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Bari is the youngest and darkest in her family, and is made to believe from birth that to be dark skinned is to be cursed beyond your worst nightmare. She is tortured mentally and psychologically by her mother and her jealous, hateful sisters. She is the punch-line to every horrible joke, trick, and insult that one could think of. Her saving grace is her father.Bari’s father, and his mother Big Mama are the only people she feels truly loves her and accepts her for who and what she is. They are the only ones who make her world seem sane again.Seven is a twenty-two year old multi-millionaire international dope dealer of Jamaican descent. He’s serious about three things in his life: his family, his money, and his Bari. He will steal, kill, and destroy whoever he even thinks is trying to separate him from the only real love he has ever known…even her.Walk on the journey of love, hate, jealousy, and obsession with Bari and Seven as they experience betrayal, envy, deception, and the ins and outs of the craziest kind of love one could be in. The line between love and hate is sometimes so thin that it goes unseen, until the blinders are removed.