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The Set Up (Triplets: Three Aren't One Book 1)

Page 6

by Dani Haviland

  “Could stop this feeling,” she continued, then tiptoed up and kissed him. “I’ll be waiting for you. Be safe.”


  Two days later

  Back at the garden house to grab a change of clothes, Grace stopped looking through the colorful row of jogging suits to answer the door.

  The chronically cranky and dour brother was there, dressed in a cable knit sweater and beige pleated slacks, a captain’s hat on his shaved head. “Alex told me to come get you and bring you out to the job site. He felt really bad that he had to ruin your weekend and all,” Ben said, his eye twitching.

  Grace saw the tic but didn’t know him well enough to discern whether he was lying or had a nervous disorder. It was true that Alex had felt horrible about cutting their trip short. She still didn’t know if he had found out whether it was defective material – the supplier’s fault – or a poor design – his fault. He’d been so busy that he hadn’t had time to call. Just a few short texts of constant apologies. Maybe going to see him would help him relax and assuage his guilt.

  “Don’t worry about grabbing an overnight bag. I think he already has everything you need,” Ben said, then turned away and whispered, “Hanging between his legs.”

  Grace glanced up and saw Ben’s reflection in the mirror. She quickly looked away as soon as she saw what he had said. The last thing she needed was this weirdo finding out she had seen what he said.

  “Oh, I’d like to stop in at the big house and say goodbye to your father and Silas,” Grace said, looking around the room to see if she was forgetting something. She spotted her new sunglasses and grabbed them. “One more thing. I’ll be right out,” and went into the bathroom.

  For no other reason than she had watched a parody of horror movies with her two favorite old men the night before – Papa Doc and Uncle Silas - Grace decided to leave a note just in case something weird was going on. She found one of the many pads and pens Alex kept scattered around for inspired notes or designs on the counter.

  ‘1105 AM Tuesday. Ben picked me up to bring me to see you. You make me so happy!’ Her hand twitched as she started to sign it. “Ah, what the heck.” ‘Love, Gracie.’

  “Is everything okay in there?” Ben asked.

  Chills ran up Grace’s arms at his voice. He was right outside the door, listening to her use the bathroom. What kind of pervert wanted to hear a woman pee? Another shiver. There were lots of weirdos out there. Money, power, and social status had nothing to do with that part of a person’s personality. Nor did how wonderful his brother was.

  Grace flushed the toilet and turned on the faucet. The note was on the vanity top, in plain sight. She opened the drawer containing Alex’s shaving supplies and set the notepad and pen on top of his razor, underneath his comb. He’d find the note when he least expected it. Plus, the housekeeper didn’t need to see their love notes.

  “I’ll be out in a sec. Would you grab a couple of bottles of water for me? Grab one for yourself, too. Alex says you never know if they’ll have any on the job site.”

  Ben bit his bottom lip in frustration. This was taking a lot longer than he thought. He wanted to slip in and out before anyone saw his car. “I’m on it,” he said. And I’ll be on you soon!

  The bathroom door popped open, startling Ben as he dropped the last of the water bottles into a cloth grocery bag. Looking up, he saw Grace with her arms in the air, securing her ponytail with a bright pink scrunchy. He felt himself harden at the thought of how he’d soon be with her, holding onto her bound hands as he…

  “Are you okay?” Grace asked. “You look flushed.”

  “No, no. I mean, yes, I’m okay. I’m just in a hurry. Stress and blood pressure, you know. Or maybe you don’t know. You’ve never been out in the real world, have you?” Ben said, holding the bag in front of his now bulging Dockers.

  “I’m young but that doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced some of life’s ups and downs. I’m ready; are you?”

  Ben nodded, holding his lips together to keep back his smirk. Oh, I am so ready for the ups and downs…


  “This doesn’t look like a construction site,” Grace said.

  Ben pulled into his assigned parking spot at the suburban apartments he’d been downsized into. “Um, I need to grab a few things,” he said, his eye twitching again. “Why don’t you come up and see the place?”

  Warning sirens blared in Grace’s head. Whether the eye tic was lying or nerves, either one was a potential danger. “No, thanks. I’ll wait for you out here.” Grace reached over and pushed the window button. “Is this broken?”

