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I remember when I thought my life would be like the fairy tales I read about. I'd do anything to go back in time when everything was so simple. When my knight in shining armor had a face and a name. When my biggest secret was that I snuck out at night to watch the stars.I'm worried that there's a sickness in me, swallowing me whole. I don't understand what's happening to me. I don't understand why the only person I can find solace in is someone I can't see. I should want justice. But I don't. I want revenge. I need vengeance like I need the air I breathe.No one can feel my pain. No one can see just how badly I've been burned. I've danced in the flames my whole life. I know how to live in the fire. But I've never come out unscathed. A piece of me always turns to ash and there is no going back. I can never be that little girl again.I'm no princess. I'm the villain. I've been consumed by the...