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The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming

Page 22

by Saxon Andrew


  “Grady and Taffy scouted the Core Alien’s territory.”

  “But another ship went with them!!” Sweets interjected. “You’re sending him out alone. And they didn’t have telepaths to help keep their ships safe back then. You’re sending him out to die and you know it!!”

  Candy turned to RJ, “Are you not sending a telepath with them?”

  “They can carry out the mission!”

  Sweets glared at RJ and turned to her mother, “I’m packing a bag and I’m moving in with Rory and Abby! I never want to see him again!!” She looked at RJ, “You disgust me!” She turned, went to her bedroom, and slammed the door.

  Candy turned to RJ, “She’s right.”

  “Candy, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

  “One thing our daughter isn’t and that’s stupid; she sees things as they are. You are sending him out in hopes of getting him killed.”

  “Sweets is not ready for a relationship, Candy; especially not with a man six-years-older than she is.”

  “So she’s right; you’re sending him to keep him away from her.”

  “You know I’m right about this.”

  “So you’ve taken it upon yourself to decide when she is ready for a relationship! How old does she have to be? 25, 30, or 40 years old?”

  “Candy, I will not change my mind.”

  “That tells me you’re lying about this. Sweets decides when she’s ready for a relationship. Have you ever sat down with the man and talked with him?”

  “I don’t need to!”

  Candy’s eyes narrowed and she yelled, “Sweets!!”

  Sweets opened her door and said, “I’m not changing my mind!!”

  “I’m not asking you to; I’m packing a bag and Rick and I are going with you.”

  “I’ll meet you at the tubes; I refuse to be anywhere near him!”

  Candy turned to RJ, “I’m ashamed to be married to you. I was Candy’s age when I married you, or have you forgotten that?” RJ just stared at her. “You forgotten what love looks like.”

  “You can’t take Rick with you!”

  Candy turned back to him, “Oh, so you’re going to nurse him in my absence! You’re an idiot!” Candy turned and went to their bedroom. RJ stared back and forth between the doors thinking they’d come to their senses. When both of them walked out leaving him alone, he began to wonder. Candy and Sweets moved into new quarters of their own the next day and RJ knew he had lost them.

  • • •

  Two weeks later, after RJ sent orders to Fleet Operations to send out Admiral Grinstead on a scouting mission, Grady contacted RJ, “I’m rescinding your order to send Admiral Grinstead on the scouting mission.”

  “You can’t do that Grady; I outrank you.”

  Grady tilted his head and sighed, “I was hoping you wouldn’t take this route, but I prepared in case you did.”

  “What do you mean!”

  “I’ve had a discussion with President DeChirico, and he contacted the Prime Minister. Both of them have agreed that you are stripped of your rank. That order is effective now!”

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “You’ve used your authority to place sailors in danger for personal reasons. I refuse to be a part of this. I’ll contact you with your next assignment.”

  “Don’t bother, I resign from the Navy!”

  Grady blew out a breath, “Such a waste; I accept your resignation.” The display went dark and RJ wondered what he had just done.

  • • •

  Grady turned around from the computer and looked at Candy and Sweets sitting on the sofa, “I hate this happened.”

  “He deserves every bit of it!!” Sweets snarled.

  Taffy was holding Rick and raised a shoulder, “I can understand why he did it.” Sweets and Candy jerked their heads around to Taffy and she raised a hand, “Hey, hey! I didn’t say I agreed with what he did, I just said I understand why.”

  “Nothing justifies what he did!” Sweets replied.

  Taffy looked Sweets in the eyes, “He sees he’s losing his little girl. I almost lost my mind when Candy left and when Britt entered secondary school, I nearly had a nervous breakdown. I knew he’d be leaving me soon.”

  Grady nodded, “Nothing I could do brought her back to her old self. I thought I had lost her for good.” Grady turned to Cami, “But you agreeing for us to adopt you healed her. She really needed you.”

