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More Than Promised

Page 5

by Max Hudson

  “So, tomorrow,” I began, and Riley’s eyes widened slightly. “I’m guessing you’d rather I not tag along?”

  Riley sighed and shook his head. “No, I’d still like you to come. It would mean a lot to Izzy if she knew you were involved.”

  “I’d like to be there when you give it to her, if that’s okay.”

  Riley’s smile was blinding, and it made my chest ache with its beauty. He was already a stunning man but God, when he smiled, he stole my breath.

  “Yeah, that would be great William. Maybe we can take her out to dinner. I’m sure Sam and Cat would love that. They have their own thing they’re doing for her too but throwing her a little dinner and giving her, her gifts would be perfect.”

  I smiled and held out my phone. It was my personal cell and not my business one. “Put your number in and call yourself. That way you can text me tomorrow morning.” Riley took the phone and quickly dialed himself. I heard his phone ring in his pocket before he ended the call. He handed me back my phone and our fingers brushed against each other. I ignored the wave of heat that shot through me and placed the phone back in my pocket.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Riley. Drive home safely.”

  “Same to you,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. He felt it too, I know he did. The question was, how were we going to ignore it?


  I got the text from Riley around eight that next morning telling me to meet him at the shopping outlet. I showered and got dressed before I grabbed my favorite pair of sunglasses and headed out. It was a beautiful day in the suburbs. I’d lived in the city for a long time but when Jordyn and I had become serious and decided to settle down, we’d bought our home outside of the city. When things ended between us and being in that house became suffocating, I’d sold it. I’d then bought the home that Riley and Izzy were currently living in and had moved back to the city. It only lasted three years. I loved the quietness of being out in the country. I loved my place. It gave me the privacy that I needed, not that I needed a lot of it. But if I wanted to bring someone home for a good night of fun, I didn’t have to worry about neighbors overhearing.

  I parked in the lot of the shopping outlet and got out. It was one of the higher end shopping outlets. All high-end name brand and I smiled. I knew enough about Riley to know he didn’t splurge on designer brands. He shopped smart, even if he had more money than he knew what to do with. Whenever Aaron gave me his reports on Riley, he usually found him thrifting or shopping at Target. It made me smile to know that he was still humble, even with all of the money his parents had left for him.

  I walked toward the Louis Vuitton store where Riley said he would be and found him chatting with an associate. The guy was tall, dark and gorgeous and he looked like he wanted to eat Riley for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Riley seemed oblivious as he pointed at the suitcases on the display.

  I removed my shades and approached them. If there was a little extra swagger in my walk, I wouldn’t ever admit it. The associate spotted me approaching and his eyes widened before his attraction shifted. I grinned and I swore I heard the guy choke on his breath. Riley glanced up at him with a frown before he followed his gaze. He spotted me and rolled his eyes which caused me to chuckle.

  “Of course, you’re the reason he’s in a lust trance,” Riley grumbled as I approached, and I smiled at him. He looked me over from head to toe and though he tried to play it cool, I saw lust flash in his own eyes before he blinked it away.

  “Find anything you like?” I asked, ignoring the associate who still seemed to be in what Riley called a lust trance.

  Riley shrugged and shook his head. “Izzy loves the color purple and I know some of these designer stores make custom luggage. But I don’t think they’ll be able to make it in time for her trip.”

  I nodded and glanced at the clerk before I snapped my fingers in his face. He shook his head and blinked rapidly before a pink flush crept up his cheeks. He composed himself and smiled as he welcomed me into the store.

  “How long does it usually take for custom items to be made?” I asked.

  “It can take up to two months. Especially when there’s a custom color involved. We can always check our online stock, but I don’t think we’ve ever had anyone requesting purple, Louis luggage. The closet thing we have to purple is our Horizon line. Those run around three thousand a bag.”

  “Can I see those, please?” I asked and the associate nodded as he pulled out his tablet and tapped at the screen. He showed the screen to Riley who grinned from ear to ear.

