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Winter's Fall

Page 22

by Alessandra Jay

  Completely stunned, I do and say nothing. None of us do.

  “Scarlet Winter, Elder of the freakin’ Caster’s Council, get your ass up!” Now Mack has joined Charlie in the military pep talk.

  “I am not playin’, Sister! Push through the pain. You got this!” Now they have me more focused on getting this transition over with just to shut them up.

  “They’re right, love. You got this. The sooner you get up, the sooner the pain will dissolve.” Evan mind speaks his encouragement to me and I know it comes from his heart. That’s what I need to push me over the edge.

  Slamming my fist on the ground, I growl like the meanest lioness that has ever lived to get me through the initial shock of pain. It’s like two swords are slicing down my back as I fight through it. Slowly I get on one knee and try to stand as I straighten my back.

  The pain is so paralyzing I waver in my attempt to stand; it feels like those swords are slicing my skin from my shoulder blades to my lower back. I fall to my knees once again, when I feel an odd crack in the base of my spine. It is the final piece needed to complete the transformation and the pain is just as intense. My entire body vibrates from the adrenaline that’s rushing from my developing wings to my veins.

  Aside from the intakes of breath, I only hear a soft flapping sound as Charlie watches from above. Dizzy from the sensation of the change going on within my body, I start to come out of the stupor I am in from the pain I was experiencing. The world stops spinning and I turn my head, realizing that the flapping sound is not coming from Charlie, but it’s from my wings awakening.

  I’m staring at my striking pitch black feathers glistening in the darkening sky. They're so dark that they sparkle with a metallic shine. Quivering from the shock and amazement, I stretch my wings to their fullest.

  As I shakily rise to stand, I try to adjust and find the new balance my body has to acclimate to. Charlie sets her bright wings free and instantly I feel them pulse to the same rhythm as my own. It feels intoxicating.

  “I’ve…never…they're so…dark. Wow.” Charlie looks like she’s in a trance as she stares at the large black wings that now grace my back.

  Evan walks slowly to stand next to me and, as if he’s in slow motion, lifts his fingers to tenderly run them through my feathers. His touch sends a tingling spark through my wings right to my heart. My head falls back as I savor the sensation of his fingers within my feathers.

  “I mean…get a room, y’all.” Mack breaks the heated moment. With rosy cheeks, I quickly realize this is more of an intimate situation happening than I expect, but it’s one I want to feel again.

  “Yeah, save that for later. Let’s take those beauties for a ride. Let me demonstrate how to take off and I’ll tell you all about your wings while we fly!”

  Charlie shouts her excitement and expertly flutters her wings. I look around and it appears dark enough that we won’t be seen by mortals, I smile at her proposition. Rising inches from the ground, she does a beautiful ballerina twirl in the air.

  As I look around and see everyone’s face in bewilderment and anticipation, Charlie looks at me and simply asks: “Ready?”

  Chapter 24

  Night Flight

  Charlie must have forgotten I have little experience with anything that has to do with my angel side because she is looking at me expectantly. Her eyebrows are raised up so high they almost reach her hairline and her lips are in a tight pout. Without any direction, she expertly lifts off the ground with a few flaps of her massive wings. She makes it look easy enough but, of course, it isn't.

  Now, as I jump into the air for the third time, unsure of what to do, I put all of my focus into my wings. Still no progress. It’s difficult to remember that I have to move my wings like I move my other body parts. Which, clearly, I can't figure out how to do.

  “Scarlet! Just flap your wings and they'll catch air!” Charlie, who now sounds annoyed, spins around and flies back down to us.

  Evan stays by my side, trying not to get hit with one of my wings.

  “Just try to relax. I know it’s easier said than done, but just take a deep breath and keep trying. Tomorrow is another day if you get too tired.”

  I know he’s trying to help, but my frustration is beginning to show. I can't stop squeezing my hands into fists and my breathing is turning into huffs. Charlie is pacing so everyone gets the message and they all go inside to give us privacy.

