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Cosmic Love

Page 41

by Jan Spiller

  Regardless of the specific circumstances, this person was responsible for you gaining fame and renown before you had the inner strength and maturity to handle it. So in this payback lifetime, they are here to help you develop a solid internal core and fortify your authentic inner being so that you can fully actualize the potential within your Soul. Consequently, they may seem to delay you, not to see your talents, or to give you bad advice in terms of presenting yourself out in the world in a successful way.

  In this lifetime, they will help you develop a loving humility. Their influence detours you away from the spotlight until your inner gifts have become so solid and self-evident that they stand forth and are recognized by virtue of their innate brilliance. And this person will always let you know how valuable you are to them, even if you don’t gain fame and fortune.

  When their North Node is in your 5TH HOUSE, they are bringing you the gifts of:

  CREATIVITY—When someone’s North Node falls in your 5th House, they will be aware of your talents and your desire to express yourself creatively. This person will back you in actually doing something to manifest your creative ideas. This could take the form of a craft project, music, art, writing, or joining a local theater group—they will encourage any activity that stimulates your creative drive and makes you happy. They may even become actively involved, helping you to take your ideas to a higher level and making the process more fun.

  This person will also teach you how to be successful in creating particular outcomes. If a part of your life has been unclear and you have been producing results that are counterproductive to your happiness, their influence will help heal that area for you. For example, you may be good at creating success in your job or profession but be unsuccessful in creating a happy romance. They can show you specifically where your creativity is not functioning properly in terms of romance, and help you get back on track.

  Someone with this nodal position is giving you the gift of recognizing the value of your creativity and helping you bring it into expression. When you are receptive to their gift and take action to manifest your creative ideas, it increases the flow of Love in the relationship.

  OPENING YOUR HEART/ROMANCE—Life has brought this person across your path to help you heal your heart and rekindle the spark of happiness within you. Their influence reconnects you with the innocent joy of being alive on planet Earth and inspires that part of you that seeks fun and adventure. They are teaching you how to willingly give Love and awaken to the good feelings that result.

  On a deep, unconscious level, you may have been feeling unrecognized and this person is here to respond to that need—to validate your specialness and bring you the gift of romantic love energy. The way they are with you totally disarms you—your heart opens and you trust them completely, as you feel no need for defense. This feeling is not only true in romantic relationships, but with a friend or co-worker as well. The innocence of their natural responses compels you to love them in the same candid way you would love a child. They make you want to give back to them and play with them.

  This person understands your romantic nature and feels drawn to help you express it by kindling your desire for a happy love affair. They will drain energy from the romantic dreams or ideals you have tried to manifest in the past and put you back in touch with the responses of your own heart. And when you learn to follow the natural movement of your heart toward whatever makes you happy, you will begin to create the success in this area that has eluded you. They have the innate understanding of what you want from romance and they want to give you those ingredients that make you happy. And in the process of accepting their gift, you also bring out the best in them.

  CHILD ENERGY AND LEARNING TO PLAY—When a person’s North Node falls in your 5th House, they are also in your life to release your inner child—to teach you how to enjoy life. Their energy can naturally reconnect you with the happiness of that simple, childlike playful spirit within your own nature. They can see the ways that you inhibit your self-expression. Their influence can help to set you free in this area because they know how to get you to take risks and play with them.

  However, they can also inspire you to get in touch with your inner child indirectly and under difficult circumstances. When one client’s mother passed away after a long illness, a friend with this nodal position told her: “You will miss her, but now you have a chance to find out who you really are and what you want to do in life.” This comment was a huge insight for my client and instantly put her in touch with her inner child.

  If you have children, this person will be very respectful of them and supportive of the role your children play in your life. They can give you good advice about interacting with children and enhance your skills in this area.

  Part of this person’s gift includes encouraging you to take more risks—to be yourself and express your own natural energy. You instinctively know that they approve of you, so you feel safe to risk being yourself. They also inspire you to take risks by becoming more involved in life. In fact, when they don’t want to take a particular risk, they may get you to do what they don’t have the energy to do, or can’t do. Usually, they know that you want to do it anyway, so they just need to nudge you a little. Someone with this nodal position can also help you strengthen your will in a positive way. When you do decide to take a risk, it is to your advantage to have the clear intention and willpower that it takes to win. This person can say the right words that inspire you to summon the determination you need to carry you through to success.

  Another important reason this person has come across your path is to help you develop your “play muscle” so that your tasks take on a lighter tone and life can become more enjoyable. It’s time for you to learn how to play. They’ll have lots of ideas: “Let’s go to the ocean!” “Let’s go dancing!” If you say: “No, I can’t,” or try to get them to see the bigger picture of things that have to get done, you frustrate their gift.

