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Alien Abduction for Professionals

Page 7

by Skye MacKinnon

  Just before Trish succumbed to Havel's skills with his tongue, he stood up. "I want you on all fours," he said hoarsely. "I want to take you from behind."

  Trish shivered and her sweet aroma filled my nose. Her arousal was reaching new heights. She slowly turned onto her front and climbed to all fours. She had to be exhausted, but the thought of being taken by Havel like that seemed to be enough to give her new strength. Not that I knew what that felt like. I'd never been with a male.

  Her breasts hung low, ripe for the picking. I twisted a little until I could reach her perfect nipples. Realising what I wanted, she lowered herself just enough until her breasts touched my lips. I waited for the moment Havel entered her, then opened my mouth and sucked in her hard nipple. I vaguely felt Xil doing the same on her other side. We were latched onto her, holding her in place like Kardarian nipple clamps, until Havel came with a triumphant cry.

  * * *

  We ended up in a huddle on the soft mattress. It had stopped its colourful display and was now showing large streaks of paint instead. Blue, yellow and green, just like the cum stains on Trish's skin. We hadn't added any new ones today, but this was only the beginning. One day, she'd be covered in our colours.

  "I never got to give you my present," Xil muttered sleepily.

  "What is it?"

  He chuckled. "You'll find out the next time we're in this nest. I promise."

  "I'll hold you to that." I heard her smile in her voice, and I had to grin myself. She had no idea what she was in for.


  I hadn't thought I'd want to set foot on Kitt-Y-6 again, but when Xil had suggested going to some fancy restaurant, I couldn't say no. A restaurant in space - I had to see that. Besides, Xil had looked so hopeful that it would have been cruel to deny him this pleasure.

  After a quick shower, I met the guys by the airlock. They'd all dressed in their nicest clothes. Not all of them were to my taste. At some point, we'd need to have a chat about the state of their wardrobes. At least they hadn't cut holes into their trousers again. I chuckled to myself at the memory of their attempt at lingerie.

  Since we'd never actually bought any clothes for me at that stall, I was in my usual attire, although I'd pinned up my hair with some chopsticks I'd found in the galley. Hopefully, the restaurant wasn't so posh that they'd not let us in. I assumed that every alien species had their own idea of what was formal and posh, so we could simply pretend that we were at the height of fashion.

  "Our shuttle has arrived," Havel announced with a look at his communicator. "Right on time."

  "Is it too far to walk?" I asked.

  He laughed. "You couldn't walk there at all. The restaurant is in the outer ring that circles the main part of the space station. You only get there by shuttle or one of the service elevators, which we don't have access to."

  I'd got a glimpse of the station's layout when we'd approached, but I'd still been nauseous after our bumpy ride and hadn't paid full attention to it. Two giant rings surrounded the long, oval station. I'd assumed they were just for keeping the station supplied with power or stuff like that. Never in a million years would I have expected a fancy restaurant to be in those rings.

  Xil held out his arm. "According to the human videos we watched, you'll have to hold onto me," he explained. "You'll have to explain why, though. Are you unsteady on your feet before a date?"

  He emphasised the last word as if it was something strange and peculiar to him.

  I laughed. "You need to stop watching those videos. And no, I'm not unsteady. Look at my shoes. Do you see any high heels? No. So don't worry about that. But I'll take your arm anyway because I like touching you."

  Xil wiggled his eyebrows. "I know. You did a lot of touching in our nest."

  "So did you. All of you." I licked my lips. They still felt a little swollen.

  "That was only the beginning," Matar whispered into my ear. His hot breath kissed my skin, and a pleasant shiver ran down my back, ending right between my legs. "When we're back, we'll return to our nest."

  Havel stepped closer and ran his hand over my bum. "We hadn't even reached the main course yet, little human."

  I shivered and suddenly I was glad for Xil's support.

