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Cosmic Love

Page 42

by Jan Spiller

  For example, under the guidance of a Past Life Regressionist with this nodal position, I connected with many past life scenarios that helped me better understand my current circumstances. I realized that some of my negative responses were based on past life memories, and were actually illogical and counterproductive in this lifetime. In one life I was stoned to death for ideas that were considered heresy in that society. I have no logical reason to fear expressing my ideas now, and yet that unconscious memory had created tremendous fear about publishing my first book—which I didn’t understand at the time.

  A person with this nodal position can help you process troubling situations. If there are circumstances that are causing you to feel victimized or confused, they have the ability to give words to your apprehensions and assist you in gaining clarity. Just their presence—even as a friend or lover—has a healing influence, and as you accept and acknowledge this gift your anxieties subside. They also assist in releasing tension by helping you focus on practical steps you can take in the here and now to create productive results. They can teach you to consciously stay in the present moment—instead of the past or the future—which allows your life to become more energetic and expand in a way that empowers you to enjoy each moment more completely.

  An example of this would be the Samurai of Japan. Their hyper-awareness of the present moment expands their consciousness to register even the tiniest detail within that moment—including any sounds, movement, the temperature of the breeze, and the exact position of everyone present. This ability not only creates an unbeatable warrior, but a sensual, vibrant experience of all of life. It’s as if time stops—your senses are fully awake and your experience of everything is heightened and intensified. This is an invigorating and pleasurable space for the mind, and it also creates an opening for the way of Discipleship—seeing a path that will lead to a practical application of your visions or dreams.

  At an optimum level, this person’s influence can put you into that space of expanded awareness. As you accept their gift and allow their influence to help you stay in the present, your example inspires them to join you so you can both gain an expanded sense of being alive.

  PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL HEALTH—This person is also in your life to positively affect your health. Sometimes they do this by being a good example—they may exercise, have a healthy diet, and thereby inspire you—or their poor health habits can remind you what NOT to do! For example, I have a friend with this nodal position and we both came down with the winter flu at about the same time. I tried to ignore it, didn’t take time to rest, and ended up with acute bronchitis that hung on for weeks. She rested, took good care of herself, and recovered quickly. I learned a better approach to my own health from her example.

  Even the energy of someone whose North Node falls in your 6th House is good for your health—you feel stronger and are more inclined to adopt healthy habits just by being around them. They will also be aware of any attitudes or ideas you have that could undermine your health. So having a doctor, counselor, or other type of healer (nutritionist, acupuncturist, personal trainer, etc.) with this nodal position can be a definite asset.

  This person will also be very supportive of your hobbies, because they know that having interests outside of your vocation is important in maintaining optimal health. When you are involved in a physical activity you enjoy—golf, crafts, gardening, woodworking, etc.—they are aware of how happy you are and will support this use of your time. They are even a good influence on your pets, giving you objective feedback concerning your animal companions, or helping you choose a pet you will enjoy. Any suggestion they have regarding your pets is likely to be accurate: This would be a good person to provide grooming, pet sitting, interspecies communication, veterinary care, or other healing practices for your animal friends.

  Another way this person will influence your life is that in order for you to become healthier on every level, you need to become involved in work that supports your psychological well-being and increases your flow of energy. To this end, they will appreciate and encourage your desire to help those who are less fortunate, because they understand that it is healthy to look beyond personal interests and it makes you feel good about yourself. Someone with this nodal position understands the ways your talents are of help to others, and their validation strengthens your impulse to serve. In the workplace, they may recognize the subtle ways you assist others, and at home they will notice the ways in which you support loved ones.

  In romance, this person has the key to helping you adjust your behaviors so that your primary relationships can be more successful. When unhealthy patterns of relating arise, they will point it out so that you can heal any dysfunctions that may have habitually gotten in the way in your close relationships. As you accept this person’s gifts by adopting healthy habits, pursuing activities that feed your life force, and healing counterproductive behaviors, you simultaneously bring out the best in them. Your example can even inspire them to enact these beneficial changes in their own life.

  POTENTIAL AREAS OF CONCERN—In the process of enhancing your focus on work and active participation, this person may inadvertently drain energy from your pursuit of solitude, inner reflection, and self-renewal. Someone with this nodal position definitely won’t support you in taking downtime for rest and recuperation—to them it feels like you are wasting time. They feed you the energy that prompts you to take action! So if you are a person who needs time alone to recharge yourself on a regular basis, you will have to take responsibility to ensure that you get it.

