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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 150

by Jenny Ramshard

  “I don’t know how long I’m staying. It depends on how much fun this is to continue with the next lessons.” I was daring him to make it worth my while to spend my hard earned cash on his class.

  “I’ve never had any complaints. This is a sensual art and one that should be experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime. Let me show you what I mean. I can’t even begin to describe to you how it feels without you doing it yourself.” He grabbed my hand and I felt like he was taking advantage of me.

  I wore a tasteful blue blouse with an accompanying black leather skirt with risqué lingerie underneath. It made me feel decadent with a wild and untamed spirit.

  I sat down and there was wet clay right in front of me. It was turning quickly to the naked eye and then he was sitting behind me with his hands draped over my breasts. There was a moment where I couldn’t breathe and his hands moved slowly and with purpose up along my arms. He rolled up my sleeves, touching the bare skin and sending these electric charges of electricity through my lower limbs.

  “I doubt you give this kind of personal attention to everyone taking your class. If I were to venture a guess, I would have to say the female equation gets more of your time. It’s a little sexist, but it does feel like I’m in capable hands.” He added more water to the mixture and I found myself mesmerized by several different shapes molded to our combined touch in front of me.

  “I give women the freedom to express themselves and then send them home to their significant other. I don’t see a ring on your finger. Sleeping with a married woman only leads to unnecessary drama.” The temptation was all around him and out of the corner of my eye I could see jealousy creeping up into their bones.

  “I would gather the husbands and boyfriends have you to thank for their loved ones coming home in the mood for love. I don’t have any such entanglements. There’s nobody waiting for me at home in my cold and empty bed.” Last night and this morning with Owen was something I was hard pressed to repeat. In the cold light of reality, it seemed more important to keep our friendship alive.

  “I would say that was sad, but there are many in your same position. I’ve been in the position of being with a few available women in my day. In some small part, I believe my passion for this art is the reason why I get my fair share. It’s not uncommon to find a woman at my doorstep at midnight looking for a booty call.” There was a catch in my throat and I had to push my legs together to prevent him from seeing the excitement trailing down the inside of my left thigh.

  “I’ve been with men and most times they are about their own pleasure.” I was using him and his biased opinion about the opposite sex. It was always a good thing to get the perspective from the other half of the population.

  “They don’t know how to treat a woman with kindness and a gentle touch. I do my best to give the woman a reason to come back for seconds. Oral persuasion is something I strive for and I have learned from trial and error what works.” I had never had an affair with a teacher, but I could seriously see myself doing some after-hours research.

  “I’m worried what you’re saying is your way of getting into my pants. It could also be an effort to keep me in your class on false pretenses.” He leaned a little closer and I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck sending a shiver down my spine.

  “Stick around after class and I might be able to persuade you differently. There’s not one here that isn’t sporting an engagement ring or wedding ring. There is one, but her attitude is more to please the feminine form.” I had a feeling I already knew who he was talking about by her short hair and the way she was looking around at every other female licking her lips.

  “I’m not buying this act and I’m calling your bluff.” His hot breath was suddenly followed by the tip of his tongue.

  I was sitting at the back of the class and nobody had witnessed this exchange.

  “I’m sure there’s a way for me to make you a believer. I would really like to get to know you better intimately inside and out. I can curl your toes and make you cum with quite the intensity. I pride myself on finding those hidden little gems on a woman’s body to have her screaming my name.” I had no doubt he believed what he was saying, but I had yet to see any kind of proof one way or the other.

  “You talk a good game, but can you back it up with action.” The class was ending and I had arrived at the last few minutes.

  He excused himself and went to glad hand his clients. They were showing signs of arousal with their breasts on display and the nipples cutting a hole through whatever fabric was preventing them from seeing daylight.

  The lesbian of the group had already found a willing victim and it didn’t seem to matter to her that she was wearing a wedding ring.

  Sitting there stewing in my own juices was keeping me on a low simmer until he returned. I thought that he would make a sales pitch and show off his body to make me lose my train of thought.

  “Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?” He was once again behind me and this time there was no hesitation when he ripped open my blouse.

  It was such a departure from his usual gentle approach. I was caught off guard. He was biting my neck and grazing the palms of his hands over my nipples. The stool spun until I was facing him.

  Billy was standing at full attention and the bulge was similar to the one that I had seen in the morning. This was my chance to delve into a work of art sculpted from the hands of God himself. I was eye level with his crotch and he was the one pulling down the zipper on his tight wrangler jeans.

  “I don’t even know what to do with my hands.” He smiled wickedly sweet and I could tell there was more going on upstairs concerning my sexuality.