  Cami nodded, “I saw that. And that’s why I chose you to be my parents.” Taffy smiled brightly but her smile instantly disappeared when Cami said, “But RJ is partially right. Charlie, Sweets, and I should be the ones to scout the Triangulum Galaxy.”

  “NOT ON YOUR LIFE WILL I ALLOW THAT!!” Taffy instantly responded.

  “Mom, how is this mission any different from the one to Andromeda? You must send the strongest telepath Britannia has to listen to the civilization there and I’m still the one with the longest range. Matter of fact, my range has increased since we went to Andromeda. Charlie, Sweets, and I work well together and name anyone more qualified to do this.”

  Candy turned to Sweets, “Please tell me you’re not considering this!”

  Sweets raised a shoulder, “Mom, I…” Sweets raised her hands.

  Cami turned to Taffy, “The aliens in Andromeda had warships out looking for us to attempt to get a scout in. That isn’t the case in the Triangulum Galaxy. They won’t be looking for us.”

  “And just how did you leap to that conclusion!!” Taffy demanded.

  “It’s further away from the Milky Way than Andromeda, although it is closer to Andromeda than the Milky Way. No one would send a scout out that far from the Milky Way,” Cami replied.

  “They did!”

  Cami shrugged, “Which tells us what Dad said is true; they have ulterior motives that we must find out.”

  Taffy turned to Grady, “Grady, surely you’re not considering this!”

  Grady released a hard breath before saying, “I’ve just accepted the resignation of my best admiral for not sending the right ones to scout that galaxy. I accused him of using his authority for personal reasons. Taffy, please, I beg you, please tell me someone else that is more qualified.” Taffy glared at Grady and after a moment, lowered her eyes. Grady turned to Candy, “Humanity is at stake here. Do you remember when you put yourself in danger in Fagan territory to try and save those innocent slave planets?” Candy stared at Grady and then nodded. “Could I have stopped you from making the effort? You know how dangerous it was to even make the attempt.” Candy lowered her head and shook it. “How can I use personal reasons to not send them; I’d be just as guilty as RJ is in sending Charlie.”

  Sweets was silent but she spoke up in the silent room, “We are the best one’s to do this. However…” Sweets’ voice trailed off.

  “However what?” Candy asked.

  “We don’t send just one ship.”

  “What?” Taffy asked.

  “I am not going to allow Cami to be taken into a dangerous situation again to collect information.” Sweets looked at Cami, “Sorry, I just can’t allow that.”

  Cami smiled, “Nothing to be sorry about.”

  “We take another ship with us that will investigate the dangerous situations.”

  And just who will be on that ship?” Grady asked.

  “Justin and Charlotte,” Cami replied.

  Taffy shook her head, “Charlotte said she’d never serve with him again.”

  “That was Funny Man, Mom. She asked Justin to give it another try, and he accepted. They’re a couple now. Remember that they also went to the Stealth civilization’s main planet and scouted it after we left; they’re qualified to do this.” Cami turned to Sweets, “Right?”

  Sweets nodded, “Yes. But if we’re going to do this, we need to take the new warship prototype.”

  “We only have the single ship,” Grady responded.

  Cami smiled, “Contact Uncle Joshua and ask him a
bout that.”

  “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “I know Uncle Joshua, Dad. You took his only prototype; I think he’d do something about that.”

  Grady stared at Cami and then looked at Taffy. She was shaking her head and Grady turned to Candy, “How do you feel about this?”

  “I don’t like it one bit.”

  “Then lets do this. Tomorrow evening, I’ll have everyone being considered for this mission here and there will be a question and answer session before we make this decision.” Grady looked around, “Is everyone ok with that?”

  Taffy looked at Candy and saw her shrug. Taffy blew out a breath, “Tomorrow it is.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Justin looked at Charlotte sitting next to him in the tube cart. “Do you know what’s going on?”

  “No, I have no idea.”

  “Why would Admiral Henricks want to meet with us?”

  “I told you I don’t know!”

  “Sorry, it was a rhetorical question. If he learned that I was planning to run at New Britannia’s destruction, he might be planning to arrest me.”