  Sometimes this person may evoke your sense of play by being so serious that you are forced to be playful just so you can be around them. For example, Ginger Rogers’ North Node fell in Fred Astaire’s 5th House. There was something kind of staid about Fred Astaire, and Ginger Rogers was able to bring out his playful spirit. However, it’s much more likely that you find them so endearing that it’s easy to play with them. For example, my eleven-year-old nephew has this nodal position. One night we were playing cards and I said: “Dillon, I have a lousy hand.” He replied: “Aunt Janny, I have a bad hand too.” So we both started laughing and threw our cards back!

  This person can also help you get in touch with the fun you can have with games, hobbies, and indulging in particular personal pleasures that appeal to you. Their awareness of your playful nature and their appreciation of the joy you feel when you’re engaged in fun activities helps you enjoy these experiences even more. They understand your need for leisure and play and want to support you in manifesting these adventures. Usually, they are happy to leave the planning to you—even if they pay for the trip! They want you to enjoy yourself.

  They are particularly good vacation karma for you. For example, I have a client whose boss has his North Node in her 5th House. She often has to go where he goes, and she’s been to Canada; New York; Washington, D.C.; and Maui. She went to Maui for one week and ended up staying for five. Each week he told her: “We didn’t finish our business and you’ll have to stay another week.” So she rented a convertible, and after work she would drive all over the island having adventures.

  As you accept this person’s gift and allow them to encourage you to play, take risks, have adventures, and generate more fun in life, your demonstration motivates them to also become more playful and adventurous. In this way, you empower each other to relax, be yourselves, and enjoy the ups and downs of life on planet Earth.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of stimulating your creativity and your sense of play, this person may in
advertently drain energy away from your intellectual nature: your ability to see the Big Picture, your humanitarian pursuits, and your interest in esoteric forms of knowledge (New Age topics, astrology, etc.). In fact, you may feel that their knowledge and understanding of life is somewhat limiting—that they don’t really get where you are coming from or share your perspective of life. But they disarm you and you have so much fun with them that usually you don’t care.

  Although this person is a good influence on your romantic relationships and your relationships with children, they may encourage you to become so involved in these special relationships that you neglect your friendships. They are also not likely to give you good advice about friendship in general, and it will be up to you to ensure that you have the time you need to keep your friendships alive. This person is here to stimulate your sense of play and increase your ability to experience the vitality of life. However, it is in your best interest to also pursue other arenas that are mentally stimulating for you.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. If you want something from someone with this nodal position, just approach them with a light, playful attitude and they’ll go along. Or make a game out of it.

  If you try to discuss things with this person as an equal on an intellectual basis, they will probably have a hard time hearing you and won’t really follow your train of thought. In fact, you will have to approach them playfully in order to get around their habitual objections.

  Just by being in your life, this person makes you happy and you make them happy—and that’s where you want to come from when you interact with them. If you think of them as a child, not as an equal, and respond to them from the child within you, you’re more likely to approach them in a way that allows the relationship to be the fun exchange it is meant to be.

  When you have to confront them about something, if you can kid around with them and do it in a playful way, they are much more likely to cooperate. If you try to be serious with them, they will tend to shut down. If this happens you can usually just suggest an activity: “Let’s go to lunch and forget about it; let’s do something else.” Then their doldrums will dissolve and you may be able to approach the subject later with a lighter tone. For instance, you might tease them by saying: “Listen, I know you don’t care about this—you’re not even interested—but I’m going to show you anyway.” And if there’s something you want to do, don’t try to talk about it in an objective way, just say: “I want to go hang out with my friends; it just makes me happy.”

  One of their purposes in your life is to reconnect you with your playful childlike nature, and when you accept their gift and speak to them from your inner child when dealing with any issue—“I don’t like playing this way,” or “Can’t we make this more fun?”—you automatically shift them back into the best part of themselves. Then the resolutions you find together will be much more mutually satisfying.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no specific past life influences related to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 5th House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Part III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  In a past incarnation this Soul was somehow responsible for robbing you of the personal joy of your connection with a child, a love affair, or your own creative expression. They interfered with your awareness of your own natural likes and dislikes, and your individuality. They enlisted your talents and energies for their own selfish purpose, or in the name of a “higher cause” that benefited others at your expense. For example, they may have been a parent who separated you from a romantic relationship and put you in a convent or monastery for an ulterior purpose—perhaps your lover’s family wanted him to marry another for political or financial gain. Or they may have channeled your artistic talents away from the landscapes you loved to create and convinced you to paint portraits of the rich, which was more lucrative.