  “Okay, close your eyes.” She gets right to the orders. I don't want to complicate things even more, so I do exactly as she says.

  “Lift your arms high above your head. Stretch them up, then set them down. Next, do your legs. One at a time, stretch them in front of you. Do your head, and then your hips. Now that all of your limbs are limber, focus on your back and on your shoulders. Familiarize yourself with the new members of your body. Feel the weight of your wings, feel the purity that flows off of them, just accept that they're there.

  When they begin to twitch, let them. Don’t try to stop them from embracing their freedom. Inhale, exhale.” Her voice goes from stern to soft, putting me in a trance.

  I do exactly as she says and get lost in the zen of the silence. When it’s time for me to connect with my wings, I focus on my back and the new weight added to it. A twitch stuns me and my eyes shoot open. I don't try to stop it. Another twitch and my breath hitches. It feels like an electric shock.

  Now my eyes close on their own accord as I revel in the satisfaction. A few more twitches and the goosebumps are raising on my arms. I take a deep breath to embrace them fully and I straighten my back. I hear the pops from my back cracking and instinctively raise my hands up to add to the relief of the stretch.

  “Oh yes. Exactly like that. Open your eyes, Scar.”

  Charlie is practically whispering, as if she’s afraid the slightest noise will stop my progression. Peeking my eyes open, I don't have to look too hard because my wings are fully extended. They’re even larger than I thought they would ever be.

  For a moment I think they look menacing from their dark color. But as I stare in awe, I realize that they're beautiful. They shine against the moonlight as they flutter their feathers.

  With another deep breath and extra focus, I lay them down by my side. Charlie was right, it’s like moving one of the limbs I'm already used to. I feel the softness of my feathers brush along my arms and I shiver in comfort.

  I know I don't need my arms to guide my wings back to be spread out, but still, I raise my arm straight out and my wing instinctively follows. Now I do the same on the other side and I'm starting to feel comfortable with my control. I'm softly flapping my arms up and down, while my wings follow the same dance and flap softly in the wind behind me.

  Now that I'm confident, I let my hands rest by my hips and I try to move my wings. It’s as if I’m moving new muscles in my shoulder blades. That’s where the sensation begins. But now I can sense which parts of my wings are moving.

  Charlie claps her hands and mimics the same rhythm with her wings. But then she moves them in a faster beat. And, like a game, I copy her.

  My wings are starting to pick up the pace and, before I know it, my feet begin to lift off of the ground. Of course, I panic. My wings stop their beating instantly and my feet are back on the grassy ground. I can feel my heart race from the adrenaline rushing through my veins.

  “Oh, come on! Don't tell me that scared you. Just wait until you see how high we can fly. Let’s go. Try it again. This time, instead of fluttering them like a fairy, do slow but heavy beats, like an eagle.”

  Charlie demonstrates the rhythm and lifts off of the ground. My breath hitches, still amazed by the sight. But her lips are pursed, which means she wants me to get the hang of this already. Angel Charlie is so much more pushy than Mortal Charlie.

  I straighten my back and move my shoulders in a circular motion to get re-acclimated with moving my wings. When I feel them respond to my call, I shiver with relief. It feels like I'm trying to do pushups standing
up without using my arms.

  Slow beats, slow.

  I repeat it over and over until it coincides with the beat of my wings. They are slow, like Charlie's. But my feet are still on the ground.

  Heavy, Charlie said to make them heavy. I try to arch my wings slightly downward until I feel them scoop from the bottom. My feet finally lift off of the ground and I try to stay calm.

  Another push and I go higher. I feel safe with my wings and I trust Charlie won't let anything happen if I need to be caught. She stays close to the ground as I move higher and higher, until I’m at the top of Evan’s house.

  As if I was riding my skateboard, I lean my body forward just enough to move a little. When my feet touch the roof of the house, I can't help but run in place with happiness. Due to my heightened angel hearing, I can hear the door open and close as if I was on the ground. Seconds later, my spine goes crazy with electricity.

