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More Than Promised

Page 6

by Max Hudson

  I was confused at first, but his eyes were trained on William. I glanced at William and my stomach flipped at the anger boiling just beneath the surface, but it was more than the anger that had my knees turning to jelly. It was the pure and blatant possessiveness that appeared on his face as he glared at Reese’s hand around my waist. His nostrils flared and his fists clenched before his gaze met mine and fucking hell, I could see it. The jealousy. And fucking hell, he was displaying it in front of everyone.

  I grabbed Reese by the hand and moved him toward the break room. I knew William would follow. I didn’t know how I knew but I did, and I was right. He followed us to the breakroom which was blessedly empty. As soon as we were inside William began.

  “You’re together?” he growled, and I went to shake my head, but Reese cut in.

  “Yeah, it’s new. We decided to take a break while I was traveling but I’m home now and ready to claim my man back. Is that a problem for you, William?”

  I didn’t know what the hell Reese was trying to pull but he was skating on thin ice and I feared if he kept pushing William’s buttons that it just might break.

  “Dude, stop it,” I growled, and Reese chuckled just as William took another step toward us.

  “I’m just joking. Riley got tired of my dick years ago.”

  “Reese!” I shouted and felt my face heating. I loved him but there were times when he took things a little too far. “This is my job. William Is my boss. I get that it’s all fun and games for you, but I could get fired over something like this.” I growled and Reese’s eyes widened before they went soft. He knew he’d taken it too far and now worry was replacing his humor.

  “Fuck, you’re right. I’m so sorry man.” He gripped the back of my neck and squeezed it before he turned to a still fuming William. “I’m sorry William. Sometimes I take things a little too far. I didn’t mean any harm.”

  William didn’t look placated though. If anything, he seemed more annoyed. He glanced at me and I almost flinched, but I remembered I was at work. Here I was strong and confident. I didn’t intimidate easily. So, I stood tall and held his gaze as he glared at me.

  “Take the rest of the day off,” he said, and I shook my head.

  “I have cases to work on,” I said, and William shook his head.

  “Not anymore. You can finish them up tomorrow.”

  It was my turn to glare. “That will put me behind schedule for the rest of the week.” I growled but William didn’t seem to care.

  “You should have thought about that before putting on a show for the entire floor,” he spat, and I felt my own anger starting to build.

  “I put on a show?” I said with a nasty smirk. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was the one standing here acting like a jealous ex-boyfriend. My mistake,” I growled. He flinched and I knew I’d hit my target. I didn’t stick around for his reply. I just walked out of the break room and grabbed my jacket from my chair and walked toward the elevator. I kept my head held high the entire way. I wasn’t going to appear shaken. Not by William or anyone else. The past five minutes proved something to me though. William was still as much of a jackass today as he was fifteen years ago, and I absolutely was done trying to get to know him.

  Chapter Eight


  It felt like someone had punched me in the gut when Reese made his little announcement. I didn’t want to believe it. I didn’t want to believe that Riley was in relationship with this dickhead and still tried to kiss me. I didn’t want to believe he was that sort of person but it seemed he was and so I reacted. I was upset for reasons I didn’t want to admit but they were there in front of me as cleat as day. I was jealous. I was fucking jealous of Reese Porter. The smart mouthed cocky little shit who I’d known helped Riley discover his sexuality.

  I hadn’t liked the kid. He was cocky, even back then and swore he knew it all. He wasn’t easily swayed, and he wasn’t intimidated by me in the least. He was like Riley’s personal guard dog. Sure, I was glad that Riley had a friend who was happy to defend him, but I also hadn’t trusted the kid. I’d feared he’d take advantage of Riley’s kindness and eventually break Riley’s heart. Apparently, I’d been wrong.

  After Riley delivered his final blow and walked out of the room, we followed him out when he walked toward the elevator, Reese and I stared after him. Riley didn’t even wait for Reese as he stepped inside and the doors closed behind him.

