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Cosmic Love

Page 40

by Jan Spiller

  Also, if your profession includes writing, teaching, or sales, this person will be very supportive of your work. Their ability to hear what you are saying will build your confidence that others will also be able to understand you. They are naturally aware of your writing skills and will encourage you to use them. They may not be particularly helpful in terms of publishing or distributing what you write, but they will definitely be good luck for you in terms of the actual writing.

  Life may have sent this person to you in response to your desire to increase the amount of time you spend writing, learning, teaching, or selling, as their influence will propel you to get to work in these areas. They are bringing you the gift of validating your ability to get your ideas out to a wider audience, and any advice they may give you about how to teach or sell more effectively is definitely worthwhile. In fact, you might even consider doing a writing project with this person, or some other project that involves sales or teaching.

  Stimulating healthy curiosity is another way this person will influence you. For instance, if you’re working on a problem, they may ask you a question that takes your mind in a whole other direction—and the result may be the very resolution you are looking for. The curiosity they engender helps you become more aware of your environment and your options, as well as different ways of perceiving data.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of improving your ability to communicate and connect with others, this person may inadvertently drain energy from important areas, such as ethics and morality. For instance, rather than help you become more ethical, they would be more likely to encourage you to trust your logic rather than listen to your intuition or your conscience.

  When someone’s North Node falls in your 3rd House, their purpose in your life is to recognize and encourage your mental talents and increase your ability to communicate in a way that others will accept. In fact, they may encourage you to sacrifice Truth in favor of clear, logical thinking that will gain a positive social response. By supporting your logical reasoning, they take energy away from abstract thought and intuition. Also, this person is not good legal karma for you, and would probably not be your best choice for an attorney.

  Although it’s easy to interact with them on a daily basis, this person does not necessarily understand your spiritual or philosophical beliefs. They may discuss higher concepts with you so that you can share in the “high” that results from two minds deeply listening, understanding, and connecting with each other, but their purpose is not to put you directly in touch with Truth. Of course, if this person is a spiritual teacher, in the process of sharing their ideas you will have an opportunity to grow spiritually.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. With someone with this nodal position, be prepared to talk more than you would with other people, since they’re here to teach you how to communicate more effectively. And if you have a differing point of view, be willing to put it out there and keep the conversation going. If a problem develops, just by relating to them as if they are your brother or sister, your interaction will immediately become more comfortable.

  When you speak abstractly or theoretically to this person, they are not able to hear you. However, if you approach them logically or factually, they can hear you and will most likely want to cooperate. For instance, if you say, “I just know that if we rent to these people they’re going to be late with their payments,” they will probably discount your intuition. But if you say, “Before renting to these people, let’s get more information about them from their previous landlords,” they will be open to your suggestion. Or if you say, “My conscience will bother me if we withhold the information about the brake problem when we sell the car,” they will probably respond in a negative way. But if you say, “If we don’t mention the brake problem and someone gets hurt, the buyer could come back and sue us,” you will get through to them.

  If this person is overriding you in a particular situation, use logic to get their attention, or ask them some factual questions about what’s involved. As you attempt to get more information, they will feel your interest and are more likely to become interested in your point of view. And using the “how was your day” beginning almost always leads to a naturally happy connection and interaction with them.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no specific past life influences related to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 3rd House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Part III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  In a past incarnation this person may have interfered with your ability to share your philosophical or spiritual views with others. It may be that your beliefs were too controversial to be socially acceptable at the time, so they squashed them in some way. Or it could have been a time of religious persecution—such as the Spanish Inquisition or the Salem witch burnings—and they participated in silencing you.

  Whatever the past connection, in this lifetime they will feel compelled to encourage you and help you get your message out to the world so their karmic debt can be repaid. Even if your ideas are strongly opposed to their own personal beliefs, they will not interfere with your spiritual or philosophical perceptions and will feel compelled to help you if they can. One way they may assist is to put their skills at your disposal. For example, if they are a computer wizard they may offer to help you set up a Web site. If they have the appropriate connections, they may help you get some publicity for your ideas. Or they may encourage you to develop your writing or communication skills so that you can make your message even more powerful.

  As you accept their help and allow yourself to move into a position where your ideas are more widely heard by others, you are giving this person the honor of repaying their debt—and you both win. If you have attracted several people into your life whose South Nodes are on a planet in your 9th House (see Part III), the Universe is telling you to rise above any unconscious past life fear of violent repercussions and let your truth out to a larger audience.

