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More Than Promised

Page 7

by Max Hudson

  “I’m going to pretend like the two of you aren’t making out like a bunch of teenagers on my couch,” Lizzy shouted from the hallway. Riley jumped off of me, his face red with desire and embarrassment. My dick was achingly hard, and it was going to take a miracle for it to deflate any time soon. I’d never been so aroused in my life.

  “William, you’re staying for dinner and I’m not taking no for an answer. It’ll be ready in ten, so you two… wrap up whatever it is you were doing and wash up for dinner.”

  I listened as her footsteps faded but my eyes never left Riley. His erection tented his sweatpants and I wanted nothing more than to slide them down and take him into my mouth.

  “You can’t look at me like that,” Riley groaned.

  “Like what?” I said and my voice sounded as if I’d been eating gravel.

  “Like you want to eat me alive,” he said my gaze moved from his dick to his eyes.

  “What if that’s exactly what I want?” I growled and Riley groaned as he cupped his dick.

  “Stop it,” he growled. “You were invited for dinner and I don’t think Izzy meant me.”

  I smiled and Riley’s eyes shifted to my mouth. He groaned before he stared up at the sky as if asking it for strength. Then I heard him mumble, “Fucking hell, this is going to be a long night.”

  Chapter Nine


  My head was all over the place. William had kissed me and confessed to having feelings for me. Well, he confessed to being attracted to me and that was good enough for me. It let me know I wasn’t alone in what I was feeling. Then I’d kissed him, and things got heated, really fast.

  I’d never been so turned on in my entire life. I was so damn hard; I was sure I could hammer nails into wood. There was no way I’d be able to go to sleep that night without jerking off. And I knew I’d be coming hard.

  I glanced across the table at William who was staring at me like he’d rather it be me on his plate rather than the enchilada’s Lizzy had made.

  “Fucking hell, you two need to get a room. The sexual tension in here is suffocating. I’m getting hard just from breathing it in,” Reese said which earned him a smack across the head from Izzy.

  “We are having dinner. It is proper etiquette to pretend that my son isn’t looking like he’d like to have sex on the dining room table with his boss and used to be guardian.”

  That made my dick deflate almost instantly. I glanced away from William and stared down at my lap. Izzy sighed and reached over to cut the back of my neck.

  “I’m only teasing you sweetheart. I’ve known about your crush on William for a long time. I just figured you outgrew it once he stopped coming around.”

  The room was so quiet you could have heard a needle drop.

  “Crush?” William said and I avoided looking at him at all costs. I hoped Izzy would catch on and keep her mouth shut but no, she was in a very chatty mood that evening.

  “Oh yeah. I noticed it when he was younger. At first, I thought it was because he was feeling clingy after losing his parents. Poor thing was going through so much.” She patted my hand before she gave it a squeeze. “But then I’d catch him staring at you and chalked it up to hero worship. But once he came out and you started coming around a little more, I saw it in his eyes. It wasn’t a little boy looking up to his hero, it was a young man looking at a man he thought was attractive.”

  “Iz,” I growled, and she glanced at me before she rolled her eyes and waved me off. “I should have said something when I caught him…”

  “Izzy!” I shouted this time and she choked on a laugh as she glanced at William.

  “Well, that’s enough of that,” she said with a wide smile before she went back to eating as if she hadn’t just completely thrown me under the bus.

  I refused to look at William, but I could feel his eyes on me. His gaze was burning over my skin and I wanted to escape it. I knew he wasn’t going to let Izzy’s words go and a part of me wanted to return he gifts to the store.

  Dinner was awkward as hell. Even Izzy’s apple empanadas didn’t change the mood. There was so much left unsaid and so many things that needed to be figured out. I wasn’t sure how I was going to sleep that night.

