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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 131

by Jenny Ramshard

  He turned his back and I was left with a little bit dripping from the corner of my mouth. I was expecting to be dragged upstairs to where the bed was calling my name.

  “It seems like a waste to ruin you with a man who can’t truly appreciate what he has. I’m going to have to give this some serious thought.” His spent organ was once again nestled inside those pants. “I want you to come back tomorrow at this same time and don’t make me wait if you know what’s good for you.” He released me from the ropes and I was rubbing my wrists where they had been chafed raw.

  I was a little shocked by the command in his voice and how he could turn it on and off like a switch. My legs were weak at the knees and I could barely stand up from the orgasm he didn’t know I had from going down on him. It was a matter of concentration and it didn’t hurt that he tasted better with every shot he gave me.

  “I do want you to shower tonight. I do expect you to be clean and I will return the favor. Tonight, I want you to picture me naked grabbing my cock in front of your eyes. Anticipate what it will feel like to have the head followed by the rest of the shaft buried deep inside you. I don’t normally sample the merchandise, but for you, I will make the exception.” He opened the door and stood to the side while I made a hasty exit. I couldn’t believe what I had just done, but the proof was still clinging to my lower lip.

  I thought I was immune to a man’s charm, but it only took one to make me a believer. The power wasn’t just in the tone of his voice, but his eyes burned through me. I was positive the others could attest to the same thing, but we were forbidden to talk about what happened behind closed doors.

  Chapter Three

  The next day I was tending to the fields and I couldn’t help but do exactly what he said all night long. I tossed and turned with my hands between my legs to alleviate the frustration of not being with him. It was a restless night. The one thing keeping me going was the very idea of him fucking me until my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I didn’t make myself cum. I was worried he would somehow find out.

  Sarah stumbled into my line of vision and she was looking back over her shoulder like the devil himself was stalking her. She was rubbing the back of her dress and her cheeks were flush with what I could perceive as embarrassment.

  “He wants to…he wants to see you and I wouldn’t make him wait for any longer than necessary.” I dropped what I was doing. I gave her a backward glance on my way down the marked path to his residence.

  I stopped to pick some wildflowers and I purposely hung back hoping for the kind of discipline he could render.

  The door was already open and he was sitting in a chair with one leg draped over the other. This time there was no shirt and the riding crop was near his right hand. His fingers were tapping incessantly and there was no smile.

  “I sent Sarah to get you 10 minutes ago. It shows me that my work has only begun with you. Get in here and close the door behind you. Show me the respect of presenting yourself for punishment.” He clapped his hands loud enough to sound like thunder in my ears.

  I dropped to the floor with my head hung low and then I presented myself. I thought that I was elegance and freedom wrapped up in a pretty bow. I was learning the hard way submission was delicious in its own way.

  “I apologize for the lateness of my arrival. I was a little reluctant to look you in your piercing blue eyes. Weakness is not something I would equate myself with.” I was educated because I made it my mission to be more than what women were intended to be. The day would come when there would be a battle of the sexes.

  I was breaking ground for my gender and I felt like I was taking two steps back with him circling me like I was a sideshow attraction.

  “I’ve been thinking about you all night. I know you have been thinking about me. Follow me and don’t you dare get up on your feet.” I felt degraded by climbing the stairs on my hands and knees with the boards underneath me digging into my shins and palms.

  “I want you to tell me what to do.” He stopped halfway up the stairs and dropped his pants. His magnificent tool was ready for a repeat performance.

  “Go ahead and suck it with enthusiastic sloppiness. It’s the only lubrication you’re going to get.” He stood with his hands on his hips. His confidence wavered once my lips sealed shut over the crown of his scepter.

  “I almost forgot how hot your mouth can get and what kind of experience you can easily show any man. Girls could take a page from your book. You would be the perfect person to teach them how to make men dance to your tune.” I needed his love and I didn’t care how long it would take to get that one little taste.

  He buried it with ease in my throat and this time there was no gag reflex. I had practiced on a banana and a cucumber with varying degrees of success. He was as long as the banana, but not as thick as the cucumber.

  “This is the kind of abuse a man wants from a woman. A dainty little flower like you would be a sought after commodity by those looking for something unspoiled. I’m doing you a favor by taking away the glint in their eyes.” I was drooling all over him and then he pulled away still dripping from the heat of my mouth.

  I made my way down the hall behind him watching those globes and getting that extra boost of excitement.

  He was standing by the four poster bed and the sheets blood red in color looked quite inviting. With one hand, he peeled back the sheets like a magician offering an explanation to his sleight of hand.

  I was swallowing my pride, but I didn’t feel like I was doing anything wrong. In fact, it fell right to cling to his leg and climb up until I was situated in the comfortable position of straddling him. The lips of my sex scorched the head of his cock with a profound kiss of encouragement.

