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Imperfect Consequences

Page 9

by Piper Stone

David couldn’t believe almost a week had passed. After the passionate and very intimate evening shared with Shannon, his priorities had shifted. He couldn’t figure out if the next step in their volatile journey would be explosive or the beginning of a sweet end. Either way, he anticipated there would be an end. He felt closer to her, yet she continued to be distant, reflective, and although he longed to grill her about her thoughts, he gave her what he hoped was a gift of time alone. Work had been incredibly busy and at least kept his mind off the impeding discussion they were slated to have on Sunday. Everything about the future of their marriage seemed to be riding on whatever decision they made.

  Now as he approached Friday afternoon, ready to head home for the day, he popped up the Word file he’d worked on all week bits at a time. Rules. Jesus Christ, he was making rules for her. He’d paced the floor for the last half hour, anxiety sweeping through him. David shivered as sweat rolled down places in his body that were way too uncomfortable, and here he was, putting together a set of rules, like a grocery list. Their marriage had come down to this? “This is the right thing to do. You read as much and talked to Jim, and everyone said this is the best way to start, and…”

  Oh my God, he was talking to himself. Breathe and think. Closing his eyes briefly, he calmed down and was able to think clearly. He was mindfucking himself. The truth was, Shannon needed a very formal set of guidelines. She’d told him in no uncertain terms she was craving them. As a teenager he’d hated rules of any kind, being the rebellious kid who’d been in trouble more often than not. How many days had he spent in detention during his junior year of high school? Thank God, he’d smoothed out the rough edges for senior year, or no college would have taken his wild ass. And here he was, dictating commandments for his wife to follow. What an oxymoron.

  Smiling, he studied the edicts he’d created for Shannon, reading and re-reading every one of them. Don’t talk back. No cussing. No hiding secrets. No excess spending. No use of credit cards without asking. Now he was sighing. Were they ridiculous rules? Was she going to balk, laugh in his face? He’d listened to a list of several Jim had determined for Sally as well as those she added, and now he was confused as to whether or not they made any sense. Hitting print, he was swaying back and forth as the single piece of paper printed. The words on the page seemed so small to him, the words filling so much of the page. Swallowing hard, he was starting to have doubts.

  You can do this. This is a trial period, that’s all. Yeah, like he was driving a car for a solid month, testing out its racing capabilities. David wiped his mouth and groaned. Nodding over and over again, he saved the file on a memory stick, slipped the flash drive into his briefcase, and calmed his nerves. He certainly wanted Shannon to have the opportunity to mull over the rules before their discussion. “Jesus.” Why was he so nervous?

  “So, how’s home life?” Bruce asked, popping his head into David’s office. “Whoa, you look like you just went three rounds with Mike Tyson, buddy. You okay?”

  “Yeah. I guess I am and life is interesting.” David wiped beads of sweat from his brow.

  “Interesting good or bad? From the looks of you, I’m thinking horrible.”

  David grinned. “No. Good, I think.”

  “Hmm… okay. Such a decisive man. I love that about you,” Bruce chuckled.

  Grabbing his briefcase, he shook his head. “You know I think this weekend is going to be, well… interesting.”

  “Do I need to purchase you a thesaurus?”

  “Very funny.” David looked toward the open office door and lowered his voice. “We’re having a final discussion about DD.”

  “You’re kidding? I thought you’d killed the idea. You haven’t said a word about anything the past week. I was afraid to ask, too.”

  “Nope. Just letting the idea settle in my harried mind. I don’t know, Bruce. I’m nervous and excited at the same time.”

  “Well, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Just talk to each other.”

  “That’s exactly what we’re going to do. Truth is, I think after our talk on Sunday, I’m either going to be a permanent fixture at your house for a few weeks, or I might be taking on an entirely new position at home.”

  “I’m going to hope for a total immersion into a wonderful lifestyle that will keep you both breathless and you very much in control.” Bruce’s eyes flashed mischief.

  “You grew tired of me that quickly?”