  Also, although they can help you learn to recognize self-sabotaging behaviors in terms of how they are affecting your ability to produce results and attain your goals, this person is unlikely to be aware of any underlying issues of a deeper nature. Especially if this is a close relationship, don’t count on them to recognize if you are encountering serious difficulties. In fact, if this type of situation arises it is in your best interest to consult someone else to assist you in getting beyond any profound psychological issues.

  BEST APPROACH—The words we use to propose things to others are so important. They reflect where we are coming from, which always determines the outcome. If someone’s North Node falls in your 6th House, it is part of their destiny to help you develop your capacity for getting organized, making a plan, and getting the job done. So if you approach them from an analytical, work-oriented perspective, they will be able to hear you and respond to you in a positive way.

  By translating your needs or wants into a practical plan of action, you give them something they can relate to. If you’re anxious about a particular situation, you can best share your feelings with them in the context of a task. For instance: “You know I have problems with commitment in relationships, and I would feel a lot less anxious if we could write down a list of our mutual goals.” By presenting fears or concerns in the form of a plan to overcome them, they will be able to hear you and support you. In fact, if this is a primary relationship, making a list of the goals you are aiming for as a couple will really help to keep things on a positive track.

  In planning playtime, if you say, “I’m so exhausted; I need a vacation,” they may not be able to hear you. So instead say, “My work is slipping. I need a vacation so that I can think more clearly when I return”—then, they are likely to support you. Or you can create the downtime you need by presenting them with a concrete plan and asking for their help in implementing it: “Look, to be efficient and be at my best, I need one hour of alone time a day. Will you help me figure out how to fit that into our schedule?” Even if they are your lover or child, if you think of this person in the role of an employee, you will suddenly know how to interact with them in a balanced way that works for both of you.

  PAST LIFE INFLUENCES—There are no specific past life influences related to this nodal position unless a person’s North Node falls in your 6th House and their South Node conjoins one of your planets (see Pa
rt III). Then meeting them in this lifetime is truly a matter of destiny—a contract to be fulfilled—and these influences may be strongly felt.

  In a past incarnation this Soul was in some way at least partially responsible for your being imprisoned against your will. This could have been a “gilded cage” situation where you were kept as a concubine or were the wife of a wealthy man. You may have actually been in prison due to a miscarriage of justice, or shut away in a convent or monastery. But regardless of the specific scenario, you were kept away from the daily workplace. Consequently, this is a payback lifetime for this person and they are subconsciously driven to involve you in work so that you can reconnect with the power of your own material autonomy.

  Due to your past journey together, they are uniquely equipped to help you develop the skills and talents that you were previously prevented from expressing. Whether this is a short-or long-term relationship, their influence can result in a healing that greatly increases your self-confidence and takes your work to a whole new level. However, if this is a partnership, because your old pattern with this Soul is so familiar, you could begin to feel like their initiative invalidates you or somehow inhibits your talents. But on a deeper level you will know it is not correct to keep these parts of yourself hidden in this lifetime. So if in the process of stimulating your work energy this person is simultaneously suppressing you in some way, your challenge is to speak up and not allow this to happen. Through this process you will reclaim previously buried parts of yourself and allow them to be revealed in new, positive ways.

  When you accept this person’s gift and allow them to involve you in work projects that help you develop the skills you need to more effectively produce tangible results in the world, you are also allowing them to repay their debt. In this way it becomes a win-win situation that benefits both of you.

  When their North Node is in your 7TH HOUSE, they are bringing you the gifts of:

  PARTNERSHIP—If someone whose North Node falls in your 7th House comes into your life, your Soul was calling out for someone to partner with you, or to help you learn how to do partnerships successfully. It’s time to stop trying to live life by doing it on your own, and to experience the joy and support that comes from being part of a team. This person will immediately recognize your abilities in this area and be totally comfortable with establishing a partnership with you right away. They automatically want to partner with you and support you in getting what you want—and you are likely to feel the same way. They inspire you to be generous with them and to share what you have. They want to create a kind of co-dependency with you—doing everything together as a team. So when you say, “Let’s do this together!” they usually say, “Yes!” and a happy, mutually beneficial partnership is formed in which you are both sensitive to what the other person needs in order to feel supported.

  You will see their gifts and feel inspired to activate your own talents. For instance, if you have always wanted to sing, dance, create art, etc., this relationship may create an opening for you to begin performing together. In fact, one of the reasons this person is in your life is to help you fulfill some of your personal dreams in situations where you may not have had the motivation or opportunity to do it on your own.

  For example, I had a close friend with this nodal position who was a gifted Tarot card reader. Because of his nodal position I was objectively aware of his talents and could see that his philosophy was very healing for people. So I was inspired to combine my talents with his and we co-created a board game, Psychic Connection, which had an incredibly positive effect on those who played it.