  Izzy and Reese cleared the table. I tried to help but Izzy made me sit down. She stared at both William and I before she said, “I may not have any say in what happens moving forward but I will say my peace now and leave the rest to you.” We both glanced at her as she sighed. “Life is too short to live it with regrets. I understand that your situation isn’t… average but it is what it is. If you care for one another you shouldn’t allow anyone else’s perceptions of you be the deciding factor in your future.

  “You both deserve to be happy and though it may seem like a strange situation, I love you both and all I want is for you to be happy. If that means you two being together then I will support, you as long as you are good to each other.”

  I was more than stunned and was sure William likely felt the same. Izzy took in both of our faces before she grinned. “Now, I’m going to go upstairs and get ready for bed. You boys have a good night.”

  She kissed the top of my head as she walked past me and soon it was only William and I once again. Neither of us spoke for a long time. I wasn’t sure what to say or where we’d go from here. I was scared if I was being honest with myself. I didn’t want to lose my job, especially not so soon after getting it. But I also wanted William. I wanted him in every way possible, but it couldn’t happen as long as I was working for him. I was truly stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  “I see your gears are turning from all the way over here. Just speak what’s on your mind and maybe we can figure out where to go from here.” William said and I let out a long, heavy sigh before I told him what I was thinking. He gazed into my eyes before he sighed and sank back into his chair.

  “I want to say we should just forget what happened,” he began and held up his hand as I went to protest. “But I know we can’t. At least I can’t. That was the best kiss I’ve ever experienced in my life and I can’t forget it Riley. I can’t forget what it felt like to have my hands and my mouth on you. So, here’s what I think we should do,” he said, and I leaned forward as if his next words held the secrets to life.

  “The non-fraternization policy states there can’t be any fraternizing in the office. It doesn’t say anything about outside of it,” he said, and my pulse raced as his gaze turned heated. “We can do whatever we want outside of work. But while we’re there, there has to be nothing but professionalism. Can you do that for us?”

  Us. Fucking hell, us sounded so damn good coming from his lips. I found myself nodding and William studied me closely. “You know this changes everything,” he stated and again, I nodded. “I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go once we start this. I’m all for one-night stands and hookups but not with you Riley. Never with you.”

  My heart began to race, and I tried to keep myself from acting like a giddy teenager. William wanted me as much as I wanted him, and he didn’t want it to be someone off to get it out of his system. He wanted more and I was more than happy to give him that.

  “Do you think you can keep our personal and work life separate?” he asked, and I grinned.

  “I’m sure I can but it seems you aren’t so sure about yourself,” I said with a raised brow and William chuckled and he licked his lips. My eyes traced the path of his tongue and I suddenly wanted it all over me. I wanted to feel him licking every inch of my skin.

  “Not if you keep looking at me like that,” he growled, and my dick was back to half-mast. I was so glad Izzy’s room was on the other side of the house because William wasn’t leaving here without me tasting his skin.

  He didn’t protest as I took his hand and led him to my room. William’s eyes turned more heated with every step we took.

  “I need you to think really hard about this,” he said as we stopped at the entrance to my bedroom. “Once I step inside that room, yo
u and me, we’re going to be an us and I swear to you Riley, I will do everything in my power to make you happy.” Emotions clogged my throat and I couldn’t speak. So instead I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his mouth to mine. I sighed as he relaxed into me and kissed me back. His hands trailed down my spine before settling above my ass. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss which had my knees going weak.

  I reached behind me and opened the door. I took a step back and William followed without ever releasing my mouth. My fingers clung to his hair as he kicked the door shut behind him. I moved us toward my bed and William followed me down onto it.

  His weight on top of me was like a fantasy come to life. My hands roamed over his back and I loved how firm he felt beneath my palms. My legs wrapped around his waist and he pressed his cock firmly against my own.

  “Oh, fuck yes,” I moaned as I moved my hips to meet his gentle thrusts. I went from half-mast to rock hard in seconds. William continued to grind against me until we were both panting into each other’s mouths.

  “Want you naked,” I said, and he smiled against my lips.

