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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 149

by Jenny Ramshard

  “We are celebrating tonight!” He opens his bag and takes out two more bottles.

  I kiss him. “I guess we are!”

  He pops open two bottles and hands me one. “Cheers to you, my sweet Candy Kane for your bravery and ingenuity in the face of evil.” We clink bottles, and then gulp down champagne.

  One thing leads to another, of course, and we are on my bed. Charles is a tender lover. His cock is thick and long and fills me up the brim. On my back, as always, he hovers over me and slides gently inside. I resist the urge to grab his ass and slam him into me. I love the sensation of my pussy feeling like it will burst.

  Charles and I make love, and it isn’t fucking like it was with Grant. Charles looks into my eyes with adoration. “You’re beautiful, Candy,” he whispers. We kiss passionately exploring each other’s mouths.

  Charles plunges into me luxuriously slow and deep. I orgasm hard crying out into Charles’s shoulder. He cups my face in his hand as he whimpers softly gushing cum inside me. We fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  In a few hours, we are woken by loud banging on my front door. “Do you want me to get it?” Charles asks.

  “No, stay in bed. I’ll see who it is.”

  I wrap a robe around me and groggily walk to the front door still drunk from the champagne. I look through the peep hole and see Grant.

  He bangs on the door again. “Candy! Open up! I know you are in there!”

  I fling the door open. “What the hell…”

  He throws himself inside and on me. He kisses me fervently pushing me all the way to the couch. His hands grope me everywhere. He murmurs, “I need you.” His breath smells of whiskey.

  “Powell, what the fuck are you doing here?” Charles stands in the living room naked looking at us.

  Grant stands defiantly. “You’re here?”

  “Of course, I’m here. Why the fuck are you here?”

  Grant says, “I don’t need to answer that.” He sloppily takes a swing at Charles’s face. Charles, still drunk himself, stumbles away.

  “Everyone sit down. This is ridiculous.” I grab both of their hands and lead them to the couch. “You both are on the same team. You need to resolve your differences.” They both let out exasperated sighs. “You’re both professionals, okay?”

  They both cross their arms and look away like spoiled children. “I think tonight we should practice a team building exercise.” They eye me suspiciously. I slip off my robe.

  “What are you doing?” Charles says. Grant says nothing lustily staring at my bare breasts.

  “Just trust me.” I kneel in front of Charles and take his cock into my mouth. I lick and suck while jutting my ass out invitingly. Grant kneels behind me and gives my ass a hard thwack with his hand. He briskly plunges his rigid cock into my pussy. I squeal from the pressure. I suck on Charles’s dick harder enjoying the sensation of having a cock in my mouth and in my cunt at the same time.

  Grant reaches his hand down to tweak my nipples hard. He moans while he jiggles my breasts in his hand. Charles is moaning too. Their simultaneous sounds of pleasure only make me wetter and hotter. The urge to orgasm burns inside me.

  I take Charles out of my mouth and then jump on his lap. I slide down on his wet cock slowly. Grant circles around the couch to watch me buck up and down on Charles. I rub my breasts with my hands making my nipples fat and hard. I take a nipple into my mouth and suck.

  Charles and Grant both gasp as I circle my tongue around and around my nipple. I feel warm and tingly all over as I feel their eyes devouring me. I throw my head back letting the orgasm sweep over me. I moan with my eyes shut tightly. I feel my hair swish back and forth on my bare back.

  Uncharacteristically, Charles lifts me up and turns me around on the couch. “That was so hot, Candy!” He grunts as he thrusts his dick inside me fiercely. I gasp from the force. Grant rubs the tip of his dick on my wet mouth. He strokes it with a firm grip guiding it into my open wanting mouth.

  Charles grips my ass with two firm hands. He slaps a cheek hard and says, “I love your ass.” I yelp from the sting and the pleasant surprise. Charles has never spanked me before. My pussy is throbbing intensely from his thrusts. I come again screaming in ecstasy letting the orgasm sway me on my knees.

  I pull away from them and plant myself on the floor with my head up and mouth open. Charles and Grant stand over me stroking their cocks staring at me.

  “Come on my face and my tits,” I say to them shaking my breasts up and down with my hands. Watching them jack off next to each other is so hot. Their taut muscular bodies are both flexed in concentration. Sweat drips down their torsos.

  “So hot,” Grant mutters as he shoots hot cum into my mouth and on my face. Charles groans loudly. I feel his cum splatter onto my chin and drip down onto my breasts.

  I collapse onto the floor too exhausted and still drunk. I close my eyes and let the fuzz of sleep lull me. I feel Charles and Grant heave themselves on the floor next to me. Our bodies, hot and sweaty, tangle into a heap.

  In a few days, I receive a call from the University President.

