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Winter's Fall

Page 21

by Alessandra Jay

  With a shrug of my shoulders I close my eyes, slightly annoyed that privacy is no longer an option. My frustration is like fuel as I perform my cast. My power comes to me quickly and the strength behind it is effortless.

  Satisfied with my work, I dramatically clean my hands off by clapping them up and down. Charlie snorts behind me and follows Evan and I inside, where we follow the noise to the kitchen. Mack stands over the island with her arms full of ingredients.

  “Think you can still create a masterpiece with someone else pickin’ the ingredients?” She wiggles her eyebrows comically, waiting for my reply. Now that I feel challenged, I can’t hold back my excitement.

  “Of course I can.”

  I don't like to boast, but she put me on the spot in front of our entire group. I can’t let them down now, even if it’s just about making dessert. As I look over the random ingredients she picked, it takes me only a few minutes to think of something delicious.

  “Caramel crunch no-bake bars.” I say it more to myself, but Hunter shows her enthusiasm immediately.

  “That..sounds…SOOO…good! What are you waiting for? Get started!” Hunter takes the seat directly in front of the island to watch me work. Derek pulls the guys into the living room to watch some new action movie that was just released.

  “So what are you going to do about classes, Scar?”

  It doesn't surprise me that it was Chloe to remind me of my college plans. Now that she’s brought it up, it sounds ridiculous. The first thought to pop in my head is how much danger I could be putting the mortal students in just by being there.

  “Honestly, I'm not sure if it’s smart to go back. It’s safer for everyone if I don't continue. At least until this is over.” It feels sad coming out of my mouth, but I know it is the right decision.

  “What about you, Mack? Are you going to start this semester?” As soon as I ask her, she responds.

  “Hell no, I am not! Y’all really think I wanna go sit in a room full of mortals? When I could be doin’ this?”

  Hearing her say the word ‘mortals’ felt bizarre. She was one not long ago. And so was I…or so I thought. She has the girls laughing, but it brings me some sadness that she isn't going to pursue her dream.

  “What’s the long face you’re givin’ me?” I can tell Mack knows, but I have a feeling she needs to hear me say it.

  “Well, it just sucks knowing you won’t be opening your own clothing store one day. Because of the caster world. Because of me.” Charlie has the same look on her face that I do. But Mack just rolls her eyes at us.

  “Excuse me, but who said I won’t be openin’ my own store? Now I just don't need a degree to get it. I can do some castin’ for that.” It seems harmless hearing her say it, but I know it’s wrong.

  “That’s cheating, Mackenzie.” Charlie quickly voices her opinion using Mack’s full name.

  “Ha! And comin’ back to life after you die isn't?” She shut us up.

  “Look, I don't want y’all feelin’ sorry for me. I am very happy with how my life is turnin’ out. Lizzie is helpin’ me get through it and she is helpin’ put it all into perspective. College just seems irrelevant and small now that I know how much more there is to this life. I'm totally fine with cuttin’ ties with Syracuse. Y’all should be, too.”

  Hearing it that way makes me feel like she might be right. I want to quit or maybe take a leave of absence because I know it’ll be safer for the mortals. However, if I think about it like Mack does, there is so much more to this life, so much more to accomplish right now than sitting in a classroom.

  “You're right, Mack. We should go over there later and talk to them about putting our coursework on hold, then we can decide what we’re going to do after all of this is over. Do you have to talk to your parents about it?”

  “Well, they don't have to know that I’ve stopped goin.’ Lizzie actually said she’ll help me make it seem like I'm still there. For now, at least. There will be another time for this kinda news. But yes, I’ll go with you later. First I want to taste these bars you’re makin’.”

  Nodding rapidly, Hunter agrees with her last statement.

  “It’ll be ready in a minute. There’s no baking them, so I’m really just mixing this all together. They should sit in the fridge for a while, but I'm going to just speed that part up a little. Thanks for making it easy for me, Mack.” She winks at me, urging me to follow through with my plan.