  “She would love this,” he said. “How long would it take for these to be delivered to the store? And is this the only bag in this design?”

  I read the name on the guys tag. Stefan. He looked at Riley as if in shock before he tapped at the screen. He showed Riley a few more options but he didn’t look convinced.

  “Is it possible to get the design of the first bag on the travel bags?” Riley asked and Stefan sadly shook his head.

  “Only the roller case. There are some bags that come in the fuchsia shade but I’m afraid that specific design is only for that suitcase.”

  Riley sighed and handed the tablet back to Stefan. “If only she liked pink like most women, then I’d be walking out of her with a full set.” He glanced at me and I grinned. I wished I could fix this for him, but I doubted throwing money at them would make them, do what we wanted them to do.

  “I’m sorry we couldn’t give you what you needed,” Stefan said, his tone was flirty, and I saw the moment Riley caught on. His brows shot up slightly as Stefan slipped his card into Riley’s hand. “If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to service you.”

  “Okay,” I said as I grabbed Riley’s arm and pulled him toward the door. He chuckled as we exited the store while shouting a thank you to Stefan for his help.

  “Anytime gorgeous,” Stefan shouted back.

  Riley was still chuckling as we walked down the sidewalk. I wasn’t very amused. I had no right to feel jealous, but I didn’t enjoy the way that guy was drooling over Riley, then me, and then back to Riley. He was clearly a fickle little creature and Riley deserved better.

  “Where to next?” I growled and Riley smiled up at me. That smiled that made my heart skip a beat. My anger immediately rolled away at the sight of that smile.

  “Betsey Johnson, and maybe Vera Bradley. I know Izzy likes that paisley design shit too,” he grumbled, and I laughed as we walked to the Betsey Johnson store.

  Riley found what he was looking for almost immediately and was thrilled that it didn’t cost nearly as much as the Louis Vuitton bags. He wanted to make sure he didn’t find anything better so we walked through the outlet looking at luggage and other things that Izzy might need for her trip. We ended up buying the Betsey Luggage along with some designer shades and a new purse. Izzy wasn’t a materialistic person from what Riley explained but he felt she deserved something luxury for all that she’d done for him. I agreed.

  We loaded up the gifts in Riley’s trunk and it was hitting close to a little after lunch by the time we finished shopping.

  “Do you have plans for the rest of the day?” I asked him and he shook his head. “Would you like to have lunch with me?”

  Riley smiled and fucking hell, my heart nearly exploded. Who knew a smile could destroy someone so completely?

  “I could eat,” he replied, and I led him back toward the Italian restaurant inside the outlet.

  It was crowded for a Saturday, so we had to wait for a table. While we waited, I decided to get to know Riley a little better.

  “So, tell me, why did you decide to become a lawyer? I know you explained you wanted to make a difference in people’s lives, why not a teacher or a doctor?”

  Riley stared at me as he thought about his answer. He finally glanced away and said, “Dad.”

  I felt my chest pinch as he continued. “I used to worship you guys, ya know?” he said before he shook his head. “You guys were larger than life t
o me and I’d wanted to be just like you. When I’d asked Dad what you guys did for a living, he told me, we change lives son. I didn’t really know what that meant but I knew I wanted to do the same.”

  He met my gaze as my heart cracked with each word he spoke. “Dad finally explained he was a surgeon and what that all meant. It scared me to think about cutting people open and shit. I was six and even though I thought guts and gore were cool at the time, the thought of slicing people open just didn’t do it for me.”

  We both laughed before Riley’s smile turned soft. “I’d told him I didn’t want to be surgeon. He told me that was fine. That I could be whatever I wanted to be, as long as it made me happy and that I always tried my best.”

  He wiped at his eyes and I wanted to pull him into my arms and hug him. I knew talking about his father had to hurt him to his core. It had been over fifteen years and it still cracked me down the middle to think about Richard.

