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What would you do if you found out you weren't entirely human and specially trained hunters were trying to kill you? For Tyranna, a young orphan, it means moving to Rosehaven: a hidden city filled with sword-fighting squirrels, goblin assassins, and a dangerous criminal organization run by an emotionally imbalanced fairy. It might not be the safest place in the world, but when you're Retic it's the only place left.Review"This is a great young adult/children's fantasy novel with a brilliant message permeated throughout. I would definitely recommend this novel."- TrinityJo (Amazon customer)"Lantz is brilliant in his character development and perspective, his humor and world building. There are levels and degrees of creativity that are rare in many more 'idolized' modern books. While Lantz's writing is perfect for the preteen audience, it is extremely pleasant for a more adult audience as well. Honestly, I would like to see this wonderful novel rise to the level of the Harry Potter series in popularity. It is more creative, the characters both more and less likable, the world fascinating and beautifully written." -SoIreadthisbooktoday (Amazon Customer)"The strongest elements of the book are the author's excellent imagination and sense of humour. Don't miss out on reading the footnotes as they come up, they are hilarious. The plot was also strong along with the characterization. Each character has a unique voice. The story has a positive message about dealing with difference." - Mark Seccia