  “No. It won’t work unless the key is in. Now, I want you to come up and see my apartment. It’s not as nice as the garden house, but I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “I’d rather wait,” Grace said and smiled, hoping he didn’t see that he was scaring the piss out of her.

  Ben reached in his pocket and felt the small handgun. He really didn’t want to resort to it yet. “Suit yourself. It’s just that I was able to convince Alex to break away for an hour. He’s up there waiting for you now.”

  Grace leaned forward and looked around the parking lot. “I don’t see his car.”

  “He had one of the guys on the job drop him off while I went to pick you up. I’ll take off and let you two have some time together. You’d better make it quick, though. He only gets an hour, then his ride will return to take him back.”

  Anticipation at seeing the new love of her life overrode Grace’s common sense. “Are you sure?”

  “Why would I lie?” Ben said, then turned away before she could see his eye twitching again. He opened his door and stepped out. “Go ahead and stay here if you’d rather. I’ll be right back. I have to tell him you didn’t want to see him.”

  “No, don’t do that,” Grace said, then paused. “Hey. Why doesn’t he come out?”

  “Oh, dear sweet innocent,” Ben said, his head shaking back and forth in mild admonishment. “That would mean he’d have to get dressed again. As I said, he only has an hour.”

  “Okay. If you say so.”

  Ben hurried toward the outside stairs, almost running to the first step, then taking them two at a time to unlock the door. He knocked on it twice, said, “We’re here, Alex,” then opened it.

  Grace followed behind him, her face aglow with anticipation as she stepped inside.

  Ben jerked her by the arm, making sure she was completely in, then slammed the door, deadbolting the extra lock with a black key.

  “Where’s Alex?” she asked. She looked around the living room. A cheap futon couch and cardboard moving boxes were the only furnishings. “And why did you lock the door? You aren’t sticking around to watch, I hope.”

  “Alex is in here,” he said, leading her to the bedroom. “And I won’t be here to watch.” He opened the door and shoved her in. “I’m here to participate,” he growled.

  Grace stumbled and fell to the floor, catching herself before she did a face plant. “What? What’s going on?”

  “This room’s all set up for you. Just you. I bet you like this sort of stuff. Cuffs, whips, and bondage. I even guessed at your size and bought you a cute little outfit to wear. Not that there was much sizing required for a thong and push up bra. You can do without the boots, I suppose. I’m more of a toe man, anyhow.”

  Grace gasped at the array. Black leather and metal studded bands and chains hung from eyebolts in the ceiling, belts and braided twists of whips and what looked like collars were draped from the spindles of the four-poster double bed. “What? Couldn’t afford a king-sized bed?” she asked in nervous fear.

  “Why spend the bucks when I’ll be on top of you? That’s where you really belong, you know: beneath me. Quivering with anticipation. Waiting for the next lash of my whip…” Ben reached up and grabbed her ponytail and twisted, pulling her head down to his face. “If you ever want to see that big brother of mine alive, you’ll do as I say. Oh, and in that department,” he patted hi
s bulging trousers with his free hand, “I’m the big brother. You are so gonna love The Dominator.”

  Grace pivoted away from him, then reached up and punched his elbow, bending it the wrong direction. Ben yelped and released his grip in pained reflex. “You bitch!” he screamed, swinging wildly with his undamaged arm.

  “I will not be hurt again,” she growled. “You are so wrong about me. I hate pain and I have no desire to be underneath you or even see your…your…dominator dick!”

  “Ah, but you are fond of my brother, are you not? Did you ever wonder why you haven’t heard from him? Anyone can send a text from his phone.” Ben held up Alex’s cellphone.

  “Where is he? If you’ve hurt him, I swear I’ll…”

  “You’ll what? If you want to see him, you’ll do as I say.”

  “How do I know you haven’t done something to him already? Give me some assurance and I’ll comply.”

  Ben shrugged a shoulder, still cradling his hyperextended elbow. “Sounds reasonable. If it will make you more accommodating…”

  He opened the closet door and kicked twice, awakening his hostage.


  Alex was bound and gagged; his eyes squinted in anger at seeing his brother. His captor.