  “Anyway, after he and Mom died, I was too young to really care about a future. Then in eighth grade we had career day and we walked around talking to all of these different professionals. I was going through so much at the time. Realizing I was gay, going through puberty. The last thing I wanted to think about was my future.”

  I remembered those times. It was when he’d shot up like a tree and was almost as tall as me at only thirteen. I knew he’d be tall like Richard, but I hadn’t expected it to happen so soon. His voice had been in that awkward in between stage where it was a mix of high and low. He was tall, skinny and awkward as hell. But he was the spitting image of his dad. He’d been going through a difficult time in his life and I’d run away because I couldn’t bear to see his face without my heart breaking. I’d been a coward.

  “Anyway, there was this law firm and I’d remembered you were a lawyer,” he said meeting my gaze and my heart began to tremble. “I knew you were successful, powerful and that you were making a difference in the world. My dad loved you. He respected you. I wanted that for me,” his voice cracked and that time I couldn’t ignore it. I grabbed his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. Riley stared down at our hands and I wondered if it made him uncomfortable. I went to pull it away, but he held on tighter.

  “He loved you, Riley. So much,” I reminded him, and he nodded.

  “I know,” he whispered before he cleared his throat. “I wanted to grow up and be someone he would be proud of. Someone I could be proud of. After speaking with that attorney, I knew I truly did want to be like my dad. I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. I still didn’t want to be doctor; I also knew that I didn’t specifically want to work with kids. I was a kid and I’d hated being around them.”

  I laughed and Riley smiled. His sadness was ebbing and for that I was thankful. A sad Riley was heartbreaking. His light was too bright and beautiful to be dimmed by sadness. I hated seeing it surrounding him. It I could keep him smiling for the rest of his life I would.

  That thought had me tensing and Riley felt it. “William?” he said but I couldn’t form words. Thoughts of Riley and forever’s wasn’t where my brain needed to go. Sure, he’d likely be a part of my life for the rest of my life. He was Richie’s son. He was my employee. I’d been his guardian. We were becoming… what? Friends? It was quite possible we’d be in each other’s lives in the foreseeable future but even as I explained that to myself, my head was conjuring up images of a very naked Riley, lying in my bed while I put a smile on his face.

  I nearly shot up from the bench at the thought of it. But then our device buzzed in my hand, telling me our table was ready. I stood, Riley’s hand still in mine and I wanted to drop it. It suddenly felt like his touch was searing its way over my skin, but I only squeezed it tighter.

  “Does talking about him hurt too much?” Riley asked his voice small and it made me think of the small little boy, who’d said my name when I’d come to get him after his parents had died. That tiny little person who’d depended on me to take care of him. The kid I’d basically abandoned. He’d looked up to me and I’d let him down.

  I cupped Riley’s face and his breath hitched. I pressed my forehead to his and we stood there for a moment, just breathing each other in. When the device vibrated again, I pulled away and met Riley’s surprised gaze.

  “It will always hurt,” I whispered, and he nodded slightly. “But having you here, to talk about him, makes it better.”

  Riley grinned and squeezed my hand. Little did he know my heart was doing the same.

  Chapter Seven


  The rest of the weekend was uneventful. I kept Izzy’s things in my trunk as her surprise party wasn’t until the following weekend. Sam and Cat were all on board for the party and put themselves in charge of planning it. All I had to do was show up. When I mentioned William, they’d gone silent.

  “I mean, I think it’s a little weird that he suddenly wants to show up. I get he’s your boss and everything, but he wasn’t really around much,” Cat had said over lunch the previous day. She wasn’t the biggest William Carter fan and she had her reasons. Most of them being me. She was the baby of the family, but she turned into a mama bear whenever it came or Sam and me.

  “It is a little weird, bro,” Sam agreed. “I’m sure mama will be happy to have him there because she’s just nice like that but it’s still weird. He stopped coming around over a decade ago. Why is he trying to weasel his way back into our lives now?”

