane, Marv, Reece, and even Jeff.

  Marv ended the program by saying, “I hope I’m not stealing the thunder of the presentation of the house, but I’m proud to announce that Jane is about two months pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”

  Everyone cheered.

  Jeff tapped the cameraman’s shoulder. “Be sure you’re getting all of this.”

  Reece laughed. “Well, I hope your quarter million dollar prize goes a long way to designing your own nursery and I like your chances at the million for the design prize at the end of the season.”

  Marv said, “Yes, it will help. Thank you. We are very excited. We had been trying for so long with no luck and then here she turns up pregnant out of nowhere all of a sudden.”

  Reece hummed and said, “A minor miracle, it would seem.”

  Reece and Jane held one another’s gaze for a long time.

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  Story 59

  Chapter One

  I wasn’t about to let him win this argument even though I knew what he was saying was the truth. My father was never one to mince words and his anger was evident by the way that his cheeks flushed.

  “I can’t seem to get through to you and this is the only way I know to give you a future you deserve. Living here with me isn’t working. God knows, I’m trying to show patience, but you are rapidly getting on my last nerve.” He stood there defiantly with his hands holding onto his suspenders.

  “There’s nothing you can do to force me to become a mail order bride. This might be the old west, but I don’t play nice with others. Mother would have your balls in a sling if she were here to witness the way you’re trying to pawn me off on a man. You have her to blame for my independence and attitude to match.” My spun gold hair was wrapped nicely in a bun. It was giving me the demure look of a Catholic schoolgirl. I was small in stature but I made up for that with a hardened edge.

  “You have so much potential and you’re ruining your one chance at happiness. Knowing your place is half the battle. Fighting me is not the answer. I had a feeling this was the response I was going to get.” He looked smug and then there was a knock on the door which made him smile like he had something up his sleeve.

  “I know that look like the back of my hand. I get this feeling I’m not going to like what you propose next.” I followed him into the hallway where he was talking in hushed tones with a man with the brim of his cowboy hat down over his eyes.

  The denim shirt and black pants did not hide his physique from my eager and wandering eyes. I watched him closely and found something strangely enthralling about his presence. He lifted the brim of his hat and I was immediately drawn to his piercing blue eyes.

  “Laurie, I would like you to meet Stephen Overton. He is going to take a personal interest in curbing you of your attitude. I’ve taken the liberty of packing your bag.” I was stunned into silence. Stephen took my wrist and held it within his iron grip.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you or anyone. Get your hands off of me or I will scream.” The feel of his fingers holding me tight was causing the unseen side effect of my body responding.

  “I can assure you there’s nothing you can say to change my mind. This is not how a young lady acts. His school has an amazing reputation for success. I don’t know what the curriculum is, but I really don’t care. Come back when you are ready to play by the rules. He promises to teach you how to behave.” I was a tomboy and I was at home climbing trees.

  “This can either be the easy way or the hard way. I have a few men outside ready to bring you along by force if necessary. I would rather you show me the potential of learning your place in society. Give me an inch and I will surely take a mile.” His strong shoulders and the day growth of beard had me wondering what those bristles would feel like against my face.

  I tried to wrench free, but it was an exercise in futility. He easily hefted me over his shoulders and grabbed my luggage on the way out. I looked up to see father grinning from ear to ear. He had no idea what he had unleashed on this unsuspecting man.

  “I have this feeling you’re going to have your hands full with this one. I’m paying quite a lot of money to get results quickly. Her intended will be here in less than two weeks and I want her ready for her new life. Don’t disappoint me.” My father’s words conveyed how much was at stake and the money involved.

  “I pride myself on knowing exactly what it takes and I don’t have to justify your comment with a response. The money you gave me is money well spent. I will say I’m not very happy with the way you treat her. Somebody needs to make a drastic adjustment to your attitude toward women.” This was the first time I had seen anybody stand up to my father and his slack jaw made me smile inward.

  “I hope you know who you’re talking to and just how much trouble you can be in by making me an enemy.” My father was not about to let him get the last word. His fortune was born off the backs of others doing his dirty work.

  Stephen hung me over the horse and then turned his attention to my father. He tossed his long hair back and cracked his knuckles. I would have given anything to see someone wipe the look of victory off of his face.

  “I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth and I had to fight for everything I own. I was constantly at odds with my siblings and competition became something our father would enjoy by pitting us against each other. You can say whatever you want, but be aware that there are consequences to any action.” He reeled back with his fist and brought it so close to my father’s glass jaw that he practically jumped out of his skin.