  “You did it! Way to go, love!” Evan’s voice is high pitched and I know he’s excited for me, which makes my growing smile even wider.

  “Come down here and link us together so we can cast ourselves invisible. Let’s take a ride!”

  Now instead of beating them slowly, I stop them and hold them still. I must have done something wrong because, when I start to fall rapidly, Charlie gasps and races to catch me. Landing in her arms with my eyes wide, I can't believe how effortless it was for her to have caught me from such a distance. Before I can stop, I laugh so hard that my cheeks hurt. Charlie shakes her head while she rolls her eyes and is clearly annoyed. But she wipes the look off of her face when Lucas walks outside to join us.

  Evan’s warm hand wraps around mine and it instantly brings me back down to a calmness I only feel around him. He tugs on my hand as he leads us to stand next to Charlie and Luke. He connects hands with his cousin and I do the same with Charlie. Although she is reluctantly giving me a side eye, I still think me falling from the roof was comical. But I'm trying not to annoy her anymore, so I squeeze my lips together to stop them from spreading into an amused grin.

  Evan closes his eyes and begins to chant. Immediately I feel something ignite inside my chest. It starts there and flows through every piece of my body until I am completely covered by his cast.

  “We’re unseen now to everyone but each other. You two can let go. Luke and I are going to cast ourselves to fly. We’ll give you a head start, since I'm sure you’ll need it.” He winks at me and I know this is his attempt at being funny and flirtatious, but it just makes my competitive side come out.

  “Oh, it’s on.” Without wasting another second, Charlie grabs my hand and beats her wings, lifting us high above the ground.

  Looking over in a panic, I don't realize I’m holding my breath. I know she won't let anything happen to me, but it still scares me half to death. When I think she wouldn't do anything worse, she does.

  Charlie lets go of my hand and allows me to fall. I clutch my knees to brace myself for the fall, but then I feel the wind run through my wings and I remember that they're there. With my heart pounding in my chest, I beat them once, then beat them again. Hovering just inches off the ground, with my wings fluttering, I catch myself.

  “Ha! Let’s go! They’re done!” Charlie points behind her to show me how serious she is, and so I ignore her little prank.

  With a push of my wings, I get thrown into Charlie and we tumble in the air.

  “Scar! This is not what I meant!” She grunts, as she tries to balance us both. Just as we get upright, Evan and Lucas zoom right past us.


  Charlie's hands ball into fists as she kicks in the air and zips by. She’s serious about this impromptu race and I have to get on board with beating the guys. I know this should be easy because we have wings and angel speed, but it’s still something I’m getting acclimated to.

  With only a minute to spare, I do my best to stay balanced. When I finally get a good stride, I catch up with the others. Before I reach them, I pulse my wings with concentrated effort that thrusts me forward so quickly that the propulsion blows everyone else away. Literally. As Evan, Luke, and Charlie spin through the air, I zoom forward at a dizzying speed.

  “Woo! Go girl!” Charlie chants behind me, as I get adapted to my wings.

  At last, I've adjusted to my new limbs. I kick my feet forward in an effort to slow myself down because I want to enjoy this first flight with Evan and my friends. When they catch up, Evan takes my hand and twirls me around in the air.

  “You are unbelievable!” He shouts.

  Lucas whistles to get our attention, then points down when we look back. My eyes, still not adjusted to the height that we’ve reached, see clouds and blurry lights. Evan gasps and nods his head eagerly. As he pulls us down towards the ground, a large monument comes into view. As we get closer, I quickly realize it’s the sailors monument that always catches my eye. A monument dedicated to thousands of the men that fought in the civil war. A gigantically tall rectangle holds a large cement ball at the top running alongside the Erie Canal.

  Holding hands, we sit in a circle at the very top of the ball to get as balanced as we can get without slipping off. Trying to control our giggling, we finally get in an even position. Charlie squeezes my hand before she lets go and crosses her legs.