  I sighed and stared out at the street. I didn’t want to sound like a prick by telling them it wasn’t their lives he was trying to be in but mine, except there was no way to say that without sounding like a prick so instead, I said nothing.

  They went on about the weirdness of William coming around until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Look,” I said harshly and they both fell silent. “We all know what he’s done and how much it hurt. But he’s my boss, he’s also the only connection I have left of my parents. No, I’m not happy with the way he ghosted on me. No, I will never forget it, but I don’t want to live the rest of my life resenting a man for handling his grief the way that he did. He did what he thought was best for him and his heart, no matter how selfish we may think it was.

  “It isn’t our place to judge or condemn him. He loved my parents. My father was his best friend and when he died, William basically lost a brother. He could have handled his grief differently, but he didn’t and that’s something he’s learning to face. I want to move on. I want to forgive him and finally let this hurt go. I want to live my life without the hate and the grudges. You guys are my family and, in a way, so is he. So, can you at least pretend to make him feel welcome. For me?”

  They both stared at me for a long time before they nodded. Cat took my hand and gave it a squeeze. It was her way of apologizing without actually saying the words. Sam had sighed before he patted my shoulder. Then the subject was dropped, and we enjoyed the rest of our lunch.

  I was sitting at my desk when someone loomed over me. I nearly shouted in excitement as I looked up at a smiling Reese. I jumped out of my seat and wrapped him up in a hug as he laughed.

  “Dude, what the fuck are you doing here?” I said as he squeezed me back.

  “Europe got boring. Decided I needed to reboot and figured seeing your ugly mug for a few weeks would do it for me.”

  I laughed and swatted his back before I pulled away. I took his face in my hands as I studied him. It had been two years since I’d laid eyes on my friend and the emotions of him being in front of me began to catch up with me.

  “I missed you, dude,” I choked out and Reese’s eyes went soft as he pulled me back to him and held me tighter.

  “Missed you more,”

  I was sure what we looked like to other people, but they were wrong. Reese was as much my brother as Sam was. Except I knew what Reese’s dick tasted like. But we’d stopped fooling around years ago. We both knew we’d never be anything other than friends and figured if we ever wanted to land actual boyfriends that we
had to stop what we were doing. It had been hard at first because sex with Reese had been… well, it had been amazing. I’d trusted him with everything, my body included, and he’d taken care of me. But no matter how amazing the sex had been, there was never anything romantic between us.

  A throat clearing had us pulling apart but only slightly. I both turned our heads and found William standing there, glaring at us. His glare turned into a full-on scowl when he took Reese in. Reese grinned like a cat who got the cream. He’d never been afraid of William. In fact, Reese got a kick out of ruffling William’s feathers. I never understood it and Reese never explained it.

  “Well, well, well, it looks like fifteen years hasn’t changed you much. Huh Mr. Grump?”

  William’s nostrils flared as he took a step forward. “Reese Porter. I would say it’s good to see you, but I’ve never been much of a liar.”

  I sighed knowing this could go on for a while. Even at thirteen, Reese had never backed down from William. It was one of his greatest joys getting under William’s skin and I’d never understand it or why William had let it happen.

  “Aww, you remember me. I’m touched,” Reese said while placing a hand to his chest. “Look, Riles, he remembered me, isn’t that sweet?”

  I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. If I didn’t get between the two of them, they’d keep going. I looked around the office and found eyes on us. This was going to get so much worse before it got better.

  “Knock it off man, I’m at work and he’s my boss,” I said, and Reese smirked before he rolled his eyes and turned back to me.

  “Cat told me most of everything. I decided to stop by and surprise you before you got home. I’m set up in Sam’s old room, so I’ll see you when you get there.”

  “You’re staying at my place?” I said at the same time William said, “You’re staying at his place?”

  Reese smiled and nodded. “I’ve missed my guy, of course I want to be near him.” Reese moved his hand around my waist, and I stared at him like he’d grown an extra head. His guy? What in the fuck was he thinking? I was about ask him just that when he mumbled under his breath. “Look at him Riles.”


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