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The Fight for Britannia V-Home Coming

Page 23

by Saxon Andrew

  “But the Grang have rebuilt their fleets into Stealth Warships,” Charlie stated. “They didn’t know how those ships would perform.”

  Taffy stared at them and said, “You are starting to scare me.”

  Justin shook his head, “It’s just a wild thought I had.”

  “They don’t know about us,” Charlie interjected.

  “How can you say that?” Taffy asked.

  “Remember that the other side of the Milky Way is closer to Triangulum than our side and we didn’t attack the Core Aliens on their side of the core. If they knew about us, we would be seeing those large scouts taking a look at us years ago.”

  “So you believe we’re possibly facing a highly advanced civilization?”

  “Sir, all of this is conjecture and all of it could be wrong. But if there’s any possibility of it being right, we must go and make sure.”

  “That’s what you meant by putting me in danger,” Sweets asked.

  Charlie nodded, “I don’t want to do that. You and your family are too important to Britannia.” Charlie looked at Cami, “And you are probably more important than all of us.”

  Taffy and Candy stared at Charlie and then looked at each other. They passed a knowing look, and both knew that Charlie had passed the litmus test on being a good choice for Sweets. Sweets stared at Charlie and asked, “Which civilization represents the greatest danger to humanity, this new one or the Stealth Civilization.”

  Charlie stared at her refusing to answer and Sweets said, “Charlie, answer the question!”

  Charlie looked around and said, “If we’re right about this new one, it is more dangerous.”

  “Why?” Charlotte asked.

  “The Stealth Civilization isn’t planning to invade the Milky Way. They could find and destroy all the Colonies and never learn about Britannia; humanity would survive with it and Earth. They’d just stay in Andromeda and leave us alone once they eliminate the perceived threat humanity represents to them. This new civilization must be intent on invading the Milky Way. They pose a much greater danger if what we suspect is true.”

  Sweets turned to Grady, “We have to go and see.”

  “But it’s dimes to doughnuts that this civilization’s warships are faster than our own,” Charlie interjected.

  “Why do you say that?” Grady asked.

  “They’re going to travel a very long distance to move into the Milky Way; that would require a very fast warship. Going out in our warships would be too big of a risk to take the chance with Sweets and Cami. If we’re detected, we won’t be able to flee to safety.”

  “You didn’t mention yourself,” Grady commented.

  “I’m a Naval Officer Sir and that is where my duty lies. I’m paid to take risks.”

  Grady turned to Justin, “How do you feel about this?”

  “My duty is to defend humanity. However, I think Charlotte shouldn’t go.”

  “IF YOU GO, I GO!!” Charlotte replied sternly.

  “But we would have to take all the risks.”

  “I know that! But you won’t be going without me!”

  “Why do you say you’ll be taking all the risks?” Taffy asked.

  “Admiral Grinstead is right; Cami is too important to risk.”

  “Are you volunteering to go?” Grady asked.

  “I wish we had a faster ship, but yes, I’m volunteering to go,” Justin answered. “I’ve seen my home destroyed and I will not stand by and have it happen again.” Charlotte took his hand and squeezed it.

  “Well, the issue about a faster ship is not an issue.”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed, “Sir, our current warship is the fastest ship we have in fleet; even the Stealth Warships are faster.”

  “That was then, this is now. We have three newly developed warships that can fly to Andromeda in less than three days,” Grady responded.

  Charlie stared at him and said, “Do tell.”

  Grady looked at Taffy and Candy, “Well?”

  Taffy blew out a breath and turned to Charlie, “You will keep them safe!”

  “I thought I was doing that on the first mission and look what happened. Those Defense Platforms from Earth are the only thing that saved us.”

  “But you will promise to do everything possible to keep them out of danger.”

  “Mrs. Henricks, it wasn’t me that kept them safe on our first mission; they kept me safe; Cami made the difference. But I will promise to avoid any risk I can see.”

  Taffy sighed, “I don’t see any other way Grady.”


