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Unexpectedly Expecting the Sheik's Baby (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 6)

Page 6

by Elizabeth Lennox

  So he went with a partial truth. “Because it would give me pleasure to teach you,” he finally told her, thinking he sincerely would enjoy teaching her, seeing the joy of success in her pretty eyes. “We will start lessons after lunch. What would you like to eat?”

  Cassy had no idea what was going on. Everything he said, she felt like there was a double meaning. But since she refused to let him get under her skin, she wasn’t going to let him bother her. “I’ll just have coffee,” she told him. “And if you could bring me my bag, I can start working on the transfer of property for you. I understand that you’re trying to sell this house?”

  He shook his head. “We will do business later. Lunch first since you cannot function sufficiently on a cup of coffee.” He pressed a button and a servant appeared behind him. “Ms. Flemming will have an omelet with everything,” he told the woman who nodded and disappeared.

  Cassy almost rolled her eyes, then turned to the servant. “Just ham and cheese, if you have it.” The servant nodded, then turned to leave and Cassy faced Nasir once again. “You’re awfully dictatorial,” she told him, sipping the coffee in the hopes that the extra jolt might somehow help her make sense of this day. So far, everything was a confused jumble.

  He laughed softly. “I have been accused of that many times in my lifetime.” He shrugged. “I’m afraid that it comes with the job.”

  “Why did you break into my apartment last week?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “Because I wanted to talk to you again. After the meeting at your office, you disappeared so quickly and I suspected that you didn’t want your coworkers to notice our interest in each other. It seems that becoming intimately acquainted with a client would be frowned upon with your management. So, I was trying to be considerate.” His eyes turned serious. “I’m truly sorry that I scared you. And I wasn’t trying to invade your privacy, Cassandra. The opposite in fact. I was trying to ensure your privacy. That Darren fellow seemed to be particularly irritated that you answered more questions than he could, even though he was supposedly more experienced in international law.” He paused before he said, “Not to mention, it is extremely difficult to have a private conversation for someone in my position. I took matters into my own hands and found a place where others would not intrude, nor would they even know about our conversation.”

  She could understand that. “But why break in?”

  “Because I can,” he teased, eager to see her eyes flash with anger again. He wasn’t disappointed. He laughed before she spoke, interrupting her and diffusing her anger. “Actually, it was because I didn’t want your employer to know about my interest in you. I didn’t think it was any of their business. So, I thought it best not to have our dinner conversation overheard, or even known about, by the people in your firm. Dining in restaurants tends to bring out the photographers, so public dining wasn’t an option either.”

  When he explained it in those terms, he seemed like a genuinely caring man!

  She didn’t want her law firm to know anything about her private life either, but that didn’t mean she was willing to have a personal relationship with a client. That violated her personal ethics as well as her business code. Besides, the legal world was an ultra-conservative group in general, and those in London seemed to be particularly sensitive to gossip. There had been too many sex scandals in the legal community and her firm didn’t want any dangerous gossip to poorly reflect upon their illustrious name or reputation.

  “I see,” she said softly, lowering her eyes. “But next time, how about calling my cell phone?”

  He chuckled, the sound sending shivers throughout her body. “I will endeavor to be discreet without inciting your fears. Will that suffice?” he asked.

  As a lawyer, Cassy knew that his response left open a wide range of possibilities. Even though she suspected it was a pretty major concession on his part, she couldn’t let him get away with it. “Not really. I deserve to be treated with the same respect you deserve. And agreeing to ‘not incite my fears’ leaves a lot of violations of my privacy open to your dubious efforts at addressing my concerns.”

  He laughed again. “You are smart.” Another aide walked in and whispered in his ear. Cassy tried to hide her exasperation at the repeated interruptions, but it was difficult. Whatever the aides were saying to him was obviously more important than their conversation, which made her feel unimportant.