  Whether this person is your child, co-worker, parent, friend, or mate, their energy is automatically going to teach you how to “do relationships correctly.” They may teach you in a positive way, or through their negative example. I have a client whose father has this nodal position. He was mostly absent during the important moments of her life, and she learned that this causes relationships to NOT work. Now she makes a conscious effort to be present in her important relationships so that she can create results that are different from what she experienced with her father. But he did teach her—in a backward way—how to do relationships successfully.

  This person is good relationship karma for you, and will have a positive effect on all your other relationships and partnerships. They would be a great relationship counselor for you, as they can give you good advice about how to handle your interactions with others. And because the 7th House also rules the public, they could successfully act as an agent or coach to increase your effectiveness in relating to the public.

  PRIMARY RELATIONSHIPS—A romantic partner with this nodal position will really let you know that you are loved. They innately know the best way to let you see how special you are to them and to make you feel good about yourself. In fact, they may go around telling everyone: “This is the man/woman of my dreams!” When you first meet this person, it’s likely that they will immediately decide that you are the right person for them and want to move in with you right away and begin a life together—long before you even know how you feel about them. But they will be generous with you, and their influence inspires you to open your heart to them. You may also feel you have met your perfect mate. They are bringing you the gift of showing you the potential of creating the kind of primary relationship you have always wanted—a dream come true!

  With this nodal position, one of their purposes in your life is to help you become more aware of how you interact with others. They are aware of your needs in partnership and want to do everything with you. They are teaching you about true reciprocal support and how to be a good partner. Something about their energy stimulates your desire for partnership and makes you open to learning from them.

  This person is bringing you the gift of objectively being aware of another and allowing yourself to love them even though you see their flaws. And because you are so deeply aware of this person’s identity, issues of enmeshment may arise. In fact, you may feel so much love for them that you act counter to your intuition and your own internal limits. However, part of successfully receiving their gift is learning how to prevent this from happening. A strong team is based on two people maintaining their own identity.

  As you accept their gift of themselves as a significant other you will learn about the potential and joys of primary relationships. And when you allow them to teach you about partnership and cooperation, you bring out the best in them. In fact, it may become a mutual learning experience as you find patterns of unconscious co-dependency that need to be addressed. Then you can work together to heal these dysfunctions so you can experience the joys of a healthy, interdependent primary relationship.

  COOPERATION AND DIPLOMACY—When a significant person in your life has their North Node in your 7th House, one of the reasons the Universe has brought them across your path is because you need to enhance the qualities of cooperation, tact, and diplomacy in your personality. It’s time for you to become more aware of the individuality of others and to learn new ways of interacting so that your relationships can be more successful. Because you are instinctively sensitive to this person, you are naturally more tactful and cooperative with them. This is one way you learn—through your interactions with them—how to relate to others more smoothly.

  Someone with this nodal position will develop your ability to be diplomatic and help you to become a team player just by virtue of how they interact with you. Their influence is teaching you patience, tolerance, increased awareness of others, and the art of healthy cooperation. They are helping you learn when it is correct to put the other person first.

  Also, your response to being confronted in one-on-one relationships will change, as you won’t feel threatened by this person in a way that evokes defensiveness. If they are upset, you will naturally respond with a “let’s work it out together” approach rather than being combative. In fact, you are likely to never be harsh with this person. As you graciously
receive their gift of Love and allow them to help you become more cooperative, diplomatic, and tactful in your relationships, a channel will open for a greater flow of Love between you.

  INTEGRITY AND DISCRIMINATION—A person with this nodal position will help you break the habit of projecting your identity onto others. In relationships, it’s important to recognize who the other person really is so that your decisions are based on accurate information. This is vital, because a person will always take action in accordance with their own true identity. So it is to your advantage to understand that the character flaws you see in this person will indeed impact your relationship. This is where your integrity comes into play: Rather than ignore red flags, it is important to be honest with yourself and acknowledge them. Then you can decide whether you can accommodate that quality, if you want to ask the other person if it is something they are willing to change.

  For example, regardless of the image they present to others, if this person is dishonest with money, you will see that quality in them. And that dishonesty—rather than any idealistic expectations you may have—will, in the end, be what dictates their behavior, because it is part of their identity—unless they consciously decide to change it. Also, if they are giving you mixed messages, pay attention to that: Let their influence help you learn to trust your own instincts about what you observe in others—without judgment, but with an objective appraisal of who they really are as an individual. Then you can use discrimination and partner with people whose character is truly compatible with your own.


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