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Dirty Erotica Sex Stories

Page 151

by Jenny Ramshard

  I hated how it sounded in my head but I wanted him to be my one and only. This was the first time that I even wanted to see the man again after satisfying my sweet tooth.

  His seed glazed my skin and the warmth of his cream was making me anxious to clean up the mess he made. I did that by scooping it with my finger and letting him see me dripping it into my mouth. I let it fall from my finger slowly in sticky strings like salt water taffy.

  “I think it goes without saying this class is going to become something I’m not going to be able to miss. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bring my friend along. I want to keep you all to myself. It might be selfish, but I have waited a long time and so have you.” I was leaving when I realized there was a breeze tickling that region of my anatomy.

  He had my panties pressed up against the glass with the fabric wrapped around his cock. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know what he was going to use them for. I actually felt a jolt of excitement from the very image of him lying in bed using my panties and my body for inspiration.

  Chapter Four

  I was purposely keeping the details of the class to a bare minimum when I was talking to Owen. There was no point in getting him jealous when I had no idea where this was going to go. We hadn’t discussed it and when I tried to bring up the subject he was all over me.

  Fanning myself was the only way that I could bring down my temperature after leaving his class. I was over heated and I was getting enough sex. I was exhausted and unable to function in the morning. It was a small price to pay to put a smile on both of our faces.

  This was the day I was finally going to put my foot down and I wasn’t going to allow his eyes to disarm me.

  “I don’t know what to say and I thought that we had something special here. If I gave you the impression it was all about the sex then I need to apologize for not making it clear. I don’t believe in ceremonies. It doesn’t mean we won’t have a long and fruitful life together, but there will be no wedding ring on your finger.” He explained that his parents divorced when he was young and left him with more than enough hesitation about walking down the aisle.

  “I was hoping for a better answer than that, but it’s better than what I was expecting. I figured it would be a relief and that you would be able to cast your line into the pool of available women.” It was after class and he was behind me with his hand underneath my shirt.

  “You feel so good and there’s no reason to deny what we have is an insatiable need for one another. I don’t see any reason why we have to label it. People get too caught up in the game to realize they’re putting off tomorrow what they can do today.” He did make sense, but maybe that had something to do with the tingling sensation between my thighs.

  “I’ve been powerless to resist you from the moment I spied on you through the curtains of your bedroom window. It was the one time I saw you and you didn’t realize I was the one playing the voyeur.” I remembered the night when I climbed the tree outside his window when I was only 18.

  I couldn’t see much with the frost coating the panes of glass, but I could hear him moaning and then the telltale groan of satisfaction. I was tempted to do something about my feelings, but falling from the tree would have broken my fool neck.

  “I don’t know how you’re going to take this, but I knew you were there. Making my way through your bushes to watch you get dressed was something I looked forward to every morning. It’s so much better when you are more mature and willing to do things for the thrill of the moment.” We looked at each other for a split second and any willpower we had to resist collapsed like dominoes.

  Unbuttoning my shirt was with the sensuality of a stripper about to perform for the crowd. I lowered the garment over my shoulders and coyly looked at him with a come hither motion with my eyes.

  Putting his hands around me was followed by his lips on my neck. I wanted to scream from the top of the roof how happy I was. The harmony of our bodies moving together was like an obscene dance.

  “I like that you’re wearing jeans this time and it allows me to do this.” His hand found its way into the waistband of my jeans and he found the unexpected treat of no panties.

  “That’s what you call coming prepared.” His fingers were lingering a little bit too long on the soft and feminine lips of my sex. It was making me want to take matters into my own hands.

  “Tell me what you want and it appears you know how to get my motor running.” He wanted me to slip in a few dirty words and I wasn’t sure how to proceed.

  “I want you to stick your fingers inside me and make me cum hard enough to make my legs tremble with desire. I need you to fuck me and to ride the cyclone of my excitement. I find you irresistible and that cock has become a guilty obsession. My cunt is hungry for your seed and I want you to fire indiscriminately between my legs.” My words had the added bonus of making him growl with his tongue licking his parched lips.

  I was on the edge of breaking down while he was consciously fingering my hole. He wasn’t content with one and soon had three working me into a salivating dog in heat. I was panting and then I was holding onto him when the earth underneath my feet moved.

  He put me on a table and used his hands to clear the space with several of the pottery crashing to the floor. I was positive those who had taken his class weren’t going to be very happy. I forgot all about them when he grabbed me from underneath my knees.

  Billy was able to separate the men from the boys. It didn’t take too long for him to witness the puffy lips of the opening he was about to penetrate. We had already been with each other several times and still, he was able to find something about me to make me wonder why I hadn’t found him sooner than this.

