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Immortal Scars

Page 11

by A L Williams

  She poked out her lips. “Fine. Keep your tragic clothes.” I laughed. She reminded me of Ben. I never thought there would be anyone as ridiculous as he was. I was wrong.

  James walked towards me, snatching his keys from the hook on the wall. “We’ll be back later. Lock up for me?”

  She grinned. “Have fun.” I rolled my eyes at the waggle of her brows. Yup, she was just like him. When we closed the door behind us, I reached over and took his hand. He glanced down at our joined hands, and I pulled him through the complex to my car.

  We rode in a comfortable silence, a wash of light from passing cars bouncing off the windshield, until we reached our destination in the middle of downtown. “Where are we going?” He stepped out, studying the surroundings.

  I walked around and grabbed his hand again. “Just wait and see.”

  I lead him to a small building made of cracked brick, and opened the old scratched door, directing him in. He stopped, staring at the easels scattered about the room. A bar sat against the wall with a line of bottles. I moved behind him, placing my hand flat on his lower back. He turned to me, his eyes glistening. My heart swelled. I hadn’t been sure if he would enjoy this, but I was glad I made the right choice.

  A man moved to the front. "Alright, ladies, gentlemen, and others— please take your seats so we can get started," he said. When we sat down in front of easels, the wait staff brought over two glasses of wine. After taking a sip, James groaned, and it went straight to my cock.

  He put his glass down on the small table at his side, across from the paint cart. “I haven’t had good wine in years.”

  I nodded. “Well, we must make sure you don’t drink too much.” I winked.

  He looked away a light blush on his cheeks. “Are you insinuating something, sir?” I caught the slight smirk on his lips.

  “You tell me.”

  He smirked, a suggestive glint in his eyes. I laughed and picked up a brush, turning toward my easel.

  It was about midnight when the party ended. We walked through the bustle of the other guests, who were tipsy, flooding out into the warm night air. We waved goodbye to the owner, and returned to my car, the stars sparkling dimly in the ambient light.

  When we got in, James threw our paintings in the back. I narrowed my eyes. “I’m never painting with you again.”

  He laughed. “It’s not that bad. Okay, maybe it is.” He scrunched his nose, and we busted out laughing. He placed his palm on my hand when I reached over to shift into drive.

  "Let’s go back to your house," he said. I shifted, my cock taking notice. I gaped at him and bobbed my head, suppressing the excitement coursing through my veins. I pulled away from the curb, joining the flow of traffic.

  It felt like forever before I pulled into my driveway. We climbed out of the car in front of my house, the stars shining brighter now that we were away from the downtown lights. I lead him to the front door, my skin tingling with excitement.

  We entered the dark house and inside, shadows blanketed the living room until I flicked, flooding everything in light. I looked at him. “Would you like something to drink?”

  He rocked on his feet. “No, I’m fine.” He continued to watch me as I inched closer.

  “Can I kiss you?” He swallowed and bobbed his head.

  I bent down, brushing his ear with my lips. "Use your words. Can I kiss you?"

  He shuddered. “Yes,” he said, his voice husky.I rushed forward, claiming his lips and taste him. I savored it, a hint of wine still on his breath. He moaned and gripped my shoulders.

  After a while, I pulled away, taking a much-needed breath. He peered over my shoulder and his eyes widened. I glanced back, noticing a small black burn spot on the wall. “We can’t do this.” He moved away.

  Pulling him against me, I took his face into my hands, searching his eyes and stroking his cheek. “We don’t have to do anything, but if we do, you won’t hurt me.”

  He released a heavy breath. “What if I do?”

  I kissed his forehead. “You won’t.” I studied him as he bit his lip and an idea entered my mind. I dashed to the kitchen to bring out a fire extinguisher. He furrowed his brows

  “Does this help?” I hoped it didn't come off desperate. I had to admit I was. Wanting him was starting to drive me crazy.

  He smirked, and then his face hardened. “I don't want to hurt you.”

  I smiled. “I know. You won't. I trust you.”

  He studied me in silence. The air conditioning turned on. "Okay," he murmured.