  Candy looked at Grady and turned to Sweets, “You’re sure about this?”

  Sweets knew she was talking about Charlie and not the mission, “Yes, I am.”

  Candy lowered her head and rubbed her forehead, “I don’t see any other choice.”

  “Alright, it’s settled. I’m taking our volunteers out to their new ships in the morning. Meet me here at nine am. You’ll have a month to learn how to operate the new ship and all its systems. Make good use of the time!”

  • • •

  The meeting broke up and Charlie went to Justin and Charlotte and discussed what lay ahead. Candy felt her communicator start vibrating and she answered it. She saw Abby on the display, “Candy, you need to come here and talk with RJ!”

  “Abby, I can’t do that.”

  “Candy, he’s slowly killing himself. He’s refused to eat and all he does is stare at the walls. We forced him to move in with us but we’re losing him.”

  “Hold on!” Candy went to Grady, “Was this meeting recorded?”


  “I want you to send a copy of it to RJ’s communicator now!”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Please, just do it Dad.” Grady stared into his daughter’s eyes and nodded.

  Candy looked at Abby on her communicator, “I’m sending RJ a recording of the meeting we just had; make him watch it!”

  “Candy, he needs you and Sweets desperately.”

  “He needs to find his heart first Abby. Make him watch the recording even if you have to tie him down!” Abby disappeared from the communicator and Candy felt an ache in her heart.

  • • •

  Three days later, Candy’s communicator pinged, and she answered it; RJ was on the display, “I was wrong.”

  “About what?!” Candy asked furiously.

  “The young man Sweets is interested in.”

  Candy stared at RJ and saw his red eyes, gaunt face, and he had developed a nervous twitch. “You watched the recording.”

  “I did.”


  “He’s much more than I thought. He saw things that no one else did and he puts Sweets ahead of himself. I would have sent him out unprepared and humanity would have been worse off because of it.” Candy stared at RJ and he blew out a nervous breath, “I just couldn’t deal with losing her, Candy. I just couldn’t do it. I love her, Rick, and you too much to even consider it.”

  “You’ve made a mess of yourself.”

  RJ shrugged, “Life holds no meaning without my family in it.”

  RJ ended the contact and Candy dialed him right back, “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?!” RJ just shook his head at her. “You don’t call me and hang up on me!!” RJ nodded and Candy said, “Meet me at the construction hangar promptly at seven-thirty pm this evening.”

  “I don’t know if I can make it.”

  “Why you sanctimonious…”

  “Candy, I can’t physically make it; I’m too weak.”

  Candy stared into RJ’s red eyes and said, “Then I’m coming to see you at eight. Make yourself presentable!!” Candy ended the contact, put her head in her hands, and wept.

  • • •

  Candy was waiting in the construction hangar when the two new warships landed, and she saw Sweets and Cami laughing as they exited the ship with Charlie. Sweets saw her and said, “What’s up?”

  “You’re coming w
ith me to see your father.”

  “I won’t do that Mom.”

  “You’ll do it, or I’ll never speak to you again.”

  Sweet’s eyes hardened and Charlie asked, “What’s going on?”

  “Mom wants me to go see my father.”

  “So go see him, what’s the problem?”

  “You wouldn’t understand!”

  Charlie’s expression changed, “Are you saying there are things in your life where I’m excluded?”

  Sweets saw his expression and shook her head, “Charlie, he did something unforgivable and I’ve sworn to never speak to him again.”

  “The only thing unforgiveable is taking your love away without reason. Did he do that?”

  “Well, no.”

  “Then go see him!”

  “You’re coming with me!”

  “If that’s what it takes, so be it.”

  “I’m going as well!” Cami added.

  Sweets glared at Candy and saw iron in Candy’s expression. She backed down and said, “Lead the way! This is your show!”

  • • •

  Abby opened the door and saw Candy with Sweets, “Thank God you’ve come.” On the way over, Candy told Charlie that RJ was planning to send him out alone to scout the Triangulum Galaxy without a telepath.