  “I… I will not have anybody speaking to me in this manner.” My father was flustered and I was seeing my benefactor in a whole different light.

  “Let this be a lesson to you that money doesn’t always get what you want. We will never see things the same way. I punish because it’s necessary not because I get a thrill out of it. I would say that she’s lucky to get out from underneath your thumb.” Stephen was wearing a duster which made him look bigger than life.

  The muscles on his body gave him a physique that most women would dream of exploring from the top to the bottom. He was a wet dream come true and no doubt had a plethora of young ladies begging for his attention. He was that sweet temptation which could become addictive on the lips.

  I could’ve moved by jumping off the horse and making a run for it, but I felt compelled to stay exactly where I was. Watching him intimidate with only words fueled a certain desire building in my lower extremities.

  His posse of men was quite impressed by this display of his manhood. There was no doubt they had been on the receiving end of the evil eye of persuasion. I was no stranger to the way that he made me feel. I had to step carefully with bated breath.

  “Laurie… I only use your name because I want you to know how personal I take the lessons that I am going to inflict on you. I can be kind, but only if you follow my directions to the letter. There will be days that you will hate me, but it will be a healthy kind of hate.” He lifted his frame with the grace of a Bengal tiger until he was straddling the beast between his legs.

  I was speechless and unable to voice the fire longing in my loins. It was a matter of perception and he was making himself look like someone I wanted to get to know intimately.

  He turned abruptly, narrowing his eyes and staring at my father with no words exchanged between them. My father had his mouth open about to say something in his own defense, but he decided against it. He turned and grumbled on his way back ins
ide. The door closed on one chapter of my life and another one was just about to begin.

  I looked up while the horse was galloping away and got one last glimpse of the house that had been the bane of my existence. Without my mother, I was running amok and my father was used to a more disciplined household. He found out the hard way when he tried to raise the belt against me.

  Punching him in the face and knocking him on his ass was a pleasure. He never could look at me the same way again. It was much the same way he couldn’t look at Stephen. This was something we had in common and maybe it was enough to build on.

  Chapter Two

  The first few days I found myself acclimating to my surroundings. I enjoyed the other girls and I felt like I had found a kinship with them. Stephen was absent and only made his presence known at dinner. He kept looking at me and making me feel exposed like I wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing.

  Today was the day he was going to take a more personal approach. The girls would giggle, but they wouldn’t tell me what I was in for. They were sworn to secrecy and had no interest in getting on Stephen’s bad side.

  I reluctantly made my way over to his office which was his private home on the several acres of property. We would work for our supper and I was no wilting flower when it came to manual labor. To escape my father’s disapproval, I would spend hours chopping firewood and hunting for food with either a bow and arrow or fishing rod.

  The land was pretty much self-sustainable and everything we ate was grown out of the very earth underneath our feet. It was a commune of dedicated individuals working for a common goal.

  I was about to knock on his door when he opened it without a shirt on. “I have been very impressed by your progress, but I still sense the rebellion inside you.” He was standing at over 6 feet tall and had to be at least 200 pounds of solid muscle in all the right places.

  “What exactly do you think you can do about that? No man has been able to keep me down and it’s time that men like you see women like me as equals.” I was finding my voice. I wasn’t about to let him get the upper hand.

  I was suddenly hauled in and the door was closed with the audible click making me aware of my prisoner status. It was quite thrilling to have him breathing on the back of my neck.

  “You have quite the mouth on you and maybe there’s something else you can do with it other than argue with me. I’ve been watching you these last few days and a part of me has hungered for more than just brief glimpses of your flesh. The way that your dress rides up and shows off your ankles has me ready and waiting for you.” I wasn’t expecting him to be aggressive, but I secretly longed for him to touch me.

  “I don’t know what kind of girl you take me for, but…” I didn’t get the rest of my sentence out. His hand came around to my mouth to make sure that he quieted any reservations.

  “I take you for the kind of girl that likes pleasure. I take you for the kind of girl that needs a man to show you what you have been missing with little boys. It’s no wonder you have this chip on your shoulder with what happened to your mother. Grief is a strong emotion, but there is one other which can supersede even the darkest of souls.” His lips touched my neck and my legs tried to weather the onslaught in vain.

  “You’re not any kind of man if you think that you can take what you want.” I thought for sure this would put him in his place, but he never wavered from where he was standing mere inches away from me.