  The slapping motion of his knob on my clit had me grabbing onto him. I was soon putting him into the correct position to storm the castle. I hunched forward swallowing the pride of his family tree and watching the reaction of how I had taken the bull by the horns.

  “It’s like I stuck my cock into an oven and now you’re turning up the heat with a sinister glint in your eyes.” He was sweating and I could see beads of it rolling down his forehead as he pulled out all the way to the head.

  “This is so much better than any fantasy and that cock should be in some kind of hall of fame.” I had started this in a knee jerk effort to satisfy my curiosity for another with the same size equipment.

  It was so much more than that. I no longer had to think of my friend with greed in my eyes. Going over to see him the other day found him in the arms of a man and a woman. He was equal opportunity when it came to passing around his favors.

  “I’m glad you approve and I’ve done my best to go above and beyond.” He was fucking me hard at first and then he slowed down to a crawl. He was continually improving and following the signs of my body to know what was going to turn my crank.

  “I’ve been locked away in a dungeon and you have the key to my prison in your possession.” He stopped all movement and it left me reeling with this empty feeling.

  He stuck his tongue where his cock had just been. It didn’t seem to bother him that he was most likely getting a remnant taste of his own seed. It was quite jarring to my senses to have his tongue inside me and then his cock replacing it. I was constantly flailing in place and gripping onto the table with enough force to break a couple of my nails

  I had always thought of my manicure as something sacred, but the animalistic way he was fucking me was far more important than the perception of others.

  “There is no quit in my vocabulary and I will never give up until you are completely satisfied beyond words. You’re so hot and demanding that I find myself wondering why you are giving me the time of day.” The smacking of our flesh was like a gunshot going off every time we made contact.

  It was a frantic pounding that had us both clamoring to stay in control. The second orgasm stripped me of my defenses. It left me vulnerable while biting on the bottom of my lip. I wrapped my legs around him and pounded my heels agai
nst his backside to spur him onto the finish line.

  “You know I want it and it belongs to me. Don’t ever forget that. Look at me and feel how I cinch my legs around you. My eyes convey more than passion and lust. I’m giving you more than enough ammunition, but maybe you need something a little extra.” I raked my nails along his neck and stuffed my tongue into his mouth to tickle the top of his mouth.

  He became unglued, moaning until the cork came off the bottle of his excitement. It was a gusher and I felt the tidal wave of his excitement exiting the top of the head. It happened several times in rapid succession. I held on for one final jerking motion of his hips.

  My thighs were quivering and his breath was short. There was no accounting for the other men who had tried to ruin it for him. I was lucky that he persevered and didn’t allow my indecision to play a part. I was pretty much weak at the knees. I was stunned to learn of our special connection.

  “I don’t even have the words, Erica. I was wrong and I want you to know marriage is no longer off the table. I could definitely see myself making the sacrifice to run headlong into matrimony.” I could tell there was no conviction behind his words and I was satisfied there was a commitment in our future.

  “I don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with. A piece of paper is nothing compared to the way you look at me. You are the love of my life and I don’t want to ruin that over something petty. This is the kind of undying love that people dream about.” We adjourned to the bedroom and he proved up to the task of bringing the woman out of me too many times count.

  I found myself quitting my job and investing in a 50% partnership in his business. I was good at marketing and I made this art form a growing concern.

  I also had a growing concern in my belly after a few months of being together. It was a strange way to find the one, but I wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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  Story 69

  My name is Alden Anthis. I’m 21 years old. And yes, you’re right; I’m half Greek, half American. I just graduated from the College of Business, major in accounting, from the University of Wyoming. I’m good in crunching numbers, so I’m sure that working in this profession would be work and pleasure for me. I’m presently looking for a job. It has been two weeks of exhausting, non-stop interviews and still - there seemed to be no hope for me.

  There was one last address in my list of potential employers, an accounting firm in the downtown area, Swift Accounting, and I was not too excited about it. But what the heck, since it was the last, I decided to give it a try nonetheless.

  I was surprised to find a posh office that depicted elegance and luxury.

  “May I help you, sir?” The gloomy-looking receptionist inquired.

  My spirits sank and my initial gladness dissipated into thin air. I felt like backing out. If this was a prelude to what the boss was like, then it would surely be hell for me.

  “Err…” I hesitated, wanting to bolt for the door.

  “Oh, another applicant?” A lovely, blonde haired woman appeared in the doorway to the CEO’s office.

