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Alien Abduction for Professionals

Page 6

by Skye MacKinnon

  With a nod, I squeezed past them into the room. The previously bright lamps embedded in the ceiling had been covered with red fabric, dimming the light but also reminding me of a brothel. Probably not what they were going for. The walls were hidden behind more fabric, black and more dark red. It made the room seem smaller, more intimate. But yes, definitely a brothel.

  The guys had removed all furniture, even the bed frame. Instead, ten large mattresses, twice as wide as our original one, throned on top of each other in the centre of the room surrounded by hundreds of pillows. Not kidding. I wasn't going to count them, but there had to be at least a hundred pillows of various sizes. They ranged from cushions like you'd have on your sofa to fluffy monstrosities almost as long as me. Wow. They were mostly black, with some red and purple to make it look less like a funeral pyre. That's what it was. A pillow pyre.

  I stifled a laugh just in case they were outside, listening to my reaction. They'd clearly put a lot of work and effort into this.

  The mattress was covered in shimmering black fabric, similar to silk but with more sparkle. I ran my hand over it. Cool, yet soft. I bet it would feel amazing to have it against my naked skin. Of course, I'd find out soon enough.

  I slipped out of my clothes in record time and threw them into a corner. It felt a bit weird to be naked without the guys in the same room. Hopefully, they'd join me soon. I made my way through the pillow mountains. Something hot hit my foot, and I suppressed a shout of surprise. Didn't want the guys to come in guns blazing. Rummaging around the cushions, I searched for whatever I'd stepped on. It was a stone, smooth and grey and very warm. A strange scent hit my nostrils and I gave it an experimental sniff. Yes, the stone was giving off a calming scent that I couldn't quite identify. Not flowery, more like smoke and spices. It made me think of a cold winter's night, sitting in front of a fireplace, wrapped in blankets, surrounded by my mates. I closed my eyes and breathed in the scent. It made me feel at home.

  Of all the things in this nest, this was the best part so far. Maybe I judged a little too quickly. Were there any other surprises hidden beneath the pillows?

  I put the stone on the bed, then went on my hands and knees to search. My fingers clasped around something hard and coarse. It felt like a branch or stick, but I couldn't dislodge it. I threw some of the pillows hiding it aside until I saw the strange item. It was twice as long as my arm and looked like a dried snake, with a thin body and round ends. Not kidding. Please, don't let this be some kind of aphrodisiac food that I'll have to eat. It didn't feel organic, though, more like pottery or stone. I'd break my teeth trying to eat it. One end of the almost-snake was screwed to the floor, which is why I hadn't been able to lift it. Curious. I'd have to ask the guys about it. Unless it was an oversized sex toy, I couldn't imagine it's purpose.

  I covered it under pillows again - just in case it was a sex toy that they wanted me to fuck - and searched the other side of the room for more surprises. I found a pile of yellow leaves that smelled like vanilla and two more of the hot stones. They were smaller than the one I'd stepped on but had the same beautiful scent. I added them to their sibling on the bed. I wanted to have them close, not buried beneath cushions.

  A knock on the door made me whirl around.

  "Are you ready for us to come in?" Xil called.

  I quickly jumped on the mattress - which erupted into fireworks. What the fuck. I gasped as colours spread over the black fabric where I'd touched it. It was like rainbows surrounding me, trapped in the material but close to bursting out of it. I'd never seen anything like it. This had to be some kind of technology, but the sheets were thin like silk, so how did it work? Where was the power source? Not that it mattered. I didn't really care how it did what it did. I slowly moved my hand over the bed and marvelled at the colours exploding into life. Sparks seemed to fly through the air, even though I knew they were inside the fabric. Beautiful.

  I lay on my back, naked and surrounded by swirling colours, and told the guys to enter.


  My breath caught in my throat as I stepped into the room.

  She was perfect.

  Trish was spread out on the bed, her legs slightly parted, her nipples hard, her cheeks flushed. Her belly still wore the signs of our first mating: blue, yellow and green. She was ours. And she was ready to be bred.

