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Welcome to Manna - the utopian galaxy where all races exist in harmony. Ruled by Shamans, perfect alien machines, Manna is a place of wisdom, technology and art. On the edge of the galaxy, away from romantic holiday cruises, hides TOX1C, a reprocessing planet run by The Company and dealing with all Manna's waste - heavy metals, tox chems, nuclear sludge; there's no poison The Company will not "recycle". Jenni Xi, ECO Terrorist, is fighting a cleanup war against The Company. When a sabotage goes horribly wrong, she learns the future of the planet - and it's far worse than she ever dreamed... Svoolzard Koolimax, poet, swashbuckler, bon viveur, is Guest of Honour on a Masters Cruise when a violent attack leaves his Cruiser crashed in NukePuke. Horace is a torture model Anarchy Android, known simply as The Dentist. Horace works for The Company. Soon, he will meet Jenni and Svool - and the fate of Manna will change forever... GOV HEALTH WARNING -DO NOT READ- TOXICITY WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING DIRTY