  I walked over, pulling him into my arms. "Can I?"

  "Yes." He stroked my chest.

  Surging forward, I attacked his mouth once again, swallowing his groans. We cling together, leaving no space between. My heart hammered in my chest, mirroring his. I dragged my hands down his body, lifting him by his thighs. He wrapped his legs around my waist as I kissed his neck. I inched backwards until the back of my knees hit the couch. We sat down, sinking into the cushions and he straddled my thighs. I mouthed at his neck again, before biting down. I loved the way he tasted. He moaned and my cock throbbed against my zipper. I ran my mouth along his skin, stopping at his collarbone, inhaling his scent. Lifting his shirt with my other hand, I trailed my fingers across his skin, brushing his nipple and pinching it. He jumped, thrusting his hips against me. I smirked at him as he glared at me. Kissing him again, I squeezed his thigh. He gasped as his dick dragged over my clothed stomach. He started thrusting against me, and bit my lip. I hissed.

  I reached between us, undoing his jeans and tugging them down as far as I could in our position, taking his boxers with them. Gripping his firm ass, I spread his cheeks wide. He leaned into me more, the arch of his back obscene. We clung together as we explored each other, hard body against hard body. He kissed down my jawline, drawing a moan from me. I squeezed harder. He sucked on my neck. I knew it would bruise, but I wanted more. Hauling him up, he wrapped his legs around me again. I carried him through the hall, pressing him against the wall for a hard kiss along the way.

  When we got to my room, I lowered him to the bed. “Scoot up.” He bit his lip as he pulled himself further up the bed, sending a jolt of heat through my veins. I removed my clothes, my dick popping out. It stood against my stomach swollen and purple with precum gathering at the head. He stared at it and licked his lips. I smirked and climbed up his body, gazing into his hungry eyes. I gripped his jeans, that still hung low on his thighs, and yanked them down. I tossed them, throwing them to the floor. Staring at his groin, my mouth watered at the sight of his cock tenting his boxer briefs. Watching him, I waited for confirmation, and he nodded. I pulled them over his cock, the flesh slipping out and bobbing, hard and thick.

  Continuing to move up his torso, I dragged my dick along his skin, sending a shudder through him. When I reached his face, I started to grind my hips against his. He moaned as we rubbed together. I leaned down, brushing his ear with my lips. “I want this in my mouth.” I thrust to emphasize my point. He shuddered. Reaching across him, I pulled my lube and a condom from the end table drawer. "We don’t need that," he rasped and cleared his throat, pointing at the condoms.

  “Are you sure? I mean, I am clean, but…” I said.

  He grinned. “I don't get sick. I asked Lucifer.” I plunged down and kissed him, swallowing his groan and throwing the condom off the bed. I didn't want to talk about his father right now. Crawling down his body again, I settled between his legs and licked my lips. The head of his cock peeked out from the foreskin. Pre-cum gathered at the red tip. I thrusted against the comforter, my neglected cock hard as a rock. I grabbed his hips and swallowed him to the hilt. He arched his back, releasing a long moan. “I want you,” he panted.

  Pulling off him, I glanced up and searched his eyes. “You mean?”

  “Yes,” he said. He grunted when I took him into my mouth again, relaxing my throat to accommodate his girth. He instinctively snapped his hips, shoving his cock deep. I continued to swallow around him
, his legs trembling. I opened my eyes, catching a dark spot spreading across the ceiling. He tensed under me. Reaching up, I entwined our hands and held on, and he relaxed. I sucked harder and he started moving again. He whined as I pulled off. His cock glistened with spit and pre-cum.

  “You can come down my throat another time,” I rasped. Kissing him again, I grabbed the lube off the bed. I flipped off the cap, squirting some in my hand and spreading it on my fingers. I slid down him again, running my lubed fingers along his skin, caressing his balls. I grazed his taint and he gasped. Moving down to his hole, I applied a bit of pressure. His body stiffened, and I looked up. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” He smiled and my heart swelled.