  I was rock hard already, and I hadn't even touched her yet. Luckily, the ceremonial breeding garment was designed with precisely that in mind. Instead of trousers, I wore a loose-fitting kilt. Beneath it, I was bare. My chest was covered in paint, the traditional symbols of my family and clan. Since we'd grown up in the same community, Xil and Havel had the same symbols except for two each that represented our parents. On our backs, we'd added our own sign, one we'd designed yesterday without Trish's knowledge. It would be our family's mark, to be passed through the generations from this point on.

  "You look amazing," Trish gasped. "I never knew you guys had kilts. You look so Scottish, well, alien-Scottish."

  I didn't ask her what that meant. The time for talking was over.

  Before I joined her on the bed, I quickly looked around the room. She'd not removed anything. That meant she liked our arrangement. In the end, we'd decided to keep it simple, foregoing a lot of the ideas we'd had. It had felt wrong for Trish to know what we were planning, even though it had been helpful to have her mediate. We'd paired it all back to the bare essentials, making the room cosy, warm and comfortable. Since we'd only used a small part of our budget, Xil had splashed out on the most luxurious Lap'tan sheets. The expense had been worth it for seeing her on them. It was like she was lying on a galaxy.

  She'd taken the fire stones and arranged them on the bed. Those had been my idea. We'd always had some of those in my family home and they reminded me of my childhood. I hadn't found any with the scents I was used to, but once we visited Kardar, I'd buy some of them. She seemed to like the stones, or she wouldn't have put them next to her.

  Xil cleared his throat, and I realised I'd not taken my place by his side. It was time to begin the ritual. Now that we'd built the nest, we had to turn it truly ours. Mark it with our scents and memories.

  "We have built a nest to honour you," Xil began the speech that males had recited during the breeding ceremony for generations. "As our mate, you have secured your place in our hearts, in our minds and our home."

  "You're in my heart, my mind, my home," Havel said solemnly before I repeated the same words.

  "This nest is the symbol of what we pledge to you," Xil continued. "We shall keep you safe. We shall keep you warm. We shall keep you happy. And we shall keep you satisfied."

  That was the signal to lift our kilts, revealing our erect cocks. I didn't have to look at Xil and Havel to know they were just as aroused as I was.

  "Wow," Trish muttered before quickly covering her mouth with her hands.

  Slowly, Xil unbuttoned his kilt and let it drop to the floor. "We shall provide you with our seed of life. We shall care for the offspring that we will create together. We pledge to keep harm from our family until the day we die."

  "Until the day we die," Havel and I echoed solemnly.

  "Will you accept this nest?" Xil asked and stepped forward until his legs touched the mattress. "Will you accept us as your mates?"

  Trish nodded. "I do."

  She bit her bottom lip the way she always did when she was nervous or unsure. I had to remind myself that she didn't know this ritual. She had no idea what would come next. There was no right or wrong for her parts of the ceremony, though. While the males' words were set and couldn't be changed, the female could reply with whatever she wanted. I thought it was intentional to give the female the power over this rite.

  "Will you accept our seed as a symbol of our love?" Xil asked, his gaze locked on Trish. I was jealous it was him to ask her first. Before meeting her, I hadn't minded at all that he was the Captain of the ship. Now that we had a mate, I didn't always find it easy to watch Xil in charge.<
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  Trish did a choked sort of sound, but then rose to her knees until her mouth was almost level with Xil's cocks. She looked up at him with her beautiful wide eyes before taking his lower cock in her mouth. It wasn't part of the ritual, but it was perfect. My own cock ached, needing her touch. My tail wrapped around my thigh, even though it wanted to curl around Trish.

  I almost drooled as I watched Trish take Xil's lower cock deep into her mouth while rubbing his upper cock with her nimble fingers. A thin line of drool ran down her chin, landing on her full breasts. I couldn't hold back any longer. I went on my knees next to Xil and gently put my hands on her hips, turning her ever so slightly towards me. I pulled her closer until I could kiss her naked belly. She gagged as Xil's cock pushed deeper into her throat, but the scent coming from between her legs made it very clear how much she was loving this.