  “Stay in position for as long as you can. Your legs will get fatigued and soon gravity will do the rest. Don’t give up and I know the strength you have in your little finger. Make me work for it and don’t just give in because you feel that’s what I want you to do.” I was hunched down with my hands in the air and my thighs burning from the effort.

  “I’m trying, but it’s just a matter of time before I have to let go. It must give you a sick sense of accomplishment to have me in this position.” I didn’t know how it was possible, but somehow he had relieved me of my garments. Naked and ready to pursue the pleasures of the flesh was becoming my guilty pleasure.

  “I can see the sweat dripping off your brow and you have shown amazing fortitude. It’s something to be proud of and no man is capable of breaking you. Saying no isn’t a crime, but I don’t see the word coming out of your lips soon.” I was hanging by a thread and I was using everything in my being to prevent myself from falling on my sword.

  My legs were trembling and I was gritting my teeth with determination. My face was twitching and my eyes were wide with the implication of what would occur when I fell from my perch.

  I dropped with a scream from feeling the injection of beef. It burrowed through any kind of resistance and I found myself slapping my hands on his chest. It left behind my fingerprints burned into his flesh. He grunted his response and then he held me still while he thrust his hips from below.

  “Don’t stop… I want this all the time and how could I be so naïve to think this was a form of degradation.” I was following through with my body slamming up and down on top of him. I couldn’t believe how much I was soaking the sheets underneath us.

  There was no stopping the dam from bursting and I fell on top of him with his hands on my ass cheeks. I could feel his lightning and he could definitely feel the thunder of my sex rippling around him.

  My heart was skipping a beat and I was the lone drummer of my destiny. I had his number and I had definitely weakened his resolve by squeezing down with enough force for pop him like warm champagne.

  He turned me with my legs in the air over his shoulders. Our flesh was smacking together with an obscene sound. His breathing was heavy and erratic. I knew from personal experience with hand jobs and going down on a man t
his was a sure sign of orgasmic expulsion.

  “I don’t think so and you don’t deserve my cream inside that tight little body of yours. I’m not through playing your body like a musical instrument. I know what strings to pull to get the desired reaction out of you.” There was no denying the pleasing sensation of his shaft rubbing with a fair amount of friction along my slippery lips.

  He was slapping the over inflated cock head against my clit. Rubbing it in a circle, he left behind the residue of his excitement which he used to make me feel like I was flying. The sticky substance clung to my little friend and then he lifted me into his arms like I was a small child.

  Slamming me up against the wall, he rode the waves of pleasure in my eyes with his mouth stabbing his tongue in to join mine already there to receive him. This was a moment I was never going to forget. Losing my virginity to a man of his obvious age and experience is something that every woman should want for their first time. It shouldn’t be about those awkward glances and the fleeting feeling after only a few seconds in bliss.

  “I am continuously cumming and I didn’t even know that was possible. You have given me more than you imagine. I daresay that we belong together, but I don’t want to assume anything.” He wasn’t saying anything with words, but his actions sure the hell did say more than he probably wanted them to.

  I was trying to keep it together when I was falling apart. I had no energy and the little bit I did have was used to hold onto him for support. There was no stopping the feeling of losing myself in his eyes. It was hard to believe he had come into my life and turned my world upside down.

  “Fucking take it… I want that cock to be something that you can’t do without. I want you to carry my baby and to have my child out of wedlock. I know you can feel the way that I have gotten even harder than before.” He was like a machine born to fuck me until I passed out from exhaustion and overwhelming pleasure.

  “This cunt is yours and I feel like I’ve found my second half. The lessons I have received in manners don’t even compare to the way your hips thrust with relentless power.” I never thought going to reform school would give me a new lease on life.

  “I have stamina to burn and I know what a woman really wants. They want the protector and the lover all rolled up into one nice little package. I can’t seem to get enough of how you swallow me down to the root. It’s amazing the way your body responds to my touch and the feel of my cock plumbing your depths. There is no measure to how far you will fall when you step into this room of depravity.” I was going to be left with marks from the way he was pounding me into the wall.

  Walking funny was not out of the realm of possibility. He was able to set me free and playing with my heart was only destined to end badly. I was trying to understand his motivations. I was giving him all that I could muster under the circumstances. I was on the borderline of a pleasurable release, unlike anything I had felt before. His shaft was rubbing in the right way on each inward thrust.

  “I want you to…cum inside me and I’m not taking no for an answer.” Something in his eyes was making me feel like I was losing a part of myself.

  He was giving me everything he could until I couldn’t breathe. When I looked into his eyes I couldn’t find the man I had met the first time. The only thing left behind was the beast of his libido clamoring to get out.