  “If that were the case, I wouldn’t be going with you.”

  Justin nodded, “You’re right. I just wonder what’s going on?”

  “We’ll find out in a moment; we’ve arrived at our destination.” Justin puffed out a breath and stood up, “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to living underground.”

  “The carts are actually faster than using a shuttle to fly to a destination.”

  “I know; it just feels weird.”

  Justin took Charlotte’s hand and led her out of the cart. He looked up and saw Cami standing at the exit, “It’s good to see you. Come with me.”

  “What’s going on Cami?”

  “Relax Justin. This is just a meeting to discuss an issue that needs your experience and expertise.” Another cart arrived and Cami waited. Charlie stepped out and Cami rushed forward and hugged him, “I’ve missed you!”

  Charlie looked at Justin and Charlotte as he asked Cami, “Why have I been ordered to come here?”

  Cami smiled and said, “Come with me.”

  Charlie looked at Justin and Charlotte. Justin shrugged, “We don’t know either. Let’s go see what’s going on.”

  They entered Grady’s residence and Taffy greeted them at the door, “It’s good to see you again, Admiral Grinstead; I’ve heard a lot about you.” Taffy turned to Justin and Charlotte, “It’s also good to see you again as well. Please follow me; we’re going to have dinner before we start our meeting.”

  “Mrs. Henricks, why have we been invited here?”

  Taffy smiled, “It’s always a good thing to look at issues when you have others help you see them. Please, follow me.”

  Taffy led them down some steps to the dining room and Charlie saw Sweets was sitting at the table with an empty seat between her and her mother; it had to be her mother; they looked almost identical. Sweets patted the chair and smiled, “Sit here Charlie.”

  Charlie sat down and Candy said, “I’m Candy Dunhan.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Ma’am.”

  “I understand that you’re interested in my daughter.”


  Charlie turned to her and said, “It’s alright.” He turned back to Candy and smiled, “Anyone that spends more than ten minutes with her would be interested in her, Ma’am. Getting her interested in you is not easily done. But to answer your question, I am very interested in her.”


  “Because she’s the smartest most capable woman I’ve ever met. She also says what she means, and you don’t have to worry about what she’s thinking; she’ll tell you even if you don’t want to know. She’s demonstrated she has a wonderful heart for those she loves.”


  “She and Cami are the best example I can use.”

  “Why should she be interested in you?”

  Charlie expected Sweets to react to Candy again but she didn’t. He turned to her and saw her staring at him; she wanted to hear his answer. Charlie turned back to Candy, “I honestly don’t know. She’s like a diamond that’s unique and beautiful. I feel unworthy and small but extremely grateful she finds something in me she likes.”

  Candy stared into Charlie’s eyes and then said, “Call me Candy.”

  Charlie smiled, “Yes Ma’am.”

  “And cut out the ma’am, you’re making me feel old.” Charlie laughed and felt Sweets take his hand under the table.

  Grady walked in and smiled, “I want to thank all of you for coming tonight on such short notice. But there’s an issue we need to discuss that involves you. We felt you should have input into that decision. Bob and Robby will serve our dinners and we’ll get into the meat and potatoes of the issue after dinner.”

  The two giant robots came in and began serving dinner. Justin thought to Charlotte, “This must have something to do with the aliens that attacked New Britannia.” Charlotte nodded and turned to her soup.

  • • •

  The gathering adjourned to the living room and everyone took a seat. Sweets sat on the floor in front of Charlie and Cami sat on the floor next to her. Charlie looked around and said, “Where is War Leader Dunhan? Shouldn’t he be here?”

  Grady looked at Candy and she answered, “He couldn’t make it.” Charlie saw Sweets stiffen up at his question and wondered what was going on. He sat back and focused on Admiral Henricks.

  Grady looked around and said, “I’m going to cut to the chase. Cami, share what took place in our meeting yesterday.”