  I ran my tongue over her skin, slowly moving up until my head was between her breasts. Using my grip on her hips to keep her steady, I took one of her nipples into my mouth. It was hard and pebbled, perfect for suckling on. I sucked on her nipple as hard as I could without hurting her, relishing the way she moaned against Xil's cock. That was my doing, not his. I cupped her other breast with my hand and simply held it for a moment, admiring the weight. Her breasts were perfect. Everything about her was, but I could spend all day worshipping her boobs. I swirled my tongue around her nipple, causing her to arch her back and push against my face. She wanted more. Well, she only had to ask.

  My tail uncurled from my leg and touched the inside of her thigh. With Xil's cocks blocking her view, she probably didn't know that it was my tail instead of my hand. I'd not dared introduce this to our mating until now, but today was special. Trish opened her legs, adjusting her position to give me access. Moisture glistened between her thighs, showing me exactly how ready she was for us. I'd enter her soon enough, but for now, my tail would give her the pleasure she deserved.

  I moved it closer to her entrance, letting the tip run around her swollen sex, just about touching her. She quivered and tried to grind her hips against the tail, but I kept her locked in place, toying with her. I didn't give her the satisfaction of having my tail touch her where she really wanted to. I kept to the outer lips, smearing her juices all over her beautiful pussy, preparing her for me. For us. We were all going to take her, again and again. We wouldn't leave this nest until all four of us were sated, exhausted and carrying each other's scent. This breeding ceremony was the most important moment in a mate's relationship, and I was going to savour every single second.

  Finally, I rubbed my tail's enlarged tip against her bud. She moaned against Xil's cock and her entire body shook. She was close to coming. I looked down at my own cock. So was I. If I drove into her now, there would be no holding back. But I was aware that Xil would be the first. Then Havel and I had to fight for second place. Where was that blue-skinned bastard? Without stopping my tail's slow circles around Trish's clit, I looked at my friend. He was still a few feet away from us, stroking his cock, his eyes glazed. He was enjoying the show. Good for him. I was more of a doer than a watcher.

  "Please," Trish whimpered, breathing hard. "Fuck me."

  "No," Xil growled. "I'm not going to fuck you. I'm going to breed you. I'm going to mark you. I'm going to fill you with my seed. And I'm going to make sure everyone knows you're mine."

  A shiver ran down my back. That was hot.

  "And then Matar and Havel are going to do the same. Breed you. Make you their mate. And once you've come again and again, milking our cocks, we're going to worship your body. We will show you how much we love and adore you."

  I never knew he had it in him. That had been one poetic speech. Sexy. I was even hornier now, something I hadn't thought possible.

  It was time to do something about that. Xil's would be the first cock to enter her, but nobody had mentioned anything about a tail. I flicked the tip of it against her clit one last time, then pushed into her in one hard stroke. She screamed in pleasure and bucked her hips against me. This time, I let her. I fucked her with my tail, wishing it was my cock. It wasn't quite as thick, but it was longer, and I could reach all the way into her depths.

  "Klatting stop that," Xil snapped at me. "It's my turn."

  With a whole load of regret, I pulled back and let go of Trish, joining Havel on the side-lines.

  "Would you like one or both?" Xil asked our female. She didn't have to ask what he meant.


  Now I wished I'd prepared her little rosebud as well as her pussy. Too late. With Xil's large back hiding Trish from view, I couldn't see what he was doing, but I hoped he was using some of her moisture to get her ready for him. Xil's cocks were a little less thick than mine, but he had two of them to make up for that. Thankfully, this wasn't our first time with Trish, and she was used to our large alien cocks. She'd said that human males were less well endowed, which had flattered all three of us. We were above average for Kardarians as well, but it always felt good to be appreciated like that by a female.

  With one hand, Xil positioned himself, then plunged into Trish with both cocks at once. She cried out and grabbed the bedsheet with her hands. Colours exploded all around her like fireworks as Xil started fucking her. It seemed the perfect metaphor for what was happening. Xil groaned in unison with Trish's moans, creating a song that I couldn't wait to join.

  I stroked my cock, pretending my hand was Trish's tight pussy.

  "Soon it's our turn," Havel whispered hoarsely. "You fuck her, I take her mouth?"

  He surprised me, but I wouldn't turn down that offer. "Agreed. We shall fill her from all sides, in all her holes. She'll never want another mate ever again."

  "I heard that!" Trish screamed. "And I will be yours, always."

  I almost came at her words. I knew she meant it. She was ours. Our mate. To be loved, cherished and fucked.