  Still, Cassy reminded herself that she was here as his legal representative. Her time was his and she needed to tamp down on her irritations and remain…professional wasn’t the word she was looking for. Unflappable. Yes, that was the word. She needed to appear unflappable in Nasir’s presence.

  Whatever the aide said must have been agreeable because Nasir nodded sharply, signed the paper in front of him, and the aide quickly disappeared.

  “Do they wake you when you’re sleeping?” she asked, half sarcastically and half seriously. She wondered how the man lived with so many interruptions.

  Nasir tilted his head slightly. “We are undergoing some delicate negotiations right now. I apologize for not giving you my full attention.”

  Cassy was irritated that he’d seen through her sarcasm. “I’m fine,” she muttered, but inwardly, she was fuming.

  His eyes lit up, sensing her anger. “You must be honest with me,” he told her. “Otherwise, it will create difficulties in our relationship.”

  Cassy was so startled by his comment that she couldn’t stop the burst of laughter. “Your Highness, we don’t have a relationship, other than a professional one. I’m your lawyer and you are my client.” She looked around, ignoring his arched eyebrow. “Now, if you could please get me my bag, we can discuss the issues surrounding the disbursement of this house.” She paused for a moment. “It really is beautiful. If you don’t mind me asking, why do you want to sell it?”

  “I don’t,” he replied, shrugging one of those massive shoulders that so fascinated her. Eyes up, she reminded herself. Eyes off his shoulders. Shoulders were not part of this transaction! Shoulders were nice…especially his shoulders…but shoulders didn’t do business. Cassy castigated herself for allowing her eyes to move over his shoulders too many times.

  How often had she been offended when a man couldn’t keep his eyes off her breasts? There was no excuse for her doing the same to a man, no matter how deliciously broad and muscular his shoulders might seem.

  She focused on his face. It took a long moment for his answer to sink in and when it finally did, Cassy was confused. “I thought I was here to help you sell this to one of your friends?”

  Nasir took in the beautifully elegant room, almost as if he hadn’t really looked at the house before this moment. “It was gifted to me several years ago. It has served its purpose. It is time for another purpose now.”

  She was amazed. Someone had given this house as a gift? Wow! Rich people really were different! “What purpose is it going to serve now?”

  He shrugged and Cassy couldn’t stop her eyes from dropping once again to those shoulders. They really were magnificent, she thought. But still…not her focus. Eyes up!

  “It will be a gift. A gift of goodwill.”

  Cassy looked down into her coffee cup, not saying a word as she sifted through the legal implications of the transference of property. From his explanation, this transfer might be more complicated than she’d originally suspected. When she took a breath, she looked up at him. “Okay, so you’re gifting this to a friend.”

  “Not a friend. At least, not a friend yet. I hope we will become friends eventually.”

  More confusion, but again, she pulled back all of her curiosity and focused on the task that her firm was hired to accomplish. “Gifting a house to another person still has tax ramifications. If you…”

  “The financial issues will be dealt with by my accountants. I need you to draw up the papers that will transfer ownership. I need your expertise due to the transference of the property from one country, mine, to another country. There are
many legal obstacles and you will be in charge of the language within the contract that will overcome those obstacles. The property taxes and insurance will be done through my accountants as well.”

  Cassy wasn’t sure what to say, but her mind reeled with the huge responsibility. And yet, she couldn’t relate to a world in which financial issues were cast aside. Income taxes, property taxes, insurance, and gifting of a house were…unheard of in her world.

  A world she didn’t understand and couldn’t comprehend! It was so out of her realm! People from her sphere gifted a sweater or a tie. They didn’t give someone else a house, much less a mansion in one of the priciest cities in the world.

  She tried to hide her rural upbringing behind a façade of professionalism. “Understood, Your Highness.”

  “I gave you permission to call me Nasir,” he pointed out.

  Cassy shook her head, unaware of how her dark hair sparkled in the overhead lights. “I prefer to keep things professional, Your Highness.”