  “I came back to a bunch of cheaters.” Charlie throws her head in her hands to be funny, but Mack grabs a handful of peanut butter chips and throws them at her.

  “Oh, no. Not this again. Girls, NO!”

  A flashback of our first food fight flashes in my mind and, for a second, it makes my stomach sink. It brings back an incredible memory. But I don't want to deal with that mess again.

  “Charlie…back away from the chocolate. Mack, apologize!”

  With a sinister and comical snicker, Mack says she’s sorry and throws her hands up in surrender.

  “You are so lucky that Scarlet is here.” Charlie sticks her tongue out, then picks the peanut butter out of her hair. Hunter turns in her seat to help her while Mack watches, amused.

  I'm glad it will only take another minute to finish the dessert because, by the way Charlie looks, I think she’s going to retaliate at any second. I place my hand in a circle around my mouth and think of cold air escaping my lips. Not so cold that it freezes the bars, but just enough so that it isn't melting from the warmth of our fingers.

  Blowing out, a slight frost leaves the circle on my hand and envelopes the bars. With a wave of my hand, everyone has a bar in their hands, including the guys. A loud and happy yell sounds from the living room. They make their way into the kitchen and fill the remaining seats. At the same time, everyone takes a bite and all I hear are moans of pleasure.

  “Oh my, this is…the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” Chloe’s eyes almost roll back from her satisfaction.

  It makes my heart skip a beat knowing I can still get that kind of reaction. We all sit in happy silence as we finish off the tray of bars. For a second I feel a wave of lethargy take over my body and I feel like I’m going to faint again.

  I try not to make it a big deal, but I know Evan sees right through me. As I excuse myself to go to the bathroom, I know it will only take a second for him to follow and check on me, so I leave the door unlocked. As I wash my face with cold water, I stare at my reflection.

  What the hell is happening?

  I feel tingles all over my back and I assume it’s because Evan is close. But as minutes go by, there is no Evan. What the… Taking a deep breath, I go back out to the kitchen.

  “Mack tells me you're going to school to take a leave of absence, love?” Evan places his hand on the top of my back.

  “I think that’s a wise choice. Now that Charlie is here, it gives you more time to learn angel stuff from her. You'll still be learning new things. Just not the textbook kind of things. More like the bad ass kind of things.”

  His words are always comforting, but something still isn't sitting right with me. I just can't place it. I nod my head to agree with him, but it’s a giveaway to what I’m feeling.

  “Are you feeling okay, Scar?” Evan privately asks me this, knowing I wouldn't want everyone else in this conversation.

  “I'm fine. Just feel a little weird. But it’s okay, Evan. I promise.” It isn't completely a lie. Charlie must sense I need a distraction, so she jumps off of the counter and pulls me away from Evan.

  “Why don't I accompany you and Mack to the office. That way we can say our proper goodbyes.” I like that idea.

  “What about you, though? Everyone thinks you’re dead. There’s even a picture of you in the main office.” I don't want to turn her down, but I also don't want the administration to go through a ghost-induced heart attack.

  Confusing us all, Charlie smirks and looks over at Lucas.

  “Don’t freak out, babe.” She places her hands on top of he
r head and moves it down to her chin.

  Right before our eyes, she changes her entire face. Her hair is now blonde and pin straight, her eyes are bluer than Mack's, and her lips are shut in a tight line. She doesn't look like Charlie at all. Shrugging her shoulders, she ruffles her hair.

  “Something angels can do. You'll be able to do this one day if you pay close attention to what I teach you, Scar!”

  Still stunned, amazed, and blown away, I get up without another word. Mack and I follow the bogus Charlie out of the house with identical looks of shock on our faces. How much all of our lives have changed since we first met!

  Chapter 23

  Embrace Them

  Temporarily withdrawing from Syracuse feels bittersweet. It takes a full twenty minutes for us to sign the proper paperwork, but it feels like forever. From the minute I walk into the administration office, I want to get it over with immediately.

  It hurts too much to be in here saying goodbye. When the dean tells us we have to be out of the townhouse in 48 hours, it feels like a slap in the face. We can see the disappointment in his face, but we can also see that he feels sorry for us. He thinks we are still mourning the loss of Charlie.

