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Unexpectedly Expecting the Sheik's Baby (The Ladies of The Burling School Book 6)

Page 7

by Elizabeth Lennox

  “You can use this office,” he told her and pulled out the massive leather chair from behind the enormous desk. “Feel free to use the phone and whatever else you need. I have a meeting with my staff, so you won’t be disturbed.”

  She nodded and watched as he left the office. Did the man always walk as if he were a ferocious beast? He was all grace and muscles, and there was just something about him that was too powerful to be contained. It was like he was a human version of a lion or panther, all graceful lines and sensuous beauty on the outside, but a person instinctively knew that there was dangerous power lurking just underneath the surface, ready to spring at the first sign of weakness.

  When the door closed, she breathed a sigh of relief. Looking down at the paper, Cassy told herself to forget about the man and focus on the work. Work had gotten her this far. The males in her past had only brought her down. They weren’t worth the hassle.

  Three hours later, she’d made notes in the margins of each page and was ready to ask questions so that she could finalize the document.

  While searching for the man in question, she was able to peek into some of the rooms that they’d passed by earlier and Cassy was astounded all over again by the wealth evident in this place. It was huge! Who needed this many places to sit?

  “Can I help you, ma’am?” a servant asked when Cassy came out of yet another room, this one apparently a music room complete with a grand piano and harp. A harp! Nasir didn’t seem like the kind of man to own a harp, much less play one, but maybe he kept it around for someone else to play. Because, of course, every palace needed a spare harp, right? What’s a palace without one?

  “Yes, I’m trying to find His Highness,” Cassy said, taking perverse pleasure in calling the man by his title instead of his name as he’d demanded.

  The servant smiled politely. “He has been expecting you, Ms. Flemming. This way,” she said, leading Cassy out of the house through one of the back doors. Gone were the sounds of the city that she was used to at her apartment complex. This garden was surrounded by high walls, which were hidden by lush vegetation.

  Cassy’s apartment complex had a small courtyard in the middle of the four apartment buildings. The courtyard even had a pool. But this area…this was not simply a courtyard. This was an oasis! The pool was beautiful and most likely heated since this was Switzerland. Even in the summer months, the weather was still cool. The pool was surrounded by plush chairs and looked like the perfect place to take an afternoon nap. But all of this was overwhelmed by the man sitting underneath one of the umbrellas. His jeans and sweater still on, he was flipping through some papers, making notes and discussing something with another man who was dressed in a business suit.

  As soon as Nasir saw Cassy walking towards him, he closed the file folder and handed it back to the other man who quickly stood up and disappeared. Where he’d gone, Cassy had no idea, and she didn’t care. She just wanted to get her work done and leave.

  “Have a seat,” he said, waving a tanned hand towards one of the chairs surrounding the table. “Have you finished reviewing the documents?”

  Cassy laid the legal papers on the table and was about to speak when a cold, fruity drink was placed at her elbow. “Thank you,” she said to the servant who bowed in acknowledgement before vanishing. Cassy blinked, looking in the direction that the servant had just gone.

  “Where do they go?” she asked, curious and fascinated.

  Nasir blinked quizzically at her. “Go? Who?”

  Cassy realized that he really had no idea who she was asking about. “The servant. The person who just brought this drink for me?”

  Nasir shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  Cassy was shocked. She pressed her lips together and looked down at the papers. His laughter startled her and she looked up again. “What?”

  He tilted his head towards her, still chuckling. “I can tell from your body language that you do not approve of my lack of knowledge regarding my staff.”

  Cassy couldn’t argue with that. She thought it was the height of arrogance to not acknowledge the people who served you. A simple thank you would….

  “Woah!” she gasped, grabbing onto the only solid thing, which just happened to be his shoulders. One moment, she was sitting primly in her own chair. The next, she was on his lap. Straddling him, no less! What an undignified…!

  “So, you disapprove of my lifestyle, eh?” he asked, a glint of mischief in his dark eyes as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

  Cassy tried to look away, but this position, combined with the heat in his eyes, made her want to…she needed to do something. Never in her life had she been so overwhelmed by sexual need.

  She shook her head, trying to deny what she needed, to push away but he only pulled her closer and that shift did…something strange! Strange and wonderful and she wanted to do it again! Nothing she did could stop his hands from pulling her more intimately against him. Those hands moved over her body, his strong fingers caressed her bottom, pulling her relentlessly against that part of him that…wow!

  Cassy’s eyes closed as the heat hit her, pretending that she didn’t feel the electric zing when her core pressed intimately against his erection. She wanted to press more firmly against him, but that would be so, so wrong! Biting her lip, she forced her body to remain completely still. Don’t move at all, she silently reminded herself, her fingers digging into his shoulders.

  “Do it,” he coaxed, his voice rough and sexy.

  Cassy’s eyes opened slightly as she looked at him. “Do what?” she asked, but her body was already moving, her mind no longer in control. Without seeming to realize what she was doing, her hips rolled slightly.

  “Cassandra!” he groaned pulling her against his chest. But she didn’t pull away. Nothing could have caused her to pull away. Not when it felt so perfect. All sense of right and wrong vanished when he ground his hips against her.

