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Imperfect Consequences

Page 10

by Piper Stone

  After all, they were punishments, right? She turned around, forcing her butt to face the mirror and glance at her reflection. Would she be able to sit at work tomorrow? Gulping air, she thought about all those erotic romance books she’d read where spankings were involved. She chuckled; they were always sexy and always followed by a wild round of sex. The women seemed to beg for it, too. Shannon snorted. As if she would be begging him to whip her harder. Not gonna happen.

  She huffed and had to fluff her hair and powder her nose anyway, no matter how disheveled she was going to look later. When she was finished, she stood tall and smiled brightly. Then she stamped her feet like a kid, praying she’d made the right decision with this. They were three days into their thirty-day trial and somehow, she had a feeling she was going to receive a boatload of whippings.

  On her way to the kitchen to grab a huge glass of wine, she turned on the CD player, hoping a heady round of Nickelback was going to calm her nerves. She sauntered into the kitchen, immediately looking at the clock. Thank God, it was only five-fifteen.

  The wine poured, she took a gulp, then refilled her glass before she walked into the living room, swaying to the music. She sang along with a couple of the songs before drinking half of the wine. My God, she was nervous as a kitty cat. Shannon paced the floor, finding some solace from looking out the window. Another song played and another few sips. Maybe going outside would be soothing.

  Tilting her head back, she inhaled deeply the second she walked outside. “Mmm.… yes.” The sun was still shining brightly and the sky a deep blue. She drank in the atmosphere as she scanned the perimeter of their yard. She loved the flowers already blooming for the season and her beloved pond, the subtle trickling noise heard over the guitar licks. For a few seconds, she was at peace. Until she had to look at her watch.

  “God!” The screech was loud, way too loud, and she had to wonder how many of their neighbors might have heard. Sulking, she eased into the house, closing the door and leaning against it. Now, even the music seemed annoying as shit. She was impatient, nervous, and sick to her stomach. And she still had way too long to wait.

  At precisely six on the nose, she grabbed her hairbrush off her dresser, glaring at the implement of pain. The once plain and boring piece was now going to inflict torment on her backside. Shannon rubbed her fingers across the smooth wood, a series of shivers skating down her spine. Her mouth was suddenly dry. Resigned, she headed into the kitchen, very gently placing the brush on the kitchen island. Standing silently, she studied its position, her heart racing. Then she took a single finger and pushed the brush in a perpendicular spot. After a few seconds, she pushed the brush away from her. “God!” This was ridiculous. She took a giant stride away from the island, forcing herself to look away.

  The clock now said six-ten. Where was the time going? Suddenly, she was freaking out, so terrified and yet, her feet wouldn’t move. He was going to be home in just a little while, and she hadn’t even made his drink. “God. Oh, God.” She jerked a glass out of the cabinet, almost losing her grip. Sucking in her breath, she counted to ten before yanking open the freezer door. A bag of peas fell out onto the floor. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!” She slapped her hand over her mouth before picking up the bag, tossing it all the way in the back of the freezer. An entire series of cuss words were ready to explode from her mouth, but she managed to put a few ice cubes in the glass.

  Maneuvering the cap off the bottle proved to be a bit more difficult. By the time the glass was next to the brush, she was panting, and it was already six-twenty. Shannon could barely see straight. Did David tell her to be completely naked or to stand in the corner? Oh my God, she had no memory of which. And where the hell was her damn phone? Grumbling, she didn’t have time for questions.

  Racing into the bedroom, she yanked off the rest of her clothes, also tossing them into the closet and praying he wouldn’t find her mess. Two spankings in one night, her ass couldn’t take. She’d bet on that in Vegas. She stole one look at her reflection and was stunned by what she saw. This wasn’t the terrier who fought anything and everything with her husband. Now she was a demure girl, terrified to face her needed punishment. What a freaking weird dichotomy.