  Reese’s heavy sigh had me glancing toward him. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.

  “Aren’t you going to go after him?” I asked, wondering why in the hell he was still standing there when his clearly very visible boyfriend was upset.

  Reese shook his head. “Nah, he’s pissed at me right now. I’ll give him some time to cool off before I apologize. But I doubt it’s going to be enough this time. Sometimes I don’t think before I act.” He ran his fingers though his blonde hair that seemed to be darker than it used to be. He then met my gaze and said, “You shouldn’t have taken your anger out on him. I surprised him. He didn’t know I was home.”

  He then sighed again and cursed under his breath. “I really messed up this time,” he grumbled. “Look, I was joking okay? Riley and I aren’t together. We’ve never been together. Well, not romantically. It was a joke. I was just trying to get a rise out of you.”

  My pulse picked up speed as his words sank in. He and Riley weren’t together. Riley hadn’t tried to kiss me while he had a boyfriend. And yet, I’d just reacted like exactly what Riley had whispered.

  “Why?” I growled at Reese. “Why would you do something like that?”

  Reese raised a brow at me and gave me a look that told me he thought I was an idiot. Not that I was surprised. I felt very much like an idiot in that moment. I’d never treated an employee that way, especially if it wasn’t warranted. Sure, people had been staring but it was probably more due to the face that Reese was gorgeous, and he’d been hugging and even more gorgeous Riley. The scene hadn’t actually become a scene until I’d walked in on them in their embrace and felt my jealousy boil to the surface.

  “You’ve always been possessive of him, even when he was a kid. At least when it came to me,” Reese said as my eyes moved back to him. “It doesn’t take much to get you going when it comes to Riley and me, but one look on your face told me it wasn’t a guardian looking after their kid.” I kept my face neutral, but it didn’t matter. I’d already shown my hand.

  “You want him,” Reese whispered, and I shook my head before he could even finish his sentence, but Reese only rolled his head. “You can remain in denial all you want but you just freaked out on Riley because you thought he was with me. It hurt you, made you angry because deep down you know that you want him, and you feel guilty for wanting it. So instead of manning up and accepting it, you decided to lash out at the man whose making you feel things you don’t want to think about.”

  I stared him for a long moment before I finally looked away. I didn’t want to admit he was right, but the truth was, I had been questioning my feelings toward Riley. It was still too soon to tell exactly what was going on, other than the fact I was attracted to him and his smile did stupid things to my heart, but my emotions weren’t clear. There was too much going on in my head to settle them. Yes, I was attracted to him, yes, I had random thoughts of a future with him, but they were fleeting thoughts. I didn’t have feelings for Riley. I couldn’t.

  “Fucking hell, you’re a stubborn old man,” Reese said, which caused me to glare his way. He really looked like he wanted to deck me, and the feeling was completely mutual.

  “If you opened up your eyes, you’d see you aren’t alone in this,” he said and sighed. “Look, I apologize for coming to your office and causing a scene. I really only wanted to surprise my friend because after not seeing him for two years, I missed him. How you stayed away for fifteen years is beyond me, but Riley is my best friend. I love him like a brother. I didn’t intentionally mean to cause trouble b
etween the two of you.”

  Reese was a dick, but I could tell he was being honest. I still didn’t like him and likely never would, but I nodded anyway.

  He moved to walk toward the elevators, but I stopped him with a hand to his wrist. Reese met my gaze as I asked him, “How did you know?”

  He knew what I was asking, and his eyes turned sad. “Because you looked at me like you wanted to rip my arms from my body just from standing too close to him. I know what it’s like to feel that way about someone. Just… don’t do like I did and realize it too late.”

  He patted me on the shoulder and left.

  I couldn’t focus on much of anything for the rest of the day and my mood could be felt around the office. So, when Aaron stopped by, I wasn’t in the best of moods. Whispers of what had happened were circulating around the office and I had the urge to fire anyone who spoke on it. But I couldn’t because it was my own damn fault for reacting the way I did. It was Riley’s second week of work and we were already the office gossip.

