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Lester McFarlin, known throughout the south as the “Redneck Sherlock Holmes” solves so many homicides his boss, Sheriff Adams, dreads an expanded and expensive investigation on every assignment. When a domestic triple killing is a cut-and-dried slam dunk, the sheriff says “go on to something else.” But Lester digs deeper and uncovers a criminal enterprise that has tentacles extending from Hot Springs, Arkansas to New Orleans. Afflicted with a severe case of dyslexia caused by a car wreck when he was five years old, Lester seeks the help of a beautiful speech therapist, Debi Green, and is convinced to go under the knife to remove a blood clot on his brain. From a gun fight on her first date with Lester, to a fight to the death in an airboat blasting through a swamp in Louisiana, the couple puts their lives at risk. Ferocious battles on many fronts combine to attempt to stop a former beauty-queen-turned-crimeboss, dead set on turning Hot Springs into her private dynasty of evil.