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The Set Up (Triplets: Three Aren't One Book 1)

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by Dani Haviland

  “I should be ashamed to admit it, but I’m not. Yes, married women are very good lovers. They know what they’re doing. Or rather, they are more adventurous. From what they tell me, once they’ve married, their love life goes downhill. It’s the same three-minute special for sex, once or twice a month. Maybe more often if she has an extensive library of porn videos and exotic apparel and knows how to put on a show.”

  “Ew! Really? You’d think that being in love with your mate would be enough,” Grace said. The words echoed in her head as she realized where she was and with whom. She had just played the whore. She was no better than the horny man in front of her who took advantage of cheating wives by giving them an afternoon or evening of carnal kicks. There hadn’t been any love involved in what she had done last night. It was strictly booze and friction. And frustration.

  “Love and marriage don’t necessarily go hand in hand,” Alex said as casually as if he was telling her how to spell cat. “And I hate to say it, but from where I stand, the love a couple has in the beginning quickly fades after being married. Maybe it never was love but only an infatuation. Then again, it could be it’s the commitment itself – feeling trapped with only one sex partner, home, or life goal. Or it could also be that the added responsibility of living up to your mate’s expectations sucks the pleasure out of everything.”

  “Or maybe marriage really is just money and obligations,” Grace said, her stomach churning as she thought about her parents.

  “Marriage? Money and obligations? How novel,” Alex said, then popped up out of bed. “Be back in a flash, then you can take all the time you need in the bathroom. I’ll call in for breakfast to be brought over unless you want to go out somewhere. Options are to the big house or anywhere in the world the family jet flies to.”

  “I’ll let you know after freshening up,” Grace said, then rolled over and pulled the satin sheets over her head. How did I wind up here? And how can I get myself out of this mess? What did my mother do to Dusty? Ah, crap! Will he even want me back after this? I might as well be dead!

  True to his word, Alex was out of the bathroom in a short two minutes. He stood above her shield of sheets and realized he felt guilty. She didn’t want this, I know she didn’t. I need to help her get her head straight or there could be trouble. The last thing Dad needs is another fiasco. Ben’s given him enough to deal with. If I can get her feeling good about herself, at least she won’t be a liability.

  “Would you like coffee when you get out of the shower?” he asked. “I have a little espresso machine here. I make a killer cappuccino.”

  Grace peered up at him, a smile emerging despite her dire circumstances. His confident voice was a helping hand, offering to help her out of her world of shame. He was a bulwark between her and her mother. She’d be smart to make use of him until she had to face her mother again. She sat up, pulling the sheet over her breasts as she did, then realized he had seen and touched pretty much every bit of flesh and hair on her body the night before. Why hide herself now?

  “Coffee? Sure, why not. I feel bad that I don’t have any clean clothes to wear. I think my little black dress is a little overkill for breakfast attire,” she said, giggling at the thought.

  “Don’t worry about it.” Alex pulled open the hall closet door, exposing a long line of color-coordinated jogging suits. “Just pick your color and length. It’s not that I’m a Lothario…”

  “Just accommodating,” Grace finished. “You know, you really are a nice person. I mean…”

  “Nothing you say before your first cup of coffee can be held against you. Take as long as you want to get ready, but sooner is better. It looks like someone forgot to stock the breadbox with fresh pastries.” His stomach growled at the word. “Cappuccino with extra cream is going to have to suffice for a while.”

  She dropped the sheet and stood up. “I didn’t bring any makeup, either. Not that I wear much when I do bother with it.” She strutted to the closet, suddenly feeling brazen. She swiped aside the neutral-tone clothes and picked out a neon pink suit, checking the length of the pants. “This will do.”

  “There are a few dozen pairs of new panties in the top drawer there. Sorry. I don’t do bras.”

