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Idaha wakes up at the call of his wife. On a bright morning his wife tries to persuade him to go to the beach. Idaha disagrees. He is no longer romantic. Idaha is unhappy at the prospect of not having any off springs to continue his lineage. Idaha meets an ascetic who directs him to go to the ‘Temple of Five Elements’ so as to fulfill his wish. But things do not go as planned.Idaha wakes up at the call of his wife. On a bright morning his wife tries to persuade him to go to the beach. Idaha disagrees. He is no longer romantic. Idaha is unhappy at the prospect of not having any off springs to continue his lineage. Idaha meets an ascetic who directs him to go to the ‘Temple of Five Elements’ so as to fulfill his wish. But things do not go as planned. There he is directed by an ethereal being Chakra and starts his journey of saving the island from evil Kalihan and the Asuras. Will he be successful? Find out by reading the first edition ‘Tribes of Chonohaush The Mace and The Bow’.

Pages of Tribes Of Chonohaush The Mace And The Bow - Attack By The Asuras PART 1 :

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