  “I’m not really interested in your hands at the moment.” He snaked his hand into the opening and pulled back a python capable of spitting white hot venom.

  “You’re obviously very excited and I hope you don’t think that means you’re going to get something. I’m curious to learn more, but art inspiration comes when you least expect it.” He looked confused until I took a fistful of mud and began to slather it all over his appendage.

  “I’ve never had a woman do this to me before, but I have thought about it often enough.” I was using both hands and some of the mud was splattering into my hair and my face. It was a painful reminder of how nasty a man could get when he was about to lose control of his libido.

  My labia were sticking to my panties which were taking on the appearance of floss between my cheeks. I was enjoying getting my hands dirty and feeling the heated length of his manhood. I heard his strangled breath and I looked up to see him staring at me.

  “I don’t mean to put a damper on your parade, but things are escalating fairly quickly.” I slowed down, but he was begging me to continue with his eyes.

  I felt empowered as a woman to hold his orgasm in the palm of my hand.

  “I think we can dispense with abstaining for as long as possible. From the looks of it, I have you on the edge and it’s not going to take much to push you over it.” I proved my point by picking up speed like I had done with Owen earlier in the morning. That kid really did have a feminine quality and I suspected that he was hiding his true nature.

  “I’m almost there and it’s painful and pleasurable at the same time. Fuck me… Yes…use those damn hands to get me off. I’ve always wanted to and now I’m going to…fucking…CUM.” I uncovered the mud long enough to witness the pulsating head in action.

  I forgot that I was looking right at it and the first blast caught me on the lips. It was almost instinctual the way that I coveted his sauce by licking my lips clean.

  I continued my pursuit and got several more jets with the same force as the first one. Opening up my mouth, I let some of it find the entry which landed on my tongue. It was unexpected. I covered the plum sized head with my mouth to siphon what I could from the source.

  He was jerking in place with his hips moving to the rhythm of some unseen music in his head. The amazing
thing which I was having a hard time contemplating was that he was still hard after all of that.

  “I live upstairs, but I don’t see any reason why we can’t have some fun down here. It’s entirely up to you, but there are plenty of flat services around here to keep us busy for quite some time.” He was still dripping the remnants of what he had just unloaded courtesy of my hand.

  “I’m trying to come up with one reason why I should say no, but I don’t even believe that word is going to come into play. This was highly unusual, but I see how this could be misconstrued as a sexual act. I was just letting my fingers do the walking.” I got up to leave and found his hands on my shoulders keeping me in place.

  Chapter Three

  There was this silence for the next 2-minutes which seemed to drag on forever. He had the weight advantage, but I didn’t feel like I was in any danger. In fact, I was exhilarated by the opportunity to spend more time with him and what was obviously becoming a secret obsession.

  “You don’t mean a single word you’re saying. You can’t fake that kind of passion. I want to show you what you have obviously been missing from your life. Sex is something I can have with anyone, but you have become my white whale. It’s quite clear you don’t remember me.” He had me confused and it did seem unusual for him to gravitate towards me with relative ease.

  “It does feel like we have known each other more than these last few minutes.” He wiped his cock head over my lips. I couldn’t stop myself from sampling what had already become a taste sensation for my taste buds.

  “I was your next door neighbor for your informative years. I saw how you developed one year during the last year of high school. I was a bit older and what I was thinking would’ve probably landed me in jail.” I had a flash and he was a little older than I remembered.

  Back then he was known as Anthony and he was an independent spirit which I tried to emulate.

  “I don’t know why I’m confessing this, but I had a secret crush on you. It’s the beard that’s throwing me off. I knew I saw something in your eyes, but I thought that I was getting caught up in a moment. I can’t let you slip out of my fingers again… I mean slip through my fingers.” I was once again manhandling the goods and watching it stand tall in defiance.

  “It’s better late than never.” He lowered himself to his knees and spread me open like a Sunday evening Turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

  “I’m a little nervous and you were always the man I measured against others. I hope that you can live up to my high expectations.” My voice raised an octave when he began to slide his tongue along the smooth surface of my knee.

  It didn’t stop there and before long he was circling the very spot I wanted the most attention. I didn’t dare close my eyes and missing any of this would’ve been a crying shame.

  “There’s no reason to be nervous and I find your infatuation quite a shot of adrenaline to my privates.” He was grabbing onto the unyielding pipe between his legs. I wanted more than lip service and I was damned and determined to get it.

  My knees were wide open and he was running his tongue down the length of my lips before inserting it. I jumped practically out of my seat with a yelp of surprise. His tongue was amazingly agile and knew how to ignite the little embers of excitement inside me.