  When their North Node is in your 4TH HOUSE, they are bringing you the gifts of:

  INTERNAL FOUNDATION AND CORE BELIEFS—If a significant person in your life has their North Node in your 4th House, their role is to be your protector and help you survive until you have developed an internal foundation strong enough to allow you to successfully accomplish your destiny in the world. This may include material assistance, such as supplying money and transportation, or other forms of concrete support you might need in any situation where you get shaken on a core level. For example, I had a client who decided to move to another state, but when she got there everything went wrong and her life began to fall apart. Internally, she felt like she was dying. She instinctively called a friend with this nodal position, and he immediately said: “That’s it. I’m coming to get you.” And he did. He flew out, packed her up, and drove her back to her previous home.

  So if you have a crisis and need to be “rescued,” this person will always be there for you. It may not work if you try to make the relationship into anything more, but they can help you gain the internal strength and security that allows you to form other kinds of healthy relationships that fulfill different needs.

  This person’s gift is to help you reinforce your inner strength by becoming more conscious of your internal foundation and core beliefs. For example, if your innate orientation to the world is philosophical or spiritual, they will increase your awareness of this foundation, either by validating or challenging the accuracy of your beliefs. Either way, the process of interacting with them will increase your confidence in your own internal base. They may argue with you in a way that exposes where you are really coming from and teaches you how to be more direct in sharing your core beliefs with others. They encourage you to open
the deepest part of yourself in a way that is healthy and empowering.

  Your 4th House shows the part of your underlying belief system that you use to navigate your life. For example, if on a deep, internal level you believe that money is scarce, that frame of reference influences all of your perceptions and decisions. This belief may have originated in a past life or from early childhood conditioning, but either way, it can be undermining your current financial security. For instance, due to this belief you may tend to be careless in financial situations, leading to problems you wouldn’t otherwise have.

  A person with this nodal position is innately aware of your beliefs. They can see any that are based on incorrect information, and will try to help you shift them in ways that can better support your life—or they may have additional information that can shore up any weak areas. Another way they do this is to help you deal with any painful emotional experiences. Personal history and hurtful memories if not processed can hold you in a negative place, destabilize your foundation, and undermine your sense of satisfaction in life. This person is likely to elicit your stories of past painful events and help you to deal with them. When you accept their gift and allow them to help you let go of debilitating past influences—and empower you to change old beliefs that are undermining you—you will receive great benefits in your life, and simultaneously bring out the best in them.

  SECURITY AND SATISFACTION—Someone with this nodal position can help you become more attuned to your inner self—what you need for security, what drives your life, and what makes you happy. This person sees you, acknowledges you, and loves you just as you are. Their awareness of who you really are on a core level validates you, increasing your attunement to your true self and giving you a secure sense of self-acceptance. In various ways, they will help you become aware of the richness you experience on a day-to-day basis and the satisfaction available to you in the life you have created.

  This person’s influence can keep you from being swept up in the “rat race” and losing your sense of innate value. Their influence teaches you to “turn down the volume” on your worldly expression, slowing you down so that you add more substance to your message. They will help you strengthen your inner core so that your success out in the world does not disconnect you from your inner self. Also, they are aware of those activities that bring you joy and fulfillment and encourage you to spend time pursuing them.

  Your stability and security are important to this person, and one of their gifts is to actively increase these components of your life. To this end they encourage you to build a home base that will give you peace of mind and a strong sense of safety. In fact, they are good real estate karma for you and may well be a factor that supports you purchasing your own home. They can also be a positive influence in choosing and decorating your home, buying land, or entering real estate as a business—and they would be a good real estate agent or interior decorator for you. If you buy a fixer-upper, for example, and something is an underlying major problem, they will likely be able to scout it out.

  When you accept this person’s gift and allow them to help you build a strong, supportive foundation and enhance your appreciation of the bounty that you already have, you also motivate them to actively develop a more secure foundation. In this way you empower each other to experience a greater sense of personal security and the satisfaction that comes from being aware of the richness of your inner life.

