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Megan Phenix and her sister Nancy own a popular bar and grill in gay-friendly Eureka Springs. Following two failed relationships, Megan has sworn off women, but that seems to have only increased her appeal to single lesbians in town. Labeled as "playing hard to get," she finds that some will go to any lengths to snag a date with her. Megan soon finds she's the source of amusement for everyone, including her sister, as a partial photo of her appears on Facebook. The town's resident nympho threatens to reveal the nude photo—piece by piece—unless Megan agrees to a date. If only she were seeing someone...maybe the women would leave her in peace.Leah Rollins thought fifty was too young to retire, so instead, she plans to open a store in the touristy shopping district of Eureka Springs. Leah quickly learns that sisters Nancy and Megan Phenix are polar pleasant and friendly and one decidedly on the grumpy side as she and Megan spar over parking spaces...