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Obama Care insurance companies appointed death squads who sentenced millions of Americans to an early grave by refusing to give them medical treatment. Their friends and relatives avenged them. They formed open rebellion against the government and its crony insurance companies. Soon, people were being murdered by the hundreds in their office buildings, malls, stadiums, and universities. Others werObama Care insurance companies appointed death squads who sentenced millions of Americans to an early grave by refusing to give them medical treatment. Their friends and relatives avenged them. They formed open rebellion against the government and its crony insurance companies. Soon, people were being murdered by the hundreds in their office buildings, malls, stadiums, and universities. Others were going to work and finding a new policy that reduced their employment to less than 29 hours per week which allowed their employers to cancel all worker health insurance policies in accordance with Obama Care rules. Unable to pay their mortgages, their banks tossed them into the streets to fend for themselves. The bloody homeland wars had begun.