  NURTURANCE—It is not uncommon to have a family member whose North Node falls in your 4th House. These are people with whom you have had a family connection in a past incarnation, and you share certain unconscious core beliefs. Their presence in your life validates that you are okay—they love and accept you for who you are, regardless of your level of achievement. They are also teaching you about letting yourself be taken care of as you bring out their maternal instincts. This person is giving you the gift of strengthening your sense of belonging. With family, you don’t have to “earn the right” to be taken care of—you belong because you are one of “the tribe.” They bring you this special sort of belonging: the feeling of being included and protected regardless of your behavior. This person is also good family karma for you in other ways, and can be a positive influence in your relationships with current family members. If you need to mend a relationship within the family, this person can probably give you valuable advice.

  Someone with this nodal position simultaneously evokes both the vulnerable and nurturing aspects of your own nature. They activate your maternal instincts and inspire you to feel love and protection for them. At the same time, you are willing to be vulnerable with them, and they teach you how to be open without compromising your safety. You sense that it’s your job to take care of them—that in some way they need your material, emotional, physical, or spiritual help. Others may abandon this person or deal with them on a superficial level, but you deeply understand them and care about their well-being. Even if they are your parent, you will naturally want to support and encourage them.

  One reason this person has come into your life is because you need to strengthen the nurturing aspect of your nature. You will not begrudge your caretaking with this Soul—you do it willingly, as it feels correct to you. You will naturally see how to support them without creating a situation of dependency. And as you learn how to nurture this person in a healthy way, it will benefit your other relationships. In the process of receiving their gift, you can develop the caring part of your nature so that it really shines forth. And when you accept their support, you bring out the best in them.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of strengthening your inner core, sense of security, and nurturing nature, this person can inadvertently drain energy from your public self and your ability to achieve your external goals. They are not likely to give you good advice in terms of your profession or how to increase your status in the world. In fact, if you mention a goal, they won’t be able to hear you. But if you say, “This is what is happening and this is how I feel,” they will understand.

  One of their purposes in your life is to increase your sense of security in terms of who you are and where you’re coming from within yourself. This person has the ability to really listen to you when you tell them how you feel in various situations. They will accept and validate your core feelings, even when you think they may be threatened by your responses. However, if you try to justify your position with them, you may lose them.

  Although this person is great at empathizing with how you feel, when you discuss your worldly goals with them, they inevitably give you bad advice about how to achieve them. For example, my father’s North Node is in my 4th House. Although I know he loves me and sincerely has my best interests at heart, every time I follow his advice about my profession it turns out to be counterproductive. I have learned not to talk to him about my plans and goals until after they are accomplished.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. If a person’s North Node falls in your 4th House, one of the reasons they are in your life is to help you learn how to reach results through staying in touch with the PROCESS. If you speak to them in terms of your specific goals, they won’t be able to hear you or help you. But if you focus on your personal needs as you take the steps to reach your goals, they can hear you and are likely to be right there to support you.

  For example, if you say, “I plan to take this proposal to my boss on Monday,” they probably won’t show any interest. However, if you say, “I’m taking a proposal to my boss on Monday and I really need a quiet, restful weekend to prepare,” they will probably go out of their way to arrange it for you. You have communicated the kind of support you want, and the best part of them hears you and wants to cooperate.

  Sometimes we resist saying the very words that will most effectively elicit the support we need. I had a client whose father was elderly, and she n
eeded her family to help plan his long-term care. Her sister’s North Node is in my client’s 4th House, and when she presented the problem as a goal-oriented statement—“We really need to start planning for Pop’s future care”—her sister replied: “Pop is fine. He doesn’t need our help.” All my client had to say was “I need you to help me,” and her sister would have probably responded in a positive way. It’s not arbitrary with these folks—it’s how it is presented in order for them to feel empowered to respond with support.

  Someone with this nodal position is bringing you the gift of teaching you how to come from your gut and let them know exactly how they can support you. They awaken your willingness to be vulnerable with others and let them know what kind of help you need. In graciously accepting their gift, you develop the quality of humility, and simultaneously you bring out the best in them.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no specific past life influences related to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 4th House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Part III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  In a past life, somehow this person supported your gaining fame in the world at the expense of your Soul’s growth. It may be that the two of you accomplished a major social or public goal that got you in some kind of trouble, or perhaps you exhibited a lot of talent at a young age, but by being pushed into the limelight too early you were unable to develop to your highest capabilities. Another example would be if as a young spiritual teacher you were encouraged to go out and teach, receiving public acclaim before you yourself had truly experienced Enlightenment—a step that would have stopped all inner growth.


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