  “I think it was the heavy snoring. No wonder Shannon grouses at you.”

  David burst into laughter. “You might have a point. Wish me luck.”

  Bruce leaned in. “I don’t think you’re going to need it. My guess is, you both are going to make the right decision. I remember the one time I really grilled Jim about why he and Sally wanted this, and he said the most heartfelt and yet, somehow startling, few words. He told me that if you truly love each other, you’ll do anything and everything it takes to find a way back to each other, no matter the obstacles and no matter how difficult the very aspect is for either one of you. The people most in love are the ones who are selfless, as well as committed.”

  For a few seconds, David allowed the words to sink in. “Powerful.”

  “Exactly. Just remember that, and if you really love Shannon, with all your heart, then the man inside is going to know what’s right for both of you.”

  God, he hoped so. “Thanks.”

  “And I hope not to see you on Monday.” Patting David on the back, Bruce began whistling as he walked out of David’s office.

  “The theme to Happy Days?” He couldn’t help but laugh. Glancing out the window into the sun, he repeated the words, his heart filling with love. Yes, he loved her with all his heart. Time to head home and see what would unfold.

  As he walked out to his car, he couldn’t help but whistle the same tune.

  David was forced to turn up the radio full blast on the way home. The song remained stuck in his mind. When he pulled into the driveway, he was momentarily nervous and out of breath. He’d been thinking a lot about his parents, knowing the times he’d seen them behind locked doors were more than just discussions. What he’d realized after so many days of soul searching was that his parents had been headed for divorce when he was about ten. Then, something happened after going on an extended vacation. After he grew up, his thoughts were that they’d rediscovered wicked sex.

  Chuckling, now he knew better. Grabbing his things, he walked inside. Immediately, he was struck by the way the entire fragrance of the house seemed different. Maybe he was just different. Inhaling, he smiled. Shannon’s perfume seemed to be coming from everywhere, the scent exotic and full of sensuality. She wasn’t in the kitchen, but the lights were on and candles were on the table. He glanced at the open bottle of wine and two crystal stems. Merlot was her favorite. They hadn’t shared a glass of wine at home together in what seemed like ages. Lately, his drink of choice had been bourbon on the rocks to dull the pain.

  He poured the two glasses, swirling the tip of his finger around the edge of both. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, to his wife. There were so many aspects about moving into this phase of their life that enthralled him, but in truth, terrified the hell out of him. He exhaled slowly, realizing his breath was ragged, just as much as his mind was rattled, teeming with questions.

  David stared down at his briefcase for a full minute before reaching down and unzipping the side pocket. Pulling out the list of rules, he rubbed his finger across every one of them before easing the pages down on top of the table. The people most in love are the ones who are selfless, as well as committed. The phrase continued to haunt him.

  “I’m glad you’re home.”

  Smiling, David glanced in her direction. For some reason, he thought she looked more radiant than usual, but he could tell she was nervous. She was fidgeting with several strands of her hair, a classic sign of intense nerves. “I am, too. I poured us some wine.”

  Shannon nodded, her eyes opened wide as she glanced down
at the table. “I’ve been thinking.”


  “The guidelines you were talking about.”

  David wasn’t certain what to say. “I think they’re important. I’m not trying to be too strict or take away all your privileges. I just think there are some aspects of your life that need some control, curtailing.”

  “I um… I do, too. I think I have a few I want to add. That is, if you don’t mind.”

  “Mind? No I don’t, of course.” He pushed the piece of paper across the table, halfway surprised she was agreeing without reading the rules first. “I just put together a few and they’re subject to discussion.”

  Biting her lower lip, she folded her arms and moved closer, her eyes never leaving his face.

  He noticed her bare feet, her painted toes, and the slip of a dress she was wearing that managed to hug every curve of her body in a sensuous fashion. She seemed so vulnerable to him, and the thought caught him off guard, gave him such a protective notion. David wrapped his hand around a glass, his hand shaking.