  "If you continue like that, we'll never get to the restaurant," I huffed, but it was a weak protest. I had no issue with them taking me right here, ripping off my clothes, fucking me against the wall.

  What was going on with me? I'd never been this horny before I was abducted. Now, I was like a dog in heat, always ready for their cocks.

  "Yes, we better go," Xil said. The door slid open, revealing a sleek silver ovoid parked next to the Jade. It looked like it had been taken right out of a science-fiction movie. I rolled my eyes at myself. I was in space surrounded by aliens. I better get used to it.

  A round door opened in the shuttle's wall and we stepped inside. There was just about enough space for the four of us. Even another woman my size would have been a tight squeeze. The silver walls were lined with benches topped with red velvet pillows. It looked like velvet, anyway. When I sat down, a seat belt appeared out of nowhere and snaked around my waist. I pulled on it just to see if it would open, but it stayed tight. I wasn't sure if I liked that. Being strapped into a shuttle without a way to free myself seemed daunting, especially after my earlier abduction. If Professor Katila somehow took control of the shuttle, we'd be defenceless.

  The guys didn't seem to have any issue, relaxing into their seats. The door closed without a sound, and we took off in one smooth motion. The walls that had been silver until now turned translucent, giving us a view of the spaceport.

  The shuttle swerved around much larger ships, easily manoeuvring its way to the very top of the hangar. A hatch slid open, just big enough for the shuttle, and then we were back in the vacuum of space. There had to be some kind of invisible airlock to prevent the oxygen from escaping. Even though I'd seen lots of space in the Jade, being in such a tiny shuttle with windows all around me was different. This might be what it felt like to drift in the vast nothingness in just a spacesuit. I'd asked the guys about that, but they'd forbidden me from ever attempting that. They only ever went on a spacewalk for essential repairs, and all three of them hated it. Even lots of blowjobs wouldn't change their mind. And those worked to persuade them of almost anything.

  The first ring came into view, slowly circling around the station. From up close, it was much bigger than it had seemed from the Jade. We flew alongside it, slowly and with occasional turns to let us see the ring from all sides. I was starting to suspect the shuttle was giving us a tour and not just a quick lift to the restaurant.

  "The rings are quite an old-fashioned space station design," Matar said, breaking the silence. "Lots of station enthusiasts come here to see them up close."

  Figured that there was an equivalent of railway fanatics.

  "We should see the restaurant shortly."

  I was glued to the windows, fascinated by the majestic turn of the rings. They reminded me of whales slowly moving through the depths of the ocean for some reason, not that it made any sense.

  A neon sign attached to the outside of the ring caught my attention. Seriously? It looked like an American diner. That had to be the restaurant. I adjusted my expectations a little. Maybe not quite as posh as I'd imagined.

  We landed just as smoothly as the take-off had been. The walls turned silver again before the door slid open.

  "After you," Xil said, clearly trying out another line from some film. Goodness me, my aliens were adorable.

  I climbed out of the shuttle, glad I didn't wear a skirt or dress.

  A tall alien awaited us, towering even above my guys. I wasn't sure if they were male or female - they had a long beard decorated with tiny crystals as well as six teats on full display. The only clothing they wore was a flimsy loincloth. Their feet were furry and ended in thick black claws.

  "Welcome to the Outer Ring Restaurant," they welcomed us in a deep voice that made
me think of church bells ringing. "A reservation for four?"

  "Yes, under the name of Xil of the Jade," the captain replied and held out his arm to me again.

  I took it to keep him happy. The other two stood close to me, so close I felt their warmth.

  "Follow me," the alien said and led us through an intricate metal gate, away from the shuttle and into the actual restaurant.

  I gasped at the sight. Not a diner after all. Thousands of lights sparkled on the ceiling like stars, while every table had candles floating above it. The room was dark, but not gloomy, letting the candles and stars provide all the light. Small tables were scattered across the large room with enough space between them to give it an intimate feel. The floor was thick carpet that my feet seemed to sink into. And then there was the view. Windows reached all the way to the ceiling, offering us a breath-taking view of space to our left and the station to our right. The second ring, barely visible, rotated around the station. It seemed to move slower than this ring, but that may have been an optical illusion.