  The thought giving her heart palpitations, she almost ran back into the kitchen. The clock said six-twenty-eight. Holy fuck, this was a close call. She glared at the corner, and for the first time since she’d been a child, she was shaking with the anticipation of how bad she truly had been. A complete series of misdeeds and mistakes raced into her mind. Wow.

  Easing into the corner, she pressed her nose against the wall and clenched her fists. One. Two. Three. Four. Now she was counting to calm her nerves? Holy fuck, this was crazy. She concentrated on her breathing, willing her thumping heart to calm down. A few seconds, or was it minutes, later, she felt better.

  And where in the hell was he? David was late. How dare he be late and…

  The sound of the door opening stopped her cold. She was shivering from head to toe. Licking her lips, Shannon had to close her eyes. When she didn’t hear him coming to find her right away, she almost screamed out but managed to resist. She had to. Oh yes, she had to. But my God, where was he? Then she heard him.

  “Shannon. Very good. I’m very proud of you. Now, it’s time for a discussion.”

  David stood for a full minute in complete shock. He honestly didn’t remember telling her to be naked in preparation for the spanking. Had he? Woo wee, he simply couldn’t remember. Well, no matter, here she stood, buck naked with her skin glistening and he was having difficulty focusing. He scanned the room and seeing the drink and the hairbrush gave him an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach. As he looked back at her trembling body, his heart was filled with a mixture of emotions, but he had to do this. He had to try anyway. “Shannon. Very good. I’m so proud of you. Now, it’s time for a discussion.”

  She nodded and tilted her head down.

  “Just a minute.” Rubbing his mouth, he was merely buying a few more minutes. Suddenly, all the blogs he’d read didn’t mean anything. He had no idea how to go about all of this and was terrified of hurting her. Then he reminded himself, a spanking was supposed to hurt. But first, he wanted to talk with her and discuss her behavior. He took a sip of his drink to calm his nerves and then another. Then he simply pushed the glass away. He needed to be of sound mind for this conversation.

  Pulling out a kitchen chair, he sat down slowly and wiped the flats of his hands down his thighs. “Come here.” He heard her sniffle as she turned. David fought his instinct to simply drag her to him, to hold and kiss her.

  She shuffled forward, her eyes wide. “Yes.”

  “Go ahead and kneel down.”

  Dropping to her knees, she blinked a few times as she looked up at him. “Um… what now?”

  “Relax. I want to talk to you a little bit. Okay?”

  She nodded, her lower lip quivering.

  “How do you feel about this and about what we’re doing?”

  Shannon laughed nervously. “Good and bad. I don’t know. I just… well…” She looked away, scrunching her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. I wanted you to know I’m very proud of how well you’re trying to follow the rules, and for the most part you’re doing a very good job. There are a few things I’ve noticed, however.” David could hear the strain in his voice. Could he really do this?

  She snapped her head up. “What? I mean, what?”

  Her feisty personality was still brimming just under the surface, and in truth, he was glad. She wasn’t going to change her behavior overnight. He wasn’t going to be able to be the strong disciplinarian for her overnight, either. They needed to take this lifestyle change one day at a time.

  “Tell me, what?” Shannon must have realized she’d raised her voice. Recoiling slightly, she sucked in her breath and looked down.

  “That’s a very good example. You get exasperated easily and you have a lot of anger inside of you. You�
��re frustrated with the smallest things, and I’ve heard you cussing under your breath.”

  As if caught red-handed in a cookie car she blushed, the dark crimson riding up from her neck to her cheeks. “You’re right.”

  “I know I’m right. But, you really are trying to keep calm and I appreciate that.” Was he making any freaking sense here? He had no idea. “Do you feel any different inside?”

  She opened her mouth, then bit her lip, taking a few minutes to think.

  “You can be honest with me, Shannon. I want you to.”

  “I don’t know how to say what I’m thinking or feeling.”

  “You need to try. We have to share everything together, remember?” David kept his voice soft.