  “You mistake me for someone else. I don’t have to take anything when a woman will practically give me what I want. I see the hungry way you look at me at supper and it has nothing to do with the food. The heat between us is quite evident and the temperature when we’re in the same vicinity begins to climb.” He moved my hair out of the way and he gripped it hard enough to make me yelp in defiance.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, but these girls show you respect. I have to wonder where the lessons begin and end. I don’t want to be another number or notch on your bedpost.” He stuck out his tongue and circled the very same spot his lips had already marked my skin.

  “I’ve had other girls, but they have never been anything like you. I like it when they fight their natural urges. There’s no mistaking the same thing can be said for you.” His hands lingered along my arms. He grabbed them and pulled them up until I was suspended with a rope around my wrist.

  Gasping at the intrusion of my personal space, I looked at him incredulously and I couldn’t believe how easily he had led me into the trap. He walked around and held a riding crop which he summarily slapped against the palm of his hand. I jumped every time he did it thinking about what it would feel like striking against my bare skin.

  “You’re… you’re not going to use that on me.” I was frightened and shaking like a leaf, but he didn’t seem brutal or some kind of sadist.

  “That’s entirely up to you, Laurie. I teach the girls to be ready for just about anything. Don’t you even wonder why the reason I show you how to defend yourself? I wasn’t lying when I told your father that I didn’t like the way he treats you.” I heard the tearing of the material and I cringed with how excited I was by being disrobed in front of him.

  “What do you expect me to say? I’m not just going to give into your hungry determination for me.” The first snap of the riding crop left a lasting impression. The sting was hard to ignore, but I found myself arching my backside for a deeper connection.

  “It’s not your words that concern me. The body and the mind are always at odds.” He struck me again and this time I made a long drawn out moan.

  “God help me…that feels good. I didn’t know pain could be this delicious.” My breathing was ragged and it was a good thing I was trussed up like an animal. “I don’t know how to say this…do it again.” I barely had the words out of my mouth when he was making the riding crop whistle before contact.

  “It’s very rare when I find them this eager.” I could feel the warmth and then he was standing in front of me with his cock bulging obscenely. He let loose the buttons and revealed the product of my arousal.

  “I’ve never seen anything…anything…that big before. I would really love to show you my appreciation for everything you’ve done for me. I still have a lot to learn and I’m sure you are willing to give me some personal lessons.” He released the ropes and my legs gave out until I was on my knees.

  “I know from what you say this isn’t the first time you’ve done this. It makes me give quiet contemplation to what you have not done.” It was widely known a woman was supposed to remain pure until marriage. I had kept that promise not really believing that I would find somebody worthy to be with me in the Biblical sense.

  “I had to get creative to keep the guys from becoming too much to handle.” He wiped his cock glistening with his juices across my lips.

  “I would like a demonstration.” I opened my mouth and wrapped my tongue around the heated head of his member. The delicious nectar coating my tongue made me anxious to find the release switch to his libido.

  I gave him my undivided attention with my excitement trickling down the inside of my thighs. There was no denying the chemistry between us. I could justify going along with this because I was a captive. I felt like this was exactly where I had to be.

  Grabbing my hair, he force fed me those inches until I was choking on the final two. His knob was lodged in my throat and my eyes were welling up with the effort. He was sliding across the slippery surface of my tongue. I was falling underneath his spell and I didn’t know the reason why. Walking away and living a lie wasn’t an option.

  “This is exactly what I’m talking about. A man hasn’t lived a day in his life until he has been given this kind of pleasure. The way you do that makes it necessary to fill your mouth with my seed. Nod your head in compliance if you agree.” I looked up at him with my mouth full and I gave him the respect of nodding my head. There was no way that I could say anything while I was occupied in a pleasing task for all of my senses.

sp; His pace quickened along with his breathing and then I felt his knob swelling against the roof of my mouth. He had his hands twisted in my hair. My lips were given a workout. He was not like the others and I was definitely going to feel this in the morning.

  “Take it…don’t you dare spit it out…look up at me while you swallow it.” He gave off this mournful groan of satisfaction. Capturing his absence wasn’t hard with him holding me in place.

  Several quick streams filled my mouth and I had to remember to swallow before inviting more to take its place. There was a never ending supply and he must’ve been saving it for me.

  He thrust back and forth not even stopping while he was unloading. I couldn’t seem to get enough of the flavor of his ambrosia. It wasn’t sickeningly sweet but did have overtones of some kind of ripe fruit.


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