  Little does he know she is sitting right next to us. I practically run out of the office after he shakes our hands as a final gesture of closure. But the guarantee of the students’ and staffs’ safety is worth the sacrifice. Now that I know who I am, I realize I have all the time in the world to come back when it’s safer for everyone.

  As we walk towards our soon-to-be former townhouse, every memory we’ve made there flashes through my mind. It’s where I met my best friends, experienced my first kiss, had an epic food fight, and where my very first vision came to me. It’s a place I will never forget.

  We walk up to the driveway and turn to look at the townhouse as we pause and cherish our memories, knowing this is the last time we will share this place together. Charlie, who is in the middle of Mack and I, takes our hands in hers and holds them while she sniffles her flow of tears away.

  “Never thought I’d miss a place so much. And we haven't even moved out yet. But you know what, y’all? I'm grateful this place brought us together. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you girls.” Mack makes the moment even more melancholy as she starts the round of goodbyes.

  “That’s exactly right, Mackenzie. I'm thankful that even though we say goodbye to this place, I’ll still have you two forever.” Charlie tries to sound strong through her sorrow

  “We’ll always have each other.” I move closer to Mack so I can pull us in for a group hug. If I knew how sappy this was going to be, I would have come better prepared.

  Charlie steps out of the hug to shake her shoulders out of the somber mood that has taken over us all. She taps the top of her head to return her face to the face we all know is hers. We wipe our eyes and regulate our breathing as we accept the end of this chapter in our lives. I throw my arms over their shoulders and lead them away from the townhouse and back towards Evan’s house.

  “Adios, adieu, ciao, aloha, and goodbye for now, townhouse!” I try to lighten the air because it’s heavy with gloom and, thankfully, it receives the chuckles I want to hear.

  “So now that the mortal part of our lives is behind us, what do you wanna do? I mean, after we kick ass in this coming war, of course.” I'm sure Charlie doesn't mean to sound so nonchalant about the prophesied war that is to come. But she does.

  “Well, I'm apologizin’ in advance, ‘cause I will not be at that war with y’all. Demi already invited me over for a relaxin’ and war-free evenin.’ We’ll be busy tryin’ not to worry our minds off about y’all. In the meantime, I’d like to stay at the village. Practicin’ with Lizzie has been really helpin’ and, I mean, there’s literally a floor for everythin’, so I won’t be roamin’ these nasty demon-filled streets.”

  Mack sounds like she has it all figured out and I am happy for her. She seems to have acclimated herself to the new caster part inside of her. And for a brief moment, I envy her.

  It’s easy for her to make these decisions because she doesn't have to be involved in the war. But I'm the one who's leading it. Since I don't know anything about wars or strategy, I’m going to learn as much as I can for the sake of the caster and angelic realms and to protect my friends, family, and Evan.

  “That sounds nice, Mack. I like the idea of you staying around casters at the Village. You’ll be safe there as you learn to develop your skill.” I want to support her as best as I can. Even if that means I'm a little jealous of her freedom.

  “What about you, Charlie?”

  “Luke asked me to move into Evan’s house with him. So when we’re not training, I’ll be there, catching up on the time we lost…”

  “Ooh, spicy!” Mack cuts her off, but it makes us laugh. Temporarily forgetting about the heartache from the townhouse, we relish in the thoughts of our future plans.

  “Well, not that I have much choice in the matter, but I will be slaving away to prepare for this stupid war.”

  Evan’s house is coming into view and I feel the heat begin to tingle on my spine. It’s a feeling that satisfies my very being. It reminds me that our connection is strong and it’s nice to be alerted when he’s near.

  Quickly after, the tingle in my spine begins to burn and starts to feel uncomfortable and painful. My breath hitches and I try to grab whoever or whatever is closest to my hand. I squeeze Charlie's shoulder as I bend down in a hunch over the ground.

  “Mack, hurry. Go get Evan.” With my vision almost blurring, I hear Mack's footsteps become urgent and further away.

