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‘I had difficulty stopping myself from devouring the book in one go.’ – Tania Hershman, Author, Poet, Curator of ShortStopsA stylish 1980s Nordic love story based on true events.When a young student, Kaisa, is invited to the British Embassy cocktail party in Helsinki to celebrate a Royal Navy visit to Finland, she’s not looking for romance. After all, her future has been carefully planned: she’s to complete her degree, marry her respectable, well-to-do Finnish fiancé Matti, and live happily ever after.Enter the dashing Peter, a newly qualified navy officer. Like a moth to a flame, Kaisa falls head over heels in love.Kaisa and Peter embark on a long-distance relationship, but at the height of the Cold War, while the Englishman chases Russian submarines, Kaisa is stuck in Finland, a country friendly with the Soviet Union.Can they trust each other? Can their love go the distance?A...