  Charlie’s response was a shrug. Sweet’s expression turned angry, “Is that all you have to say about this?! He was sending you out to die!!”

  “Sailors are sent out to die all the time.”

  “But he was doing it to keep us apart.”

  “It’s within his authority to send whomever he chooses. Don’t sell me short on completing that mission and coming back.”

  “But he wasn’t sending a telepath with you!”

  “Then we would have scouted them the old-fashioned way when we didn’t have telepaths.”

  Sweets gritted her teeth and stomped her feet, “You’re impossible!!”

  “Could it be you are the one acting inappropriately?”

  “What the hell do you mean by that!”

  “You turned your back on your father and told him you never wanted to see him again. How do you know he was sending me out for personal motives; I’m a pretty good scout.”

  “He confirmed it with me, Charlie,” Candy replied. “He was doing it to keep you away from Sweets.”

  “Well, I hate that I’ve played a role in breaking up one of Britannia’s most important families.”

  “You had nothing to do with our decision. It was RJ’s callous disregard for the sailors serving under him that led us to this.” Candy stepped out of the tube cart and turned toward Rory and Abby’s home.

  • • •

  “Where is he?”

  Abby sighed, “In his room staring at the wall, Candy. I think after he contacted you yesterday to tell you he was wrong; he’s checked out of reality.”

  Sweets looked at Charlie and she wondered what was going on. He nodded toward Candy and Abby and she followed them into a bedroom. She saw her father and put her hand on her mouth. His face was gaunt, and his clothes just hung loosely off his body. His eyes were red rimmed and were staring straight ahead. Rory blew out a long breath, “He’s just decided to die, and we’ve not been able to do anything to stop him.”

  Cami sighed and said, “He’s living in a self-induced hell. He’s locked in a mental loop of life with no love, warmth, or feeling in it. Rory is right, he’s decided to die.”

  Candy rushed to RJ’s chair, went to a knee and took his hands, “RJ! RJ! Speak to me!”

  Cami shook her head, “He hears you but he’s unable to break out of the loop holding him.”

  Sweets gripped Charlie’s hand tightly and asked, “What did he say to you yesterday Mom?!”

  Candy’s tears were flowing, and she said without turning around from RJ, “He said he was wrong. He said that Charlie is much more than he thought and that you have made a good decision choosing him.”

  Cami sighed, “I believe apologizing for his actions allowed him to let go and give in to death; he wants desperately to die and end the loneliness of living.”

  Sweets rushed forward and grabbed RJ’s shoulders and shook him, “DADDY! DON’T DO THIS!! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!! I’M SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID!!”

  Cami sighed, “He hears you, but he believes he’s having a dream of wistful thoughts.”

  Candy was crying and said, “I never should have left; I know how much he loves me! I should have stayed and talked some sense into him.”

  Cami shook her head, “All he hears over and over is you saying you’re ashamed to be married to him.”

  Candy put her head down on RJ’s knees and wept.

  Charlie watched what was happening and he stepped forward directly in front of RJ. He came to attention and said loudly, “SIR, ADMIRAL GRINSTEAD REPORTING TO RECEIVE MY ORDERS!!”

  Cami shouted, “He got through!!”

  RJ’s eyes shifted slightly, and he stared at Charlie for a moment before saying, “Your mission has been canceled, Admiral.”

  Candy jumped up and grabbed RJ’s head and turned it to her, “I’M BACK!! I’M BACK!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!” RJ’s brow furrowed slightly and then his eyes seemed to focus.

  Sweets went in front of RJ and looked him in the eyes, “I’m sorry Daddy! I didn’t mean it!!”

  RJ’s eyes started closing and Candy slapped him,” DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT LEAVING ME!!”

  RJ’s head snapped right, and he stared into Candy’s eyes, “You left me.”

  Candy wrapped her arms around his neck and said, “I will never do that again.”

  RJ looked over Candy’s shoulder at Sweets, “I will never leave you either, Daddy.”