  “Scar, what’s wrong? Can you tell me?”

  I can't speak. It hurts to breathe. Every time I move an inch, it feels like my back is going to shatter into millions of broken pieces. The pulsing ache in my back paralyzes me from being able to speak.

  I feel the tears roll out of my eyes, down my cheeks and, still, I can't move. I imagine this is what mortals feel when they age and pull something in their back, but maybe times a thousand.

  Is someone attacking me? Is this a cast?

  The thought of someone doing this to me purposefully is enough for me to try to toughen up a bit. The last thing I want is for my attacker to see me so weak. I try to take an extremely short deep breath to straighten my back, but it comes out rigid and unsupported. When I actually move to a less cowering position, it feels like the skin on my back is ripping apart. I know that if I move again, I will most likely pass out from the pain.


  Evan runs down the street with the others trailing him to where we are and immediately reaches over to lift me. But the moment he tries to move me, a scream escapes my lips that freezes everyone in place. Evan withdraws his hands from my body and steps back.

  “Scar, what’s happening? Talk to me, tell me how I can help you?”

  “My back, Evan. Every time I move, I feel my skin rip apart.” The feeling of being able to convey that in mind speak without feeling pain is enough hope to cease the tears from leaving my eyes.

  “Okay, this isn't a curse or a cast that anyone is putting on her. Something is really wrong. She says every time she moves her back feels like it’s shredding…” Evan begins to try and get a plan together, but Charlie interrupts him with an understanding light in her yes.

  “Of course!” Charlie bounces up and down while everyone stares at her, trying to understand, but bewildered.

  “Scarlet Winter, you are getting your wings, girl!”

  She finally lets everyone in on what’s happening to me. Everyone who is here begins to cheer. They obviously have forgotten that I am still on the ground in excruciating pain; I mind speak a feisty “Hello!?!” to everyone. Instantly they fall silent as they look to Charlie for guidance.

  “Okay, this cannot happen in the middle of the street and none of us can touch her. Evan, is there a cast to levitate her without causing any movement?” She winces as she realizes how ridiculous it

  “Actually, yes. Luke, you cast us invisible while I work on the levitation cast.”

  Luke mumbles a few words under his breath and claps his hands to seal his cast of invisibility. I squeeze my eyes shut, afraid of what Evan’s cast will do to me while transitioning me from my place on the ground to his house.

  When I reopen my eyes, I see I'm now in the backyard of what I believe is Evan’s house because I’ve never been back here before. I’m still folded in a crouch from the excruciating pain. I don’t have an opportunity to fully take in what his garden looks like when Charlie jumps right into her role of coaching.

  “Okay, Scar. So, you're not going to like the sound of this…but it’s the only way. Your wings will only come out if you get up and straighten your back.”

  Hearing those words is like a thousand knives going into my heart. Hunched over, my first instinct is to say ‘hell no.’ But she takes my pain-filled silence as agreement.

  “Good. You're taking this much easier than I did.”

  Charlie doesn't know it, but I'm saying every curse word I know in my head. When Evan and Victoria chuckle, I know they hear me say every one of those vile words in my mind. If I wasn't currently incapacitated, I would cast something very rotten at both of them.

  “Now, I know you're getting tired of hearing these words, but I'm gonna have to lay them on you again. Embrace it, Scar. Embrace the pain.” Charlie's words make me want to throw up.

  How does she expect me to embrace a pain like this?

  “I could cast a spell to relieve some of the pain to help her…” Again, Evan tries to come to my rescue. And again, she cuts him off.

  “No! That’s cheating! She can do it. She’s much stronger than she thinks, trust me.” Charlie bends down on her knees to get to my level and gives me a stern look.

  “What? Are you going to have your ceremony bent over like this? This is how you want to say ‘I do’ to Evan? And what about the war? How are you going to win the war in a turtle pose?

  This isn't yoga, Scarlet, woman up. You are the chosen one, of not one but OF TWO REALMS. Take a deep breath, brace yourself, and accept that your wings are ready to emerge”


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