  “Undress me,” he replied and I nearly whimpered. I pushed at his chest and he moved to sit back on his calves. I matched his position and met his gaze as I slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. His nostrils flared as each button was let loose.

  When I got the last button undone, I slid the shirt from his body. I took in his wide, toned chest and bit down on my lip to stop a whimper from escaping. He was sexy as fuck. It was clear he took damn good care of his body if his toned muscles were anything to go by. I wasn’t anything to scoff at but even I wasn’t as ripped as William. He had a spattering of hair across his chest that made him even sexier.

  “Fuck me, you’re gorgeous,” I said before I leaned forward and kissed at his chest. He sighed contentedly as I kissed the spot over his heart. But that sigh turned into a groan as my tongue came out to play with one of his nipples. I grinned and licked and sucked each bud until William gripped me by my hair and pulled me up so he could slam his mouth back on mine.

  I groaned as he devoured my lips. I made quick work of the buttons on his slacks before I yanked them down his hips. William pressed me backwards until I was flat on the bed. He kicked his pants the rest of the way off and I caught a glimpse of his thick, long erection hidden behind his briefs. My mouth mother and my hole twitched. Both wanting to be filled with William’s length.

  “See something you like, baby?” he asked, and I nodded. William chuckled as his hand disappeared beneath my tee. I sighed as his hand moved across my stomach and up to my chest. When his thumb brushed at my nipple, my back arched up from the mattress. His other hand joined in to tease my other nipple and I groaned as heat came over me.

  My shirt was pulled over my head, but I didn’t much notice because then William’s mouth was on me. He licked and sucked at my nipples the same way I did his. My cock was leaking precum and I knew I would lose it the second he was inside of me.

  “William,” I moaned, and William chuckled as his lips came back to mine.

  “Something you need, baby?” he said and fuck me if I didn’t like him calling me baby. I didn’t care for it much with other guys I’d dated but I loved it coming from his lips.

  “Need you inside of me,” I said, and William groaned before his face disappeared into my neck where he began to lick and suck. I gripped the back of his head and held him closer.

  “Harder,” I groaned, and he growled as he bit and sucked harder at my neck. I could feel the bruise forming and I loved it. I pressed my dick against his and William cursed against my neck.

  When his hand found my dick and began stroking me through my sweats, I thought I was going to lose my mind. His strokes were soft and gentle when I needed it harder.

  “Babe, please,” I whimpered and William bit at my neck one last night before he whispered, “Don’t worry baby. I’ll take care of you. Condom and lube?” he asked, and I pointed at the side table drawer.

  He reached over and grabbed them from the drawer. He placed them on the bed next to me before he slid my sweats along with my briefs down my legs. My cock sprang free and William moaned at the sight of it.

  “Fucking hell. Look at you. You’re leaking for me,” he said and before I could reply, he was bending and licking the precum from the head of my dick. I shouted out his name and he hummed at the taste of me before he took the entire head of my cock into his mouth.

  My hand gripped at his hair and I began feeding him my dick. He took me in with no issues. I stared down at him as my dick slid between his lips. I couldn’t believe William was sucking my dick and he was enjoying it if his moans were anything to go by. His free hand was between his legs and I could see him jerking himself off as he sucked me, and it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.

  “Holy fuck, you’re gonna make me cum.”

  He slid off of me and I trembled as his heated gaze met mine, He grabbed the bottle of lube and popped the cap. I watched in avid fascination as he poured the liquid onto his fingers. My breathing picked up speed as his gaze met mine.

  He leaned over me and took my mouth in a fierce kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue and it only made me harder. I felt his fingers slide between my cheeks and I moaned as he began pushing at my entrance. His tongue dipped inside of my mouth at the same time his finger slid past the first tight ring of muscled. I groaned into his mouth as he began moving one finger and then two in and out of my body.

  I was leaking pre cum like a faucet I was so turned on. He pumped his fingers in and out of me. When he crooked his fingers and nailed that sweet spot inside of me, I almost came undone.