  “I brought you a surprise,” Ben said, then moved aside, allowing him to view Grace.

  “Omph!” Alex squealed, squirming with ferocity, trying again to escape his bindings.

  “I just thought it was time for a little payback. After all these years of watching my older brother - Daddy’s tall, smart, and handsome pride and joy – get all the best in life, I figured it was time for him to see how I roll.”

  Ben turned to Grace – now aghast and pale – and grinned in delight. “Get dressed,” he said, nodding to the black leather bra and thong hanging on the footboard. “But first, strip slowly. I want to watch both you and dear brother squirm.”

  Alex rocked back and forth, grunting in renewed frustration at being bound and gagged. His hands and feet were numb, his neck and jaw a cold, dull ache. No doubt Ben would shoot him before his jealousy-fueled revenge was complete. How else could he get rid of the evidence of kidnap and rape? Whether he lost his hands and feet didn’t matter now. He’d chew through his brother’s neck if he had to. What he had to do was spare Grace. He’d heard the rumors that Ben’s movie library was stacked with videos of bondage and sadism. He couldn’t wait to see if his brother would try to re-enact the perversions. He had to try to do something.

  “Ooh, look at his wiggle,” Ben said, then kicked at Alex again.

  “Leave him alone,” Grace said, rushing forward to intercede.

  “Nuh, uh, uh,” Ben said, pulling the gun from his trouser pocket. “You wouldn’t want to make love to me with his brains all spattered over the walls, would you?”

  “I’ll never make love to you!” Grace hissed. She paused, realizing her voice was all she had left. “Help! Rape! Fire!”

  Ben put the pistol back in his pocket so he could use both hands, then tackled Grace to the bed. He shoved his forearm over her throat, throttling her, choking off both her breath and ability to scream. “If you make one more noise above a whisper, I’ll shoot you and make him watch. You do know what necrophilia is, don’t you?”

  Alex had been stunned by the attack on his girlfriend, the woman he had decided to marry. Now that her life was on the line, his protective instincts were back, recharged with more adrenaline. He pitched himself forward and rolled towards the bed as his brother lectured.

  “Necrophilia,” Ben explained, his voice deepening with the excitement of being all-powerful, “is having sex with a corpse. Abuse of a corpse they call it if you get caught. Of course, I have plans for both of you. They’ll never find your remains. I’m going to get big bucks for this movie.” He looked up at the video camera mounted on a tripod in the corner. “Not only bondage but a snuff movie, too. That ought to be enough to finance a fresh start in Thailand. I understand they’re a lot more flexible in their sexual mores. Lots of movie opportunities for an experienced director and producer. And well-hung American actor.”

  Grace gasped and sputtered, trying to catch a breath as he held her down. “Oh, I don’t want to stifle you yet,” he said, pulling his arm away just enough for her to breathe. “We have to get you aroused and satisfied before we get rid of you.”

  “Why?” Grace whispered hoarsely.

  “Why? Revenge, of course. Don’t you know that success is the best revenge there is? I plan on making more money than either of my brothers. Not that Chuck is worth a dime. That faggot does nothing but work in free clinics and give away all he owns. You see, rumor is that the old man is ready to kick the bucket. Haven’t you noticed how gray he is? He’s eaten up with cancer. I’ll be the successful son now, even if I live in another country. I guess it doesn’t matter whether I get an inheritance from him or not. As long as Alex doesn’t, I’ll be happy. He already has too much of everything. Including you.”

  Grace couldn’t hear Alex struggle, so he was either passed out – unlikely – or up to something. She needed to keep Ben talking. “So, does that mean that you don’t want Alex around anymore? What are you going to do with him? He’s bigger than you. That’s a lot to haul away.”

  “I told you,” Ben hissed in her face, his spittle of rage sprinkling her, making her flinch. “I’m bigger, not him!”

  “Haven’t you heard,” Grace said, an ethereal calm coming over her at the prospect of rescue by her bound lover, “that bigger isn’t better? A woman craves tenderness.”

  Ben’s face flushed with anger. He sat up and straddled Grace, then bent forward, his arms pushing her shoulders deep into the bed. “You know what? I really don’t care what you or any other woman wants. All I care about is me! Why haven’t you figured that out yet?”

