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Shawn Bradshaw has made a desperate gamble. To save his life he risked it all
in an attempt to become digitized. Knowing almost nothing about the greater
Digital community or if he will be allowed to join, how Digital existence is
experienced, or even if he will be relegated to a Digital zoo.
Shawn's success in obtaining immortality is but the start of his journey.
Thrust into the kingdom of Loson's political intrigue, friends become enemies,
allies manipulate and control, Shawn must decide how much assistance he is
willing to let his allies provide and if he wants to count them as enemies
Oblivious and ignorant of the culture, manipulated, reveling in his new found
freedom even as he is chained socially, Shawn must decide on his long term
goals and what he is willing to give up to achieve them.
The Immortal Wizard must decide what kind of legend he will leave behind.
This title is LitRPG Lite, status screens, skills, and items exist but are not
the focus of the story.