  Then he did it again. And again!

  “Stop!” she whispered, but her voice wobbled. Completely unconvincing.

  And of course, he ignored her, continuing to do exactly what he wanted to do. Exactly what she wanted him to do. What she couldn’t ask him to do.

  Thankfully, he knew anyway and he continued to press against her, her body climbing higher, closer to that peak. She was no longer aware of anything other than her need for that pressure, that desperate ache that had to be satisfied now that it had been awakened.

  Cassy was oblivious to the rest of the world as she rolled her hips against that hardness, that pressure that she needed more than her next breath. In fact, she stopped breathing, her body poised, ready, desperate!

  Nasir watched her, shocked that she could be brought this close so quickly. And more turned on than he’d thought possible. She rode him, her body sensuously shifting, pressing and doing exactly what she needed to do. She’d been sitting in that chair, looking so prim and sophisticated. Now she was his. She had transformed from prim and proper, a lawyer and a feminist, into a sexual goddess, intent on her own pleasure. She didn’t care or concern herself with his pleasure, which only made her movements more erotic, more painfully, beautifully sensual.

  Those sounds! Damn, he felt as if he could climax just from her movements and the sounds she was making. Everything about her had transformed, even her voice. The noises were gasping, desperate, and hot! Every time she moved, every time she hit that spot right on, she made a gasping noise in her throat.

  Obviously, she wasn’t experienced at this so he guided her, showed her how to move. Once she’d found her rhythm, he slipped his hands underneath her sweater and pushed aside the damnable sports bra, releasing her glorious breasts. The weight of them spilled out into his hands and he quickly found her nipple, pinching the sensitive peak. That was all it took!

  He watched in amazement as her head fell backwards and her body rocked as she convulsed with pleasure. Just like that! Damn, she was gorgeous! He couldn’t wait to see her like this, completely naked and at his merc
y with his erection buried inside of her, her breasts revealed to his gaze and her body shuddering with her release.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, her body came down from her climactic high. He watched with fascination as her beautiful, dark eyes opened. Slowly, Cassandra looked around, realizing what had just happened.

  He knew the instant that she changed back to the prim, proper lady. His hands were back on her bottom, keeping her in place.

  “Look at me, Cassandra,” he commanded harshly. His body was still rock hard, ready to explode but he held back, not wanting to frighten her. Five minutes, he thought wistfully. Just five minutes and he could have her naked, her eyes back to that soft, pleading look and he could be buried inside of her, feeling her inner muscles tighten and convulse.

  “That was beautiful,” he murmured huskily. He was thoroughly enjoying the feel of her round bottom against his palms.

  He saw the change in her eyes first, then her body stiffened.

  “Don’t!” he snapped, knowing exactly where her thoughts were going. “You are beautiful when you’re enjoying yourself, Cassandra. And since we will be enjoying each other a great deal over the next few days, I can’t allow you to think of our activities together as wrong.”

  She almost laughed at his arrogance. “You’re not going to allow it, huh?” she echoed scathingly. She pushed his hands away and slid off his lap. She stood up, and realized her breasts were still free. She huffed a bit and rolled her eyes as she turned away, fixing the issue by stuffing everything back where it was supposed to be.

  When she was once again appropriately tucked away, she turned back around, fully prepared to give him a piece of her mind. But he wasn’t still sitting in the chair like a good boy. And Cassy suspected that he would never be a good boy, never had been a good boy and would rarely, if ever, do what she expected of him.

  Before she could lambast him for…what? For giving her the most intense pleasure she’d ever experienced and hadn’t even known was possible? Or for…? Proving her wrong about sex? Was what they’d done just a moment ago even considered sex? They still had their clothes on!

  Confusion swamped her and, swirling through that mass of confusion was a deep fear. Would he mock her? Would he tease her for being ‘an easy lay’? Would he…?

  Cassy didn’t have a chance to worry about what he might think because he pulled her into his arms, his mouth covering hers in a kiss that stole her breath away. Within moments, his tongue had invaded her mouth, sending shock waves throughout her body.

  When he finally lifted his head, she was trembling with lust. What was it about him that could send her into a swoon so easily? It was ridiculous!

  She needed to be stronger but then his hand slipped under her sweater and she gasped, unintentionally pressing her breasts against his chest in an effort to avoid the intense heat of his hand. Thankfully, he didn’t move up to her breasts. His hand stayed on her back, burning the skin and causing her trembling to increase.

  With the last dregs of her sanity, she looked up into his eyes. “What are you doing?”

  He moved again, shifting his body against hers. She gasped when his hard thigh pressed between her legs. The movement was so sudden, she wasn’t prepared for it, so her only recourse was to hold onto him even more tightly.

  “I’m just touching you, Cassandra. Get used to it. We will be doing that a great deal.”

  She shook her head, but he slid one hand sensuously higher on her back while the other moved lower, cupping her bottom.

  “Do you deny that you just climaxed in my arms?”

  His words doused her with a cold dose of humiliation. “Don’t say things like that!”