  Shannon placed her hand over his. “Stop worrying. I know this is the right thing.”

  “I’m glad you feel this way.”

  “And you don’t?” Her voice was soft, comforting. Taking a single finger, she stroked the top of his hand. “May I read the rules?”

  Even the way she asked the question was demure, yet so confident. Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head. “Of course.” David backed away, placing his hand in his pockets.

  She took the wine with one hand as she picked up the piece of paper with the other. Saying nothing, her eyes darted back and forth across the print.

  “I just want you to know, I do love you. I don’t show you very often, but I do love you. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved in my life.”

  Shannon tilted her head, a single tear slipping from her eye. “I know.”

  David’s breathing became labored as he watched her, wondering what in the hell she had to be thinking. When she gave him a single look before sipping her wine, her eyes shimmering, but filled with a haunted reflection, he reached for his glass. The second she walked out of the kitchen without saying anything, he exhaled slowly but remained frozen. He simply couldn’t move and had no idea what to think. Maybe he’d been a fool to actually think this might work. But she seemed to want to explore the change in their lifestyle, even resorting to something he still considered extreme. He took a few sips of wine before setting the glass down and was about ready to hole himself up in his office when she walked back in.

  Without saying anything, she walked over and laid the piece of paper back down. Closing the distance between them, she pressed her hand against his cheek. Rising onto her tiptoes, she kissed his lips softly, her tongue floating back and forth across his mouth. When she eased back, she smiled. “I love you. You’re my husband and this is something we need and we’re both ready for. I know every day isn’t going to be easy, but I want to try so badly. David, I will do whatever it takes to keep our marriage together.”

  “I will, too.”

  A look of relief eased onto her face.

  “Sunday. We’ll talk on Sunday.”

  Nodding, she held up her wine. “Sunday.”

  David waited until she walked toward the door before looking down at the paper. In red pen, she’d written several additions. He blinked as he read them. I will be a more understanding wife. I will obey my husband. I will learn to forgive myself. I will be his partner, his lover, and his friend. “The people most in love are the ones who are selfless, as well as committed.” As he looked up at her face, he could see relief replace any remaining doubt. Now, they would begin a new chapter in their life, one they were both ready for.

  Shannon was pacing in her office, biting her nails as she continued to sneak quick glances at the clock. He’d told her, in no uncertain terms, to text him every day at exactly three, to tell him what she was doing. In addition, she was required to tell him if she was going to be late. Of course, he hadn’t cared when she had a meeting, but he was trying to be strict. She laughed as she hung her head. She’d so easily agreed to the rules and was already questioning them. But she’d read on several blogs this was normal. Women questioned and were frustrated. Was anything normal? She was, without a doubt, frustrated. David had taken to his new role a little too well, in her opinion.

  Shaking her head, she pressed her fingertip across the seam of her mouth as she reflected on the last couple of days. His authoritative tone and mannerisms had indeed been stern, but not harsh. He was quietly learning his role, expecting her to obey, but happy to explain the rules and why. Not cussing was the toughest rule so far. She swore like a sailor. Shit. Damn. Hell. Just thinking the words made her feel like a bad girl. Daydreaming about her first over-the-knee spanking had consumed her lately. My God, she was even using acronyms. Now she rolled her eyes.

  When she glanced back at the small clock on her desk, she gasped. It was two minutes after three. “Shit.” She grabbed her phone, swearing under her breath as she texted him, misspelling every other word. “Fuck!” She was growing more and more frustrated as she tried to type, finally managing just about twenty words in almost two minutes. Between her shaking hand and fumbling fingers, she was doomed. Hitting send, she breathed out and growled quickly afterward. She already sucked at this.

  Shannon walked around to the other side of her desk, gripping the edge. Frustrated beyond belief, she decided it was time to finish up for the day and go home. At least dinner Saturday night had been… As she tried to search for the right word, she sat down, pressing the space bar. Her computer hummed back to life, and she studied her clients’ application for a new home. Selling real estate wasn’t the first love of her life, writing always had been. Yeah, maybe she would write a book.