  Cami closed her eyes, and everyone saw in their minds the discussion about scouting the Triangulum Galaxy. After fifteen minutes, the room was silent. Grady looked at Charlie, Justin, and Charlotte, “I want to know what you think about this.”

  Justin glanced at Charlotte and said, “I didn’t get the impression that the Grang are really worried about that civilization in Triangulum.”

  “They left quickly and didn’t assist the Stealth Civilization to search for the Colonies,” Taffy remarked.

  “I know. The Commander was ordered to leave, and he followed his orders. But he wasn’t really afraid of the aliens scouting his civilization.”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Charlie interjected into the conversation.

  Grady looked at Cami and said, “Show him the alien’s thoughts that attacked New Britannia.”

  Charlie was silent for a few minutes and then nodded. “Thank you.”

  Grady turned to Justin, “So you’re of the opinion that they will continue to support the Stealth Civilization?”

  “He certainly meant it that he would come back if they found one of the Colonies.”

  Grady shook his head, “I would have thought they would be greatly concerned about being scouted by another advanced civilization. I mean those scouts traveled more than three million light-years to scout them. They must be faster than the Grang’s warships.”

  Taffy nodded, “I know I’d be concerned.”

  “Not if your warships are superior to the scouts being sent.” Charlie interjected. Everyone turned to him. “If those scouts were faster than their warships, they could have avoided being attacked; they didn’t. The Grang have stealth technology and the scouts I saw in that alien’s mind were large cumbersome vessels.”

  Grady nodded slightly and then said, “You’re right.”

  The group started discussing what should be done and Taffy and Candy said sending out a scout to Triangulum probably wasn’t necessary. Grady fielded their comments and finally said, “Admiral Grinstead, I notice you’re not contributing to the discussion.” Charlie looked around and saw everyone was looking at him. Charlie looked at Sweets who had turned around and was staring up at him. He shook his head and Grady’s expression turned serious, “You’re not saying something.”

  Charlie looked at Sweets and she said, “You need to tell us what you think.�

  “If I do, you and Cami will be put in danger.”

  Grady said louder, “You need to start talking Admiral!”

  “The fact they’ve kept sending scouts says more than anything else about that civilization Sir. Those scouts were sent to be attacked by the Grang.”

  The room fell instantly silent. Grady said, “Go on!”

  “It wouldn’t surprise me if those large scouts were remote controlled by ships the Grang didn’t see.”

  “And just how did you arrive at this conclusion?!” Taffy asked harshly.

  Charlie turned to her, “What is the purpose of a scout, Mrs. Henricks?”

  “Call me Taffy. They collect information.”

  “And what is the most important information that a scout can collect?”

  Taffy was silent and Cami said, “The power and capabilities of the warships of a possible enemy.”

  “I must believe that is what those large scouts were sent to do. They set them up to be attacked and watched the ships attacking them. They kept sending them back to make sure they’ve seen everything.”

  Candy took a breath before saying, “You’re just guessing.”

  Charlie nodded, “I could be wrong.”

  “But you’re not!” Grady replied. Everyone turned to him. “I wondered why they kept sending scouts but what Charlie says makes sense. You don’t send ships, any ship, more than three million light-years on a whim. There’s a purpose behind what they’re doing. Sending slow ships to be attacked shows them what they’re up against better than simply trying to scan one of the Grang’s warships.”

  Charlie nodded, “This is not the first time they’ve used this tactic.”

  “No, I suspect it’s not,” Grady replied.

  “And they have ships that probably are a lot faster than the Grang’s warships.”

  Grady nodded, “That follows.”

  Cami turned to Justin, “You need to tell everyone what you’re thinking.” Justin flinched and Cami said, “This meeting is too important not to be listening to everyone’s thoughts.”

  “What are you thinking Justin?” Grady asked.

  Justin shrugged, “I wondering if this alien civilization was scouting our galaxy a lot longer than we suspect. Is there a possibility they were watching the war we had with the Core Aliens.” Justin paused and then said, “If they were, why would they have to send those slow scouts in? They would already know the Grang’s capabilities.”


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