  I was captivated by her genuine smile from her heart-shaped lips that reached to her iridescent, brown eyes. Her slinky figure had curves at the most appropriate places; her long slender legs were displayed seductively through the side slits of her purple, tight velvety dress. It was there for all to see. My first thought was: ‘An angel descended from heaven, and she’s causing a storm in my pants.’

  “Aren’t you going to come in?” she beckoned to me.

  “Huh?” I awoke from my momentary stupor.

  “You’re an applicant, right?”

  “Yes . . . ma’am,” I followed her inside the room.

  The expansive room was bare, except for a desk and chair at the middle. It was a sharp contrast to the classy receiving room. The walls were a dirty white in color and the floor was gleaming clean but, obviously, it had seen better days.

  “Sit, sit. My, you’re such a cute little thing,” her eyes surveyed me from top to bottom. “I’m Katy Swift. I’m the CEO of Swift Accounting.”

  I sat feeling uncomfortable. Was she flirting with me? She shuffled my papers in her hands and studied me under veiled eyes. How come she was personally interviewing applicants?

  “Hmmm, impressive! No experience though, in short, you’re a novice.”

  “If you’ll give me this chance, then I’ll gain experience and be an asset to your company,” I boldly stated, desperate to get the job because I had nowhere left to go to.

  “So, how can you be an asset to our company?” She challenged me.

  “I’ll provide the best and most appropriate financial guidance for the company’s clients.”

  “Are you willing to work extra hours when needed?” She wanted to know; her flawlessly penciled eyebrows were raised in anticipation to my answer.

  “Yes, of course, Ma’am.”

  “Well then, report to the HRD office for orientation tomorrow at 8 AM,” she flipped my resume and wrote something on its backside.

  I was overjoyed. Yay! I had finally landed a job.

  Before 8 AM, I was dressed to the nines, wanting to impress my employer on my first day at work: long sleeved light purple Polo, topped with a gray suit. I’m not narcissistic, but looking at myself in the mirror, I had to admit that I looked dashing with my deep-set blue eyes, perfectly arched nose, and wide, smiling lips. My 6 feet frame and muscular, sturdy body carried the suit well. Who would ever guess that I was a bumbling rookie, who had no self-confidence and faith in himself?

  Right after the brief orientation, we were given our assignments. I was one among the newly initiated 14 employees. There was only one female, a severe looking, petite woman with black eyes hidden behind eye glasses, add to that - ugly lips that never smiled.

  Among the males, I stood out with my height and body built. I was clearly the winner if it was a contest about physical attributes. But, sadly, I was the one with the least self-confidence.

  I was assigned to the Tax Accounting group, which would be a breeze for me. I excelled in tax accounting in college and due to this my self-confidence went up a notch.

  We were told to observe the first day, so all I did was to sit and take note of the flow of work. The 8 hours went by in a flash, and before I knew it, office hours were done. Everyone was preparing to go home.

  “Mr. Anthis,” a voice purred from behind me.

  “Yes?” I turned and came face to face with the CEO.

  “Can you please stay for a few minutes?”

  The fragrance of her perfume wafted towards me cloaking the air with sweetness. I felt dizzy. She touched my forearm and whispered, “Report to my room,” her warm, fresh breath hot on my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. Why was she whispering?

  “Yes . . . Ma’am,” I murmured, my heart feeling the thunder of a thousand hooves. I trembled as anxiety and excitement overcame me. Perhaps . . . ?

  I never had time for women in college and I was too shy, so I had remained a virgin. I didn’t know how to determine if a woman is flirting or not; it was a totally new experience for me.

  I entered the room with faltering steps, unsure of what to expect. She was reclining on the sofa, her voluptuous figure showing off her assets. I swallowed hard and stared, amazed, at the displayed Venus before me.

  She had discarded her coat and the thin material of her dress, outlined her succulent breasts and the v shape of her pubis. My schlong quivered and started to become rigid.

  “Come, come, sit here,” she indicated the chair in front of her.

  Hesitantly, I walked towards her, my knees wobbling and my legs turned weak.

  “Don’t be shy,” she purred like a contented kitten.

  I sat on the chair, fidgeting on its edge, fiddling with my fingers.

  “I have a personal favor to ask, if you don’t mind,” she said, her eyes pleading. “Don’t
worry; you’ll get paid – double - for overtime work.”

  My spirits perked up at the mention of money. “Yes, I’m willing to do your bidding,” I replied.

  “I have muscle cramps. Can you massage my legs, please?” she directed me.

  “I’m not very good at massage,” I intoned, surprised at her request.

  “I’ll teach you how,” she uttered, her voice barely audible. “Come,” she signaled with her fingers, patting the space beside her.

  She directed my hands to her calves and said: “Knead this area gently. Just use your thumb to loosen the area.”


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