  “On behalf of Mercer University, I would like to apologize for Dr. Knight’s behavior.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  There is a pause on the line. “Dr. Knight has been reprimanded and will ---“

  “Reprimanded in what way?”

  “She has been talked to.”

  “I see. So she has been verbally reprimanded.”

  “Yes, and we are requesting she grade your papers again fairly.”

  “Forgive me for saying this, but I feel like my grievance isn’t being taken seriously.”

  The President clears his throat. “I’m sorry you feel that way, Ms. Kane.”

  “I have been in communication with the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance and their numerous lawyers, who have informed me that Dr. Knight’s actions are against my civil liberties. I will have them call you. Perhaps, they will be better suited to explain to you my situation.”

  The President interrupts me abruptly. “Ms. Kane, it will not have to go that far. We can settle this out of court.”

  “I don’t want any money. I just want to be given a fair opportunity to pursue my degree without any bias.”

  “That’s perfectly acceptable.”

  “I also feel that Dr. Knight’s presence in your nursing faculty impedes me and others like me. For that reason, I think the only fair option is her dismissal.” The President sighs on the phone. There is a long silence before I say, “But you know the NAAFA lawyers can work out the specifics with you.”

  “No. That won’t be necessary. I will dismiss Dr. Knight and another faculty member will teach the class until the end of the term.”

  I smile. “That’s a wonderful idea. Thanks so much for calling.”

  “Oh, Miss Kane?”


  “Is this conversation being recorded?”

  “Of course.”

  The next time I show up to class, another nursing faculty member, Dr. Yu, has taken over the class. My papers have been re-graded by Dr. Yu: both A’s. She wrote that my eloquence and superb use of language demonstrates my understanding of the importance of research in the nursing field.

  The animosity between Charles and Grant in the hospital has cooled considerably. No one talks about what happened that night. Charles has become a more ardent lover. He is more vocal in the bedroom and open to exploring new things. Grant has backed off of trying to win me back. On occasion, he will make an inappropriate comment or two, but that’s just Grant.

  When I visit Senoia at the end of the semester with straight A’s, my family isn’t a bit surprised. “Going out there has been good for you,” my mom says to me one day over breakfast. “You got this new glow about you, honey.”

  “I do?”

  She nods her head happily and kisses me on the top of my head. “We are so proud of you. Maybe more Kanes will follow.”

“Thanks, Mom.” I smile to myself. I hope they do.

  Story 68

  Chapter One

  I stood in profile at the window looking out and seeing the day begin with those responsible for cleaning up the city getting an early start. The telltale noise of the garbage truck had been the first thing to awaken me from a deep and blissful slumber.

  The man sleeping in my bed had passed out after indulging a little too much. We were celebrating his promotion and things slowly became awkward between us. I wasn’t really attracted to him, but the liquor running through my veins made me susceptible to his advances. The smell of the alcohol and the way that he tried to paw me gave me a reason to reconsider. The sweet relief of his mouth had satisfied any need to do anything more.

  Owen looked like a peaceful angel lying with the sheet exposing half of his body. It wasn’t the half that I was interested in. He was in good shape and his blond hair gave him the air of a surfer boy ready for the next wave.

  “I don’t know what you’re looking at, but I must look a fright.” Owen was vain and his appearance took precedence over anything else.

  “God forbid one hair is out of place.” I had a bit of modesty and was hiding my shame with a blood red robe.

  It wasn’t lost on me the way that he was traveling his eyes up and down my body in a less than subtle fashion.

  “You know that I’m not my best in the morning. I need a shower and a cup of coffee intravenously connected to my vein, not in any particular order. Do you want to talk about what happened last night between us? I don’t remember much through the haze of the many cosmopolitans. You really do know how to make them strong enough to knock me on my ass.” He stretched and the sheet moved down to reveal the railroad tracks of his abdominals. This man was obsessed with his appearance and there was no denying the results.

  “I really don’t think we need to revisit what happened last night. The one thing I do need to mention is that your tongue is nothing short than a miracle given to you by God himself.” The way that he had consumed me under the influence was a 3-hour exploration of my naughty parts.

  I didn’t get a chance to see him in the buff and he passed out before I was obligated to reciprocate.

  “You make me blush, but it’s not like I haven’t heard it before. I remember the taste of you on my lips and I would be happy to repeat the performance at a later date. I have an early morning meeting at the office and I don’t want to give the partners any reason to regret giving me a partnership.” Owen was quite adventurous and we had met bungee jumping screaming at the top of our lungs.

  “I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I didn’t really get to see much last night. Do you think it might be inappropriate to ask you for a sneak peek?” I was grinning like an idiot and this time he wasn’t a drunken fool looking to get into my pants.

  “I suppose it’s only fair considering I got intimately acquainted with kitty.” She was purring and quite happy with his undivided attention.

