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My name is Taylor, and damn but my life changed overnight. One moment I was
just a regular girl working two jobs to pay my bills, and next thing you know, I’m
uncovering secret metal disks at my boss’s house. Now I’m reading minds, dreamwalking
and being saved from bad guys by Mr. Dark and Brooding. That would be Ryder Langston, my
new next-door neighbor. He’s sex on legs but he’s also a secret agent from another
world—no joke. I believe him now because he dragged me back here “for my protection”
after he discovered someone was trying to assassinate me on Earth. It isn’t working out
so well. There’s a war going on, one that’s been fought for generations. Ryder’s having
trust issues (not that it’s stopping us from falling into bed), and it turns out I’m
connected here, if you know what I mean. The target on my back finally makes sense, but
there’s nowhere left to hide...