  “I can’t seem to sit still and I’m squirming like I did when I was in the back seat of the car after prom. Do you know that I thought about you the entire time his awkward hands were touching my body? I had to envision your face and found myself getting off for the first time.” He was drilling for oil by darting his tongue in and out at a rapid pace of motion.

  The sloshing sound of his tongue stirring up my sexual desire was not lost on me. He was currently finding a way to bring about the climax waiting to be revealed.

  It happened with the fanfare of his tongue circling the tiny and prominent body of my clit. I came with my hands clenched on his shoulders and the fingernails digging into his skin to cause him a bit of discomfort.

  He reached in front of me and I heard the whirring of the machine slowing down. He lifted me until I was sitting in the warm spot where the clay had currently occupied. It was the perfect position and angle for him to step up with his cock leading the way.

  The glue of my excitement peeled back when he grabbed onto my panties with one hand. He didn’t take them off and drew them to the side to give him easier access. He pressed the head into the lips that I was stretching with two fingers.

  “I’m ready as I am ever going to be for something of this size and magnitude. Be gentle and I’ve never been with a man in possession of such an exemplary tool. I’ve been holding everything inside, but with you, I have nowhere to hide.” All I wanted was for him to prove his claim of dominance over the female species.

  “A woman like you should not have to wait for satisfaction. I don’t mind if you want to hold on tight. There’s no reason for you to sleep alone in your cold and empty bed.” I knew that he was near and I bloomed like a blossoming rose ready to be pollinated.

  “I know there are times when I feel worthless, but my faith in mankind has been rekindled.” He only had the head inside and he wasn’t trying to give me more than I could handle.

  “You give me a reason to want to step up my game. You’ve had fantasies of me for quite some time and I don’t want to ruin the illusion. Sometimes it’s better to fantasize than to find out reality doesn’t measure up.” I felt like the sky was falling and my resolve was crumbling underneath the weight of his stick of dynamite.

  The fuse was already lit. Sticking that thick piece into me was a slow and methodical effort.

  I was trying to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth to steel me for everything that I had seen with my naked eye. He bottomed out and I was left with a mesmerized gob smacked expression on my face. My lips were wrapped around him in a tight vise like grip. The mixture of my excitement circled around the base of his shaft.

  I had my hand on his chest to slow down his momentum. The tunnel to my love was waiting for him to continue undeterred.

  “Thank you for waiting, but having you inside me is making me very horny. Fuck me already. I can assure you the fantasy doesn’t even compare to reality.” He slid along the wetness of my inner lips and my legs dangled over the side precariously in a compromising position.

  “I feel I wasn’t fully prepared for someone like you. You’re not the only one that has been thinking about this day. I never believed it was ever going to happen. I want to rock your world, but I want you to do the same thing for me. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable request. I have high expectations which I hope you can live up to.” He was using my words against me in a way to fuel the fire into a blazing inferno.

  “A man in possession of this equipment should be giving women what they want. Now that I have a taste there’s no way that I can go back to someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. It’s not even about the size. I don’t want to give you a swelled head, but this is definitely in a league of its own.” I was stroking his ego and the desired effect was making him puff out his chest like a man on a mission.

  “I could have any number of women grabbing onto my headboard, but I feel I deserve more than one night of fleeting bliss. I lost my balance and my heart skipped a beat when you stepped into my class. You can feel what you bring out in me and there’s more where that came from.” I was carving out my own happiness. I was using his body to supply me with the necessary pleasure to keep me satisfied for quite some time to come.

  We banded together with grunts of approval and he held onto me and worked his pelvis in a most delightful way. There was no mistaking his stamina and how he was able to continue for quite some time was a mystery. I understood immediately it was because I had already drained him dry of one in the chamber.

  “This is a situation demanding your attention. I have to say that you have admirably stepped up to the plate.” The friction of my bare ass sliding across the platform
where the mud would be molded into some kind of shape was causing an unseen side effect.

  The heat in combination with his cock was undeniably striking a match to an already tense situation.

  I came heavily with a gush of excitement covering his shaft from the head all the way down to where the vein was prominently bulging. I twisted the knife of persuasion by bearing down on him with everything during the explosive moment of impact. It left him no other choice than to let his body take full possession of his orgasmic discharge.

  He pulled out and this was nothing we had planned ahead of time. I would have traded every man I had been with to be with him. I thought when he came that it wouldn’t have much behind it, but I was secretly praying for a repeat performance.

  “I only have one thing to say… AHHHHH.” I don’t think his intention was to moan indistinguishable words of encouragement in the throes of passion.


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