  “Yes. I want this. I need to be spanked. I feel like I’m bursting at the seams to know what a real spanking is going to feel like, not like the other night. That was more… sensual. I want nothing more than to be a good wife, a better woman. I think I just am afraid. Yes, I know I’m afraid.”

  “Are you afraid of the pain? You know it’s going to hurt.” She thought the first one was sensual? Now he was sweating.

  “No, that’s not it.” Shannon looked down.

  David had never seen her this way, so unsure of herself. Taking a single finger, he lifted her chin. “Then what? You need to always tell me the truth. We need to be completely honest with each other.” A few seconds ticked by and his heart was beating so loudly that an echo was popping in his ears.

  “I’m terrified of disappointing you because I know what that’s going to mean.”

  Her frank words couldn’t have cut him any deeper if she’d used a knife. She was terrified he was going to leave her if she broke any rules. “Shannon, I love you. I want us to work. If you don’t clean the house or say a bad word, I’m not walking out that door. We, and hear me, we have to do this together. I’m no perfect husband. I’m part of the reason we’ve been struggling. I have my faults and I have things I’m trying to work on, including not being a friend for you and snapping at everything you do and don’t do. Okay? We are going to do this.”

  Relief was just under the surface, but fear remained. “Okay.”

  “Good.” Please let this be the right thing. He allowed a full minute to pass before he patted his lap. “Now, it’s time for your punishment. Over my knees.” He helped her up and over his knees and prayed she couldn’t tell how confused and unsure his emotions were. David settled into a place he’d been trying to find within himself. Being in control of the house meant certain responsibilities, and he owed her respect and care. Rubbing both of her ass cheeks, he heard her moan. “This is going to hurt tonight and I suspect you’re going to bruise.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  There was something stilling about the word respect. He nodded, said a silent prayer, and lifted his hand.


  “Oh.” She wiggled as the cry erupted from her lips.

  Pop! Crack! Crack!

  “Ah!” Slapping her hand back over her ass, she jumped.

  “None of that.” David pushed her hand away. “Keep both on the floor.”

  Slap! Pop!

  “No!” Her hand flew back again and she placed her foot on the floor, struggling to get up.

  “That’s going to cost you a few more strikes.” God, his voice was strangled. He gripped her wrist, pulling her arm away.

  Crack! Crack!

  This time she managed to struggle off his lap, sobbing.

  “Shannon. You need to stay put.” He struggled to get her back on top of his knees and eased his leg around hers, holding her legs down. “Stay still.”

  Pop! Crack!

  “Oh!” Sucking in her breath, she kicked one leg, trying to free herself.

  He was growing frustrated, knowing his hand slaps weren’t hard enough. Her ass was a warm pink, but she wasn’t being hit with severe strikes. “Calm down. Breathe for me.” He needed a breather himself. His hand was aching and his blood pumping.

  Whimpering, then several seconds later she calmed down, placing both hands on the floor.

  “Good.” David rubbed her ass cheeks, allowing her a few minutes to regroup.

  Crack! Pop!


  He eyed the brush, debating. When he reached for the wooden handle, he sighed. “I’m going to paddle you with the brush now. Stay still, I don’t want to hurt another part of your body.” The words sounded ridiculous to him.

  Over the next few minutes, he wrangled with his emotions as she struggled under him, wiggling and moaning, her sobs growing louder. The strikes were definitely hard enough—her ass was now a fiery red, and barely seconds later, he knew she’d had enough. As she lay sobbing in his lap, her body trembling, a rush of emotions raced through his mind and heart. The session had been freeing for him and yet confusing as hell.

  Minutes later, he gathered her into his arms cradling her against his chest as she continued to cry. He kissed both eyelids, such love and need for her undeniable. “Good girl. You did very well.” Stroking her, he waited until her sobs were almost gone before walking into the bedroom and laying her down on the bed.

  Her breath caught as she curled on her side, her eyes never leaving his. “David. Do you want me… to suck your cock now?” Gasping, she whimpered.