  “So, you won’t tell me why everybody thinks you and Riley are in some kinky three way with a blonde model?”

  I groaned and leaned my head back against my desk chair. It was one thing for people to think I was fooling around with Riley; it was another for them to think we were swingers and liked to share men in bed. The thought alone of another man putting his hands-on Riley’s toned muscles made me murderous.

  I groaned before I covered my face with my hands. Reese had been right, and I hated him all the more because of it. I had been a jealous prick. I didn’t want any other man’s hands on Riley because I wanted mine to be the only ones to touch his skin.

  I felt like an idiot. He’d only been back in my life for a little over a week and I was losing my mind over him.

  “Do you think I have feelings for Riley?” I asked Aaron who looked at me with surprise. He studied my face for a moment before he sighed.

  “I think that you’re realizing he’s a man and not a little boy anymore. I think you’re starting to decipher that he’s a living, breathing wet dream and that you want to plow him.”

  I pulled at my hair as an image of Riley bent over in front of me, flashed in my head. My dick swelled in my slacks and I groaned. It wasn’t the first-time thoughts like that came unbidden in my mind. But I shook them away as quickly as they came.

  “Fucking hell,” I groaned at the ceiling. “How did this happen?” I groused. “It’s only been a week. He’s been here for one, fucking week and he’s already turning things upside down for me. How?”

  I wasn’t really expecting an answer, but Aaron gave me one anyway. “It could because he’s hot, charming and smart as hell. It could also be because he looks at you like he has hearts in his eyes. I’m sure if someone looked at me the way Riley looks at you that I’d fall pretty damn hard too.”

  That had my head snapping up. I knew that Riley was attracted to me. He’d made that clear but sexual attraction wasn’t something to be surprised by. We were attractive men who happened to be gay. It was only a matter of time before we’d have to acknowledge the attraction, we shared between us but that was all, but I still found myself asking, “How does he look at me?’

  Aaron grinned and said, “he does it when thinks people aren’t looking but mostly when you aren’t looking. During our meeting, he tracked your every move and small smirk played on his lips for the entire meeting. He’s into you man and if my perceptiveness is as sharp as it used to be, he’s really into you. But he’s probably thinking the same thing as you are. You need to talk to him man, or things are just only going to get worse and more awkward for everyone.”

  I stood in front of the house I hadn’t been to in over fifteen years. Sure, I’d drive by and scope the place out, but I’d kept my distance. It made my pulse race as I stood there staring at the door, wondering if I should knock. Before I could make the decision, the door swung open and I stared down at the little sprite of a woman I’d hired to take care of Riley.

  “At first, I was going to see just how long you were going to stand out here. Then I remembered you were as stubborn as an ox and would likely stand out there all night if you needed too and quite frankly, I should have let you because I have a very upset young man walking around my house and another who looks like he needs to be in the dog house. Considering there have been mumbles of self-entitled pricks, and you’re suddenly here, I’m going to assume this has something to do with you, yes?”

  I sighed as I looked down at Izzy. She wasn’t that much older than me being in her early fifties. But she scolded me like my mother would if she were alive to see the dick head I’d become.

  “Can I see him?” I asked. Even though I’d been her boss up until this point. This was the home I’d given her, and I’d always show her the respect she deserved.

  She stared at me for a long time before she finally sighed and stepped aside to allow me in. “Come on in. This should be resolved sooner rather than later. Riley had never been good with holding grudges. He’s too good of a person for that but I will also say, I’ve never seen him as angry as he was when he came home today.”

  That caused a sharp pain in my chest and I scolded myself for being such an idiot. Izzy walked me toward the living room and on the way, I took in how much the place had changed over the years. All of the furniture was new and the frames on the walls had been switched out. A fresh coat of paint made it look more modern and comforting. Gone were the plain, stark white walls and overpriced light fixtures. It was homey and welcoming. I loved it.

