by David Gill
Set in the future on Vennica, the central planet of a civilisation
started originally by settlers from Earth, Declan, a former Justice Department investigator,
is hired to find out about events which happened on the Phasewave relay base, Bouron, after
Jenna, a young, female engineer, returns to Vennica. She makes claims about the disappearance
of crew members, destruction of installations and, maybe, the presence of an alien on the
planet. Set against a background of colonial unrest, changing politics and interference by the
giant Phasewave Company, the investigators struggle to make sense of what Jenna is saying,
at the same time becoming involved in a power struggle which eventually threatens their own lives.
Nobody believes the stories about an alien � but what other explanation is there?
If that were the case, where is the alien now? And what part did the Phasewave machine play?
started originally by settlers from Earth, Declan, a former Justice Department investigator,
is hired to find out about events which happened on the Phasewave relay base, Bouron, after
Jenna, a young, female engineer, returns to Vennica. She makes claims about the disappearance
of crew members, destruction of installations and, maybe, the presence of an alien on the
planet. Set against a background of colonial unrest, changing politics and interference by the
giant Phasewave Company, the investigators struggle to make sense of what Jenna is saying,
at the same time becoming involved in a power struggle which eventually threatens their own lives.
Nobody believes the stories about an alien � but what other explanation is there?
If that were the case, where is the alien now? And what part did the Phasewave machine play?