  Whatever the specific scenario, in some way this person denied you the desires and joys of your heart. They violated your own true instincts of attraction and sacrificed the child within you, causing you to lose touch with your desires and your awareness of what makes you personally happy on a deep, heart level. And this loss may still be affecting you in this lifetime.

  This person is uniquely equipped to put you back in touch with the energy of your own true attraction so you can again follow your heart by consciously recognizing what really makes you happy. This is a “payback” lifetime for them, and in some way they are destined to awaken your awareness of your heart’s guidance. They may drain energy from any “idealized dreams” you are aiming toward if these are interfering with your pursuit of the things that will make you happy on a concrete, personal level.

  When their North Node is in your 6TH HOUSE, they are bringing you the gifts of:

  WORK—If a person who plays a significant role in your life has their North Node in your 6th House, it’s time for you to get organized and get to work! They don’t like it when you’re not producing, and they know just the right way to help you keep your nose to the grindstone and bring projects to successful completion. Knowing this, you can learn to use their energy to your advantage. For example, one of my personal challenges is procrastination. Sometimes, even though I have a deadline, I just can’t seem to force myself to get down to work. However, if I call my friend who has this nodal position and say, “Debra, I have work to do and I’m just sitting here doing nothing,” that’s all she needs to hear. Right away she takes me to task and says the exact words that inspire me to get back to work!

  This person is good work karma for you, and it is wise to listen to their advice on any issue concerning your job or profession. They are aware of how you express yourself through your work and other daily responsibilities. Their suggestions can increase your efficiency and support you in staying true to yourself and honoring your talents, so if you have any kind of work-related problem, by all means go to them and explain the situation. They can help you sort it out and will give you the insights you need to make decisions that support your goals and improve your relationships with co-workers or employees.

  Someone with this nodal position is also able to spot areas where you are sabotaging yourself around work. For example, if you own a business and have tried partnering with others—perhaps with a profit-sharing plan—they will be able to see if this has created difficulties for you. If so, they can help you come up with other ideas that will benefit your business. Their influence can also increase the flow of work coming to you—sometimes in unexpected ways. One client was visiting her daughter (her North Node is in her mother’s 6th House), who was in the hospital in another state. Her daughter introduced her to everyone who came into the hospital room and told them that her mom was a gifted astrologer. It turned out that lots of appointments for readings came out of that visit. There’s no time off when you’re with someone who has this nodal position, which makes them a perfect choice to promote your work or products.

  As you accept this person’s gift and allow them to increase your productivity by acting on their advice, you also inspire them to make positive changes in their own work situation. In fact, over time you will develop accurate insights that can help them out in these areas, eventually creating a relationship where you empower each other in terms of your jobs or professions and your work-related relationships.

  ORGANIZATION—One of the reasons this person has crossed your path is because you need to strengthen your organizational skills at this time. They have good ideas about how to structure your time, and are a positive influence in terms of sticking to your routines. If you have lots of different activities you want to do but can’t see how to fit everything in, this is the person to consult. They can also help you by creating a system
that brings the details of your life into more efficient order, or by taking care of some things for you. A person with this nodal position makes a great employee, co-worker, or employer for you, as they will validate and encourage your work efforts. They can also plan and organize things in the most efficient way—including your work environment. So they would be an especially good choice for you in terms of a secretary, accountant, personal assistant, or an architect for designing office space.

  In all areas of your life, if you are having difficulty producing a particular result, this person will give you practical ideas that help you achieve your desired outcome. They can also help you to grow personally, because they see how certain shifts in your behavior can empower you and make your life more efficient and productive. They will bring order into your life through encouraging and assisting YOU to organize your business, home, and personal routines in ways that help you achieve your goals.

  By accepting their gift and allowing them to help you successfully organize your life, you simultaneously bring out the best in them. Also, your example motivates them to begin actively creating more order in their own lives. In this way, you empower each other to experience the clarity and ease that results from a greater level of organization.

  PROCESSING, INTEGRATION, AND FOCUS—We process intangible input in much the same way we digest food—“digesting” our experiences by integrating what is useful into our being and letting go of the rest. If a significant person has their North Node in your 6th House, they are in your life because you are ready to begin understanding and integrating your experiences on a higher level. They bring you the gift of helping you process, organize, and integrate data in a way that allows you to use it effectively in your life. And as you become more integrated internally, the situations you create in the outer world will come into greater alignment with what is healthy for you and makes you happy.


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