  I waited with bated breath and he purposely lowered the sheet an inch at a time. I never blinked and my finger was curling in my dark hair nervously awaiting the big reveal.

  “I’ve always believed that life is a mystery and each day is a blessing every time we open our eyes. I heard your voice crying out in the night and I don’t think that I will ever forget the way that your face contorted into a mask of undeniable pleasure.” He was still talking and moving the sheet to where the object of my curiosity was waiting for my eager eyes.

  “Stop and I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to do this. We’re still friends and there’s no reason for us to ruin it by doing something as unseemly as getting naked in front of each other. I’m one to talk and it didn’t take much after a few sips of champagne to loosen my lips and my legs.” I didn’t like how he behaved after he had given me one too many orgasms in a row.

  “I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t mind showing off. I have a good body and I don’t mean to brag, but my endowment is slightly more than average.” I had seen him when he was excited last night stretching down the left side of his pants.

  “You do have me at a loss for words and I suppose there’s nothing wrong with seeing it.” I watched a smirk crease across his face and then he was lowering it the rest of the way.

  “I would say from the way that your mouth is wide open that you see something you like. Come take a closer look and some objects may appear bigger than you might think.” I had estimated his size at 8 inches, but that was being conservative.

  “I don’t know how you get me to do these things. This is the first time that we have even made the leap from friendship to something more. You know my track record with men. I would gladly take back my virginity if I could.” I sat on the bed and saw it flex when my hand got a little bit too close for comfort.

  “I don’t know how many times I’ve had to talk you off the ledge of doing something remarkably stupid. I told you the guy at the copy shop was bad news.” The guy at the copy shop tried to inhale my mouth when we kissed. It was a major turn off. I couldn’t begin to take him for a test drive in the bedroom.

  “I think we bring the worst out of each other and maybe the best at the same time.” I was consciously aware that my hand was touching his naked thigh. There were only a few inches more and I would’ve been touching him inappropriately.

  “I don’t know what the big deal is and you would think it was a good thing that we have somebody on the side when we need it. I enjoy going down on a woman and I don’t have to worry about the insanity of dating to get a taste.” His hand grabbed my wrist and I gasped when I felt the heat of his column touching my fingertips.

  “It’s… so much bigger than I even imagined.” I wasn’t even looking at him and I was concentrating on the crisscross of veins down the length of those inches.

  “You have small fingers and maybe that has something to do with it.” He was trying to be bashful but was failing miserably.

  “I can’t seem to take my eyes or my hands away from it.” There was already evidence of his arousal seeping from the eye of the storm.

  I could easily coax more out by squeezing. The grunt of his reply only made me that much more anxious to see him shoot into the air.

  “I love the way that feels and there’s no reason for you to stop. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing.” I drooled hot spit from my mouth watching as it traveled down over the flesh of his persuasion.

  The slippery feel of my fingers was working him into a lather. He wasn’t rushing or giving the indication this was going to turn into anything more than a hand job. He was stroking through my fist and holding my wrist at the same time.

  “I have to say doing what I want without any expectations is appealing. Guys could take a page from your book if they expect to get anywhere with a woman. You are really leaking like a faucet.” The vein pumping against my fingers was leaving me on the edge of my seat.

  “I heard through the Grapevine…there’s a class that you should really consider taking. I don’t know how I’m even speaking with what you are doing to me. It’s such a slow and gradual climb that it’s almost maddening. Don’t get me wrong, I really need this and having it done by a friend is such a taboo notion.” I was really taking my time and the look on his face was causing me to act like an impish vixen.

  “I seem to recall you saying that you needed to get an early start. We should finish this and it’s already been 20-minutes.” Time meant nothing and my pace quickened until the bursting dam of his orgasm shot into the air at least 4 feet. It came down splattering my hand and his body at the same time.

  Tossing the sheets off, he ran into the bathroom and closed the door with the shower being turned on within minutes of him entering. I looked at the mess on my hands and I brought it closer to my mouth, but I couldn’t bring myself to taste my best friend.

  Chapter Two

  I was standing at the window watching him give one of the students a hands on approach. He
moved his fingers along hers and the expression on her face told me there was no way that I was leaving until I signed up for his class.

  He greeted me with a handshake and his hand enveloped my tiny fingers.

  “It’s always nice to see fresh blood. We don’t stand on ceremony around here. Come in and put on a smock because you are going to get messy. I hate to mention gratuity, but I don’t do this for free.” Billy was the instructor and the gray along his temples gave him a distinguished look of sophistication and experience.

  The black T shirt stretching over his chest was barely able to contain his muscular physique. The short black hair was a uniform cut, but it was his dark blue eyes that bore through to my very soul. He stood over 6 feet tall and had to be at least 200 pounds of solid muscle if what I was seeing bulging along his arms was any indication.


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