  Misunderstanding Cassy’s outraged reaction, Nasir laughed, delighted with her blush. He wanted to carry her off to his bedroom to make love to her. But he also suspected that this woman would consider a sexual affair a violation of her personal work ethics. Better to get business out of the way, so that they could move on to more important issues.

  Yes, he wanted her, he thought as he stroked her hips and bottom, savoring the feeling of her lush curves, but he wanted all of her. She was exceptionally intelligent, beautiful and, now he knew, amazingly sensuous. The whole package. Perfect, he thought.

  “I will back off for now, simply because you have some questions for me, if that contract with red writing on it is any indication.” He nodded towards the polished table where the house transference contract lay, temporarily forgotten. “But this is not over. Not even close.”

  He released her, but held onto her hands to steady her. It took her a moment to regain her balance and, as anticipated, she jerked her hands away, determined to stand on her own.

  When she could see straight, Nasir watched as she tucked her hair back behind her ears, trying to find her control, her equilibrium. It was a hard battle, especially since he wouldn’t step back to give her space. He watched her with amusement, trying to understand what was going through her mind. The emotions flashing over her soft, lovely features changed from frantic to nervous to confused and ended with what seemed like anger, but Nasir wasn’t sure if that anger was directed towards him or herself.

  Before he could translate her expression, she shook them off and straightened her shoulders, smoothing her features into that bland look that he knew was her business-face. He was fascinated!

  Cassy inhaled slowly. She couldn’t look him in the eye quite yet, still consumed by the lust, desire, and confusion that had overwhelmed her only moments ago. When she failed to rein in her feelings, she suppressed them ruthlessly, just as she’d done so many times in the past. She’d learned over the years to control her feelings, to ignore the desire to cry, which would only give her enemies satisfaction.

  In the past, their words had hurt, their belief in who she was had caused wounds that hadn’t fully healed. But Cassy had vowed to never let anyone see how deeply she’d been hurt.

  This moment was no different. Nasir was just trying to control her, to hurt her the same way those mean, hurtful girls had done so many years ago. To what end, she wasn’t sure. And yes, Cassy grasped that her past misery might be influencing her present thinking. But because those wounds were still raw, she couldn’t quite suppress the urge to hide away. Lifting her chin, Cassy reminded herself that she was strong. Stronger than anyone realized.

  She tightened her jaw and took a deep, cleansing breath. For a long moment, she stood there, her eyes closed as she forced herself to push down the pain and humiliation. She wasn’t that person, she told herself. She might have reacted to his touch but…she wasn’t that person!

  Opening her eyes, she nodded sharply. Glancing at the documents, she buried her pain deep down inside of herself. “I have many questions for you,” she replied, acknowledging his point about the red notes scribbled all over the margins of the contract. “If you have the time, I’d like to get some clarification and perhaps add a bit more detail to this contract and then get the information included in the language.”

  Nasir watched Cassandra fight whatever inner demons lurked just below the surface, surprised that she’d gone from a relaxed, sensuous woman to a hard, tense professional. It might have taken her several moments to accomplish that transformation, but the professional mask was now firmly in place.

  In response to her request for clarification, he nodded even as his eyes narrowed. This was more than just anger. There was something dark and tragic lurking behind those beautiful eyes. Something sad that he wanted to understand. He’d ask her about the brief flash of pain in her eyes soon. After their business issues were resolved. He suspected she needed to move away from whatever it was that bothered her.

  She wanted to hide her sensuous nature behind a stiff, tough exterior, he realized. She wanted to ignore that softer, more feminine side to herself, the side of her that was more sensually beautiful than anything he’d ever seen.

  He’d held her hand in his that first time in her office’s conference room and felt her trembling. He’d
seen the attraction in those lovely dark eyes. And moments ago, he’d watched as she climaxed in his arms, felt her body shudder and writhe against his. He knew that she wasn’t always a prim lawyer who wanted to focus solely on business. She was so much more, although, as he watched her trembling fingers tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, he wondered if she knew that she was also this amazingly erotic, sensuously glorious woman. Yes, she was professional too. But now he suspected that she tried to suppress that other part of her. He suspected that she knew that both parts existed, but she didn’t like the other half, the sensuous half.

  He swallowed a chuckle, thinking about how erotic it was going to be to teach her to embrace her sensuous nature. She was such a passionate little thing. So hot and yet, so stiff and formal now. The contrast was enticing!

  She sat down in the chair, her back so stiff, it didn’t touch the cushions. He watched, mesmerized, as she again tucked her long, brown hair behind an ear and looked down at her notes. He knew she was trying to gather her thoughts and he tried to be considerate, to give her the space. Leaning back against his own chair, he wasn’t aware of the way his forefinger was rubbing his lower lip or how his body was stretched out, his long legs close to her own. He was completely absorbed in the angle of her head, the delicate shell of her ear and the enticing curve of her neck. He couldn’t wait until their business was completed so that he could taste her skin, explore all of the sensitive places on her body. He would bet a good deal of money that he could make her moan just by nibbling on that spot below her ear. Or maybe along the smooth column of her neck.

  Yes, he was going to enjoy exploring her body.

  But no way would he allow her to climax alone like that again. At least, not the next time. Maybe in the future. Watching her had been thrilling and…!


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