  Xil breathed hard as he pummelled into her. The sound of his balls slapping against her skin echoed through the room.

  "I'm close," he groaned. The muscles in his arse were tight, and I knew I looked the same when I was on the last sprint, almost ready to spill myself within her.

  "Then come in me," Trish begged. "I want to come with you."

  "You shall." He reached around, probably to rub her clit while continuing to fuck her in deep, hard strokes. I had to admit, it was more than hot watching them from this perspective. Before, when we'd been with Trish all at once, we were usually on the bed, two of us caressing her while the third buried himself within her. Now, Havel and I weren't able to caress her skin. All we could do was watch as she exploded around Xil with a primal cry, at the same time as he pushed into her one last time, arching his back, filling her with his seed. A drop of precum dripped from my cock, landing on a random cushion. No matter. Soon, the entire nest would smell of our mating. That's what we'd built it for. And a proper breeding ceremony wasn't complete without our scent covering half the pillows.

  Xil bent over Trish and kissed her. I gave my cock one last stroke, knowing it was my turn now. I waited until Xil pulled out of her and stepped aside, then there was no stopping me. Her pussy and arse were wide open, stretched by Xil's two cocks. Waiting for me.

  I had no patience for foreplay. Been there, done that. I pressed my tail's tip against her tight arse and pushed against the resistance, snaking it into her dark tunnel. I twisted it from side to side, grinning with satisfaction when Trish's moans told me how much she enjoyed it. I'd never used my tail on other females in the past. It was something intimate, precious, and I'd waited for a mate like Trish to try it. The way my tail felt inside of her, the pressure her muscles put on me, it was a sensation unlike anything else. It was time to fuck her or I'd come before I'd even entered her.

  "Ready?" I asked and met her beautiful eyes. She smiled at me, and that was all I needed.

  I drove into her in one stroke. She was wet and eager, almost pulling me in. I bent over her until I could kiss her breasts, then sucked on one whi
le slowly grating my hips against hers. I wanted it to last just a while longer. If I pummelled into her like Xil had, I'd come in an instant.

  Her inner muscles seemed to milk my cock. I matched her rhythm with suckling on her nipple, giving it a gentle squeeze with my teeth every time I pushed into her arse and pussy. I let my tail fuck her hard, pulling out almost entirely before diving in again, making her squeal every time the tip pushed past her tight entrance.

  "Do it," Trish moaned. "Come in me. Breed me. Be my mate."

  There was no holding back. Not any longer. I stood up straight, lifted her legs until my thighs were pressed against hers, and fucked her harder than ever before. It seemed like both an instant and an eternity until I came, shooting my seed deep into her. I screamed at the same time as her, then kept her screaming by fucking her with my tail. I kept my cock inside her, still hard, enjoying the sensation of feeling my own tail through her inner walls. I'd only need a short break before I could do this again. And then again. She was mine.

  "My turn," Havel said and put a hand on my shoulder. "I've changed my mind. I need to fuck her in her pussy first before taking her mouth."

  As much as I wanted to stay in her warm, dark caves, I knew it was time to relinquish my position.

  I pulled out of her, kissed the sole of her foot simply because it was at the same level as my mouth, then gently lowered her legs until they dangled over the side of the mattress again. Only when I stepped back, I realised how exhausted I was. I supposed it wasn't just from this mind-blowing sex with Trish. No, she'd also been abducted, and we'd been shopping. Both of those would have been enough to make any male tired.

  I lay down on her other side and slid an arm around her shoulders, supporting her while Havel took his place at her feet. Instead of fucking her right away, he went on his knees and licked her entrance, cleaning her. Maybe he wanted his scent to be the only one he could smell on her beautiful pussy. I didn't care. I closed my eyes, snuggled against my mate and just enjoyed her closeness. Her moans grew louder and more frantic. I almost felt guilty for relaxing while she was still in the throes of another oncoming orgasm. Her skin was hot and sweaty, just like my own. We'd all need a shower after this. If Xil hadn't booked us a table at some fancy restaurant, I would have voted for staying in our nest for the next few days. We’d only leave for food and the occasional shower. With Trish, of course. A shower without her pressed against my naked body wasn't worth it.


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