  Grace stuck out her chest, proud of her perky breasts. “I don’t either. I think I’ll pass on the panties, too.” She saw his drop-jawed stare, taking in her perfect form. “You’d better get started with the coffee, dear. I’m very low maintenance. As long as there’s soap and a towel, I’m set.”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. It’s all in there,” he stammered. Maybe she is worth keeping around…

  Chapter 5

  The Morning After

  “You’re right. You do make a great cappuccino,” Grace said, sipping the hot contents, leaning forward just in case, cautious of spilling it on her borrowed clothes. Or new clothes. Certainly they weren’t passed back and forth between liaisons!

  “Where to for the real food?” she asked, eager to get out of her head and away from all the drama that lived there.

  “There’s usually a big morning-after brunch up at the main house. I doubt if anywhere we go would be able to match it. Plus, it’s closer; just a quick jaunt up the hill.”

  “How about a slow stroll up the hill; with sunglasses,” Grace suggested. “I think I have my first hangover.”

  “Ah, I have a remedy for that. A little crème de menthe will complement the cappuccino plus cool it down. Sorry, I got a little distracted when I was steaming the milk. I would say, ‘Where have you been all my life,’ but besides sounding trite, you were a minor when I was really looking for someone to…to travel with.”

  Grace caught his little stutter of infatuation but figured she’d let it slide. After all, neither one of them had eaten yet and a few hours earlier, he had expended a lot of energy with his lovemaking.

  Scratch that. With having sex. Despite just having stepped out of the shower, Grace suddenly felt dirty. What she needed now was oblivion. “Will there be mimosas?”

  Alex’s unexpectedly bright outlook on life suddenly muddied with the mention of alcohol. Had she always been a lush and hidden it? Or was she just confused and scared, ready to hide behind any substance that masked the real world? A glimmer of hope peeked in as he recalled her mother. “Orange juice, fresh squeezed, with or without the champagne, will be available,” he said. “But this time, let’s make sure you eat something before drinking. It’s just my family around this morning. You can eat all you’d like without anyone mother-henning you.”

  Relief flooded over Grace with his spot-on words of assurance. She stuck her hand into the crook of his elbow and snuggled close to him, her spiked cappuccino held out at arm’s length so neither of them got splashed. “You’d better watch yourself, Alexander Armstrong. I’m beginning to like you.”

  “Back at ya, Babe,” he said and kissed the top of the head. “Come on. Let’s go meet more of my family.”


  “Looks like you had company last night,” the thirty-something-year-old man with a shaved head and a cocky attitude said.

  “Hello, Ben,” Alex said, his voice suddenly chilled and formal.

  Grace, still holding him close, gently squeezed his arm, letting him know she wouldn’t let the cad dressed like he was going to a photoshoot for the local yacht club intimidate her.

  Alex sighed with relief at her show of confidence, his feigned smile becoming real with having a friend so near.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your latest lady love?” Ben sneered, refusing to hold back with his words of intimidation.

  “Whoa there, sons,” Papa Doc said, stepping between the two, gently elbowing Ben away. “Alex, who is this charming young lady? I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of being introduced.”

  “Dad, this is Grace Stillwater. Grace, this is my father, Alexander Benjamin Charles Armstrong, usually called Papa Doc.”

  “A.B.C. Armstrong,” Grace said, accepting his hand. “Don’t tell me you have
a sister named Deborah Elizabeth Frances Armstrong,” she added with a grin.

  “Close. Very close. Her first name is Delores, but you got the other names right. Dad said he was going to have a whole alphabet full of children. Mom did her best to shorten the list by giving us all three names.”

  “Did your dad make it to Xerxes Yosef Zachariah?” Grace asked brightly, then sipped her coffee.

  “Nope. After my sister and me, he decided two children were enough for any family. Now, Alex said your last name was Stillwater. You don’t happen to be Hal’s little girl, do you?”

  Grace stood up tall, straightened her shoulders, then playfully stood on her tiptoes, leaning into Alex to try and squeeze another half-inch of height. “Not so little anymore. I’m five foot seven in my bare feet.”