  The waiter led us to a table on the left, hidden behind a wall of plants. It was the perfect spot. When I sat down, I couldn't see the rest of the restaurant, making it seem like we were alone with nothing but the vastness of space.

  "This is amazing," I breathed, my heart beating faster. "I didn't think it would be this beautiful."

  Havel pulled a chair out for me. I may have swooned a little. They were really trying to make this as perfect as possible. And as human. Next time, I'd ask them about Kardarian dating traditions, but for now, I'd just enjoy the evening.

  "Menus will appear on your communicators," the waiter explained. "For now, here are some complimentary drinks, chosen by the AI cook based on your species, weight and pheromones."

  My what?!

  A tiny drone appeared above us, holding four glasses. What was the waiter for then? The menus and the food delivery was automatic, so why was there even a person?

  The drone set the smallest glass in front of me, filled with what looked like apple juice. Or urine, but I didn't want to go there. The guys all had the same blue liquid in their glasses, but they varied in size. Matar had the biggest.

  "I think there's a direct correlation between my glass and the size of my dick," he announced with a wide grin. "The AI seems to know its stuff."

  Men. Always the same.

  I held up my glass. "Cheers!"

  The guys stared at me in confusion.

  "Isn't cheers slang for 'thank you'?" Havel asked. "Are you thanking us for taking you here? Or the drone for delivering the drinks? Or the AI for choosing this drink?"

  "No, I wasn't thanking anyone. It's what you say before you clink glasses."

  "Clink?" Xil repeated. "I know Ankanis smash their glasses together after they're done with their meal and then use the shards to carve their names into the table. They're not allowed into some restaurants because of that. Do humans conduct a similar ritual?"

  I laughed. "No. Let's just forget it. What drink did they give you?"

  Matar took a sip and a dreamy expression crept across his face. "Bandulan liqueur. This AI is klatting amazing."

  "Can I try?"

  "Better not. This stuff is strong. Maybe before we leave, that way you won't be drunk during the meal."

  I was getting used to that. The guys had some beer-like alcohol on the Jade that I wasn't allowed to drink. Well, technically I was, but after the first time and the worst hangover in the history of mankind, I'd decided to stick to non-alcoholic beverages.

  I tried my own drink. It was sweet but nothing like apple juice. Maybe if you mixed mirabelle plums with quince and bananas, you might get something vaguely resembling this concoction. No, scratch that. It was too alien to compare it to Earth tastes. But it was amazing. I emptied half my glass before remembering that we were supposed to look at the menu.

  I activated my communicator with a flick of my wrist, and a holographic menu appeared right in front of me. The text - in English - was written on three sheets that seemed to compete at grabbing my attention. They moved from side to side, changing position, pushing in front of each other.

  "The AI is trying to decide what you might like," Havel explained with a laugh. "Here, press that button and they'll freeze."

  I did as he showed me and the menu turned still, giving me the chance to actually read it. Not that any of the dishes made sense to me. Lopus steak with iask leaves and quagbu gratin. How was I supposed to know which of these dishes were good, let alone safe to eat for humans?

  "Are any of these things poisonous?" I quietly asked the guys.

  Xil roared with laughter as if I'd made the biggest joke of the galaxy. I kicked him beneath the table, but Matar's pained gasp told me I'd missed. Oops.

  "The menu only contains dishes that are agreeable with your species," Havel explained. He didn't laugh, which made him my favourite mate at this moment. "Once you've read through them all, you can activate the AI again, and it'll rank them by what it thinks you'll enjoy most. Of course, you may be the first human ever to eat at this restaurant, so I don't know how accurate it'll be."