  “Look at you,” he growled as his mouth hovered over my lips. “You look so beautiful with your skin all flushed for me.”

  “Need you,” I panted, and William nodded before he kissed me softly.

  He slid his fingers from my body, and I sighed at the emptiness I felt. But then he was sliding on a condom and the head of his thick dick was pressing inside. My neck arched as pleasure and pain met. I gripped William’s forearms as he slowly moved his way inside of me.

  “Fuck!” he shouted. “You’re so tight. Fucking perfect.”

  He finally seated himself completely inside of me and it was like my chest felt almost as full as my body did. William didn’t move as he stayed planted. His face was in my neck and his breathing was sharp. Emotions were swirling heavily inside of me and when he kissed my neck and said, “Nothing in my life has ever felt as right as this does. I don’t think I could ever walk away from you now.” Then he lifted his head and met my gaze.

  My breath felt stolen from me as I saw his own emotions waring with him. “I can’t regret this. Can’t regret you,” he said and fuck me if tears didn’t start to burn behind my eyes.

  I cupped his face and pulled him down to me for a fierce kiss. He groaned into my mouth and then his hips began to move. I moaned long and deep as his thick shaft caressed me. It was heaven. And as he picked up speed, he took me places, I’d never been to before. He played my body like a fine-tuned instrument. I’d never felt so good in my entire life.

  He made love to me. He was slow and deliberate with each and every stroke. He pulled the pleasure from my body and it lingered around me. I was close, so close but William wouldn’t send me over the edge. Not until I was clawing at his back and begging.

  “Please. Fuck, baby please, I’m so close. I’m so fucking close,” I moaned, and William groaned. He picked up speed then, slamming into my prostate. I cried out his name as I felt my climax coming. “There, right there.”

  He fucked me hard after that, he pegged my prostate over and over again until I was a whimpering mess. It was torture but the best kind.

  “Want you to come for me,” William growled before he blessedly wrapped his hand around my aching dick. It took only two pulls of his strong skilled hands before I was flying over the edge. I roared his name as my orgasm hit. Rope after rope of my pleasure splashe
d onto my stomach and chest.

  “Oh, fuck,” William moaned. “So sexy. Gonna come, baby,” he growled just as his head shot back and his neck corded. He moaned my name as he slammed inside of me twice more before he stilled. His hips jerked slightly as he groaned and came. If I hadn’t just had the best orgasm of my life, watching him come would have done it for me. Hell, just the sight of it had my spent dick trying to twitch back to life.

  William slumped forward and pressed his weight into mine. His face again went to my next where he gently kissed me there. My hands caressed his back and he sighed contentedly.

  “Can I stay?” he asked. “Or do you want me to leave?”

  I smiled and answered by holding him closer. I felt him grin into my neck where he kissed me again. I was spent and exhausted. I held the man I shouldn’t want but wanted more than anything in the world in my arms and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

  Chapter Ten


  The next few weeks went by in a whirlwind. The morning after Riley and I had had sex, I woke up to him between my legs where he worshipped my cock with his mouth. I’d come so fucking hard, I’d thought I’d died and gone to heaven. It had only been fair that I returned the favor.

  When we’d gotten to work that morning, I’d expected it to be awkward, but it was easier with us working on separate floors. It still didn’t stop my brain from thinking of him though.

  And that was basically how the next few weeks went. Riley spent most of his time at my place up until the weekend of Izzy’s party. Cat and Sam were clearly still iffy about me and even more so when they realized just how close Riley and I had gotten. They’d pulled Riley aside at one point and I’d stared after them.

  “It’s okay. They just need to do their protective sibling thing. But they know Riley. They know he wouldn’t do anything without thinking it through. They’ll come around. It may take some time but trust me. They love their brother and they just want him happy. We all do,” Izzy had said. Her approval of Riley and I had meant more to me than I’d expected.


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