  “Well, you’re bright and bold enough to bring a true smile to my son’s face. He’s never brought a friend to a morning-after breakfast. Welcome to the inner circle, Grace,” Papa Doc said, saluting her with his cup of coffee.

  Just as she saluted back, Ben said, “Oh, puh-lease…” and turned away.

  “Is he always that cheerful?” Grace whispered sarcastically.

  “Don’t pay any attention to him,” Alex said. “We don’t. He’s perpetually in a bad mood.”

  “Oh, Gracie dear!” a woman’s shrill voice called from afar.

  Grace dropped her cup, stepping back so she didn’t get splashed. “Mother!” she hissed, then realized only Alex and Papa Doc had heard her guttural reaction of disgust.

  Now it was Alex’s turn to give her arm a squeeze of reassurance. He pulled her close and at the same time, looked to his father. “We might need some help here, Dad.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve known Victoria for years.” He turned to Grace and whispered. “No offense, but she’s a pain!”

  “You have no idea,” Grace whispered back, then stood up tall to face her intimidator, knowing she had at least two strong men at her back. No need to fear the fists today. At least, right now.

  Victoria was adorned in the classiest workout wear available, but her hair and makeup were styled for an evening soiree. She behaved as if she was ready for a run on the beach – reaching up and stretching before making her final approach – but Grace and probably everyone else knew she was here to make a social appearance.

  “I was sorry to hear you suddenly got ill last night,” Victoria said. She lunged forward to stretch her leg, and the sudden movement in her direction caused Grace to take a step back.

  A quick smile of domination flitted across Victoria’s face at the fear shown. “I hope these wonderful men took good care of you,” the caustic matriarch said, adding a wink to Alex.

  Alex clenched his jaw, silently counted to three, but before he had composed himself enough to say a word, his father stepped in and took control. “I think it may have been a bit of food poisoning,” Papa Doc said. “I insisted she stay the night. I take it Silas got the word to you?”

  Now it was Victoria’s turn to take a step back. “Oh, yes, he did. I hope I’m not intruding,” she said, looking at the spread of food.

  “Oh, no, no, no.” Papa Doc took Victoria by the inner elbow, sternly but politely leading her away from the young couple and toward the chef making omelets to order. “Let’s see what we can put together for you.”

  Papa Doc felt an inner glow of hope. Until Victoria showed up, it looked like Alex and Grace were only pausing for sustenance, ready to go back to the garden house and enjoy the weekend with each other. He’d been hoping for a solid relationship for Alex with a single woman. Grace was quite young but seemed to be down-to-earth; not flighty like women twice her age. Yes, he’d do whatever needed to keep Victoria the Viper away from the young couple and their blossoming relationship. He didn’t know how much time he had left, but if he could be a grandpa before he died, his life would be complete.

  Alex set his hand gently on Grace’s shoulder and whispered in her ear, “Do you want to just grab a few pastries and take off? We can go anywhere you’d like. Maybe lunch on the Seine?”

  “No passport. How about somewhere closer?” Grace looked to the garden house and grinned, then heard her mother’s cackling laugh. “But not too close.”

  “Motorcycle, car, boat, or helicopter?” he asked.

  “Really? I mean, how about helicopter? And how long until a pilot shows up?”

  Alex used the silver tongs to add two croissants and a few pieces of roast beef and cheddar to his plate. “You’re looking at him, sweetie.”

  Grace let go of his elbow and picked up a plate. “Oh, I am so ready to leave.” She grabbed two cream cheese Danishes and said, “Now all I need is a cup of coffee to go.”

  “Whoop, whoop!” Alex said, mimicking a helicopter’s rotor. “I sure didn’t see this happening when I got my arm twisted into coming here last night. Best guilt trip ever.”



  Alex rolled off of Grace. “I’m sorry. Sort of. I really hadn’t meant to get anything started. It’s just… Damn, woman! You’re putting off some extra strong vibes or pheromones or something!”