  “I trust you.” he murmured. I applied more pressure. A single finger slipped in as he panted. Pushing in deeper, rubbing his thigh with my free hand. I started to thrust my fingers, slowly at first. When I brushed his prostate he moaned in the most obscene way, going straight to my cock. I withdrew and pushed in a second digit. He groaned. “More.” When I pulled out, he whimpered. I crawled up his body, peppering kisses along the way.

  When I reached his face, I captured his lips, kissing him with everything I had.

  I released him and gazed down. “How do you— ?”

  “I want to see you,” he rushed. Smiling, I grabbed a pillow from behind him and slid it under his hips, pushing his legs close to his chest and bent him in half. When I lined myself up with his hole, I glanced up at him once again. And when he nodded I pushed.

  I released a long groan as I slipped in. “You’re so tight,” I panted against his forehead, I Gritted my teeth, the urge to fuck maddening. I didn't want to hurt him. I trembled, waiting for him to adjust.

  “I’m good,” he murmured. I nodded and started to thrust, a growl rolling out me as I snapped my hips, slamming into his prostate. He arched off the bed with a long moan. I ground into him, unable to control myself any longer. The bed hit the wall as pressure grew in my groin. The room filled with an orchestra of moans as I lost rhythm, chasing my release. I was already ready to burst, but I wanted him to come first. I fucked into him, his body trembling under me.

  Reaching between us, I wrapped my fingers around his cock. I stroked as I continued to plow into him. He arched off the bed once again with wide eyes, groaning as cum coated my hand. I jerked him in time with my thrust, prolonging his orgasm. Burying myself in him once more, the pressure intensified, and I came so hard that my head spun. Thrusting into him a few more times, I spilled into him, my moan long and loud. The thought of coating his walls gave me a sick pleasure. He was mine.

  When I collapsed on top of him, our breaths melded together. The only other sound, the humming air condition. After several minutes, he wiggled under me. I pulled out with a satisfied sigh and plopped down next to him, still swimming in euphoria.

  Once my vision cleared, I watched him as he stared at the ceiling. “Are you alright?”

  He looked at me and smiled. “Perfect.” He tucked his face against my neck as I pulled him into my arms. I closed my eyes, feeling his breathing slow, and drifted away warm and content.


  When I woke up, the sun danced through the window, casting golden light. I looked down, finding James’ head on my chest. He looked up and met my gaze with a smile on his face.. I pulled him close, kissing his forehead. We stayed like that as the sun painted the sky in washes of gold and orange, fading into blue. I wanted to stay like that forever, tucked in our little bubble, but I had to go to work at some point. I moved off of him, cursing my job for the first time ever. I loved being a detective, but those eyes did things to me that left me wanting to stay home wrapped in his warmth.

  The sheets fell to his lap as he sat up, stretching. I gawked at him, my brain short circuiting. I couldn't for the life of me remember why work was so important. I found my eyes traveling down his body, my cock twitching. When I met his gaze the glint of amusement stared back as he chuckled. “We will never leave if you keep looking at me like that.”

  I smirked. “I don’t see a problem.”

  He shook his head, getting out of bed. “My ass doesn’t agree.” I busted out laughing.

  "You need to get to work, Detective." He sauntered into the bathroom, and I followed. I ended up pressed against the shower wall, coming down his throat. I was late to work.


  As I went into the station, my body felt light. I didn’t know where this would go, but I knew I wanted him by my side. My heart was full, and the heaviness that I had carried for years had lifted. When I approached my office, Ben stepped out, and a grin stretched across his flawless face.

  “So things are going well with James?” I continued to my desk as he leaned against the door. When I sat down in my chair, I glanced up at him and he studied me for a moment. “You got it bad.”

  My face warmed as I looked towards the window, the sound of traffic drifting through. “I guess so.”

  Ben pushed off the door and walked to the desk. "Have you told him yet?" I tensed. He glared at me. "So are you going to tell him?"

  I leaned back in my chair. "I'll tell him."

  "Will you?"

  "Yeah." I glanced away. I didn't know how. I knew I had to. But how do you tell a man you liked that this was not your…

  He sighed. "Secrets never work in a relationship."

  I nodded. "I will."