  Grace panted in renewed fear, his firmness on her belly, her arms pinned by the pressure to her shoulders. She was immobile.

  But he was also fully dressed and so was she. Those two impediments would allow Alex time to rescue her before she was raped. Or he was murdered.

  “Oh, you think I didn’t hear my little brother coming up behind me?” Ben sneered, then hopped off of Grace and the bed. He kicked at Alex, knocking him from his belly crawl position onto his back like an upturned turtle bound in duct tape and rope. “There. You’ll have a better view that way. Strip, woman. Now! And make it worth my while or I’ll start making a bloody mess out of his miserable body.”

  “No, no! You’re better than this, Ben,” Grace pled, her hands up in supplication. “Please don’t. This situation is recoverable. We can get you help. You’re just under a lot of stress. Your business might be in trouble but your father…”

  Ben’s fist flew out and punched Grace in the mouth as the word father began to form, her plea ended with the solid tooth-loosening smack.

  Alex rolled back over, the gag in his mouth tighter with his struggles. “Don’t you listen, boy!” Ben hollered, kicking him onto his back again. This time he left his booted foot on Alex’s throat. “It wouldn’t take much to finish you off, but I want you to watch.”

  “Leave him alone! I’ll do whatever you want. Just let him live. No. I mean, let him live whole. Don’t hurt him. We’ll both keep this whole fias…event a secret. Please.”

  Tears fell from Grace’s face, her fear and begging giving Ben the sexual arousal he craved. This was better than he had ever dreamed. It wasn’t some old hag his brother was involved with. This one was young, barely broke in. She might even still be a teenager. His cock grew harder at the thought.

  “You’re mine,” he hissed, then stomped on Alex’s throat, shutting out the noisome grumbles and whimpers his brother still managed to make. “No distractions. Even if he doesn’t get to watch a live performance, I’ll set it on auto replay. He can watch me plow your sweet little pussy until he draws his last breath…”

  Thunk! Crash! Slam!

  “What in the hell is going on here?”

  Ben screeched, “Chuck?” then scrambled to his feet.

  Grace rolled off the bed and onto the floor, furiously grasping at the duct tape and rope that bound Alex. Her fingers couldn’t find a weak spot, so she jumped up and ran to the kitchen. Just about everyone in the world had a knife in there.

  Suddenly, she was aware of loud voices, contentious yelling and body thunks as the two men fought. She didn’t care. Grace had one mission: get Alex unbound so he could breathe. “Finally!” she huffed, grabbing a steak knife from the scatter of silverware in a kitchen drawer. She rushed into the bedroom, ducking just as Ben swung wide, missing the hero, the momentum causing the sadist to fall backward.

  “I got you, Alex,” Grace soothed, ignoring the fist falls and thuds, her fingers searching for a spot to slip the knife under. “Ah, crap.” She turned his blue face to the side and began sawing atop his duct-taped neck, trying not to go all the way through to his skin.

  “Here, let me,” the stranger said, then whipped out his own knife and deftly sliced through the cut Grace had started. He ripped the tape away, then turned Alex’s head back and began mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

  “Do you know CPR?” he asked between breaths.

  “No, but I’ll try,” she said.

  “Not yet,” he replied, then handed her the knife. “Cut.”

  Grace bent to the task of slicing through yards of duct tape and twisted nylon rope, glad for the diversion the task gave her but frustrated that she couldn’t do more. When she got up to unbind his other side, she glanced around the small apartment, looking for Ben. He was laid out on the floor by the front door, his leg askew. It was either broken or his knee was trashed – or both. Her assailant’s mouth hung open, his chest rising and falling slowly. Knocked out but not dead. Either way, he wasn’t going anywhere on his own power.

  “Did you call 911?” she asked.

  “Would you? There has to be a phone around here somewhere.”

  Grace laid Alex’s hands out straight, hoping the sudden rush of blood didn’t injure them further. Her initial search for the phone was cautious - she didn’t want to disturb anything that might be evidence – then suddenly became desperate. Lamps and boxes were knocked over as she looked for a phone.


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