  Her wings disappear in her back and she looks at me to follow, but I have no idea what she just did. She closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths, peeking her eye open to make sure I was following her.

  “Just imagine that they’re safely tucked away until you need them again. That’s all.”

  As if it were that simple. I take my deep breaths, then try to connect myself to my wings again. When I feel them push together to squeeze into my back, I hunch over to prepare myself for pain. Instead, it feels like someone cracked my back into place.

  “So how was your first flight, girl?” The smile on her face spread to mine.

  “Words can’t even express, Charlie.” She nods in understanding as she turns her face up towards the sky.

  “You know, for what it’s worth, I think you’re such a badass. Regardless of what you think, you’re as brave as they come. And you don’t cower whenever something new slaps you in the face.” She sounded convincing, but I still don’t feel as powerful as she thinks I am.

  “That’s not true. I was literally just cowering when my wings were coming through.” Taking compliments has never been my strong suit. It makes me an awkward mess.

  “I mean, that’s a given, though. Anyone that has to endure that pain gets like you got. Even worse.” She holds eye contact with me to emphasize her statement. Shrugging my shoulders, again unable to just accept her compliment, she nudges my elbow.

  “Stop it. Nothing has stopped you from kicking their asses. And you don’t even know everything about our world yet to determine whether or not you will come out on top. Even though I know you will. We will.”

  Smiling and sliding closer to her side, making sure I don’t slip off, I rest my head on her shoulder. She taps my knee twice as she returns my smile.

  “You are right about something, I don’t know enough about that world. So what can you tell me?” Lifting my head, I spin to face her, ready to absorb all of the new information.

  “Well, honestly, there isn’t much that I can explain. Not yet anyway. But I do promise to as soon as I’m given the orders to i’ll tell you right away. I can go over the basics, though.” With an annoyed grunt I lean back on my hands, taking what I can get.

  “Okay. So basically, because we come from Paradise, there are things we have at our disposal to guarantee that our world stays protected.” She looks at me expectantly, but I’m drawing a blank.


  “Like being invisible when we fly. Although getting another layer of invisibility from a caster is always welcome, we don’t exactly need it.”

  The guys scoot closer to get in on the details and I know Evan is taking mental notes on this entire conversation.

“Also, like casters, we can sense when there’s another angel around. That does not go for Fallen, though. Once they fall, they lose all connections to that world. Your aunt instructed me to explain that if you look at a Fallen’s aura, it’s broken and shaky. But an angel’s aura is almost too bright to be seen. A normal angel like me can’t see that. But, Scar, you can.”

  “So you can’t tell if there’s a Fallen around?” Evan asks this, opening the floor for questions.

  “We can, only because we’re trained to spot them. But that’s not something I need to teach Scarlet, since she can see their auras.”

  “Something else that’s cool about being an angel, is that we are pretty much immune to caster glamour. You guys are insanely strong, but against an angel’s sight, it can’t hold its power. So if another caster is trying to trick you with any glamour, it shouldn’t work. But again, you’re the first caster angel in either of our worlds, so it’s kind of a learning experience for us all.” Charlie wraps her arm around my shoulder.

  “Don’t worry, Scar. I know it’s a lot.”

  “What about our wings? Aside from how cool and terrifying they are, what else can they do?” I don’t think I will ever get over the fact that I have wings connected to my body.

  “The best part about them is that, yes, they’re beautiful and majestic, but they can be super dangerous. We can turn the hairs on the feathers to be as sharp as blades, slicing anything that comes into contact with them. We can pull one off and use its point to puncture any surface. We can even use them as a blanket if we ever get cold.” She said the last part as if it is the best fact.

  “What about our clothes? How did my shirt not rip off of my body when they came out?”

  “It’s just the magic of them. If you want to get technical, when they come out, they come out sharp as heck. So if there is any clothing in the way, it kind of just slices through it without leaving a mark. Could you imagine if we didn’t have that? We’d be naked like all the time.” Charlie buries her face in her hands as she laughs to herself.


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