  “You have something going on there, too,” Grace said, then started to chuckle. Yeah, if I keep you in bed or at least wanting to have sex with me, I won’t have to go back to my mother. Her smile and her mirth evaporated as soon as she realized if she left her mother, she’d be giving up on her father and Sally, too.

  “All right,” Alex said, then took a quick drink of water from the bedside table. “First, what was so funny, and then how come it got so unfunny all of a sudden?”

  Grace brought her chin up and decided she was done with lying. She wouldn’t – couldn’t – tell him everything, but what she told him would be the truth.

  “Do you promise not to kick me out of bed – or at least your life – if I tell you a secret?”

  “Cross my heart, hope to go broke…”

  “You’re so silly. That’s one of the many characteristics I like about you.” She took a deep breath, shut her eyes so she wasn’t looking at him, and said, “My mother set us up. Or she kinda sorta made me at least try to seduce you. But…”

  “Yeah, so,” Alex said, then put his hand on her cheek. “Look at me.”

  Grimacing with embarrassment, Grace opened one eye and saw his concern, then opened her other eye.

  “But,” he prompted.

  “But I didn’t think I was going to like you. At least this much. You’re a blast to be around. I mean, I have – or had – a boyfriend, and I’m pals with lots of guys at school, but you’re nothing like them.”

  “I hope I have a few years of maturity on them. I’m sure most of them will grow up eventually. So, does this mean you’re hanging around with me because you want to now, and not because your mother wants you to? It was kind of obvious when she dropped by that she was making sure the mouse had taken the bait.”

  “You, my dear friend,” Grace said, crisscrossing the curly hairs on his chest, “are not a mouse. You are more of a man than I thought I could ever have. So, now that I’ve said that, did I just cook the goose that laid the golden egg? Are you going to take me for a quick trip in your helicopter, and then I’ll never hear from you again?”


  “I mean, you’ll probably have someone send me a Christmas card...”

  “Grace, I’d like to spend Christmas Eve with you. I’m not a gambling man, but unless the world comes crashing down around us, I don’t see any reason why we can’t spend Christmas week in Sydney then sailing the warm waters toward Tahiti.”

  “Or making snowmen in Tahoe?”

  “Tahoe or Tibet or wherever you want. But I really would like to take off before it gets too late. I can’t fly at night yet. That’s another level of certification. I was going to take a few more hours of class, but I think I just found another passion. Flying will have to wait.”

  Chapter 6

  Ben the Broken Broker

  Sunday morning
br />   Alex received the call just moments after they had taken off. Grace could only hear one side of the conversation, but the scowl on his face made it clear that he’d received bad news. He turned the helicopter back to his starting point and set it down.

  “That was the quickest touch and go I’ve ever made. I’m sorry about this. There’s been a disaster at the job site. If there was any way I could get out of it, I would. This is too big to pass on to the job supervisor. My reputation as an architect and engineer, and the integrity of my company are at stake. Plus, the safety of the building’s other wing might have been compromised with the collapse, and I might lose a few million bucks by missing a deadline… Promise me we can continue this weekend later?”

  “I’m not going anywhere. At least, I hope you’ll allow me to stay in the garden house. I sure don’t want to go back to ‘her!’”

  “You can stay there, or you can have my suite at the big house. I’d rather you were there where my father can look out for you, though. Silas has been spending a lot of time with the old man lately. He’s a good bouncer when need be. Both of them know your mother and will isolate you from ‘her.’ Besides, I think my dad has a little crush on you.”

  “If he does, it’s a daddy crush. I’ve seen it before. He only had sons, right?”

  “Yes, you’re right. He’s really excited about having you in the family,” Alex said, then closed his eyes tight and groaned softly. “I mean…”

  “No explanation required. I think we’re both in happy shock. Don’t spoil it with making excuses. Let’s just go with the flow.”

  “Works for me. Just know that I’m a raging river right now. There’s not a dam in the world that could stop me. But I do have to put everything on pause.”

  “Understood. And just for the record, I have those same surging, rushing feelings for you.”

  “No dam built…” Alex said, then paused, waiting for her to finish his thought.


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