  He studied me again. “She’d want you to be happy.” I touched the necklace at my neck, feeling each bead under the fabric of my shirt. My mother’s smiling face appeared in my mind and warmth spread through my chest. I glanced back at him. Ben turned and walked to the door. “Gotta go.” I watched as he moved, noticing the slump of his shoulders. I furrowed my brow. Something was off.

  “I’m sorry your mother was…” I blurted and then stopped. What could I say? She was a horrible person, and it amazed me that he was so strong.

  Ben paused, his body stiff. “It doesn’t matter.”

  I frowned. “She’s your mother. It’s okay if it hurts.” The room grew silent as I watched Ben. He stood like stone, reminding me he was separate from time itself.

  He glanced at me, his eyes twinkling. “Tá sé san am atá that.” It’s in the past. His response was bullshit. He was good at lying with his eyes, even if he never did with his words. "I have some paperwork to deal with. See you later," he said, waving as he exited the room. Watching him leave, I wondered if he would ever be honest with me.

  You're one to talk.

  I frowned and shook my head. I would tell him.

  Chapter Sixteen


  February 20, 1793

  He’s beautiful. His eyes are just like his father’s. White as cotton. If he was here, he’d be proud. But I knew he had to leave. I hope James will understand. My only regret is that I didn't try harder to find a way for Lucifer to stay. Not for myself, but for our family. He deserves happiness. I pray that one day they meet. Even if it's after my lifetime.


  A few days later, I opened my eyes and sat up, scanning the room and squinting from the brightness of the sun. I crawled out of bed and walked to the sliding glass doors of my patio. The sun washed out the landscape; the heat rippling against the mountains. My father was at my small, white, dusty metal table between two matching chairs. He had a thousand-yard stare and a cigarette burning between his fingers. He took a long drag and he pulled his hand away, releasing a large cloud of smoke that drifted into the sky. I stepped out, taking a seat in the chair across from him. “Morning.”

  “Good morning.” He said.

  We sat in silence, the sound of children laughing and dogs barking filling the air.

  I glanced at him. “Why did you betray God?”

  He tensed. “I thought humans not worth his love.”

  “Do you still feel that way?” I asked, as he took a final drag and squeezed the butt in his hand, turning it to ash.

  He stood, walking to the edge of the cement
pad of the patio. “I was not trying to end mankind.” He turned to me. “I just wanted to show him they were flawed.” He chuckled, the sound bitter and cold. “After I convinced Eve to eat the apple, things got out of hand.”

  I blinked. “Wait. I’m not religious, but aren’t you supposed to be in Hell?”

  He grunted. “Hell is not an actual place.”

  I narrowed my eyes. "But the garden is?"

  "It is the space connecting heaven and the human heart: shrouded in magic, hidden forever."

  “Okay, then, what is Hell?"

  His eyes began to glow, sending a chill down my spine. “In the beginning, there was only darkness.” I blinked.

  What did that mean?

  He sat back down, gazing out at the sun as it inched higher into the sky. He looked like a statue, untouched by time.

  “Where do you go at night?” I asked. He did not answer.

  I tapped my foot against the cement. “I’m sure you don’t have anywhere to stay. If you want, you can stick around and get some sleep. My apartment is small, but I can put some blankets on the floor.”

  “I do not need to sleep,” he said.

  I sighed. “Well, you can close your eyes and just rest.” He studied me for a moment and then nodded.

  Later, I brought out two mugs of hot coffee, the sun beginning to sink lower into the sky. We drank, warmth spreading through my tired body. "They have changed," he said. I peered over at him. "They were not like this. What did I do wrong?" His face was stone with the shadow of regret in his eyes. I looked down as the warm liquid swirled in my cup.

  The sound of birds and distant cars filled the air, disrupting the quiet.

  The wind picked up and I watched a rock roll through the dirt. “I miss her.”

  “I know.”

  I shut my eyes. “I just want her back.” He thinned his lips. “Why her?”

  He leaned back in his chair. ”The world was a very different place. Mankind have always been selfish creatures: believing they had the right to own other humans, manipulating Father’s word for their own gain.”


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