  I pushed off against the wall and I wrapped my arms around his neck feeling how he was making me lose my mind. It was explosive and he was continually pushing me past the point of my endurance.

  “You want it that badly and I’m inclined to give it to you.” The hours were growing shorter and I didn’t dare to open up my eyes in case this was a vivid dream.

  I was dazzled by the beauty of our bodies coming together in this surrender.

  His seed was pulled from his body and the look of satisfaction on his face was reward enough. I couldn’t afford to wait when my father was waiting for me in the next couple of days to take my rightful place as a mail order bride.

  This was even better than tasting him and the heat discharged was greedily accepted without reservation. Being with him made me feel like our love was a crime against nature. He had managed to pull me from the darkness and into the light. I didn’t know what would happen when he finally had to let go.

  Chapter Four

  I walked around in a daze for the next few days with him keeping his distance. I was tempted to go knocking on his door, but I wasn’t sure that I was ready to hear what he had to say. Tomorrow was the fateful day and I was trying to decide whether I was going to go through with it or make a break for the border.

  “I would ask what was on your mind, but I think I already know. I’ve been giving this a lot of thought and I’m ashamed by how far I let things go. I can’t change what already happened. I don’t envy your position of servitude. I want to know what you want.” He had me a little frazzled and I wasn’t expecting him to make this kind of overture.

  “I thought it went without saying that I want to stay with you. I’m not pregnant with your child, but god damn, I’m willing to put in the work. I just need to know if we are on the same page.” He walked away with his back straight and his two hands clasped behind his back.

  I came upon him in a clearing where the tree he was standing before showed signs of wear and tear. He was carrying a burlap sack over his shoulder and the sound of the chains slapping against the ground was anything but subtle.

  “We’ve come full circle, little one, and I believe you know what the chains are for. I would like for you to wrap your hands around the tree like you are hugging it.” I didn’t even hesitate. I didn’t even bother to take off my clothes before taking my place. I heard the chains being wrapped around me.

  “I didn’t know how much I was going to love being dominated. It’s quite a surprise and one I hope will remain between the two of us.” I felt my dress being pulled up and then his cock was slapping heavily against my cheeks. He ran it underneath me using his shaft to excite me with the kind of friction to get my attention.

  Shivering in place, I felt the sensation of warmth running through my limbs and converging in between my legs. He slapped my ass hard enough to make me jump from the impact.

  “You’ve come a long way over these last few days and I could certainly see having a steady diet of you.” He was spreading my legs and my lower half was the only part of me not bound to the tree.

  “I could say the same thing about you, Stephen. Nothing is quite like your firm hand to get me in the mood. I know what you want and what you are already doing is certainly giving me food for thought.” The only thought I had was how fast he could deliver me to the kind of pleasure I was accustomed to.

  “Your father will fight me, but I’m sure we can come to a reasonable arrangement without coming to blows. I can make him an offer he can’t refuse. I’ve thought about this and I believe the sacrifice is worth keeping you in my life. I’ve been running from my feelings for too long. You have given me a reason to open up my eyes in the morning.” He had found my heart and I was powerless to resist everything about him.

  The cooling breeze billowing through the trees did nothing to quell the temperature between my legs. I was burning up inside with fever and he had the instrument to cure me of my ailment.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see that he was bending his knees readying himself for penetration.

  Impaling me on his love stick was met with an enthusiastic scream loud enough to bring those worried about my safety.

  My fingernails were scratching the bark off the tree as I grunted every time he powered forward.

  “I can never go back to the way that things were in my sex life. Fucking you like this where you are at my mercy is how I need it. It gives me a shot of adrenaline and makes me a force onto myself. You know I’m telling the truth and no other man will be able to match you in stamina. You are insatiable and I find myself worried that I’m not going to be able to keep up with the demand.” Our bodies were co
lliding in a cacophony of animalistic sounds.

  “You may have found the only woman who likes it this way.” I had already had a mini climax. It was enough to grease the pathway to my G spot.

  In this position, he was able to find a different angle which had me at a loss for words. The smell of him was only made that much more pleasant by the erotic dreams.

  The subject was always the same with me in a compromising position. It helped to give me the courage to admit my desire for his one track mind of submission.

  I couldn’t deny the intense feeling radiating through my body. I was no longer a virgin like the Madonna. I didn’t want to miss a single thing he was doing to me. Passing out and losing time was not something I was willing to do.

  “There’s nothing better than seeing your lips kissing every inch of me. The feeling of fucking you deep and your juices scalding my balls are more than any man can withstand.” It was inspiring to know that my body was giving him the kind of pleasure that no other woman could even come close to.


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