  He laughed softly. “Cassy, we will be so many things to each other in the future. You should learn that I don’t take ‘no’ easily. You will call me by my first name, and accept that it will be your right.”

  She stiffened, although she wasn’t sure about the meaning that seemed to be implied. So, instead of using his name or rejecting that “privilege,” she moved on. “I can go down to the appropriate offices in town and file for a transfer of ownership. I just need to draw up the forms and confirm the clauses that would be necessary, set up the inspections, and put through the necessary documents to ensure a smooth transference of property rights. It shouldn’t take long.”

  “You will stay here in Zurich as my guest for the next three days.”

  Cassy’s mouth fell open. “But…”

  “Three days, Cassandra,” he interrupted firmly.

  Cassy closed her mouth, her stubbornness rising up again. “It will take me less than a day to get all of the appropriate forms submitted and filed. I don’t need three days. You can sign the papers tomorrow morning and, barring any problems with the property rights, this should be finished by tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Good,” he said and the housekeeper stepped through the doorway with a covered dish that smelled divine. “Then we won’t be bothered by business during the rest of our time together.”

  Cassy had no idea how to deal with this man. He was too confident, too powerful, and she was way out of her depth. Plus, this sexual tension was…she couldn’t handle it.

  Folding her hands together, she frowned at him. “I will leave here as soon as my work is finished,” she replied firmly after a long silence. The housekeeper silently set the plate in front of her and removed the silver cover, then walked out of the room as silently as she’d entered.

  Having unequivocally laid out her terms, Cassy couldn’t resist digging into the perfectly cooked omelet. It had been a long time since anyone had cooked for her. She and her friends got together for dinner pretty often, but those meals were generally either pizza or Chinese takeout. So technically, someone else had cooked for her. But this meal was in a whole different category. Closing her eyes, she moaned at the delicious cheesiness. “Oh my!” she sighed with pleasure.

  “I take it the omelet is good?”

  Cassy looked up, her fork and a bite of the eggs and cheese frozen halfway to her mouth. It suddenly occurred to her that she had been scarfing the food down. She was acting as if she hadn’t eaten in too long which, well, was true, but still…!

  “I apologize,” she lowered her fork. “What are you having to eat?”

  He laughed again. “Please, continue. It’s nice to see a woman eat something. Normally, women are too worried about gaining weight to actually enjoy the food.”

  Cassy’s lips pressed together because she was one of those women. She’d love to lose another ten pounds but…she just loved eating too much. Besides, food was a stress outlet. Yes, she should learn to exercise in order to release the stress. But food…well, it tasted better. She enjoyed exercise sometimes, especially when Naya wasn’t the one choosing the exercise class, but there was nothing better than a glass of wine, a pizza, and her friends to laugh away life’s troubles.

  “About this transference,” she began.

  “Please, finish your meal and we’ll discuss business afterwards. You’re obviously hungry.”

  She sighed and picked up her fork again. “You’re a confusing man,” she finally replied as she took another bite. The coffee was amazingly pungent with a strong flavor, the caffeine already hitting her from the cup he’d served her up in her bedroom.

  And that brought up another issue. “About the sleeping arrangements,” she said, trying to choose her words carefully.

  “You will remain here, Cassandra.”

  Oh, that autocratic tone wasn’t good for her stubborn, independent nature. “I don’t think so,” she told him. “It would be more appropriate if I were to stay in a hotel.”

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “I told you earlier that we will be lovers by the end of today. So, it’s pointless for you to reserve a room at a hotel.” He shook his head. “I don’t think you could afford a hotel room in this part of Zurich anyway.”

  Her shoulders stiffened. “You don’t know anything…” but she stopped at the look on his face. “The background check? The state of my bank account was included?”