  She bit her lip and stole a quick glance at the door, grinning. Her naughty little secret was one she loved. Popping on the internet, she typed in the blog address, reading the name out loud. “One Woman’s Journey Into Domestic Discipline.” The name seemed perfect. As she scrolled down the few entries, something caught her eye. She already had followers. How could that be? She certainly hadn’t told anyone, including David, about her new blog, wanting to have at least a full month’s worth of entries before even considering mentioning it to anyone. Shannon thought about the day she’d started her project, hoping she didn’t have to conclude with the word divorce. Now, at two weeks old, her blog was fairly new, yet she was very comfortable sharing her emotions and fears online. “Interesting.” She was struck by the few comments already written about her very frank blogs. Sitting back in her chair, she shivered. She was onto something. Women were interested in finding out more. They were hungry to figure out another way of dealing with a troubled marriage.

  Well, comments back and forth from seven different women certainly didn’t make her an expert on DD, but she was certainly jazzed. Perhaps tonight she’d be able to add a new story. The moment she clicked off her blog, she heard a text coming in as her phone buzzed. She grabbed it and smiled, seeing the message was from David. Then she froze in her chair, shivers racing down her back. She swallowed hard as she read the message, turning instantly wet, hot, cold and nervous all at the same time.

  Closing her eyes, she rubbed her temples before reading the text again.

  I’ll be home at six-thirty. I want you in the kitchen with your nose pressed in the corner, completely naked. Have your wooden hairbrush placed on the counter and a bourbon and coke prepared for me.

  There was nothing else. The words were simple and easy to follow. And she had never been so terrified and tingly with anticipation in her entire life. Exhaling slowly, she finished with a whine and she eased back in her chair, swiveling back and forth as she laid her head back on the headrest. She knew this would happen one day, right? They’d talked about this. They’d talked about a lot of things. She’d prepared herself to be spanked, disciplined. Spankings would vary. There would be punishment spankings and
maybe maintenance spankings. She giggled as she thought about how often she might be placed over David’s knee.

  Shannon held up her phone again and wheezed. Suddenly unable to focus, she leaned her head down on top of the desk, trying desperately to collect her thoughts. After maybe five minutes, she jerked to her feet, nearly tumbling over the desk. As her hand knocked several files on to the floor, she growled. “Shit!” She slapped her hand over her mouth, giving herself a mental spanking. My God. What in the hell was she doing? What were they doing?

  Groaning, she breathed in and out, repeating the effort several times and eased around the desk, one hand firmly on the edge. Very carefully, she leaned down and picked up the files, her heart thumping like a thoroughbred. This was pathetic. The files back in their place, she wiped her mouth and knew it was time to leave. She was just no good to anyone, a bundle of Jell-O and nothing more. Yep, she was going to have a nervous breakdown before six-thirty hit.

  Every move methodical; she turned off her computer, grabbed her things, pushed back the strands of sweaty hair from her face, and mumbled a goodbye to her assistant. The poor girl had to be wondering if Shannon was losing all her marbles, given her rather odd behavior the last few weeks. If she wasn’t grousing, she was gloating. So much for all her straight-laced professionalism.

  Shannon wasn’t entirely certain how she’d gotten home. When she walked inside her house, even the normal clicking noises the appliances were making sounded annoying as hell. To say her nerves were on edge wasn’t just an understatement. She found herself racing into the bedroom, jerking off her high heels and pantyhose, literally pitching both into the closet. She’d worry about being neat and tidy later.

  For some reason, she had to freshen up her makeup. Yes, she needed to look perfect. The moment she turned on the bathroom light she stopped short, a single wave of nausea floating up from her stomach. Where was she heading with this? What was going to be the point of looking beautiful? She suspected tears would be rolling down her cheeks. That’s the very second it dawned on her. The spanking was about to happen, and the whipping would hurt. Like hell. As David had reminded her, at least twice, spankings were supposed to hurt.


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