  I skimmed the menu, but it was pointless. Even though some words were translated into English, most didn't make any sense at all. Luckily, I was pretty easy with food. Living the way I had before the guys had abducted me, I’d been glad for any food I could get my hands on. I could be choosy when it came to exotic meats, though, which made me ask Havel if I could sort the dishes to only show vegetarian ones.

  "Are you sure?" Xil asked, still chuckling. "Goo'on fowl is a delicacy."

  "Thanks, but I think I'll stick to something veggie myself and then try some of yours."

  "You can taste mine any time you like, sweetheart," Xil said in a low, sultry voice.

  I hated that his words made my pussy throb with need. As if we didn't just spend hours in our nest. I should concentrate on the food. On the restaurant. And not on the extremely hot and horny guys surrounding me.

  The waiter reappeared, saving me from responding to Xil's flirting.

  "Have you chosen your meal yet?" they asked pleasantly. "If so, please press your choice on the menu and it will be brought to you momentarily."

  They gave us a short bow and left without another word. Yeah, they were utterly useless. Nice, friendly, yes, but also not needed. Was this what Earth's restaurants would be like in the future? Automated except for a random waiter to greet you?

  I didn't know if I'd ever find out. For now, returning to Earth wasn't on our agenda. There was nothing there for me, and I'd much rather explore other planets. Unless the IGU told my mates to return to Earth for some reason, I doubted we'd go back there again.

  Havel helped me choose a vegetarian dish, then pressed a whole lot of things on his own menu. I'd not even considered having several courses. I'd grown up in poverty and wasn't used to splashing out food.

  As soon as everyone had made their choice, the holo menus disappeared. I blinked, my eyes getting used to the dark again. The candles floating above us twinkled like stars, while also giving off a pleasant aroma.

  "Do you like it here?" Matar asked me after a moment's silence.

  "It's beautiful. Have you been here before?"

  "Only me," Xil said. "With my father, when we still spoke to each other."

  "He's loaded," Matar whispered. "One of the richest Kardarians out there."

  "Doesn't matter," Xil said, steel in his voice. "Let's talk of better things. Like where we're going from here."

  "Riva Four is beautiful at this time of year," Havel suggested. "The trees will be laden with fruit. As long as we don't expose ourselves to the locals, we could spend some time there. Our moon of honey."

  It took me a moment to understand what he'd meant. "Honeymoon," I corrected him with a laugh. "And you only do that after you're married."

  "Do you want to be?" Xil asked seriously. "Married? I've read about it. I thought mating would be enough, but we can do a marriage, too, if you'd l
ike. And then we can go on the moo- honeymoon."

  I thought about that for a moment. Did I want to get married? No, not really. I knew without a doubt that I loved my guys and that they loved me. They'd built me a nest, for fuck's sake, no sane person would do that unless they loved their mate. And we'd done their strange kilt ceremony. I licked my bottom lip. Those had been hot. I'd have to tell them to wear kilts more often. Like, all the time. With nothing underneath, obviously. I could educate them about the advantages of going commando, maybe even some practical exercises... they'd forget about Professor Katila very fast.

  "No, we don't need to get married," I told them. "But you're right, that doesn't mean that we can't go on a honeymoon. Or simply go on holiday, all of us together. Our relationship is new. There haven't been humans with Kardarians before. We can pick and choose whatever traditions we want. So I say we take all the good stuff and ignore the boring or tedious customs."

  "Cheers to that," Havel exclaimed and raised his glass just like I'd done earlier. He was a quick learner.

  A buzzing sound made me look up to four approaching drones. This time, we had one each hovering above our heads before they slowly descended, setting their loads on the table. I waited before they'd buzzed off before inspecting my food. Well, I couldn't actually see any food. I'd been given an ovoid looking like a tiny version of the shuttle we'd arrived in.

  "What is that?" I asked, staring at the metal pod. "Don't they have plates here?"


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