  “Shhh.” Wow, the question threw him, but he had to admit his cock was stiff. “Not right now.” He leaned over and captured her mouth, the kiss gentle at first and very loving. When she slipped her arm around his neck the passionate moment became more heated, allowing his cock to push hard against his pants. Sliding his hand down her arm to her waist and back up, he caressed the side of her breast as she moaned into the kiss. He’d never wanted her more than he did right now.

  After he broke the kiss she reached for him, her tear-stained face shimmering in the dim lighting. Purring, she gave him an alluring smile.

  Overwhelmed with emotions, David took the tip of a single finger tracing a line down from her forehead to her nose and circling around her mouth. Giving her a quick smile, he tweaked first one nipple then the other. “Stay right there.”

  “Mmm, not going anywhere,” Shannon cooed.

  He slipped into the bathroom and closed the door. As he turned on the light he could see, somehow, his entire expression had changed. Maybe he was a stronger man, more deliberate and yet cautious in his actions. Maybe he could do this. Smiling, he knew he could and better yet, he knew what he wanted.

  After removing his clothes he eased back into the bedroom, allowing the light from the bathroom to send a glow across her body. He stopped short and smiled. She was snoring lightly. David turned out the light and crawled into bed pulling her into his arms. He loved her more today than he had the day he married her. David lay quietly as he nuzzled into her while caressing her arm. As he drifted off to sleep, he could hear her whisper, and he smiled.

  “I love you.”

  Giggling, Shannon wiggled in her chair as she sipped her coffee, reading several of the latest comments on her blog. She’d been a busy girl lately, writing almost one blog a day, highlighting her rather interesting journey into DD. Two weeks had gone by since her first spanking, and David had gotten much better at disciplining her. Better? The man set her ass on fire, and she was barely able to sit. As it should be. She giggled at the thought. His timid actions the first time, were replaced with a firm hand and a stern voice, and she was finding herself more and more drawn into the lifestyle. Granted, they had a long way to go, and they both were well aware of the pitfalls, but so far, she was content and David was as well.

  Their intimacy had also grown, very naturally and passionately, and she was happy, almost peaceful. She’d had one bout of being all out there, followed by a very long and difficult punishment, including being forced to stand in the corner naked for a full hour. Well, she’d deserved it. The thought made her smile.

  Shannon now had more than five hundred followers who were very vocal every time she wrote a new entry. She’d e
ven found a few spanking pictures to include. Maybe one day, she’d ask David to take a photo of one of their spanking sessions. Maybe. Shannon took a sip of coffee and contemplated how to answer the girl who was torn on how to ask her boyfriend to consider the option. Just as she started to type, she heard David’s approaching footsteps. Holy shit, he was home early. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! She struggled to hide the program and barely managed to click on the minimizer when he walked in. Easing back from the desk, she rose and struggled to breathe normally.

  “Well, what’s my little kitten doing in the office so soon after work?” His gaze settled on the blank computer screen. “Hmm, and what were you doing, my love?”


  “Uh-huh. I can tell you were doing something, so spill it.” Leaning against the doorframe, he folded his arms.

  Biting her lip, she gave him a seductive smile. “Now, why would you say that?”

  “Because I know you and you’re biting your lip.”

  Why did she have to feel heat rising on her face? Why? “Just looking at something on the computer.”

  “Hmm, do you mean to say you were writing on your blog, telling all your new followers about your lifestyle change? Let’s see, what’s the name of this snazzy site? Oh yes, ‘One Woman’s Journey Into Domestic Discipline.’”

  “What?” Shocked, she blinked rapidly, trying to figure out just how pissed he was.

  David grinned. “Yes, seems I have a woman who works in my office who’s very interested. Imagine my surprise when she asked me about how we got into the lifestyle.”

  “Oh, lord.” Dear God, they’d been outed. Somehow, she had a feeling that more than one spanking was in order.

  “Uh-huh. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Well, the blog is good, and it’s, um, helping people, and I really like doing it, and…” My God, she was blabbering.


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