  I could hear voices coming from the living room and recognized them as Riley and Reese.

  “Riles, will you please look at me? I said I was sorry, and I meant it. I can be an asshole sometimes and today I took it overboard.”

  “That’s an understatement Reese. What If I would have lost my job today, huh? I get that you like getting under his skin but he’s still my boss. Today was just too much and I need time to process. Will you give me that?”

  Reese didn’t respond but I heard shuffling before Reese came out of the living room. He spotted me and surprised me by grinning as he walked past us and toward the steps.

  “Go on in, honey. You’re probably the only one who can fix his mood.”

  I gave her shoulder a squeeze and walked into the living room. Riley was sitting on the couch with a laptop in his lap and he was wearing those glasses that made him look like Clark Kent. He didn’t look up as I came in, but I was sure he knew I was there. So, I remained silent as I sat next to him on the couch. He didn’t acknowledge me but like Izzy had said I was a stubborn bastard and I could wait Riley out for as long as I needed to.

  It only ended up being ten minutes before he finally sighed and closed the laptop. His head turned so he could meet my gaze. His gorgeous hazel eyes scanned my face before he shook his head.

  “You hurt me today,” he said, and my heart splintered. “Not only that, you embarrassed me and for what? Because Reese can be a dick sometimes? Okay, most of the time but that’s beside the point. I didn’t do anything wrong today and still you sent me home like some petulant child who’d been misbehaving.”

  He was right and I sighed as I turned to full face him. I studied his face and it was the dumbest time to be thinking about how beautiful he was, but I couldn’t help it. He was gorgeous all dressed down and relaxed. It was why I found myself cupping his face in my hands and leaning in to gently brush my lips against his. Riley gasped but he didn’t pull away. So, I kissed him again before I pulled away. His eyes were wide as he stared at me.

  “I’ve been thinking about doing that a lot more than I’m comfortable with admitting. Being attracted to you is scary for me. It’s hard for me to separate you from the kid I used to know to the man that you are. I keep using the excuse that you’re Richie’s son to deflect what I’m feeling but today proved that I can’t use that as an excuse anymore.

  “In one week, you’ve crawled under my skin and you’ve embedded yourself the
re. I think about you more often than not and it scares the fuck out of me Riley. I’m old enough to be your father. I shouldn’t be thinking of you the way that I do but there it is.”

  He continued to stare at me with wide eyes as I poured out my feelings. I felt like a teenager confessing his undying love. It was silly but necessary.

  “As your boss, it’s against policy for me to pursue you at work. But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to call you to my office every day just so I can see your beautiful face.” He swallowed thickly as my thumb brushed across his cheek to his jaw. “I am extremely attracted to you Riley. Not just your looks but your mind as well. You’re everything I’d ever want in a partner, but our circumstances make that seem impossible. I’m sorry for the way I reacted today. That wasn’t fair to you. I can only say that jealousy got the best of me. The thought of anyone else touching you makes me want to rage and I know I have no right to feel that way,” I said but was cut off when Riley leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

  Heat surged throughout my body as his hands came up to grip my hair. I groaned as he pulled on my strands and tilted my head so he could deepen the kiss. His tongue delved inside, and sparks shot throughout my body at the first taste of him. I gripped his hips and the next thing I knew he was straddling my waist as he attacked my mouth.

  Our tongues dueled and my hand cupped and squeezed his tight ass. I was harder than I’d ever been in my entire life. Riley got to me in ways that no one else ever had.

  “Need you,” he whispered against my lips and my cock twitched. I pressed our erections together and Riley groaned from deep in his throat. I wanted nothing more than to lay him down on the couch and ravish his sexy body, but it wasn’t a good idea. What we were already doing was taking things too far, but I was too engrossed to stop it.


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