  Oh, that was embarrassing. She was a good lawyer, but she hadn’t made partner yet. She was going to, she vowed. But until that happened, she wasn’t making as much money as she eventually would earn. It was extremely expensive living in London. Her rent alone was astronomical. Plus, there were her suits, which even though she bought them on sale, were still expensive. Not to mention buying matching shoes and her leather tote bag and a host of other expenses in order to maintain her professional appearance at the office.

  “Of course your financials were included in the background check. My staff is quite thorough.”

  She sighed and rubbed her forehead, putting her fork down as her appetite dissipated. The idea of someone snooping through her life was…disconcerting.

  “What else do you know about me?” she asked, her head bowed as she braced herself.

  Nasir contemplated her body language and he didn’t like it. Not one little bit. She was angry, but there was something more hidden behind those beautiful eyes. An edge that he couldn’t quite figure out. She’d had that same look when she’d pulled away earlier today.

  Instead of confronting her, he went on. “You graduated Magna Cum Laude from Georgetown University Law School, an impressive feat. Although you attended on a generous scholarship, you still have a hefty student loan to pay off, which you are doing with admirable regularity.” She was still tense, as if waiting for him to say something horrible. “You have two very good friends whom you’ve known since your high school years. You’re a social person at work, but you don’t attend as many company functions as one might expect of a lawyer on the partner track. You have about two thousand dollars in your savings account, which would be higher but you’re paying off those student loans at a faster rate than is strictly needed, especially taking into account the interest rate on those loans. Plus, you are also building up your professional wardrobe.” Still no reaction, no movement. “You don’t date, or you haven’t in recent months…why is that?”

  Cassy’s head snapped up. “Why do you care?” she demanded, her voice cracking as she waited for him to discover her childhood terror.

  “Just curious. It won’t impact how I feel for you, Cassandra.”

  Nasir continued to watch her carefully, sensing a secret somewhere in that litany of background information.

  She turned slightly so that she was looking out the window. Nasir took a moment to admire her profile.

  “Is that all? If so, perhaps we should get to work.” She stood up and folded her napkin, placing it carefully on the chair. “My bag?” she asked again.

  Nasir sighed. “Wha
t secret do you not want me to know, Cassandra?” he asked, standing as well and reaching for her hands. “What is in your past that hurts so badly?”

  She shrugged, trying to step backwards, but he held her hands firmly. “I just don’t like people prying into my life. It’s invasive. How would you…” she stopped when one of his dark eyebrows went up. “Okay, stupid question. I suppose everyone pries into your business, don’t they?”

  He smiled and tucked her hand onto his elbow. “My life is not my own. So yes, I know how you feel about the private details of one’s life being fodder for gossip and speculation.” The doors to the dining room opened, the two guards obviously aware that he was leaving the room.

  “We’ll work in my office. Some basic documents have been drawn up already. You will just need to incorporate the specific language.”

  Cassy nodded as she let him lead her through the amazing house. The hallway was long and gorgeous, revealing a series of rooms that she wanted to examine in more detail, but she didn’t want to ask for a tour. She’d been the one to insist on getting to work. She couldn’t very well tell him that now she wanted to play. Besides, work was better. A tour might mean too many places or rooms where they might find themselves alone.

  His office was a massive room with wood paneling and floor to ceiling shelves on one side filled with books, some of which looked extremely old and valuable.

  “Your work bag is here,” he lifted the leather tote from one of the chairs where a servant had obviously stashed it. “No one has looked inside,” he assured her as she pulled out a pen and her notepad, preparing to take notes.

  Cassy shook her head as she stepped away from him. Goodness, he smelled good! As soon as she could no longer feel the heat of his body, she regretted her move. But that was crazy, she told herself as she pulled out the file filled with the prepared transfer documents. She couldn’t actually like him touching her! That would be…wrong!

  Shaking her head, she clutched the file against her chest. “Is there a place I could work? I’ll get these documents reviewed with additional questions to finalize the wording in,” she looked at her watch and then eyed the thickness of the file folder, “two hours.”


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