  “Yes you will. You have your own life to live.”

  “But you will be a huge part of it!!”

  RJ looked at Charlie still standing in front of him, “You’re quite something Admiral.”

  “So are you Sir.”

  “You don’t have to call me Sir; I’m no longer in the Navy.”

  “Doesn’t matter Sir!”

  Abby rushed over to RJ and Rory asked Cami, “How was he able to get through when Candy and Sweets couldn’t?”

  “Charlie wasn’t a participant in the loop taking place in his head. It was something different and it managed to break through to his consciousness.”

  Rory went to Charlie and hugged him. Charlie was surprised by it but returned it. Abby went to him and kissed him on the mouth. Charlie was once again amazed at the depth of love this family had for each other.

  • • •

  Candy moved RJ back to their quarters and spent her days trying to get him back to normal; it wasn’t working. He continued to be despondent. Sweets contacted her a few days later and asked how he was doing. “He’s back…but he’s not.’

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve left him twice now and he’s afraid of saying or doing anything to make me angry fearing I’ll leave him again. This is my fault and I broke my wedding vow to always stand by him through good and bad times. I’ve done it twice and this is the price I’ll have to pay. I can tell you that this will never…ever…happen again. If he’s done something bad enough, I’ll just beat his ears in before I run.”

  “Tell him I love him.”

  “I will honey.”

  Candy ended the contact and turned around. RJ was standing in the kitchen staring at her, “Did you mean what you just said?”

  “I did! I made a mistake and ran instead of dealing with the issue head-on.”

  RJ nodded slightly, “I love you Candy. I always have and I always will.” Candy went to his arms and held him tightly. She didn’t need to say anything; she already said what was needed.

  • • •

  RJ saw his computer monitor change while he was searching for some old pictures. Grady appeared and said, “Welcome back to the land of the living.”

  “Grady, I’m sorry for the position I put you in…”

Let it go, RJ; that’s water over the dam. The reason I’m contacting you is I’ve not given you your next assignment.”

  “Grady, I’m not in the service anymore; you accepted my resignation.”

  “Well, I never sent it in; you’re still in the Navy.” RJ’s head tilted and went back. “RJ, you are far too important to the survival of humanity to allow you to just walk away. You have the best mind in humanity at developing strategy and tactics. Anyway, you now hold the rank of Fleet Admiral and I need you to do something.”

  “What is that?”

  “Keeping all of our fleets around Britannia runs a risk of it being discovered. I want you to organize our fleets and head out toward the Triangulum Galaxy. You will set them up such that if the scouts we send there need to escape, you’ll be there to assist them. You also have to make sure the fleet is not detected by the civilization in that galaxy.”

  RJ’s smile was huge, “Yes Sir. I think Candy will be going with me if Taffy will take care of Rick.”

  “Taffy and I are going as well. Britt and Linda Kay will take care of Rick while we’re gone.”

  RJ’s eyes narrowed, “If you’re going, why don’t you command the fleets?”

  “Because you’re the better tactician; I might miss something you wouldn’t. I don’t want a mistake made doing this.”

  “The one’s we’re sending are too important, right?”


  “Thank you Grady. When do we leave?”

  “Two weeks ahead of the scouts. We need to be setting up when they arrive, although they will arrive at the Triangulum Galaxy ahead of us. Their ships are light-years faster than our current warships.”

  “They’re taking the new prototypes?”


  “I’ll get it set up.”

  “Let me know if you need anything.”

  RJ looked up and shouted, “CANDY!!” Candy entered the bedroom and RJ asked, “Have you made any plans for the next several months.”

  “Yes, I’ve made quite a few.”

  “Well break them; I have other plans for you.”

  “Just who are you to tell me how to run my life?!”

  “I’m the man who loves you more than life!” Candy stared at him and then wilted. “We’re taking Britannia’s fleets out toward the Triangulum Galaxy to support the scouts if they need to flee; I thought you might want to go with me; are you up for it?”


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